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21852023 No.21852023 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain the concept of the Holy Trinity? How is 1+1+1=1? How is Jesus God? Wouldn't that mean that man killed God? How does this all connect? I genuinely don't understand.

>> No.21852038

The concept of the Holy Trinity is a central doctrine in Christianity, specifically in the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant denominations. It states that there is one God who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

The concept of the Holy Trinity is not easy to understand, and many Christians have struggled with it for centuries. However, it is generally accepted that the Trinity is a mystery that cannot be fully comprehended by human reason but is accepted by faith.

Regarding the mathematical equation, 1+1+1=1, it is important to understand that the Trinity is not a mathematical formula but a theological concept. The equation is simply a way to express that the three persons of the Trinity are united in one divine nature or essence.

As for how Jesus can be both God and man, Christians believe that Jesus is the incarnate Son of God, fully God and fully human. This means that Jesus possesses both a divine nature and a human nature. While on earth, Jesus had a human body, mind, and will, but his divine nature remained unchanged.

The idea that man killed God is a common misunderstanding of the Christian belief in the crucifixion of Jesus. Christians believe that Jesus, being fully God and fully man, willingly laid down his life for the salvation of humanity. His death on the cross was a sacrifice for the sins of all people, and his resurrection three days later demonstrated his power over sin and death.

In summary, the concept of the Holy Trinity is a central doctrine in Christianity that states that there is one God who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. While it may be difficult to fully comprehend, it is accepted by faith. Jesus is believed to be both fully God and fully man, and his death and resurrection demonstrate his power over sin and death.

>> No.21852059

one thing to understand that the Father begets the Word or the Son. The word is the perfect image of God spoken by him by his nature inside of himself (in his intellect), and being a perfect word or thought it fully reflects God and so is God inside God. This is the same process for the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost, but for the love of the father, and since the Son is the reflection of the Father he also begets the Holy Spirit (orthocucks seethe). It is important to realize that this isn’t a creation of God since it is a natural consequence of the Nature of God and is an inside God procession, not outside of him.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

>> No.21852085

It is a pagan (some aruge its origins were even present in pre-hellenistic cults) thing which stayed in Christianity. It doesn't suppose to make sense. But I am sure someone here has a freshly cooked cope against it.

>> No.21852098

I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come.

>> No.21852105
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>fully God and fully human
No, Jesus, the Son, was begotten by God the Father, before time, and thus, Jesus is not coeternal with God the Father.
Get your facts straight.

>> No.21852110 [SPOILER] 
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No, no, he was 50% divine and 50% human. Get your facts straight, bud.

>> No.21852113
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No,no, NOO! You are all wrong!!1 He was a celestial spirit whose death on the cross was only an illusion.

>> No.21852146

It doesn't make logical sense but Christians will deny that.

In western terminology it breaks down like this:

God is one being in three persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). Each of the three persons is fully God, one in being, but they are each distinct from each other as persons. The Son eternally proceeds from the Father and the Holy Spirit eternally proceeds from the Father and Son (for Catholics and Protestants) or from just the Father (for Orthodox). All three are co-equal and co-eternal.

Jesus has two natures, one human and one divine. The human nature died and was brought back to life. The divine nature is eternal and can't die. Catholic tradition says Jesus preached to the souls of the righteous Jews and Pagans in Hell to give them a chance at salvation.

>> No.21852159

It's just polytheism with cope and denial on the side.

>> No.21852162
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You're all wrong.
Jesus was my older brother.

>> No.21852178

This shit sounds like some amateur fantasy author who can't get published.

>> No.21852193
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FALSE. All of you!
Jesus was ADOPTED as the Son of God at his baptism. There, I've solved it. :)

>> No.21852208
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Wrong, the lot of you!
Jesus was fully divine... Not human or celestial spirit at all.

>> No.21852211
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>> No.21852216

>Does that mean that man killed god
If you read the Bible literally, Jacob won a hand on hand fight against Gos

>> No.21852223
File: 89 KB, 720x542, 4FA7B15D-CE84-44A6-9C76-97A6E532769A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still believe Christ suffered on the Cross? yikes sweety that was debunked by Snopes

>> No.21852237
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>still believes in the unity of the godhead

>> No.21852260

How am I to interepret the death of Jesus then? Genuine question.

>> No.21852362

it doesn't make sense, it's why christians always write 10 pages about it when they try to explain it

>> No.21852372

>why can’t they write about divine mysteries in brown poop language?
>christcuck deboonked

>> No.21852382

you're just mad because you know I'm right

>> No.21852391

you're just mad because you know I'm right

>> No.21852403

the unity of man

>> No.21852427
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>> No.21852429

The Trinity Filters a lot of people, but it's actually pretty easy to understand. This book is a good layman's introduction.

>> No.21852530

>it doesn't make sense
Christianity, and religion in general, doesn’t make sense

>> No.21852540

>too retarded to understand something
>"It doesn't make sense!"

>> No.21852569

Nah, it’s just retarded. What part of expecting perfection from imperfect beings makes sense? What part of cutting off a kid’s foreskin makes sense? What part of pushing a clear ultimatum on people under the guise of “saving” makes sense? What part of revealing the true faith to only one group of people while scattering people across the planet makes sense?

>> No.21852754

2999 of them are subjects of the natural world, the abrahamic sky daddy makes the most sense with most arguments for god

>> No.21852767

Non meme answer:
The trinity is similar to the human intellect, which is capable of thinking about itself. The thing doing the thinking (the subject) is like the father. The thing being thought of (the object) is like the son. The will to think is like the holy spirit. These three parts of your mind are a single essence, in that they are not made of different substances. They are also not separable. The subject of thought and object of thought cannot exist independently of each other, and the subject cannot relate to the object without the will. Trying to imagine the father without the son is like trying to imagine a thinking mind that holds nothing to think about.

>> No.21852772

So become Jewish?

>> No.21852776
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This is the problem with religion in a nutshell. They've had so long to come up with silly copes like this that they can no longer be reasoned with.

>> No.21852820

This is why the Son is called the Word or Verbum, as he is essentially in the human mind a pre-word, or a thought beofre a word. A word is a description of something asnd is formed in the intellect prior to being said, this pre-word is analogous to the Son

>> No.21852823

Quoting Aristotle, God is thought thinking itself.

God the Father (Thinker)
God the Son (Thought)
God the Spirit (Thinking)

From a Platonic lens, God is creation or emanation.

God the Father (Emanator, One)
God the Son (Emanated, Nous)
God the Spirit (Emanation, Soul)

The Father, Son, and Spirit are all fully God because God is never not thinking/emanating. The Father, Son, and Spirit always and must exist, simply by the fact that God is. God is inseparable from Father, Son, and Spirit. God is always thinking, He is always emanating.

The One eternally emanates Nous. The Father eternally begets the Son.

Jews and Muslims, despite calling Aristotle the first teacher, never really notice when Aristotle shows that God MUST be conceived as three in one in his Metaphysics. Well, some do. The Kabbalists and the more Farabic Muslims do.

The fountainhead of the Father/One always is. If the Son/Nous always is with the Father by the fact of the Spirit/Soul, how are they not all equal? If something cannot be without another, even conceived apart from one another, they are ontologically equivalent.

>> No.21852834

So when Jesus was dead for three days, what happened to God?

>> No.21852850

The Divine nature didn't die, it ascended to hell to preach to the people who died before Christ and then his human body was resurrected and the Divine nature went back, where it remains now and forever

>> No.21852853


>> No.21852858

So he didn't die for our sins?

>> No.21852877

Which religion/denomination specifically?

>> No.21852880

I don't want to make a new thread to ask this, so I'll use this one. Is there any book where Jesus explains how to do miracles exactly? So far I've only succeed at small time things, the kind of things regular saints do, but I'm aiming higher. I want to do things like raising the death. Any advice would be appreciated.

>> No.21852886
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Pray a lot and be very pious.
You know how to get stronger as a sith you have to kill kids and stuff?
This is the opposite. Walk enough old ladies across the street and you too will be able to fly and ressurect people and shit.

>> No.21852894

The divine nature was embodied in the sensible world as Jesus (the man). This person lived, died, and was resurrected. The divine nature outside the sensible world is eternal.

>> No.21852907

if one is transient and the other eternal, they are seperate things/beings. By the absolute distinction of the words.

If jesus died, and the divine nature survived, they are seperate.

>> No.21852918

I find the "was tempted but never sinned" concept sometimes applied to him interesting.

>> No.21852927

The embodied nature / divine essence distinction is similar to the body/soul distinction for all people. If you experience bodily death, then your soul leaves your body, and is transferred to another body would it be accurate to say that "you died"?

>> No.21852929
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>Anything beyond my understanding is "cope"
Why are atheists such brainlets?

>> No.21852946

Literally the apex cope.

>> No.21852948

Yes you died. For the death to have any truth to it, something must be lost. Otherwise the death of jesus has no meaning. So therefore, having lost something, jesus is seperate from the divine essence and the father who have not "died"

>> No.21852988

I'm confused how you agreed with my post then.

If Jesus is a human being whose soul is the 2nd person of the trinity, and this human being experiences bodily death, but the soul continues is it accurate to say "he died". The fact that bodily death is not the same thing as destruction of the soul is a central tenant to Christianity.

>> No.21852991

>bodily death, but the soul continues is it accurate to say "he died"
retarded legalese copout

not that guy btw

>> No.21853016


How do you define death? Death of the body, destruction of the soul, or both? If you don't think the soul exists why are you posting in a thread for questions about Christianity?

>> No.21853029

It's just funny to me that Jesus' big sacrifice is apparently fucking nothing. People every day are tortured worse than he was. So he gets a lil torture, then it's business as usual. Kekaroo.

>> No.21853032

If the trinity says all three are the same, that means they can't be different. God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit cannot have differences. By dying, Jesus did a thing separate from the other aspects of the trinity.

>> No.21853069

thanks that's one of my main points but I'm too stupid to put it into words.

For Jesus's sacrifice (for his death) to mean anything, he must have lost something.

That loss, separates him from God and the Divine Spirit/Holy Ghost. They did not lose what Jesus lost.

>> No.21853641

You are wrong. Proclus elements refutes the trinity and no amount of mental gymnastics will change that.

>> No.21853663

Neoplatonists only ever refuted themselves through being extremely dumb.

>> No.21853667
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Here you go

>> No.21853728

god is tripartite and each part is wholly divine.

>> No.21854008

I disagree, but I’d like to know why you think the Elements doesn’t conceive of the Godhead as tripartite

>> No.21854023

This 2 posts are AI generated btw

>> No.21854391

Proposition 5: All multitude is posterior/secondary/subsequent to The One.

How do you reason regarding this? I understand the tripartite position, but the only way for Christian's to move forward is to dismantle the trinity and dissociate Jesus from the godhead. This seems to be the only coherent line of reasoning. I speculate that the earliest Christian's may have maintained this position.

>> No.21854442

You cannot explain the mystery of divino-humanity. Church fathers says God became human so that humans can become God. THis is of course a reality beyond words and rationality.

For the trinity, it's just what is revealed in the bible. God in Himself is the Father, the same God incarnated as the Son, and was sent as a Spirit to apostles and saints. It's distinctions in the bible : God in himself, God as incarnated, God as a sanctifying spirit. It doesn't mean any determination of the Godhead, since it has to do with the manifestation of God, his "external energies"

>> No.21854451

The Trinity only makes sense in Eternity. Whenever God acts in manifestation, the Holy Ghost, Father, and Son are all equally present. So there is no point trying to conceive how they could be separate from the point of view of manifestation. This is what most people can't get their head around.

>> No.21854502

that's the opposite. You're tritheist if you think God in himself have threee things and individuality in him. HIs essence is simple, but made complex in regard to manifestation, in it's point of view

>> No.21854517

Go to /his/, you dumb newfag.

>> No.21855792


>> No.21855825
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>Within the deep and luminous subsistence
>Of the High Light appeared to me three circles,
>Of threefold colour and of one dimension,
>And by the second seemed the first reflected
>As Iris is by Iris, and the third
>Seemed fire that equally from both is breathed.

>> No.21856284

>How is 1+1+1=1
It's more like 1*1*1

>> No.21856407
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The covid vaccine is a precursor to the mark of the beast.

>> No.21856416
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Fr. Savvas Agioritis did an exorcism on someone who became possessed by a demon after getting the covid vaccine. The demon confessed that the covid vaccine was created in a Masonic ritual and it has demons inside it.

>> No.21856422
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>> No.21856426
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>> No.21856435
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>> No.21856447
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>> No.21856450

based ortholarping retard

>> No.21856461
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Saint Paisios prophecied in the 1980s that there will come a vaccine which is a forerunner to the mark of the beast.

>> No.21856488
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>> No.21856571

A problem I struggle with christ bros is that this whole trinity thing basically reduces Jesus as nothing more that a videogame character that god controlled from heaven, no choice or decision was ever his, in my eyes it just devalues the sacrifice, I much preferred it when I thought he was a good boy that layed is life on the line for us…

>> No.21856648

Josephus corroborates miracles.

>> No.21856665

Jesus is fully God and fully Man. This is the mystery of the hypostatic union. It why Calvary is officiations and it is what makes salvation possible. As soon as the hypostatic union is denied, every part of Christianity crumbles.

>> No.21856675

These two are the only anons on /lit/ that read.