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21862378 No.21862378 [Reply] [Original]

>Yeah, bro. I hate Sanderson because he's a Mormon. They are all fucking sheeps, bro. Literally a cult.

>> No.21862481

Marlboro is better

>> No.21862488

I dislike him because he's a shit writer for redditors. Couldn't give two shits about his religious denomination. It's cringe that /lit/ is playing the idpol game now.

>> No.21862516

>I dislike him because he's a shit writer for redditors
Which is somewhat ironic since redditors are turning on him now because of his affiliations. That said, I don't really think he's a bad writer. He knows what audience he wants to appeal to and writes perfectly for that audience. He is well aware that his prose is burger king tier. I'd reserve the title of bad writer for writers who think they're good but are just writing schlock.

>> No.21862539

>Which is somewhat ironic since redditors are turning on him now because of his affiliations.
No, redditors have been aware of his religious affiliation from day one and they don't care. They want their goyslop in book form injected in their veins. Only trannies care.
>That said, I don't really think he's a bad writer. He knows what audience he wants to appeal to and writes perfectly for that audience.
Sounds like a crowd-pleasing hack. He's technically speaking a bad writer. I'm talking about his actual writing here, not if he sells many copies among the reddit crowd.

/lit/ defending Sando is only indicative of its complete redditization.

>> No.21862547

Marlboro Southern Cut >>> Marlboro Gold >> Marlboro Reds >>>>>> Camel (Any)
Newports are better though

>> No.21862551
File: 277 KB, 1280x929, EA86B4FE-38AF-44E3-AC8E-F3C68AEF0D3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only started writing good fantasy after I underwent a religious conversion. I think sincere religious belief is probably a requirement. Fantasy requires a sense of whimsy not present in new atheists and science enthusiasts.

>> No.21862553

>/lit/ defending Sando is only indicative of its complete redditization.
This. Defending or criticizing authors based on the stupid fucking culture war and not on the inherent quality of their work is peak Reddit behavior. /lit/ is becoming borderline unusable, largely because of /pol/ (which is, itself, mostly Redditors these days.)

>> No.21862554

Unfilered camels are the best. Smoke just makes you appear like you're in a French noir film. Very thick smoke.

>> No.21862558

But is the fantasy that you write bound by your religious beliefs?

>> No.21862573
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Not really. The fantasy I write is in a late-Victorian setting following a revolution with significant anti-clerical elements. Most of the characters are non-believers or believe in the new state religion. My faith simply robbed me of my cynicism and allowed me to embrace the beauty in the world such as it is which allowed me to write without constantly feeling my work was cringe.

>> No.21862644

What is your faith, if you don't mind my asking?

>> No.21862650


>> No.21862661


>> No.21862676

I remember when weed used to excite me, now I just fall asleep after ten minutes of feeling paranoid.

>> No.21862696

I like Sanderson as a guy because even though he writes as absolute repugnant horseshit dreck toxic waste goyslop as Gardner, he is humble and a family man, whereas Gardner is a narcissist who froths at the mouth if someone criticizes him. But anyone on /lit/ who actually supports or defends their actual writing is part of the cancer that is killing this board

>> No.21862720
File: 609 KB, 1163x640, mormonbrony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, Mormonism is a cult.

>> No.21862870

enjoy burning in Hell Cathie, why don't you try changing the scriptures for the billionth time

>> No.21862896

I like Sanderson more than I like his work. He gives a lot back (like lectures/advice on YouTube), and has started using his wealth and influence to help other authors. Which probably why we're seeing a backlash.

I think organized religions are just eyes full of cataracts searching for truth. The difference between them is the colour of the iris.

>> No.21862900 [DELETED] 

Winfield is better

>> No.21862909

Why do Christbros, who's very first commandment is to honor the ONE true God, think everybody else is close minded?

>> No.21862911

what a fucking sad existence

>> No.21862916

I hate mormon kikes, he's definitely some kind of freemason tier propped up author to push his Mormon garbage

>> No.21862953

>monotheism and atheism are the only two options in the world, ever

I sense the thick fingers of an American

>> No.21863423

Mormonism is a cult you say? I can smell the cereal in your breath.

>> No.21863427

>They want their goyslop in book form
You can always tell which people parrot words without meaning, goyslop means fast food not "mainstream thing I don't like"
you're like gen alpha using the word gaslighting in lieu of lying

>> No.21863434

Mormons are based, but their religion is cringe.

>> No.21863442

Mid-tier writer at best but I respect the hustle
They wish they were a cult. In reality they're a business with a plastic religious facade stretched over the front - look up Ensign Peak Holdings.
All the interesting parts of Mormonism (interesting meaning "batshit insane") are getting sandpapered down anyway as the leadership realizes they need to stop alienating young people in order for the whole thing to keep going - the endowment got rid of the naked oil rubbing and verbal suicide vows in the 90s and is slowly becoming ever more toned-down every year, the current church is trying to get culturally closer to real Christianity and downplay the alien Jesus and his 3 wives stuff, several essays were written to retcon wacky shit like polygamy and weird prophetic beliefs like Adam-God.
I predict that if the deluge of zoomers and zillenials leaving the church and the death of the boomers doesn't kill it, Mormonism will slowly pivot (over 20-50 years and through much retconning) towards allowing gay shit and trannies and so on in an attempt to present themselves as a non-homophobic, feminist alternative to Christianity. They'll push the whole Heavenly Mother thing harder and claim to have been all about elevating and divinizing femininity all along. They won't do this because anyone actually believes it but because their leadership is increasingly slipping from diehard believers who actually want people to believe in doctrine to amoral lawyer types who want more members because it means they'll make more money.

>> No.21863447

>goyslop means fast food not "mainstream thing I don't like"

>> No.21863449

>I predict that if the deluge of zoomers and zillenials leaving the church and the death of the boomers doesn't kill it, Mormonism will slowly pivot (over 20-50 years and through much retconning) towards allowing gay shit and trannies and so on in an attempt to present themselves as a non-homophobic, feminist alternative to Christianity.
Mormons are probably be the only remnant of religion in America in a 100 years

>> No.21863460

Nah, the ship has sailed. They're closing more wards than they're creating and the activity rate has been in free fall for years.
They love to say things like "Mormonism is the fastest growing religion in the world" when it hasn't been true since the 80s, and they also love to manipulate their statistics and definitions in order to present a picture of exponential growth when that also hasn't been true in decades.
Unlike actual apostolic Christianity they don't have a strong religious tradition or a mechanism to safeguard orthodoxy - during their most recent general conference one of their senior leaders even said something like "the words of prophets of old can be overruled by the prophets of the present" meaning that their canon and doctrine can change to whatever at any time, and whatever actual values they claim to hold can change to something better suited to making money and attracting people.

>> No.21863492 [DELETED] 

mormons are recruiting hard in my city in the north east, but they basically seem to be in a competition with jehova's witnesses to recruit from the same pool of uneducated superstitious people.

>> No.21863501

>monotheism and atheism are the only two options in the world, ever
That's true, and I'm not American. Religion is cultural and anthropological. Shopping around for some wackadoo polytheistic Eastern religion without having any connection to its culture or society is worse than being a straight-up New Ager (which is monotheistic as well)

>> No.21863505

the worst thing about this is the DIY string wrapped around the lighter

>> No.21863524

i think the artificial coloring in that cereal would trigger my adhd and blow my concentration way worse than a big bowl of weed.

>> No.21863581
File: 205 KB, 740x972, 636F8EA2-A42A-475A-86DA-B5C4C374C698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gardner is peak /lit/ and a better writer than Sandersoi DESU

>> No.21863615

Fuck off

>> No.21863626


Redditors breathe air too. I'm not going to turn blue.

>> No.21863630

I don't know who this is supposed to be making fun of, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're retarded and leave it at that

>> No.21863640

It’s hemp wick, anon.

>> No.21863694

No, both are equally garbage writers but Sanders is really likable as a person whereas Gardner would start shrieking at you in a public place if you offered constructive criticism of his work

>> No.21863778

Sanderson plays Skyrim every day and sleeps until the afternoon. He's exactly the kind of guy who would have a little Saturday cartoon ritual

>> No.21863785


Mormonism meets all the criteria of being a cult. Mormonism is to white people as Nation of Islam is to black people. Pants-on-head-retarded theology, oily leadership with shameful behaviors, started in response to not liking everything else going on

>> No.21863945

I don't see what's sad. He seems happy

>> No.21863992

Oh man I love those Marlboro Slates. I'm not even sure what they're supposed to be other than some variation of menthol but they're my new favorite. To me they seem like a strongish, full flavor type cigarette that's menthol but not super strong cold feeling menthol. I'd compare them to newports except a bit lighter. I like the menthol blacks too and sometimes a nice red.

>> No.21864047

At least Sanderson understands fundamentals of English grammar, such as tense agreement.

>> No.21864093

Why do people like nicotine? If I vape for a week or two straight its just unsatisfying towards the end. Basically any other recreational drug is better, and healthier too.

>> No.21864098

How do you know you write good fantasy?

>> No.21864106

My general sense is that good authorship can’t even exist in a time such ours and Brandon disappoints even these expectations.

That’s not to say that the mindless journalists who smear him in the sort of unhinged rant that passes that passes for journalism now are any better.

>> No.21864113

>Fantasy requires a sense of whimsy not present in new atheists and science enthusiasts.
The kind of person who demands a source for everything they don't already "know" isn't an imaginative one.

>> No.21864120

I also think that hit piece article was just Brandon clearly destroying the faggy journalists sense of what an successful author should be, which no doubt is some New England, New York, San Francisco, or Los Angeles stereotype.