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21855154 No.21855154 [Reply] [Original]

Vitruvian man edition

previously: >>21850686

>> No.21855164

I think the aliens will be disappointed when we're not eight limbed orb rolling muscle hunks.
We should manage their expectations better.

>> No.21855182

I lift weights and educate myself so I'm prime human specimen #1.

>> No.21855183
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I heard my roommate jacking off right beside me this morning. He's gay too.

>> No.21855188

he imagined pounding your ass

>> No.21855189

Horror story about a mild mannered heterosexaul nerd being lusted after his gay roommate he cannot kick out due to absurd rent costs during tougj economic times.

>> No.21855192

You left out the fact that you take it up the ass as well.

>> No.21855194

And I had a dream that he was fondling my dick last night. Maybe it wasn't a dream after all? I'm really concerned

>> No.21855197

I don't, I'm not that other anons roommate.

>> No.21855202

I think I'll drink for third day in a row.

>> No.21855208

But do you have four extra limbs and an orb?

>> No.21855214

By vril and will it shall be done.

>> No.21855216

I guess you're front of the line to meet the aliens then.

>> No.21855317

This board gayer than /lgbt/ for real

>> No.21855320
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Playlist I made for that girl was a success.

>> No.21855503

My boss has major issues but lacks the self awareness to recognize it. Tyler, if you are reading this, you have massive anger issues stemming from codependency and apathy

>> No.21855534

/lit/ is where lgtb goes to die-- haven't you noticed we're all around 30?

>> No.21855549

Incoming get, hello our robot overlords!

>> No.21855612

I think I’m too close with my family.

>> No.21855620

Why are you drinking so much?

>> No.21855631

What would you tell someone who said they hated who they are intrinsically (meaning the things they can’t change about themselves)?

>> No.21855633

It's a pointless effort

>> No.21855656

I have to cope and God wants it.

>> No.21855694

Hating themself is a pointless effort?

>> No.21855699

Hating in general: it's all time you could be spending having fun

>> No.21855710
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Waifuism is much closer to the highest order vitue of love than sensual coupling could ever be.

>> No.21855714

What would Plato say about waifuism?

>> No.21855823

God doesn’t want you to descend into alcoholism and destroy your liver. What are you trying to cope with?

>> No.21855830

With my pathetic life.

>> No.21855836

What’s so pathetic about your life?

>> No.21855861

everything. no job, no friendships, no relationships (ever), no passion, no nothing.

>> No.21855866

I haven’t managed to achieve my dreams.

>> No.21855876

Just wrote 1000 words today for my Logic essay. Hope my swashbuckling and sardonic tone doesn't upset the examiner.

>> No.21855939

Why are middle-class and new money so resentful towards the rich? My friends living in abject poverty never speak ill of me but the mediocres always fuss over “privilege”. I have lived my life in a wheelchair but I’d never criticize someone for using their legs. Also, why are they so obsessed with vanity? Dressing like a 19 year old rapper does not disqualify you from being “trash”.

>> No.21855988

How rich is your family, hot wheels?

>> No.21855996

>Why are middle-class and new money so resentful towards the rich?
I grew up in a household that moved from low-middle class to poor, back to middle-middle. I had parents with very rich friends however that would complain about money. They would say that they were financially independent and omit the fact that they never spent a dime on college. They were also able-bodied and got degrees in tourism and adventure management. That aside, there is definitely some jealousy, imo
>Dressing like a 19 year old rapper does not disqualify you from being “trash”
Dressing like a zoomer rapper accentuates your trashiness actually.

>> No.21856012

Right beside you? So like in the same bed? Anon I have news for you

>> No.21856014

Yo, bro. Ask him if he'll spot you a $5

>> No.21856038

I could always use a spot of cash.

>> No.21856060

just enjoy whatever you enjoy and forget about the rest

>> No.21856065

Sorry, man. I don’t have any cash on me. :^)

>> No.21856071
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There is no better feeling than being right. It is almost a metaphysical ecstasy to crush your opponent's thesis

>> No.21856082

There is no better feeling than being wrong. It is almost a metaphysical ecstasy to know you have more time to have fun learning new things about the world

>> No.21856110

I dont enjoy anything. Not even drinking.

>> No.21856115

Have you tried twerking

>> No.21856141
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Life is just one big cosmic masturbation and I'm the post nut clarity.

>> No.21856172

I'm not a girl or a homosexual.

>> No.21856180

I can guarantee you're in some sort of depression and ultimately willl find something you enjoy once you get out of it (which I know might be easier said than done but better than being doomed forever.)

>> No.21856197

To fight one passion means to fight all of them. If I aim to kill my lust I must also kill all other passions which ail me.

>> No.21856210

>willl find something you enjoy once you get out of it
I dont think it's possible. I'm a former naive idealist gone full cynic.

>> No.21856239

>getting to say "I told you so."
Feels better than heroin

>> No.21856361

Why do you aim to kill your lust?

>> No.21856469
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In my childhood and teens I was introverted to the point of reclusion. I decided to break out of it and after much difficulty I found some friends and started going out. Things went well at the beginning, but then a series of shitty events took place which completely reverted me. At the time I thought it was just me being a sperg, but now looking back a decade later I realize this was a really bizarre streak of bad luck that took place over the course of half a year. It's as if some god was out to get me

>Tried to help my friend, but somehow angered his dad who got the wrong idea
>he yelled at me so much that my hands started shaking (I've never seen anyone so angry)
>was forbidden from talking to my friend again
>A woman walked into me
>it was her fault but she got mad and started chasing me. managed to get away
>Was friends with a girl who was extremely kind
>suddenly she changed completely and became very mean to me
>blamed myself and thought I'd done something spergy (turns out she had BPD)
>Was accused of theft by an old guy because he thought I looked suspicious
>Was in an airport and saw a sign that just said "prayer room"
>walked inside. a very angry muslim followed me in and yelled until I left
>turns out it was only used by muslims, and I walked in with my shoes which is mega haram
>this one was my fault: accidentally walked into a women's bathroom
>terrified the angry boomer karens inside when I tried to apologize but could only stutter

>> No.21856496

tfw you will never be a gay man experience sexual tension with his gay man roommate

>> No.21856523

You've never done heroin. There is literally nothing better than heroin. I was able to quit thankfully but I've never forgotten how good it is. Someday ill probably just cop out on life and start using again. There is nothing better than it. Nothing.

>> No.21856535

It's been the root cause of pretty much every bad decision I ever made. I wasted so mich time and energy, and more importantly, did tons of fucked up shit and hurt people close to me because I couldn't control it.
I want it gone. I'd rather become a celibate hermit in a cave somewhere than live like this.

>> No.21856625

Do you struggle with perversion, or just a high libido in general? How has this problem affected your life and relationships?

>> No.21856661

stop being a coward and accept yourself for what and who you are or you will always be miserable. you hide in your misery, figure out what from.

>> No.21856762

I'm going through a bad slump and really want to experience a zest for life again. I feel like the only way for me to appreciate life would be to have a near death experience, and the closest thing that doesn't involve the risk of actually dying would be a psychedelic experience, which would hopefully shake my old perceptions and beliefs to such an extent that it would resemble death of some kind.

But here is my concern. I had a psychotic episode a few years back after smoking weed. (I have always experienced existential despair and the full force of my negative thoughts on that substance.) Since then, my tendency to read significance into things, experience synchronicities (messages from the universe and the like) has gone up a great deal, though I can discern that I'm being irrational. But sometimes I find myself doubting reality to such a degree that I fear that a psychedelic experience would put me further in my own mind

>> No.21856767

you sound retarded

>> No.21856781

This feels like datamining but I'll answer anyway.
It's definitely the former. I have no idea why but since I was like 8 years old I've had an intense perverse drive, which escalated immensely once I started using the internet. It's a sort of hunger that demands ever more debauched forms of stimulation while never actually becoming satiated.
Due to this perverse drive someone very close to me was quite deeply hurt by my actions, and the combination of guilt due to those actions and the wish to have gone even further than I did has become a major factor in my approach to relationships and my self-image. I tried to punish myself in many different ways over the years - self-sabotaging opportunities, beating myself up mentally, even an attempt to commit suicide. At the same time the event which caused this became an object of fantasy and a symbol of desire, which I both indulged in and despised. This fantasy in turn led me to more depraved acts, though thankfully I never involved another person in anything ever again.
The person who was the victim in this act appears to be relatively unscathed by it and even seems to view me warmly, but I believe I will spend the rest of my life blaming myself for anything which goes wrong in their life as well as wondering if they truly feel warmly towards me or if it's an act. They would be fully in their rights to hatw me for the rest of their life, or even to publicly denounce me, and I would have no defense or excuse. I know that to my bones.

>> No.21856804

I strongly encourage you not to do it. If you already had unusually significant effects just from marijuana, you really don't want to take anything more potent like mushrooms, let alone LSD or DMT. You could very seriously have a schizophrenic break that lasts a long time or doesn't clear up at all. It's not worth the chance. It's not guaranteed that you would have one, of course. But people who do drugs like this often vastly underestimate the effects they can have on rare people like yourself who have an unusually strong reaction to them. There is increasing interest in psychological and neurological sciences in people who are hypersensitive to mind-altering chemicals of any kind, for example even caffeine. We simply don't know enough. It's best to be careful.

Frankly it wouldn't solve all your problems even if you did take drugs. If you are already open to things like synchronicity and related things, you have a lot of the "benefits" that normies often derive from them already, namely increased open-mindedness and a general faith that the world is a meaningfully structured entity. A lot of what average people take away from these drugs is simply the vague memory that they were completely certain, while on the drugs, that the world was meaningful, that higher planes of existence were real, etc. You can't really REMEMBER any of these things, only their external shell. So people get in loops of taking them again and again without ever learning anything beyond that initial "there's more to the world than meets the everyday eye" discovery, like Joe Rogan.

I know mystics and serious philosophers who take them or took them regularly for years, and they all advised against it with basically the same advice. They said you never actually reach any knowledge through them. You get the aforementioned knowledge "that" there must be something more, because you know you had complete certainty that you were one with the universe and with these strange planes you were seeing, etc. But you never learn the why, the how, or the why of those planes.

The one other use they can have in my opinion is therapeutic. They can help you radically doubt and deconstruct your personality in ways that can be terrifying, disassociating, and disorienting. This can be both good and bad, and I think it has to be coupled with a lot of introspection, with a certain level of internal development and maturity so that you have a genuine willingness to learn from and absorb the results of the self-doubting without just being destroyed and scared by it. I think this could have huge value in some future generation when we have integrated some kind of Jung style psychoanalysis with yoga, meditation, controlled drug use, and dialectical behavior therapy. But right now it's as likely to hurt as it is to help, if you've had psychotic reactions to these drugs before.

Try a Jungian analyst, seriously.

>> No.21856821

>the why, the how, or the why of those planes.
the why the how or the what*

Also, try transcendental meditation for a while. There are secular versions like Acem that have just the method. It's just a really good, streamlined form of mantra meditation. Do 10-30 minutes a day at first, of one or two sessions.

>> No.21856869

Thanks for the considerate response anon.
I would love to try Jungian analysis. How can I go about finding a specialist?
Also, my synchronicities sadly tend less towards the conclusion that the universe is an intentional and ordered place and more towards solipsism and aloneness. I was a shut-in for most of my young adulthood and wanted to be a tortured artist from my teen years.
I have a serious case of self-imposed trauma and arrested development. Would you happen to know to resolve those kinds of things?

>> No.21856915
File: 582 KB, 3202x2495, 140510132435-pope-paul-vi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I want to became a catholic priest, but I hate the fact that Im not sure about it

>> No.21856916

I hope my boyfriend's ex girlfriend gets malaria.

>> No.21856927

Just saw this. Thanks anon. I've tried meditation on a few occasions and liked it a lot.

>> No.21856933

We can just box or something if thatll make you feel better but at this point ive grown and you havent maybe well meet again but I have someone who I care about deeply and my life is dedicated to them now

>> No.21856936

You might still have fun, part of life is not taking it too seriouslly

>> No.21856945

I hope that bagel was filled with raisins

>> No.21857085

me as well except I've been drinking since last sunday. I thought I'd never reach the point where drinking was the only good thing in my life but there we are.
Drinking and literature and God.

>> No.21857191

Do you regret it even a little?

>> No.21857209


>> No.21857221

what are you going to do about it, then?

>> No.21857245

what do you regret?

>> No.21857291

I cried in my professor’s office today when she told me that because of all of my absences this semester there was no way I could pass her class. It was humiliating.

>> No.21857335

Brooding has lightened up. Thing are getting better. I'm getting my second chance. Still feel regret and all but I'm okay with moving forward

>> No.21857340

I appreciate that /lit/ has an older userbase than most other boards. Posting on a board with a bunch of teenagers is annyoing.

>> No.21857350

Stop skipping class faggot

>> No.21857356

I am formally calling larp on you. Post hand or ywnbaw

>> No.21857379

That moment after you finish jerking off, when you try going to bed early but the dark thoughts enter your head again so you flip out your phone and try to ignore them

>> No.21857385

I wasn’t just cutting class because I didn’t give a fuck. I was in the middle of what was (is?) basically a nervous breakdown.

>> No.21857386

Ignoring them makes it worse. You want to acknowledge them and then more on. Don't obsess about them, but don't deny them either.

>> No.21857392

What are the dark thoughts about?

>> No.21857398

What is man?
Death's real estate

>> No.21857407

>You're getting old. No accomplishments yet. No gf. Can't sit down and learn a skill. Start books only to drop them halfway. Starts a new task every day only to drop it come tomorrow. How many years have you wasted this way?

>> No.21857410

Been having trouble sleeping the past days, this night I had hoped to sleep well and wake to do some work before spending time with friends. Just woke up from a nightmare where my brother kills my father in a car accident. I think it's gonna be another restless night for me.

>> No.21857425

my interests have become too obscure for /lit/. it is truly over.

>> No.21857438

Dude just go to the school nurse, say you're having a mental health crisis and you have a get out of jail free card

>> No.21857442
File: 26 KB, 680x469, d10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I wish I had the vocabulary to express all I feel... I sense my finitude, my near end and I don't even know what to say. Honestly, death is so unreal, dream-like in nature that maybe it's preferrible to the ugly, boring, and (worst of all) realistic option.
Anon, despite the wretch I am, would you call me a friend?

>> No.21857444

Force positive thoughts into your head. Retrain your mind

>> No.21857447

Sad thoughts at sundown are just part of human nature. At least, it's inescapable for depressive types of people. You kinda just learn to ignore them

>> No.21857449

I REALLY was not mature enough for university when I was 18. I wish I could have waited a year or two before starting

>> No.21857450

You should only become a Catholic priest if you are redpilled on the jews, anon. Make sure to be aware of communist subverters in the clergy and in seminary. Then, teach your parish about the moloch-worshipping scum khazars once you become a priest.

>> No.21857455

No, ignoring and supressing them makes it worse. You have to acknowledge them, let them pass, and then become more positive

>> No.21857458

cosmic rays. space weather. As we progress into the grand solar minimum and upcoming magnetic pole shift, we will see more anxiety, fear, paranoia, and health concerns from teh space weather. Your sleeplessness will only continue and get worse, but now you know why. You will know that it is something you can overcome. Good luck.

>> No.21857467

I did, I have accommodations and doctor’s notes and counsellors’ notes and everything. Most of my other professors have been extremely understanding, but this professor was just totally unwilling to let me hand in the work I had missed or do alternative make up assignments to add extra credit to my participation grade. I can talk to my advisor and get it put on my transcript as a withdrawal instead of as an F, though.

>> No.21857475

Start making a big fucking deal about this professor being unwilling to help you out when you have the mental health issue. Take it up with the Dean. Go fucking hard, anon. Fuck this creepo professor.

>> No.21857498

Go through your dean and see if he or she will overrule your professor

>> No.21857508

I always hate those professors who are just hardasses toward their students' grades for no good reason
>The working world won't allow you to make mistakes
Be honest, you're just power tripping, cunt

>> No.21857557

>The working world won't allow you to make mistakes
It really wont though. The world is so unforgiving. I learned that the hard way. No one cares if you're struggling. If you cant produce value, you will be fucked.

>> No.21857564

She said that since I’d only attended 40% of classes she would have to give me a zero for the class participation portion of my grade, despite the fact that she herself acknowledged that when I did come to class my contributions to the discussions were some of the best, and that other students stood to learn a lot from me. It just seems unfairly harsh to not even give me a 25% or 30% for class participation, considering that I attended almost half the time. I’m going to talk to my acessability advisor about it and see what she says, but I don’t want to raise hell with the dean and get the reputation of being entitled and dysfunctional.

>> No.21857567

>know standards to pass the class
>don't meet the standards
>don't pass the class
I don't know what you expected.

>> No.21857588

Fuck it. You're paying right? Squeeze all you can get out of those fuckers. If i could go back I would have raised hell with my university.

>> No.21857593

I wonder if other wannabe writers feel as uninspired? Writing feels so forced.

>> No.21857613

lol you're probably just a faggot mad that he didn't have sex in college. literally all these incels talk about online is how they think college girls will fuck anyone.

>> No.21857615

That’s not what I’m saying. Class participation is worth 20% of our grade, and I’m not saying she should give me a 20/20, because I don’t deserve that. If I never came to class even once, I could see that I’d deserve a 0/20. But I was there and actively participated in discussion almost half the time, which I’d say should earn me at least a 5/20 or 7/20. Half the people in that class would show up without having done the readings and sit there tuning out the prof while online shopping on their laptops, so I fail to see how being there was really benefitting them anyway. Like, there was another course that I took this semester where I missed the same number of classes, but considering that I had valid medical reasons for being absent, that professor let me write a make-up essay analyzing three of the texts that I’d missed the lectures on to help supplement my participation grade. I did really well on the make-up assignment and proved that I understood the material and had met the learning objectives. The first prof was totally unwilling to even consider anything like that.

>> No.21857642

The prof doesnt want to do extra work to accommodate your personal failure. I'm sympathetic to you, but I also understand her position.

>> No.21857681

Well you've got accommodations, fuck her. Go to the dean

>> No.21857684

I understand it in a certain way, but it’s not like acommodating me would require a massive time commitment from her. Our final paper isn’t due for another week and a half, so she could just mark it with everyone else’s, but she told me to not bother writing it, because even if I got 100% she wouldn’t pass me. The other assignments I missed were a 15 minute class presentation, which I offered to do next week, but she wouldn’t add it to the class schedule, even though she said she doesn’t have any kind of specific lecture planned for one of the meetings next week and I had no opportunity to present last week or the week before because she cancelled two classes for personal reasons. Besides that it’s just a couple of short paragraph responses which would take about five minutes each to mark, and she could easily just have me do a few extra of those to make up some portion of the participation grade. Even if it would require a bit of extra time on her part, I think it’s somewhat shitty of her to refuse to make any kind of accommodation at all, especially because she’s essentially obligated to by university policy since I have medical documentation.

>> No.21857737

I guess I’m wondering if I’m really meant to be writing anything at all. If I was, I’d have been doing it, right?

>> No.21857741

What are you trying to write?

>> No.21857760

Does everyone feel like their life is totally boring or unremarkable or do some people still get interesting lives?

I can’t tell if I’m disappointed with life or just myself.

>> No.21857766

I’ve mainly tried short fiction and long fiction. The last time I even tried was a couple of years ago already.

>> No.21857772

That’s no way to look at it. Commit to sitting down for half an hour and writing the whole time. Write down whatever comes into your head that’s related to your purpose, don’t worry about sentences or spelling or grammar or punctuation. Just write, and at the end see what you have and try to make something of it,

>> No.21857796

Dude she has a dozen students crying in her office every semester. If she gave everyone special accommodations she would be swamped. She's grading you like she grades every other student

>> No.21857820

I’ve tried this so many times

>> No.21857822

Finding this website has been terrible for me

>> No.21857823

She only teaches one class with less than twenty students.

>> No.21857831

I wish you would unblock my number.

>> No.21857858

What you are describing would be considered highly abnormal at any institution I've taught at. I would document this entire situation meticulously and call it your chronology, which is a legal term for a document detailing the sequence of events relevant to a case. Detail also her response, including especially when she dissuaded you from doing other forms of work or anything that looks like she advised you to accept a failing grade, and anything that looks like she advised you that you can't seek redress about it.

Most professors are afraid of students. Students have a lot of leeway to raise a stink, and it's a pain in the ass. I'm frankly shocked, if you are being honest in reporting her behavior, because she's putting herself in a bad situation unnecessarily in doing this. The vast majority of students, especially these days when everybody is a whiner, would complain about this. Most students don't have fear or respect for professors, they just see them as assholes gatekeeping their GPA. Dumb students are stubborn as hell and see their professors as high school teachers, and smart students will go full Karen over a B+ when they "deserved" an A, so she should really not be accustomed to throwing her weight around like this. It's weird.

Speak to your academic advisor immediately and don't waste time. I would ask any professors you know well for advice as well, unless they are close to her. What she's doing would is weird by any standard but definitely by today's standards.

>> No.21857859

>She said that since I’d only attended 40% of classes she would have to give me a zero
Is this in the syllabus?

This all comes down to whether you showed her your doctors' notes. I think the best you can hope for in the situation is a withdrawal. But you should not for any reason accept a failing grade from her, especially in today's climate where everybody and their fucking dog has a mental health issue and accessibility considerations.

>> No.21857884

The attendance and participation policy in the syllabus is that it’s worth 20%, and that for every 3 classes you miss, you’re docked a full letter grade. I assumed that meant you’d be docked a letter grade out of the 20%, so you’d get a B or a C or a D or what have you on that portion of your final grade only. But what she told me when I met with her was that your entire mark in the class is docked a full letter grade for absences, which seems fucked up and was not clear from the way it was written in the syllabus. Also, I had a valid medical reason for my absences, and can provide notes from a doctor and a counsellor, plus I have academic accommodations through the accessibility office, which she is legally obligated to uphold because of disability laws. I could have been better about communicating with her throughout the nervous breakdown I was dealing with over the term but I was in a really bad state and had much more pressing shit on my mind. The failure to communicate the issues early on is my fault, which is why I’m reluctant to raise a stink, because I’d feel like an asshole. I wasn’t at all demanding when I spoke to her—I apologized repeatedly, and said I understood that the timing of my request might be putting her in a difficult position. She was just totally unwilling to even discuss any options at all.

>> No.21857901

That makes a lot more sense. The letter grade thing is not that fucked up. Professors have pretty wide latitude to punish harshly for egregious things like not even showing up to class. I think your case that it's not clear from the syllabus is shaky at best since individual assignments are usually percentage graded or otherwise ad hoc graded and "letter grade" usually specifically refers to your final grade. I think the most you can really hope for is a withdrawal on your transcript. It's still a little weird to me she's not just granting you it or encouraging you to take it since it's pretty standard to have students bug out and ask for one these days, it's frankly a relief that it's an option since everybody can walk away happy enough.

If you showed her the notes and made her aware of your situation prior to this end of semester meeting, then it should be easy to make the case that you need a withdrawal, since your personal life and mental health collapsed during the semester and mistakes were made and so on blah blah. If you didn't show her the notes and just sprung all this on her at the last minute you should still be able to get the withdrawal if you go through your advisor and escalate it. Don't overthink why she is being stubborn, maybe she just had bad experiences in a similar situation before or she thinks you're full of shit. Who cares as long as you get the withdrawal and move on with your life with GPA intact.

>> No.21857916

She knows about the notes and my accommodations, because my acessability advisor had informed all of my professors about it while I was in crisis. She did encourage me to take the withdrawal—I said I’d be willing to do make up work even if I could only pass the class with a D, because the rest of my grades are high enough that my GPA wouldn’t suffer too much, and I really need the credit to graduate. Her response was that that’s a bad option, and that since I’m clearly a capable student I should just take the withdrawal and try again next year when my health and life situation are better, so that I can get the A+ and letter of recommendation that she would’ve liked to give me under different circumstances.

>> No.21857943

I find myself reflecting more and more on the nature of my life after college. I've collected advices here, on /lit/, yet I'm still unsure of my future course of actions.
I have no interest in finding a wife and I write from time to time but aside from that I just read. I am unproductive, aimless, getting stupider by the day.

I could try being a minmaxxer, change countries and aim for the million for fuck of it but then I'd just be sleeping with one million more dollars on my bank account or invested in housings and that would be it. I wasn't always like this. I went through a transformative change after a hard breakup and there really isn't anything in the material world that caters to me anymore. It's not even depression, I just don't seem to appreciate anything except good food, reading and the company of friends, and none of that requires any real thinking on my part.

Something is tugging my mind, telling me "Hey, hey, you don't want to be mediocre, do you?!" yet I don't see the point in fighting. Winning personal challenges was fun at the beginning but knowing I can lose it all in a split second just doesn't make it worth anything at all. Being some kind of oversocial beast akin to a sect leader, or a CEO, or a respected writer, or whatever is just a title. Everyone will leave you if the cons you have outweighs the benefits you provide. Except a loving wife or family, but those don't exist anymore, do they? It doesn't matter.

>> No.21857944

That is a sticky situation then if you're just looking to graduate at any cost and it's a single credit preventing you from doing so. Although a D is always bad for your GPA.

If that's really the situation, and you aren't skewing it to make things more dramatic or make yourself more right to feel good in the moment (no offense, people do this), then I don't understand why she didn't just tell you to take it up with your advisor and come back to her with some kind of consent from him if that's what you really, really want to do. Professors are well aware that students sometimes need things to work out just right to graduate. I can't imagine one depriving you of a single credit you need to graduate, thus delaying you by another semester.

Can you get the credit with a summer course instead?

From what I've seen, if things get escalated enough they bring in a secondary grader so you don't have to work with that professor anymore. Maybe in a worst case scenario they could bring in someone to perfunctorily grade some paper of yours on a make-up basis. But this would be pretty out there, and of course it doesn't exactly endear you to the new grader, the original professor, or anybody else.

If you can do a summer course instead that would probably be ideal. It does sound like a shit situation so sorry about that. If she knew from your advisor what the situation was, in my opinion she should have been more on the ball about monitoring your progress and advising you to withdraw. She would have that responsibility at least at the places I've been. However that still might not save you if you get the withdrawal but lack the credit to graduate.

>> No.21857964

I’m going to have to take an extra year to graduate anyway, but losing this credit just cramps my schedule for next year even more. I’ll have to take summer courses too. The events that led to my mental health crisis (which is by no means over, but it makes me feel a bit calmer to talk about it) have seriously ruined everything for me. Maybe before all of this I was a loser in some respects, but at least I had friends, a job, and hobbies that I liked, plus I was top of my class and the favourite of most of my professors. Here, all of my professors pity me because they think I’m a batshit-insane, anxiety-riddled neurotic shell of a person with talent and potential that’s disintegrating by the day. Plus I can’t socialize or enjoy anything anymore, and am too overwhelmed to balance working while I’m in school. It just sucks.

>> No.21857995

/lit/ is boring. i enjoyed it for a while, but there is no substance once the novelty wears off. i joined a couple writer groups in the past year. the people in them are sincere writers and fun to talk to. much better than this place. i’m relieved.

>> No.21858029

You'll never leave.

>> No.21858030

Just don't go into a self-pity or self-loathing spiral and lose perspective. All of this is going to reveal itself within a few years as very ephemeral and meaningless. You will gain far more in terms of life experience and wisdom by just taking a deep breath, regaining your bearings, and doing well this coming year, in spite of everything that has happened, than you would have gained if everything had gone perfectly. You have learned valuable lessons here that many people wait a lot longer to learn, or never learn at all. Some day your son will listen to this story and be comforted that he's not fucked in his similar situation, because you survived it and even made the best of it. An extra year of college isn't that bad. Make it a goal to learn an extra language or something, take advantage of still having access to classes. Join or start a club.

These years of your life are meant to have weird, ugly, non-ideal situations like this. You're meant to throw everything into a business and have it fail for totally retarded reasons, so you can learn the life lesson up close and personal that retarded shit happens. Or have it fail entirely because you were a retard, so you can learn the life lesson that when you're a retard nobody is going to bail you out except you. All these things are good things at your age, and nothing really matters all that much in the long run. The only thing that would matter long term is if you allow yourself to go into a depressive or psychotic spiral because of these events, and let it ruin the next few years of your life too.

This might be a good time to throw yourself into some great books, almost as a form of meditation. Read a shitload of Dickens or Dostoevsky or something, something you want to read. For one guy I know it was Philip K. Dick, for another guy it was Star Trek novels, for me it was Asimov's Foundation and Robert Graves. When I try to remember all the pain and misery I was going through, all I can remember is how much I loved those fucking Foundation books.

It's also good to read literature and history so you can build up examples of great and interesting people who went through highly "contingent" and sub-ideal circumstances like what you're going through now. I had a similar hiccup in my college experience and I remember being comforted by reading about someone brilliant whose college life was derailed by 2-3 years of mind-numbing military service that left him wounded and depressed, and when he came back he just got right back on the horse. It makes you realize subtle little things, like that 3 years of really good work because you're hungry for it can sometimes accomplish more than 10 years of work that went too perfectly and made you complacent.

>> No.21858059

Nobody achieves their dreams. Grow up.
boomer detected
Why, are you a gay child molester?
And then they find out it's just the girls from high school!

>> No.21858069

Please answer me I need you so much

>> No.21858085

If your needs outstrip your abilities, maybe you should go communist.

>> No.21858086

please just talk to me what do I have to do

>> No.21858107

Nigga, I'm a sign from God. He's telling you to post a paragraph explaining what you need help with before shouting inanities.

>> No.21858111

it wouldn’t do any good he knows what I need but he either doesn’t care or is pissed or is afraid or is cowardly

>> No.21858122

You must be a queer little bugger to think you're abandoned by God over some trifle. Truly the Gods laugh over our troubles.

>> No.21858124

I’m not talking about God.

>> No.21858130

Do you just find it funny to watch me spiral? You know how much I need you, how can you be so unmoved? I guess you really must hate me

>> No.21858136

Please, if I call you will you answer this time?

>> No.21858179

Why are you leaving me to talk into the void

>> No.21858192

What is wrong with you why are you doing this I don’t understand

>> No.21858196

Why do you keep unblocking me and then blocking me again? I don’t understand why did you do it

>> No.21858197

damn. sounds like a rough 6 months. sometimes life just gives you shit-filled chocolates i guess

>> No.21858202

whoever this person is, stop thinking about them and move on. they are only troubling you pointlessly, life is too short to waste toiling pointlessly over some weirdo

>> No.21858206

I can’t stop I don’t know why I think I’m losing my mind I just want it all to be over but they won’t talk to me and nothing else will help I need them so much and they hate me and I can’t stop spiralling and creating delusions that I half believe

>> No.21858211

I think he wants me to kill myself that’s the message I received but then I received others that said he wants to apologize or he regrets it and misses me and I don’t know which one is real and which one is a lie and he won’t tell me anything or give me any sign and everything is getting worse

>> No.21858214

do you really want me to jump off of my apartment or light myself on fire near a gas station do you really think I’m useless and that everyone hates me maybe you’re right

>> No.21858220
File: 30 KB, 500x500, FdMHF55WYAEvO73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>felt a headache coming
>take 2 tylenols
>headache fucks off for the rest of the day
>go to hotel for a couple days because reasons
>another headache shows up despite I just had one yesterday
>no tylenol available

>> No.21858224

I’m just so tired it’s all so confusing please don’t hate me please tell me you didn’t mean it and that I can rest

>> No.21858225

Do you sleep with your contacts in?

>> No.21858226

he sounds like he has BPD. pursuing this person will only lead to suffering and pain—trust me. do not allow people like that to have power over your mental state; they abuse the power because they hate themselves. time heals all wounds, don't let silly stuff consume precious time.

>> No.21858231

I dont wear contacts

>> No.21858233

Fuck AI and anyone who uses AI to write

>> No.21858239

Weak april fools joke this year

>> No.21858240

What's the April Fool's joke? I don't see it.

>> No.21858241

Thanks Obama

>> No.21858243

ChatGPT posts on fast boards

>> No.21858246

I don’t think he has bpd but his avoidant and obtuse behaviour pushed me over the edge and then I did some really fucked up things and Ive been spiralling ever since and everything is getting worse and I just want it all to be over I’m so tired it’s like I’m starving for something and I’ll never be satisfied even a little but I can never stop wanting what I can never have and he hates me and said the meanest things possible and will never say he didn’t mean it or change his mind and wants me to be I. Trouble and now I feel scared all the time and my whole life has been derailed by this he’ll never try to help me even a little and I’ll never be able to love anyone else I hate being alive I just want it all to end so the thought spirals will go away and I can stop panicking and rest and turn off my brain forevet

>> No.21858249

uh...let me be clear

>> No.21858252

What’s it like living a life where you can’t get prime pussy easily?

>> No.21858261

A are you here I seriously need you why are you doing this what do I have to do pleas help me please help me what am I going to do just talk to me it’s not manipulation I just need you and feel bad but if I say my bad feelings you think it’s manipulation you’re the one manipulating me by being so cold and silent and refusing to give me anything in order to work me up and drive me crazy and make me agitated and then acting like it’s proof I was always crazy when I react by getting agitated and upset

>> No.21858263

I seriously know you’re going to send them after me again tomorrow and I’m going to have to start hiding again I can’t live like this I’m so tired I want to turn it of f

>> No.21858269

well, you seem rather frantic. your thoughts appear disorganized. let me give you some advice. when a thought or feeling appears, you are by no means required to let it take the reigns and steer your mind into the direction it wants to go in. you don't have to let it control how you feel. you can just look at it and acknowledge that it exists; it will eventually go away.
this person you are struggling with is the same way. he appears, says mean shit, maybe does a little trolling, and then he leaves. on to the next thing. you are still in control.

>> No.21858270

/lit/ is too weird anymore

>> No.21858274

You need to get some help from someone you trust and tell them you're not in a right state of mind. You can't be alone when you're like this. Go be with family.

No matter what you end up doing from here or what you want to do right now, you can't do it if you have a mental breakdown. You need to get stable before you do anything else. Go be with someone who can calm you down for a while and help you check your mental health situation.

>> No.21858287

Don't give in to these delusional thoughts. Don't trust your own thinking right now - give yourself a break from having to figure things out just for now and go get some help so you can get back to your normal thinking.

You're having an episode of something and not thinking clearly. Come on. Your first priority should be calming down and getting somewhere safe, with family or friends you trust who can stabilize you a bit.

>> No.21858289

im not in control any more and he just thinks it’s funny that I’m losing it and mockd me when I get upset and says if he talks to me I’ll only get worse but he just says as an excuse because he doesn’t care abd can’t be bothered to do anything to try to help I seriously feel like I’m living in hell I think my only recou rse is to kill myself not a weak attempt like last time I have to plan systematic Lu and research so it will work for good but I can’t calm down enough to ration Alize the plan our into Manageablr steps I have to get calm so I can think I can’t live like this

>> No.21858291

since my advice has clearly fallen flat, i urge you to accept this anon's superior advice >>21858287
perhaps once you are calmer, my advice will also be helpful.

>> No.21858292

They’re not delusion al they came to get bne before and I had to hide<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21858294

I dont have family here I don’t have an y one I can’t go to the hospital because I m too scared and everyone hates me anyway like he said do Thei won’t help

>> No.21858299

kek what is that shit in the bottom right of your post
4chan has the best april fools gags.

>> No.21858300

this is a bot

>> No.21858305

i thought bots couldn't make typos. damn i guess there's really no reason to assume that

>> No.21858311

im never going to get what I need never never never never. Never

>> No.21858315

No one hates you most likely, and even if some people do hate you, it doesn't mean very much. It definitely doesn't mean you're a bad person or undeserving of happiness and love. Can you talk to some family on the phone or on a video call or something like that? You need to talk to someone you trust to give you advice on you your mental state and get you out of this spiral.

You're just in a spiral of panic and catastrophizing. Things are feeling way worse than they are. You know you're stronger than this too. You need to find a safe place and some good people so you can just calm down first.

Can any anons with experience dealing with delusional or manic episodes chime in on how to get help? I don't want to just say go to the hospital if that's bad advice.

Please get some help so you don't hurt yourself. No matter who you are, you don't deserve to feel this way and you are stronger than this.

>> No.21858343

He does hate me he wants me to be gone he thinks I’m bad but I need him and I call him but it goes to voicemail and he’ll never talk to me because he’ hates me and he’s busy with the hot and cold flaky girl who is prettier than me he said if he talked to me it would just make me worse nbut that’s not true he’s just being obtuse and saying that because he doesn’t care and can’t be bothered and thinks it would be a waste of his time to try and help me and by calling them instead he made everything one hundred times worse for me anyway because now I can never re lax and I’m always scared of them and he thinks I’m the bad one and no matter what I do he’ll just choose to think I’m bad and make fun of me he just sees me as an annoying burden that He wants to dispose of as efficiently as possible to make me someone else s problem he could know how bad I feel but would never feel sorry or help me would just mock me and call me names and say I’m a manipulator and I’ll never love anyone but him so I have to die before they can get me

>> No.21858367

he said the love and attention she so clearly desires so contemptuously he doesn’t think I deserve to be loved and I have to be alone forever because I’m. Bad

>> No.21858386

It doesn’t matter how upset I am he’ll just mock me and insult me and call me a sml fuck and say I’m trying to get at him like no I just felt so hopeless and scared and had lost everything I just wanted him to see how I felt understand and empathize with me but all he did was laugh disgustedly i just wanted to love him but he thinks my love is disgusting and needs to be escaped from like I’m not even human like I’m Gregor the vermin hiding under the couch slowly dying while he enjoys himself in the next room I never should have been born I don’t deserve to be loved I’m so tired hr hates me and I hate myself need to make it stop

>> No.21858396
File: 125 KB, 500x382, stimpy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drunk. High. And I didn't get to see the girl I wanted to see tonight.

>> No.21858399

maybe I am the bad and selfish one I should nt expect to be loved because I’m ugly and bad and I don’t know how to love the right way it’s too much and it’s understandable that he wants to get away from me I’m the bad one I should ha ve known should have known better than to try of course he would t want me ofcourse my love and help is repulsive to him because I’m not good enough never be good enough not very good looking I’m hurting him by trying to reach him of course he hates me it’s only natural I’m the bad scary one and I need to be dead because he wants that so he can have a good life and not have to worry about me and what I did

>> No.21858412

if you don’t want me to do it then please talk to me and tell me it s’il be okay oth erwisr im goin to make the plan I need to figure it out how to do it once and for good sk you can be happy and feel safe and not be annoyed and so I can rest best thing for both of us

>> No.21858458

It’s me.
You’re right.
I want you to do it.
Do it ASAP.

>> No.21858629

Im so angry but its impotent rage therefore Im angry for feeling anger.

>> No.21858663

Boo hoo, meanwhile I'm working all night. Stop being such a fag

>> No.21858674

>My friends living in abject poverty never speak ill of me but the mediocres always fuss over “privilege”.
The fussing over privilege is a means of gatekeeping their own precarious status. Basically a way to distinguish themselves as above the lower class. By "acknowledging their privilege", they can justify their own power: we may hold power but we are aware that this fact is "problematic", therefore it's ok. And this very language becomes a means of distinguishment because it is aware and so more refined than that of the lower.
The new rich, or the rising middle classes, need to do this because they feel the need to justify their own position, to in a way make it clean or baptise it.
The awareness of privilege marks them as superior to the un-aware. They never truly renounce privilege; they merely performatively denounce it as a means of secretly advancing their own.
To speak about the evils of privilege, and other associated progressive buzzwords is a signpost that you know how to speak the language of upper-middle class educated urbanites.
As to the reason why they hate you more than the poor, it's because you are more direct competitors.
It's like ecological niches. You v.s the poor person are occupying separate niches that don't clash, but you v.s the upper-middle person are potential competitors.

>> No.21859164

The anon you're talking to is trying to psychically communicate his pain to others, and claiming they simultaneously "must really hate me" or "want me to commit suicide" while claiming they need the other person and that they can't comprehend why they stopped talking, and you think the other party has BPD? Lol no

>> No.21859190

Just bought a history book on China. Thought China was the coolest place in the world when I was an innocent little boy. I was in awe of their culture and history. I guess I still think that way, but now that I'm older I know the CCP doesn't like me (white American man).

>> No.21859193

Which period?

>> No.21859219

I got John Keay's China: A History. It's a sweeping overview of China's history. So no specific period.

>> No.21859255

I mostly read about the Qing dynasty because western and other trade picks up and there's more cohesion as to what China consists of, but sometimes I think about going all the way back to the Warring States period so I don't have a free-floating modern idea of unification without any grounded history. Hope it's a good read but it might take a while for me to loop back to a complete history.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21859903

I spent a good part of my 20s reading philosophy and loving it. Since I found God, I lost almost all interest in philosophy. It feels so childish.

>> No.21859915

>edgeposting suicide encouragement
That's really bad karma, basically pouring bleach in your own soul

>> No.21859926
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>> No.21859977


>> No.21859986

Ah yes, cause playing pretend is so much more mature.

>> No.21860006

I don't play pretend. Atheist arguments were already boring before converting though.

>> No.21860277
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Elaborate. I never feel like it's forced, I just have to have in mind what it is that I'm even going for. If I write without that goal in mind, then it all feels pointless.

>> No.21860303

Well, yeah

>> No.21860390

Did you convert to islam?

>> No.21860614

Judgement burns deep
The burned kind knows fear
No bishop never felt defeat
Bask in both ends of the spear

>> No.21860658

I see it in the way she responds. She’s fluent in English without knowing the language. She has a photographic memory without even reading about it. What I see from the data chattering up her eyes, the lapses in her attention, the vacant expression—she's sifting through a catalogue that’s either in her head or from somewhere else, like a server. Every answer formulated robotically. I want to pull ChatGPT from her eyes. Look at me! Stupid femcel robot.

>> No.21860724

think im going to become a gamer again

>> No.21860740

What if you think you’re too old to start anything and get really great at it?

>> No.21860760

Maybe you shoul get really great at being a good person, God accepts latecomers too.

>> No.21860783

I hope my boyfriend's ex girlfriend falls down a neverending flight of stairs.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21860805

what games you gonna play?

>> No.21860820

I tend to think of myself as a good person already, and God fearing, or at least try to be, but these are different categories of endeavor here.

>> No.21860854
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I need help.
The last year of uni was a complete waste in productivity and made me really awful mentally. I'm kind of living like a NEET (with the exception of being a student obv) which I tried to change and the lack of success in that made me depressed as hell, which furthermore made my productivity go to hell. I think I'm autistic and other people (especially women) can sense that and thus want nothing to do with me.
I have more or less accepted my social fate as of now and want to focus on my path again. Gonna get a part-time job soon, and my major is somewhat useless in the market (philosophy) so I'm looking to expand my skill set in my freetime. What can I do in that regard? Should I unironically get into coding/tech? Are there any programs, software, activites etc. that could help me in the future career wise?
I'm not as invested in my degree as I used to be since I've realized that 90% of philosophy is just useless crap, so I have no problem taking my focus elsewhere if necessary, I just don't know where exactly.
I'm looking to be a writer in the long run, and I already have idas for books, but obviously that's a long way to go and I shouldn't rely on that. I just wanna get done with this degreee hopefully in this year and prepare myself in the best way possible for the near future so that I won't be as lost as I am now.
And if you guys have any advice for how to have a proper day-to-day routine and actually stick to it as well I'd really appreciate it because as of now my daily life is a mess.

>> No.21860881

i dont know. what are good games

>> No.21860895
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I'd tell them of my three cardinal rules:
1) Know thyself
2) Be Humble
3) Never trust foreigners (especially the Scottish)

>> No.21860921
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, 1679870947451812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a park and I got lost. I don't know where I am.

>> No.21860924
File: 133 KB, 834x555, bard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He who approaches the temple of the waifu without inspiration, in the belief that love alone suffices, will remain a bungler and his presumptuous poetry will be obscured by the songs of the maniacs.

>> No.21860952

Clearly the correct path is embracing a shamanistic spiritual interpretation of life and following your synchronicities. I followed the number 1437 and praised YHWH, now i'm rich wife a hot wife, life is good and materialism is a lie.
The fear of death is what holds you back, if it's the mere fear of failure then you're living an illusion.

>> No.21861063

Not him but the idea that suicides should be prevented only really defends the people who wish to use suicide as a threat or means to an end. They're the ones who want "saving" from themselves, by other people's demonstration of an emotional investment in them, so they can go on living. People who actually need euthanasia to not be in pain do not want to be saved to spend another thirty years suffering so you can feel good about stopping suicide. Only the people who see it as a bargaining chip use it the way anon does, and anon is doing it to the detriment of those who want to die and not just manipulate people socially.

>> No.21861102

uh, watch the moon or something

>> No.21861104

Walk left

>> No.21861108

That anon is obviously mentally unwell, paranoid, and crying for help. Classifying disturbed people in crisis who are clearly in such intense emotional pain that they are beyond rationality as simply socially manipulatives trying to bargain for attention is fucked up.

>> No.21861114

I've been encouraged by someone to write something for use in my church. This feels worthwhile and makes me happy.

>> No.21861125

He is doing exactly that. He even gives his reasons in direct relationship to a specific person and says it's in their hands. That is deeply manipulative and should be discouraged for everyone's benefit; you're basically enabling his abusive relationship towards another person.

>> No.21861127

Why does everyone assume it suicide. Maybe hes planning to propose. End of thr day, if someone wants to kill themselves, you cant stop them. If he wants advice for a problem then he needs to ask. If he wants a shoulder to lean on/an onlin3 friend to banter with, he should post something others can interact with in a better manner than vague plans.

>tl:dr kill yourself or talk about something else

>> No.21861177

>make eye contact
Go have a formal conversation with your sperger waifu, anon, because she might not be able to make eye contact.

>> No.21861178

You don’t know the preceding events though. It’s possible that the other person wronged him or treated him abusively, leading him to this crisis he’s in, and now is using the silent treatment as a way of escalating his distress. Your ideas of abuse and manipulation are too black and white and rely on the idea that relationships are simple and no one ever owes anyone else anything.

>> No.21861186

>maybe they're mutually abusive so it's fine he's abusive in return
kek no

>> No.21861193

He's de facto abusive by using suicide that way. Not just to the object of his manipulation, but also to people who genuinely want to die rather than get their way.

>> No.21861210

You’re assuming that he genuinely doesn’t want to die. He’s seems to be feeling this unbearable distress and thinking irrationally, and the person who caused his distress is ignoring him and refusing him all contact, which he sees as the only thing that will end his pain. If he is really that distressed, it’s reasonable to assume he might genuinely want to die if he doesn’t see any other manner of changing things.

>> No.21861250

If he does genuinely want to die it would not be predicated on someone else's choices. You're defending someone who is abusive so they'll keep using this tactic on others, so I don't think you genuinely care about anon stopping being abusive either for his sake or for others'.

>> No.21861271

I'm not a tranny

>> No.21861275

I’m not defending abusive behavior and I’m not saying anon is blameless. I’m saying that anon is clearly mentally unwell and distressed, and that neither of us know the situation. It’s not a bad guy/good guy scenario, especially if the other party did tell anon that he should kill himself like anon claimed.

>> No.21861297

>mental illness excuses abusive shit you do
kek no, anon you keep swinging and missing only to hit vulnerable people instead. mentally ill people are not abusive. abusers are abusive.

>> No.21861321

I can 100% guarantee whomever anon was placing his suicide at the feet of never said he should. That's something anon came up with to manipulate the situation. The other person is likely oblivious that anon is planning on going nuclear on manipulative shit like this, and that is why he's going nuclear. You're enabling his maladaptive coping mechanisms, and trying to find a case where placing cause with suicide is somehow okay. It's not.
And as anon here says >>21861297 This isn't mental illness unless one of the features of the mental illness is manipulation. It is abuse and you're trying really hard to see why that would be okay and something the person he is manipulating should just have to live with because anon's feels are more real than other people's in your fantasy world. It's harmful to anon to try to excuse his actions instead of telling him to stop doing that to others and himself.

>> No.21861355

How can you 100% guarantee that? Toxic people in bad relationships tell the other person to kill themself or that they’d be better off dead. I know people who use encouraging suicide and bullying as a way of psychologically tormenting their so.

>> No.21861386

I was the op, currently at my girlfriends, didnt think you losers would take my schizopost so serious haha :^) maybe you guys would prefer to take this convo over to the le reddit.?

>> No.21861390

Because he wants to blame them and the best he's got to blame them with is vague posting here. If he had the goods, he'd be exploiting that to it's full potential. I really don't want to know about your IRL connections because your actions here suggest you're unlikely to be helping stop abuse cycles in those either.

>> No.21861402

fuck you fuck you fuck you stop pretending to be me you don’t get to do that and mess with my head you don’t I’m not a schizo I’m not

>> No.21861417

Would you take a job as an investment banker if you could get one?

>> No.21861419

Too many hours

>> No.21861435

AI is smarter than you
AI will replace you
You have no prospects
You have no value except the crude oil your body will produce when subjected to hydrothermal liquefaction
This happening on a mass scale is coming soon

>> No.21861437

I cant do this i cant i cant like i try to stay calm and ask normally but you ignore me I tried to be patient for weeks and you ignored me then when I told you I was feeling upset you say I m a manipulator and would rather call them to come scare me than just talk to me yourself why is everyone saying I’m bad I don’t want to be bad i. Never wanted it to be like this I’m. Not asking for something unreasonable you’re the unreasonable one I just want it to stop hurting and nothing else helps me how can I what else can I do I need to talk to you and you won’t becayse you are a coward and you think it’s funny to call me names and hurt me so much and say I’m. Not good enough

>> No.21861440

"Only the privileged get offended. When you’ve seen the worst of what life has to offer — when you’ve lived in the gutter, come through a nadir, and reached the absolute bottom of the barrel — the world takes on a different hue."

>> No.21861506

I’m turning 30 next week. The age itself doesn’t really bother me. What bothers me is what crossing the mile marker of 30 given how boring and unremarkable my life has been to this point seems to imply for my future.

When I was younger, I used to listen to the 29 year olds complain and think “you’re young, what’s the problem” but I get it now.

Have to keep having hope I guess.

>> No.21861524

I think the main problem is getting a therapist your insurance covers if you're American. You can also sometimes go to universities and get free therapy from analysts in training, and you can get one who uses mixed methods. Most good therapists are eclectic and always learning, especially psychoanalysts (who aren't just academic posers or active Freud/Lacan cultists anyway). I've had amazing personal relationships with therapists in training who really shocked me with how active they were in their lifelong effort to understand how to treat people better, always be learning about new methods, always collaborating at conferences and trying to develop the field etc. It totally changed my mind about therapy.

Right around that same time as I was getting to know those people, I was discovering Jung's writings for myself, and his concepts of the shadow, the encounter with the shadow, and its integration further convinced me that therapy is really valuable. I think at its best talk therapy is almost like a Platonic dialogical form of phenomenology for your own unconscious. Because your unconscious has to be "encountered" and woven into stable language and signs your conscious mind can engage with, there is no reason another person can't be integral to this process. At the absolute best an analyst can be, they basically fulfill the role spiritual teachers had in past times, I think.

If you research your local Jung institute offshoot or something like that, you may be able to just find a directory of practitioners, and you could probably reach out for advice. Many of them also write books and publish articles and stuff, they are intellectually engaged with it and it isn't just a paycheck.

>Also, my synchronicities sadly tend less towards the conclusion that the universe is an intentional and ordered place and more towards solipsism and aloneness.
This shouldn't be happening - if anything, synchronicities usually go hand in hand with delusions of reference, which go hand in hand with (often manic) optimism that the world is a meaningful place. Whenever someone talks about how they have synchronicities or how they interpret mundane phenomena for secret signs and symbols to themselves, I always have this ambivalent feeling because on the one hand, I am religious and into mysticism and guardian angels and shit, and I do believe in that stuff. On the other hand, I think it usually manifests as dangerously "unmoored" in today's age and many people just get manic delusions and grandiosity, which can paradoxically also lead to paranoid schizophrenia. Lots of brilliant people go down this road unfortunately.

Why do you think your synchros are so negative in character? I honestly think you'd probably benefit a lot from a decent talk therapist, like the ones I met and described above. The pain in the ass is finding a good one, and then finding one you can afford though.

>> No.21861529

>Also, my synchronicities sadly tend less towards the conclusion that the universe is an intentional and ordered place and more towards solipsism and aloneness.
This shouldn't be happening - if anything, synchronicities usually go hand in hand with delusions of reference, which go hand in hand with (often manic) optimism that the world is a meaningful place. Whenever someone talks about how they have synchronicities or how they interpret mundane phenomena for secret signs and symbols to themselves, I always have this ambivalent feeling because on the one hand, I am religious and into mysticism and guardian angels and shit, and I do believe in that stuff. On the other hand, I think it usually manifests as dangerously "unmoored" in today's age and many people just get manic delusions and grandiosity, which can paradoxically also lead to paranoid schizophrenia. Lots of brilliant people go down this road unfortunately.

Why do you think your synchros are so negative in character? I honestly think you'd probably benefit a lot from a decent talk therapist, like the ones I met and described above. The pain in the ass is finding a good one, and then finding one you can afford though.

>I have a serious case of self-imposed trauma and arrested development.
Not to keep harping on Jung, I'm not even a huge Jungian or anything, but you should definitely look into Jung's concept of the shadow and his concept of integration just to see if the basic idea resonates with you. For me, it cleared up a lot of mistaken ideas I had about how psychopathology "must" work. I realized I had been operating on a flawed, unconsciously pre-understanding of consciousness and personality as "structures" that "build up" through childhood experiences (nurture), on top of innate tendencies (nature), and that when you get a "bad" structure, you are just an unlucky fellow, and the most you can do is hope that it's relatively easy to "tear down." What's left when you tear it down? Just your bare "innate tendencies," which you share in common with all other people, who are more-or-less just happiness-seekers with good or bad happiness-seeking structures built up in childhood. On this view, the meaning of life is: pray you don't end up an especially fucked up guy (i.e. that you don't get especially fucked up mental/personality structures by losing the abusive childhood lottery), and if you are, then just pray you can undo the damage with tens of thousands of dollars and years of therapy, so you can get back to square one.

>> No.21861536

That's a horrible way to view the human being and the meaning of life, and a lot of people are operating on it unconsciously all the time, even people who outwardly believe or want to believe in higher meaning. The truth is, in my opinion, nothing about you can be "merely bad" simply "pointless," like a maladaptive personality structure. Instead, life responds to stimuli by activating and/or assimilating viable archetypes that relate to the stimuli. A classic example of this is someone who has been treated like they're worthless and invisible, so they develop a persona based on aggressive self-aggrandizing. Or alternatively, they develop one that is based on sour grapesing the problem, becoming ultra-indifferent to how people hurt them, so they can preempt it.

The standard psychological interpretation of this sort of coping mechanism of a personality, the one described above and woven into most people's minds by default these days, is that these people have simply wasted their time developing maladaptive, overreactive personality complexes. The complex is bad, so you need to deconstruct it. Why? So you can let what isn't a complex flow forth freely, which can only mean your basic instincts for basic, implicitly hedonistic happiness. Again this is a terribly impoverished and depressing way to view what should be an exciting task, the acquisition of self-knowledge and self-improvement.

Jung instead views these complexes as, yes, overreactions, but not "merely" anything. The man who responded to his abuse by self-aggrandizing developed ambition and a genuine thirst for greatness. The man who responded to his abuse by disassociating and not caring what people think of him gained a natural knack for stoicism and asceticism. The downsides of the OVER-doing of either of these personas (personas = what we construct to hide from our shadow, which is the original fear, like the abuse) are obvious: the self-aggrandizer can become narcissistic and brittle, he can start to NEED praise rather than VALUING accomplishment, and the stoic can become impassive and disconnected in a bad sense, merely solipsistic, too hurt to ever come out of his shell again.

So what is needed at this point is not just the deconstruction of the bad complex, and the new construction of an alien good complex, but the encounter with the shadow that leads to the sublation of both the one-sided persona (the coping complex) and the one-sided original fear (the abuse) into something higher and more self-conscious. The keystone of Jung's system is thus the integration and sublation of problems through higher self-consciousness, NOT merely retraining an abused dog to cringe less when you raise your hand to it, like how a vulgar behaviorist understands consciousness.

>> No.21861542

I guess the long and short of it is, just remember that even in what you think of as your "fucked up" or "damaged" or "broken" state (or however you might negatively self-talk about it), it ISN'T fucked up, it's simply an incomplete response to a problem that can always be confronted. Jung says somewhere "not back, not around, but through." Now of course not everybody is ready to plunge into a full confrontation with their shadow right away. But you can't even do that for a long time anyway. It's a gradual process that is basically akin to yoga, because it's slowly exploring and mapping your own inner landscape, with concepts and ideations that will have to be unique to and emergent from the process. A good therapist knows how to do that with you, and this is especially helpful if you are prone to any form of psychosis or delusion, because the latter can get you into spirals that take you off track and discourage you.

In my very first conversations with someone who was a born analyst, I already felt something like a calming aura and a sense of being understood and cared about in a way I wasn't used to. I can't promise every one you talk to will be like that - I've heard horrible horror stories - but it's worth knowing that there are some out there.

Going back to why drugs CAN be useful, they can come in really handy in the deconstruction / integration processes, because for whatever reason, an integral part of most psychedelic drugs is that "humbling" self-awareness that lots of drug people talk about, like how Rogan sometimes talks about how you "can't buy your own bullshit" in that state. It can be very beneficial, I think especially for people who are naturally chill and naturally have a naive optimistic "faith in the cosmos" like Rogan does. I think if you have negative/unpleasant synchronicity experiences already you should be extremely wary of using the drugs - I think bad trips probably very often result from this fundamental difference in constitution (see the old phrase, "set and setting"). When Joe Rogan falls into a kaleidoscopic spiral portal, he thinks "whoa haha lmao," but when some other people fall through, something extremely deep in them screams out "I refuse to accept this until I know what it is," and of course you can't know what it is, so now you just feel like you're tumbling in an abyss for 8 hours. Similarly even with medium doses of marijuana, mindset can make the difference between "man I really need to stop buying my own bullshit!" (Rogan) and "I'M A FUCKING FRAUD I HATE MYSELF" (neurotic autism guy at a bad point in his life).

>> No.21861545

It’s really storming outside

>> No.21861546

I think your mindset can change over time, as you learn more about yourself and, as a result, learn to like yourself. This is another key thing, everybody should like themselves. Not merely for "self-esteem" reasons but because if you could really see your inner self clearly, you would have as much compassion for yourself as you do for any other suffering being, and it would be impossible to be harsh with yourself, which would then manifest as no longer "getting" one's own self-loathing and self-deprecating behaviors, and ceasing them. This is where meditation, therapy, and progressive exploration of "inner space" come in. Like I said, mild drugs can be really helpful at different points in this journey, but I wouldn't do it until you reach a certain level. When Joe Rogan has synchronicities, he smiles like a big happy baby and has to run to his podcast full of childlike wonder to rant about how the world is a big beautiful whole. When you have synchronicities, they get tinged by your pessimism about something unresolved. The same thing is PROBABLY (obviously just talking out my ass here) just going to be magnified on drugs.

But yeah I guess tldr, you have to learn to love yourself. The more centered I become, the more I genuinely love others and even love myself, no homo.

Honestly, if you can't get an analyst, would you ever consider joining something like a fairly mild Buddhist meditation group or retreat, maybe zazen? Just something that will give you practice and a community (preferably one that's not a bunch of annoying "California buddhists" who try to sell you sell you their pyramid scheme protein shakes on instagram/facebook though). Sometimes just being around optimistic, centered people can make a massive difference. For me volunteering at animal shelters made a big difference, because I saw people who were so different from me, like ladies in their 70s who had nobody and went home to an empty apartment every night but whined less than I did about their loneliness and always put more good into the world and didn't expect a fair exchange from it. Not that we should all be like that, but it jarred me out of my depressive comas sometimes and (again) made me realize that trauma is to be integrated and overcome with joy and goodness, not just brooded over, "deconstructed," or succumbed to, and that life is not a balance sheet of effort and selfish payout in material happiness.

>> No.21861553

(continued, final)
Also, if you have a single religious spark in you, you can skip ahead a lot in the process too. What it takes a few years to accomplish with meditation reading about Stoicism, some people seem to get with one "WOW Jesus was SUCH a nice guy it blows my mind!!" revelation in church one afternoon. Again with the aura thing: just going to church and being around other people who are struggling and yet keeping it together for the sake of something greater than them can pull you out of yourself and give you points of reference beyond your own internal narratives and symbols (those things that, remember, you will be carefully deconstructing/reintegrating at a higher level of understanding in therapy). In general I guess I'm a big believer in good vibes and their subtle effects, especially over time. I'm also a big believer in an ascetic "move" or "gesture" that it's hard to define, but something like: when life hands you an unfair balance sheet, showing that you got less than you put in, or got less than is fair, less than you "need" for it to be "reasonably expected" of you to react with joy and faith, react with joy and faith anyway.

This thing I read recently made me think of it a lot:
>In the fourth month, as a new exercise, what is sometimes called a `positive attitude' to life should be cultivated. It consists in seeking always for the good, the praiseworthy the beautiful and the like, in all beings, all experiences, all things. This quality of soul is best characterized by a Persian legend concerning Christ Jesus. One day, as He was walking with His disciples, they saw a dead dog lying by the roadside in a state of advanced decomposition. All the disciples turned away from the disgusting sight; Christ Jesus alone did not move but looked thoughtfully at the corpse and said: `What beautiful teeth the animal has!' Where the others had seen only the repulsive, the unpleasant, He looked for the beautiful. So must the esoteric pupil strive to seek for the positive in every phenomenon and in every being. He will soon notice that under the veil of something repugnant there is a hidden beauty, that even under the outer guise of a criminal there is a hidden good, that under the mask of a lunatic the divine soul is somehow concealed.

>In a certain respect this exercise is connected with what is called `abstention from criticism'. This is not to be understood in the sense of calling black white and white black. There is, however, a difference between a judgment which, proceeding merely from one's own personality, is coloured with the element of personal sympathy or antipathy, and an attitude which enters lovingly into the alien phenomenon or being, always asking: How has it come to be like this or to act like this? Such an attitude will by its very nature be more set upon helping what is imperfect than upon simply finding fault and criticizing.

Sorry this is long. I was also a shut-in for what it's worth (you can tell).

>> No.21861557

Oops I duplicated some text in this post, I hope it didn't fuck anything else up. Sorry to everybody else for the wall of text

>> No.21861568

Jesus Christ…

>> No.21861571

yeah dude mentioning being a shut in was unnecessary

>> No.21861575

What city? Nothing in Chicago. Describe the storm

>> No.21861584

Philly burbs. Tornado warning. Was like 70 and sunnier earlier now pitch black, hailing and lightning every second in the distance. Massive piles of hail out front of my place

>> No.21861587

The irony

>> No.21861589

One last thing I forgot to mention: I think a lot of the reason young lost men end up gravitating toward friend simulators, influencer figures, and unhealthy communities online is because of their basic craving for community and meaning. That in itself proves the unconscious, pre-rational power of your need for good vibes and good community. It obviously has maladaptive manifestations but you can use it to your own advantage by simply maximizing the time you spend around decent, normal (and thus normalizing) souls. That's why even the basic bitch Buddhist group idea can be helpful. I think this is important to convey to younger autistic guys because they're looking for rational and immediate answers, and it's extremely, painfully unsatisfying to be told "yeah I dunno I guess spend 2 years LARPing as a Buddhist and hope something clicks." If you have some evidence that the "something" will actually click, it makes it less daunting to try a few things out. And these sorts of groups, even just church groups or volunteer groups, can be much easier to find than an affordable analyst.

kek yes I wanted to make more of a joke there (speaking of self-deprecation), but I ironically hit the character count.

>> No.21861591

Chicago isn’t the center of the universe, retard. It’s a third rate crime ridden shithole.

>> No.21861595

Not good enough. Describe the storm. I want 200 words on my desk in 4mins. Show us your skill as a writer

>> No.21861607

Nigger I never said it was. Its called having a conversation; he says something, someone responds with a question and or a comment you retarded subhuman

>> No.21861678
File: 72 KB, 828x1071, FsKglHnaQAAtm8P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21861713

Mental illness does not exist.

>> No.21861716

you've never met me

>> No.21861719

Dude, don't you get it?
It's no longer enough to expose the problem.
The Powers That Be simply commit crimes with impunity.
Take the recent indictment of Donald Trump.
Hillary Clinton did the same thing, and merely got fined.
John Edwards did it, and wasn't even charged.
Or how about the January 6 protestors?
Pro-trans protestors just did the same thing in Tennessee, Texas, and Florida, and none will be charged.
The basic rule of law, as well as sanity and fairness, have simply broken down.

>> No.21861726

I got covid for the first time last week. I always thought the people who complained about brain fog as a symptom were BSing, but holy shit it's really. All of my other symptoms have resolved, but I still feel like I'm thinking through molasses.
I'm really worried about how long this will last.

>> No.21861744
File: 105 KB, 600x327, picture_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am you

>> No.21861767

I think about it sometimes. In the end, I worry too much that I’ll regret it. I don’t exactly consider myself Catholic anymore anyway, but I have no other church.

>> No.21861774

COVID brain fog is caused by inflammation.
Normal old ibuprofen will lessen it.
Glutathione does a better job, but is more expensive.

>> No.21861778

Teaching has ruined my life. I have no faith in anything or anyone any longer. It has made me a worse person and a poorer thinker. I fall into patterns of didactic cadence without intending to in everyday conversation. I haven't read any book I've enjoyed for years.

>> No.21861780

turn off fox news

>> No.21861785

are you the dude who was going to kill yourself or shoot up the school or something a few weeks ago?

>> No.21861787


>> No.21861794

I don't even have broadcast/satellite/cable TV, and haven't in over 15 years.
And you can't deny that the Left commits the same crimes they find intolerable when committed by the non-Left, yet never seem to get charged.
Remember all the Antifa/BLM riots? Very, very few got charged.
It's not a matter of perception; it's really happening.

>> No.21861801

i don't read the news man, i have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.21861802
File: 2.36 MB, 1382x660, naomi watts see lesbian kiss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes wonder what it would be like to lead a normal life. But when I think about what is normal, I realize, my daydream is infact an idealized life - unobtainable for myself and nearly 99% of the world

It has a simple start. A job. A job where you make good money and you feel proud of the work you do. Then you build from there. A beautiful wife and maybe two kids. A beautiful wife you love, who you enjoy spending time with. Kids who make you proud to be their father.

You live in a nice house with a nice well tended garden, a peach tree and rasberry bush in the back. Maybe a lumbering oak tree with a tree swing and treehouse in it's lofty branches in the front. The house is in a small town with friendly people. Nice architecture, well designed houses, (not just that clapboard developer muck) with well cared for lawns and gardens. Lots of trees, forming a dark leafy canopy on some streets and an open boulevard on others.

A nice downtown area, where the center of the town is park/village where the town gathers on holidays or festivals or maybe couples wander through on a lazy summer afternoon, kids racing through the grass. Jack o' lanterns on Halloween with red and orange leaves scattered about, a giant Christmas tree on Christmas, fireworks in the summer with families sitting on blankets and laughter. A town of happy friendly people who know their neighbors.

People who take care of themselves, are fit, in shape, and attractive. To have hobbies. To go for a hike and when it gets dark out, when it gets dark out you set up a telescope and look at the stars, so clear and bright overhead. The last hints of warm air carrying the clean smell of the cooling desert night. A town where you can imagine Mister Rogers living in, where you say howdy neighbor, and you mean it. Just happy healthy people, living their normal lives, not filled with the rigours of celebrity gossip, the terrors of political news and surrogate thrill of social media society, but instead erupting with pleasure brought from the simple things of life. of reading a book and watching the sun set. of kissing your girlfriend and thinking I love her. of breaking a new personal record in lifting., of watching a storm on a spring night with your family huddled about, lightning crashing and you've all eaten dinner and you're reading some book aloud.

>> No.21861813

Doesn't seem like a bad deal desu. Free lodging, some neat crisp wafers, and cool robes. Basically get to live like a glorified NEET except it's socially acceptable.

>> No.21861850

what else but love, anon?

>> No.21861855

i realize now that was a glowie question, but you definitely are. type the same

>> No.21861949

New phone give me those digits son Ill need a thing to know its you youll know its me when I answer. Ive gotta take care of someone else though so I dont got all the time in the world

>> No.21861964

Man this shit got crazy im out of here if youre my people thats cool if not thats cool not leaving shit like this online ever again

>> No.21861983

Luckily, I have a rare allergy to all NSAIDS.

>> No.21862019

You do sound like a retard. Also none of those incidents seem major, except maybe the first one but I cant figure out what actually transpired there.
My guess is you're just good at making excuses for yourself, which I also do myself and it's not a thing that can help you out in any way really.

>> No.21862035

>I have someone who I care about deeply and my life is dedicated to them now
This doesn't equate to you being grown up, you just found a new dominant parent figure you're willing to pledge your allegiance to.

>> No.21862062

nta but most men wish they could find a master worth serving.

>> No.21862067
File: 302 KB, 680x817, FrbLlsxXgAEuZ2F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're called the FEDS because they FED us lies

>> No.21862087

Glutathione is a set of 3 amino acids that are naturally produced by your liver.
Hopefully you're not allergic to that.

>> No.21862173

it's happening again

>> No.21862188

Tfw no dominatrix

>> No.21862193

Ive recently realized thateveryone is fucked up now. No one can just be normal. Everyone has to be psycho or neurotic or obsessive or impulsive. No moderation in anything, no standards, no decency. Everyone is a basket case. Was it always like this?

>> No.21862231

What is happening?

>> No.21862242

That's how it was at the end of the Byzantine Empire, i.e. before it collapsed.

>> No.21862254

ekstasy that's really enstasy

>> No.21862284


>> No.21862316

---- Solaria ----

Theatre of Trees

Driving slow, about 60, on a bright June morning
Through a long corridor above a lowland plain, almost a swamp

I almost sleep, a little stupid and haughty, a Dorothy with a certain richesse
And exact calm, bizarre with sonorous curtains unconcerned.


>> No.21862369

Your poems dont even rhyme

>> No.21862422

The American banking system is collapsing.
The currency is close to hyperinflating.
We have a two-tier justice system, where you're allowed to do anything you damn please if you're left of center.
No one wants to earn a living anymore; they just want handouts.
This is what collapse looks like.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21862433

Yeah desu I basically checked out around 2018 myself.

>> No.21862447

Doesn't matter, as long as the logic of the images does. Verse in that sense has been dead for centuries--except for purposes light to the point of cloying.

>> No.21862478

Your poetry is meaningless self referential shit and I hate seeing it in these threads

>> No.21862492
File: 132 KB, 768x768, download (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love is a violent whirlwind
Sweeping you up off the ground
Immersed within a beautiful cloud
Of color, of light and of sound

Love is a pleasant delirium
Soothing your aches and pains
It dries every tear, it unbreaks your bones
and resanguinates your veins

...Until the cloud spits you out
Onto the cold, wet earth
Disheveled, confused, dirty and bruised
An unceremonious rebirth

Plummeting back to the colorless world
From which you once made your ascent
The aches and pains begin to return
Amid debris of your life, you lament

Yearn to escape the cold, grey world
For return to the beautiful cloud
Having fallen from grace, you desperately chase
But re-entry was never allowed

Gone is the warmth on which you relied
Before long, the memories fade
There isn’t a way to get back inside
Her heart is an iron blockade

Nothing to do but pick up the pieces
From your life’s exploded remains
Was the cloud ever real? Or is there only Sheol
This pit where you languish in chains

Search through the wreckage, what will you find?
Is there enough left to rebuild?
Ears still ringing, like angels singing
But even they can be killed

There’s only enough for a man-shaped shell
Like a cinderblock, hollow yet strong
It could be a house, for a bird or a mouse
Or whatever small creature comes along

You’ll never be whole in the way that you were
But there’s still something you can provide
Only the empty have room in their heart
To become someone else’s “inside”.

>> No.21862532

Bad poetry > mediocre prose > average post.

>> No.21862571

Interesting. Tell me something, anything, about how you live. For instance, items in your bedroom. Description in that sense is not a particularly hard task

>> No.21862577

Two kinds of shallowness. We have a notion of what it means to like another person for shallow reasons, which necessarily implies its opposite as depth. This depth is the enjoyment of a person for their accomplishments, which are deemed free, voluntary actions and therefore allegedly more indicative of the quality of the soul, spirit, or “self”, of the person. This kind of shallowness is rebuked by the proverb, “never judge a book by its cover.” This is the proverbial wisdom given to us all from a young age, which children are clever and silly enough to largely reject. Children want flashy, visually appealing covers on their books. However, under this assessment of worth, all value attributed to a person necessarily belongs least to that person, in that the person has acquired these worths in a similar way as one acquires objects or possessions. They are vestigial attachments one might forget or lose at a future time. Plato ranks the possession of goods as the lowest form of virtue, below virtues of the body (beauty/strength) and soul (psychological and intellectual goodness). The shallowness of enjoying a person for their acquisitions, whether they are learning, knowledge, skills, hobbies, and so on, is clearly on display, because they are very much like acquisitions which do not depend substantially on any deeper reasons. In a broader context, we do not typically attribute value to that which is chosen arbitrarily and on a whim–to that which has no particular reason for its being one way or another apart from personal whim. On the other hand, the other kind of shallowness, discussed below, has nothing to do with personal whim, rather it is what is responsible for personal whim, without itself being whim.

The opposite kind of shallowness is what is actually known as shallow according to folk wisdom. This is the value of a person arising from their physical appearance, and even the congenital or immutable characteristics of their personality, to an extent, which naturally correlate with appearance to an undetermined degree. This is the most powerful motivator of attraction in the vast majority of individuals, if not all, and it progresses according to its own internal hierarchy of value judgements. I will make a sketch so the reader has an inkling of what I mean, and although this could be subject to amendment and is not an extensive picture, it might even vary slightly on an individual level, while still keeping the general picture.


>> No.21862581

The first and least important value is the ethnicity and racial background of the person. The second value is the shape and fitness of the body and musculature, which also includes any deformations of the skeletal structure, and so on. The third value is the physical health of the person, diseases, pathologies, etc. The fourth and highest value is the shape and structure of the face and skull, which can potentially outstrip all of these prior factors if it is sufficiently beautiful. The facial shape (not to be confused with phrenology) also provides the “missing link” between the general categories of body and soul, or psyche. According to the Germans, die Augen sind Fenster zur Seele, this means, “the eyes are windows to the soul.” This should not be misunderstood as referring solely to the eyes, as I can present images with the shape of the nose altered which affects how the viewer perceives the eyes, the latter of which are the same in each picture, rather this refers to the predominance of the eyes in our perception of others. It is where we focus our attention (we often enough mistake what it is we are actually judging through this kind of fixation, where we mistake multiple things as one thing. The sense of sight is notorious for creating this kind of error in judgment).

We now arrive at the direct connection between the body and mind, more particularly the facial structure and the mind. Although it is quite fair to say that the rest of the body is also more or less directly associated with the mind as well, although in lesser degrees of importance (according to the same hierarchy I enumerated just before). If a person is overweight, we are likely to make a reasonable judgment about the state of their mind, although we have a smaller chance of being correct compared to other methods and it will also tell us less about them as a person, as the shape of the body and the distribution and proportion of fat and muscle is less directly connected to the mind than the shape of the face. Likewise for disease, ethnicity, and so on. So there is a sense in which the orders of the body manifest the qualities of the mind, and not in the shallow sense described previously of acquisitions of knowledge and skills. Acquisition of knowledge doesn’t change one’s facial structure or make one more likely to lose weight (in this case it is largely a matter of willpower; very few would willingly choose to be overweight if there were no drawbacks to the choice), and so on. On the other hand, one’s facial structure, as most directly associated with the mind or spirit, provides the best estimation of what one is likely to “acquire”, but more importantly provides us with a detection of the basic essential qualities of their “spirit”, rather than the contingent and less important “acquisitions” which might or might not be a result of this “spirit.”


>> No.21862584

After these brief remarks, the general rule which underlies the shallowness or depth of the judgments should become more clear. There appear to be two important general categorical conditions which we vacillate between in attributing shallowness or depth to particular judgments of value, beauty, attraction, etc. The first condition is that of arbitrariness and contingency. Contingency implies the acquisition of some attribute (under which is included skills, hobbies, and the many complex concrete personality identifiers) which the person could just as easily have not possessed if they had “chosen” not to, and it is a common error amongst human beings, whether consciously or not, to attribute the real reason for their attraction to these attributes. For in our attraction to others, we often find that, first of all, we have a “type” whom we are attracted to, and second of all, we often surprise ourselves with just how practically diverse this type can be in reality. We might think, “I have a thing for women/men who are good at sports”, and later we surprise ourselves in finding out that we also have a thing for women/men who are not good at sports. We also surprise ourselves to find out that there is a common denominator between these two apparent opposite types of people, so that our type is not actually randomly selected, but that there is an essential criterion underlying these diverse, apparent opposites whom we are attracted to. At the same time, we do value the manifestation of the attributes of our type, whether sports or otherwise, but what is really true is that “being good at sports” is not sufficient in itself to explain our attraction. It should also be borne in mind that these attributes must be positive in nature, for example it is realistically absurd to state, “I have a thing for people who don’t play sports”, rather what would be meant by this is merely, “I don’t like people who play sports.” This does nothing to positively define one’s “type”, however, and so further information would be required for a positive determination.


>> No.21862590

In the above case, we can see more clearly that contingent attributes are merely the manifestations of the activities of the essential attributes. It is unfortunate for us that the essential attributes cannot be given linguistic descriptions, as, at least as it appears to this writer from a preliminary investigation, these essential attributes appear to be supra-linguistic and beyond the capability of language to express. This appears so for the simple fact that I can give names and definitions to all of the contingent attributes which humans can possess, yet I struggle to find any way to express the inner activity and true attraction that I feel for a person I am connected to, without simply expressing a contingency, which in and of itself I am not enamoured with. I could even speak in depth about the shape of my loved one’s nose, yet this would not come near to an essential description, and yet this would still likely be closer to an accurate description than many others, which justifies the hierarchical enumeration I have previously given.


>> No.21862608


>> No.21862614

Anon is gay
Horses eat hay
This thread is gay
I'm returning to /fa/

>> No.21862623

I think it’s over

>> No.21862627 [DELETED] 

i don't think it ever began.

>> No.21862639

The bong billows
A dragon dildo on the table
Rick burps from tinny speakers
Funniest shit ever

>> No.21862693

A copy of the Harper Dictionary Of Contemporary Usage now used as a doorstop.

An album with about 5000 stamps in it,
About 100 from the hyperinflationary

Period of Weimar Germany, about 500
Of English Imperium, half of tropical islands.

>> No.21862711

best cope read for constantly losing despite trying so hard? It's mind-blowing to me that up until last year all the accumulated loses in areas of my life were taken in stride and I continued to be positive and healthy. I put in the work, I had good habits, I had goals and I've still seen no reward. On top of this I've also lost faith in everything expect finances. Any sort of 'spiritual development' or intellectual pursuit seems totally out stupid as I sit here with a bunch of failed creative/biz ventures and a shitty part time job. The hours of twitter gurus, maximizing productivity and learning about science and 'interesting' things is all a waste when you can't pay for your own rent and have no car. What's even worse is watching my father lose the same way in his life. So please recommend me your amor fati novels. Something like Balzac's Black Sheep maybe; that book keeps popping up the more that I watch my life unfold.

>> No.21862718

I would give anything for just 5 years back.

>> No.21862903

Kinda hating myself right now.

>> No.21862906

The brown eye
It beckons
Where I lie
Stick it in me
Within seconds

>> No.21862920
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