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21863450 No.21863450 [Reply] [Original]

This is peak bloomer core.

>> No.21863654
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Been reading this. An exhaustive study, attempting to retrieve this knowledge for western audiences. Reading this with Dante is one of the most joyful communions of thought. They're almost the same genius as if there is a perennial faith around the female form. Sophia, Helen, THE VIRGIN MARY! If the only point of literature is to recognize the feelings of the depths and know yourself then at least entertaining the possibility one can't accept ,devout worship , deepens our life.

>> No.21863670

Ibn Arabi is pure eisegesis. His reading of the Deluge as spiritual union with God is a good example of this. Nothing from the text can possibly support that, the Deluge is an expression of the leitmotif of God's wrath, another prominent example being the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. This theme runs throughout the Quran and is featured with many prophets like Salih, Hud and Shu'ayb.

The fact that esotericists are trying to reconcile Dante with Islam baffles me. Dante is no doubt a great poet but he depicts the Prophet Muhammad in hell with his entrails hanging out and the same for Ali. Dante is also extremely hard on heretics against Catholicism. There is nothing less perennialist than Dante who damns almost all his non-Christian heroes except for Cato inexplicably, who is in purgatory.

>> No.21863870

To a devout, there is probably a great difference between the systems, but to this westerner, it's all one ecstasy through different tounges.

>> No.21863897

Burning in hell is a reality and an extremely unpleasant one. If you could not gather Dante telling you even this much then you are not parsing what you’re reading

>> No.21863931

Is he worth learning Arabic for? I'm wary of translated sufism.

>> No.21863946

>Burning in hell is a reality
No, it isn't. Focus on the life in front of you, not some fantasy second life.`

>> No.21863956

Whether or not you accept it as a reality, Dante did, and his perspective is crucial to understanding his work. The Divine Comedy is extremely and at times almost myopically personal. It breaks the conventions of epic and is told in a lyric format, that is, from the first person and focusing on the personal experience of the author

>> No.21864028

Shut up idiot, go and stroke your dessert idol. You are vainly trying to one-up me on knowledge,
>If you could not gather Dante telling you even this much then you are not parsing what you’re reading,
But you're bringing no more intellectual depth and just adding useless titbits. I didn't bring up hell, I didn't try to reconcile Islam with Dante. How about this, if Allah's real why do fucking middle easterners have the highest rates of genetic derangements? Fucking your cousin has its drawbacks anon. I'm not going to hell because hell doesn't exist. You're converting to Islam will do nothing to your or my outcomes after death. Only a low-IQ golem could conclude otherwise.

>> No.21864057

Vanni Fucci over here

>> No.21864092

Ok, I'm scared of hell. Give me the books to escape it.

>> No.21864117

Personaly at first I was dismissive of Islamic thought , but then I started smoking weed and reading Islamic poetry and saw where they are coming from. Islam and more specifically Sufism is the culture of cannabis.

Arabs have a totaly different introspective mode of thinking and mode of abstraction, I think poetry in their religion is so important because it seeks reconciliation in being by flattening the "I". The West is too subjectivist and to agitated for final finality, for example we still read and interpret the bible as abstract moral commands. I am not an Arabic speaker, but even translation Arabic poetry tends to be dissorienting, dizzing and calydoscopic. It really is the image of the desert, from 1001 nights to the Quran its like a hall of mirrors where there is no end desitination for the seeker unless he submits to introspection and being humble.

>> No.21864122

The Quran. I wrote a thread if you like

>> No.21865208

peak midwit

>> No.21865226

I think trying to reconcile multiple thinkers as being on the same page is what is midwit and really a bit a like a feminist who finds Plato’s Republic to be feminist (he advocates women not being in the home because mother hunting dogs aren’t and says they should be involved in politics), and then grouping him in as essentially believing the same thing as Simone de Beauvoir because it is too intellectually demanding for her to confront the fact that her favorite thinkers might totally disagree and even dislike her. Thus she has to have a “feminist interpretation” of everyone she likes: Jane Austen is a feminist, Sophocles was a feminist for Antigone, Shakespeare was a feminist and Taming of the Shrew is a sly critique of the patriarchy etc. Ibn Arabi does this and so do those who try to suggest Islam and Dante are on the same page

>> No.21865245

Your name points to being a convert. Where are you from?

>> No.21865319

Ibn Arabi isn't a perennialist. But for some reason I'm sure you can't read the Quran in Arabic.

>> No.21865341

You’re wrong الحمدلله and Ibn Arabi does imply idolaters are saved

>> No.21865512
File: 70 KB, 460x345, RetardedPakis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that a book could save me from damnation seems a little sus.

>> No.21865517

Lucifer saw himself as better than humanity and that arrogance provoked his enmity toward God. You see yourself as better than other races. What is the difference?

>> No.21865534

I never said I thought I was better. Just what god would afflict his chosen people with retardation?

>> No.21865663

Reddit moment

>> No.21865943

is that salafi with greek name rebranded, I can tell by his writing style and take on Ibn Arabi, not worth discussing with