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/lit/ - Literature

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21852013 No.21852013 [Reply] [Original]

>it’s actually good

>> No.21852022
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>goyslop is good

Very convincing

>> No.21852024

None of those guys can write for shit

>> No.21852030 [DELETED] 
File: 365 KB, 569x606, oy vey BAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's only a couple of jews on the anthology

>> No.21852047

Buy an ad and go back to your discordnigger hole

>> No.21852130
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>> No.21852437

is the goyslop in the room with us now anon?

>> No.21852543

Can someone explain the 'Not My Problem' story to me in case I missed the point? I asked in a previous thread but got no reply. I read it as A guy borrows his friends car to go to a job interview and gets into a car accident. The end.

>> No.21852626
File: 33 KB, 800x600, choice-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm OP
I'm finishing the book now before I write my review. I probably made the judgment of 'good' a little too quickly. There is one story in the anthology near the beginning that I can tell will carry a substantial portion of the book, and it will depend now on whether the final story in the anthology is good enough to save the book overall. You're correct though, most of the writing here is very poor and composed with astounding hubris. I can't believe so many of you guys make fun of F. Gardner. There are writers easily worse than him in these pages. And not to get too detailed here, but the one story that stands out to me so far, is not just good, but truly great. A very real exhibition of /lit/'s very wide spectrum of talent.

>> No.21852641

I think the author may have been taking the wrong dosage of IJ (not enough (as opposed to too much (which causes symptoms different than found in Not My Problem))). There's this sort of limp attempt at diet-legalese and endnotes that tells me he probably never made it past the chapter about marijuana.

>> No.21852648

God damn I'm retarded, I didn't even notice the footnotes somehow. Fuck.

>> No.21852651

They literally provide zero context for the rest of the story. You have been double-duped.

>> No.21852659

Maybe—maybe—there are some laughless smiles the endnotes provide. I see what he meant to do, it just didn't work.

>> No.21852682

I haven't read it all but so far
>Traffic Stop
Pretty good but kind of corny writing. I was expecting some kind of explanation for the situation or the antagonists actions or motives that never came but maybe it's better that way.
>HMS Mariana
Solid. I liked it. I think he did well with the dialogue.
>Twin Candles
Pretty well written but not very interesting imo.
>KGB agents
Kind of boring and felt pointless. Probably would have been better if it was shorter.
I'm not op btw. Also I don't mean any disrespect to the writers. They're all better at writing than I am and I think it's great that they're getting stuff out there into the world.

>> No.21852727

Would you say KGB was more of a sci-fi suspense than a horror?

>> No.21852736

I'm OP so I'll highjack this question by answering No. KGB was certainly written in more the light of genre horror than science fiction.

>> No.21852768

So, I'm the author and I'll confess I've never really read horror. One Warhammer book which sucked and some HP Lovecraft. It's not familiar ground for me so I was trying to identify the short comings.

>> No.21852831

I think the characters and their interactions with each other were nicely done. It also made me have a couple cigarettes that I otherwise wouldn't have had since I ended up going out on the porch to read it so I could smoke. So your story quite literally moved me.

>> No.21852854

Again, I spoke too soon. The Nuclear Man is kino.
I'll provide a more comprehensive review shortly, but I will say that a great bulk of genre horror was directly inspired by and attempted for years to emulate Lovecraft, so your experience wasn't wasted. I will also say that the storytelling in KGB wasn't its shortcoming but moreso its prose, however don't bite my hand yet: I'm an enormous prose snob, and you still found yourself to beyond the eightieth percentile. More to come.

>> No.21852855

Yo it also made me smoke.

>> No.21852883

>Pretty well written but not very interesting imo.
Damn. It was my first time writing horror, so I'll take the compliment. If anyone has any feedback on this I'll happily take it. Working on something better for the next anthology.

>> No.21852885

Lmao I thought it would. I wrote the story right after my brother got me to smoke a pack partying with him.

>> No.21852888

Unbound is good as well. Going in for the kill now.

>> No.21852903
File: 68 KB, 604x457, stmpd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga live reading at the speed of light

>> No.21852961

Have any of you read any of Zulu Alitspas novels?

>> No.21852987

Modem Waves: Decent
Panther Pride: Bad
Savage Green: Kine except when its bad

>> No.21853031

I've not. I have The Savage Green here, which is in queue for review.

>> No.21853123

Yeah it's maybe pointless but I'm here anyway so I might as well share my process. I started the book lastnight and just finished it now. All in all I would have to say that I'm pleasantly surprised and perfectly delighted to see such a crazy spread of writing quality. Very reflective of my experience running &amp. This book honestly has /lit/'s very best as well as its very worst.

>> No.21853136

So Mr prose snob, can you start by commenting on Orwellian prose?

>> No.21853140

Its really not. But it could be. With more effort and submissions.

>> No.21853177

>running &amp
What is this? A literature zine or something? I'm interested

>> No.21853193

This all came together underneath a larger project. I had the idea for an homage to weird tales in October and set the submission deadline for January. We got 16 subs, took 13. This issue was put together by “Guy Hayes” and myself. The next issue with have a broader scope, more submissions, more hands, and more time(we’re to include poetry and Reviews just like Weird Tales did). The quality should see a jump or two.

I didn’t think the book had anything like the worst of /lit/. I was thankful for that. But it also did not have the best writing we put out.
Im glad to see serious interest this pulp revival and attempt to bring a new sort of life to contemporary weird fiction. I think we as a board can plant our flag here with the right direction.

Well do a big call for subs in May but we take submissions at UnrealPressAndPodcast@proton.me

The next volume should have 12-13 stories, 4-5 poems and 1-2 reviews. One round of edits for accepted stories to further shore up the quality.

>> No.21853275
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I'm not really here to speak to traditionally published authors but I guess I'll say that his shit is tight, clean, lucid, and clever. He's a reliable writer which means that I can count on him not to have subpar prose and therefore I can read his work without thinking about it.
Marianas alone is worth the price of admission, which is reasonable already. I mean it. A work of that caliber can negate a lot of bad. I know what you mean though, it could be better and in all likelihood will be better with your prescription.
checked. i make &amp, /lit/'s premier extant glossy iterary luxury periodical in A4.
this this this this this this
>he copyedits the work
godspeed you anon. i have an entire rant saved up within me regarding copyediting but I'll save it for another day. I genuinely enjoyed Tales № 1, and will of course read it again. It'll be my honor to contribute to the next one.

>> No.21853277

Also i have to commend you guys for the order in which these stories appear. It is the optimal sequence. It starts strong, and it ends strong.

>> No.21853338

Having also read most of the book (out of order) I agree with pretty much all of your takes and appreciate you pushing everyone towards higher quality

>> No.21853514

Is that an AI generated cover?

>> No.21853651

In a previous thread one of the editors said it was

>> No.21853702

Why the fuck would you do that if you were trying to recreate that pulp aesthetic?

>> No.21853719

when is amp 016 and the greatest hits issue gonna drop

>> No.21853852

I heard they found an artist last second.
Sixteen will drop in May. Greatest Hits Volume 1, I’m aiming for this summer.

>> No.21854636

>Marianas alone is worth the price of admission, which is reasonable already. I mean it. A work of that caliber can negate a lot of bad. I know what you mean though, it could be better and in all likelihood will be better with your prescription.
So what OP should have said was Marianas was good (I agree btw) but the publication considered as a while is lacking. I think it was worth the price too but when you say something is good you are saying it in the context of other things that are like it. Marianas is decent in the realm of weird short story, volume one of weird tales magazine is not good in the realm of weird fiction magazines... yet. Thats all Im trying to say.

>> No.21855051

Wasn't saying bad, was cool to see live reacts

>So what OP should have said was Marianas was good (I agree btw) but the publication considered as a while is lacking
He's not saying that at all. Sounds more like it's 1/3rd good or great, a third competent but not outstanding, and a third of it bad in his view.

>> No.21855109

Lol yeah copyediting takes a while. First you’re reading a novel’s worth of stories and then you’ve gotta make critical changes and explain those changes to the authors. The week or so I spent copyediting and doing the preliminary work for the cover (blessedly taken over by Guy), was a full time gig.

>> No.21855149


>> No.21855179

Are most editors also good writers? Writers who choose to edit others work in addition to writing their own stuff? It sees weird to me. Not so much in smaller passion project type things like Unreal but more so the editors for the big publishers. If imagine someone can't possibly be qualified to improve a writer's work without being proficient at writing themselves, in which case why would they choose to be editors to begin with instead of just writing? I have this pessimistic notion that a lot predictors are failed writers themselves that somehow play the role of improving the work of established, good writers which doesn't make sense to me. I also have nothing to base that idea on so I'm probably just an asshole. I don't understand it. Especially since it seems like it would be legitimate labor that could be grueling at times and probably often thankless. But again, I know very little about the industry side of things and the process of bringing a book from an idea in a writer's head to a finished product sitting on my shelf.

>> No.21855286
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>> No.21855333

You are right. There is no difference between one story being good and a whole publication, of which the story is a part, being good. Im sorry I am playing such useless word games.

>> No.21855378

I see that in the rest of his post. I only read the part he replied to me initially. I would disagree with that divide though. Its more like 1/4 were good, 1/4 were meh and the remaining 1/2 were bad. making 3/4 the publication "not good" in my opinion. If we want to talk "good for price point" then sure, its free digital. At that price gilded dog shit is "good for price point." I personally felt cheated out of time a little bit but that was the gamble when trying a new publication.

>> No.21855407

Not really, it's a different skill set. Editors are however more well-read, probably even more than most writers.

>> No.21855443

Yeah I’m only an editor incidentally. If I want a project to happen I can’t well dump off the grindwork, shit’ll never get done.
I don’t consider myself a failed writer because I still write. The only reason I didn’t have a story in this release is because my piece had a dogshit ending that I couldn’t fix, and the other things were total failures.
I’d say my editing skill actually lies in developmental editing, understanding the writer’s intentions and giving them feedback that assists in the realization of his vision. Copyediting is blah, I mean I read Strunk and White and wrote a bunch of research papers in college but English punctuation especially in fiction is a contentious subject and it chaps my ass to need to explain every touch here and there. But also there are enough egregious errors that some editing must be done, so there’s no easy line to draw between what is my responsibility to correct and what is an inexcusable infringement on authorial autonomy.

>> No.21855504

Nah Mariana was cool. Legit don’t remember which one wrote it though.

>> No.21855961

I will address this in a video outlining my disclaimers as a critic.
Yeah? Well. Listen here bub. I would have paid ten bucks just to read HMS Marianas, that's how much I enjoyed it.
redpilled take.

>> No.21856086

a project i work on has also made me an incidental editor/ copy editor

i'm more of a fan of a hands-off approach. if something is accepted into the larger project then it is accepted as is, warts and all. i very rarely fix anything other than clear typos -and even then- if there is any possible artistic reason for the error i leave it as is.

i think the main thing should be deciding on the tone of the publication as a whole. part of the appeal of a publication like the new yorker is in it's perfection and pristine copy. a publication like &amp works better with a more funky, free use of grammar and mechanics that reflects the pieces themselves.

unreal press is making a genuine attempt at being clean-cut with their publishing here. they aren't perfect, but they are approaching this in the most trad way of any /lit/ publication i've ever seen, and i gotta respect it

>> No.21856799

>of any /lit/ publication i've ever seen
Do you mind mentioning the names of any of the others? I'm just interested in checking them out.

>> No.21856814

Don't know if you're still in the thread anon but where did you get that image? Did you take it yourself? And if you did, what camera did you use?

>> No.21856992

so you’re the one handling the greatest hits project now? last I heard the anon curating it had said it was up in the air indefinitely

>> No.21857785
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will finish my review for Tales this weekend.
that photograph is a crop of a submission to &amp Magazine by a writer I'll call Weeaboo Jones.
i haven't heard from him lately, and the last time we spoke it sounded like he didn't have a lot of steam left for the project. i'm glad to helm it. or delegate that good ship to somebody else. i haven't even looked at any of the curation or work that he did, and I likely won't until it comes time to roll.

>> No.21858336
File: 144 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20230401-012452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I emailed you at the beginning of this month and earlier this week asking for the original copies of the entries I listed to include in the best-of but you haven't responded. I don't wanna be a fag and bitch in public, but doing it using text-rips from the PDFs is an insane pain in the ass. I emailed you the list of entries I plan to include, so get back to me with the copies if you seriously want to help out. I'm freed up now and looking to pick the project back up, but I don't want to have to manually transcribe/edit the dozens of entries to be included.

If you don't want to bother then say so. I wouldn't normally interact with this shit, but come on.

>> No.21858341

Oh yeah I'm retarded. I think I assumed you were somebody else because your email display name changed. My bad. I'll hook that up tomorrow. Just emailed you back.

>> No.21858375

Maybe it didn't change. I'm just down syndrome.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21858390

>Powered by GPT-4chan
um. alrighty then.

>> No.21858946


>> No.21859170

I don't usually read stuff from the last 50 years but the amount of praise this has received makes me curious enough to order it.

>> No.21859177
File: 44 KB, 500x765, Tales Penguin res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read it. I basically agree with OP's assessment. Some parts are just middling but some stories I could easily see being in a top tier issue of Weird Tales from 90 years ago.

>> No.21859185

That's a fucking nice cover if nothing else. So sick of artsy minimalist covers around here we need to retvrn

>> No.21859198

Agreed. Artsy covers are boring.

>> No.21859585

>Powered by
hi i'm a newfag, can someone explain what this is

>> No.21859679
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first time seeing it

>> No.21859686

I'm reading it atm and so long:

>Traffic Stop
I liked it. I didn't really get the meaning behind the tale but it was a bit unnerving, specially the dialog in the car.
>HMS Mariana
Very good. Most tales suffer from its limited length, resulting in two possible outcomes: the tale doesn't really develop any plot or story at all, just creates an ambience, or it starts getting very long and ends abruptly. I find HMS Mariana perfect because really feels like a tale, a short story which develops a perfect setting, narrative, beginning and end within the limits of the pages. Sure, the prose isn't perfect, and maybe we could have learned more about the "curse", but feels solid and polished. Nice.
>Twin Candles
Again, very good ambience but doesn't really happen nothing at all.
>KGB Agents from the Moon
To be honest, with all due respect to the author because I write pure shit compared with any writer in this anthology, I found this text poor. Felt rushed, with too many characters, tried to make a too big story in a tale (big mistake) and ended up with a lot of beginning which felt kinda promising, but ended in pure failure. Rushed and abrupt end. I didn't find it creepy, scary or unnerving. Felt a little bit unfinished.

>> No.21859785

April fools

>> No.21859840

Just out of curiosity, how did you discover the collection?

>> No.21859851

I actually enjoyed the fact that the curse remains a mystery. It really doesn't matter how it was birthed and I don't know how it could be satisfactorily explained without being contrived and hokey. That's not a call to action for yall to think of one though. At the end of the day having the "why" of the Weird in Weird tales be unknowable is a pillar of the genre. It's more about the "how do characters react to it".

>> No.21859991

Look at your calendar.

>> No.21860009

Nta but thanks guys and I'm happy to have that explanation. I don't know much about the technical side of the internet so as stupid as it may sound I was guessing it was from.a bit of code or something people were copy and pasting to make it appear just for trolling purposes so I wasn't entirely alarned but was a bit worried.

>> No.21860113
File: 392 KB, 640x384, Landscape_of_Gothic_castle_in_hell_lake_of_fire_style_of_90s_fantasy_3708242948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an editor but I did contribute to Tales No.1 (Unbound) and would appreciate anyone doing all the authors the solid of leaving an honest review. Tales No.2 is lining up to be bigger and better in my opinion.



>> No.21860151

>unreal foe no. 1 is invading an unreal thread

Very suspicious.

>> No.21860201

This is an amp thread sir

>> No.21860217

Attention seeking again. Typical

>> No.21860330

I wanted to checkout this &amp shit but can't find it by googling. Either I'm retarded or the damn thing is destined never to grow because it's like some secret club with restricted access. I would guess the name was a poor choice since it makes it less likely to turn up in search results anyways. I wish them luck though. I love to see people actually putting in the work necessary and getting stuff out into the world and it's something I'll always respect. Also I love the unreal press stuff.

>> No.21860340


>> No.21860440

Unreal is full of crabs in a bucket discord trannies who are too dumb to know what good writing looks like. Gardner mogs them. You should light that book on fire and buy a copy of Gardner’s latest kino.

>> No.21860458

I don't think you're changing anyone's mind about anything.

>> No.21860739

UNREAL ARMY...our longest enemy, is finally at the mercy of nothing but the Gods. He has lost and his crab in the bucket rhetoric is useless. For all who admire the unreal Brotherhood and all the allies who uphold the literary lifestyle. It's time to land the finishing blow on this hater....Unreal bros:


>> No.21860749


>> No.21860753

Im gonna rape whoever keeps doing this shit

>> No.21860756

As if he ever left

>> No.21860779

We are stronger than you, Frankophile. There is strength, in numbers.

>> No.21860821

Unreal Editor here. We stand with you. We may have differences, but together we are united as one alliance. No longer will we succumb to trash writing and haters. We all want one thing in this world, and that is a world of Literature. That is what we've been fighting for. So today, on this faithful day...I have only one thing to say.... time to be Unreal.

>> No.21860841
File: 67 KB, 749x461, 0C15CA87-C954-454A-B803-0239AFF77603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi. Gardner tried to help unreal and they told him to fuck off.

>> No.21860852

That’s just one guy, he’s overreacting if he thinks everyone hates him.

>> No.21860861

Disappointing. Not reading these guys.

>> No.21860867

>posting your own discord screenshots
You’re honestly beyond pathetic Frank.

>> No.21860871

EXPOSED. Chad F Gardner somehow always comes out on top. What a based retard.

>> No.21860882

Post screencap right now proving you're not samefagging as >>21860841. Right now otherwise we assume you are Frank,

>> No.21860894

If that's how you treat a fellow aspiring writer, I don't want to give a story. Doesn't mean much but still. Thats just a dick move

>> No.21860918

This is probably a stupid question but the anons that post here about how great Gardner's books are are trolling right? From what I can tell (from one of his books and his youtube videos) he's basically a joke.

>> No.21860922

You're not fooling anyone F

>> No.21860935

It’s literally just Frank himself.

>> No.21860963
File: 1.89 MB, 4032x3024, 1A7AFA19-5936-439C-86A9-DE4431C78B2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is doing this insane cringe posting. Im the only editor here
Check out these sick pulps btw
I want us to try a pulp revival over the next year or so, and this style of cover, to me, is peak. Ill try harder to emulate it for future issues.

None of the discord trsnnies itt are me or anyone who wrote a story, I imagine.

>> No.21860997

Unusual Anecdotes Vol. 1 coming soon guys

>> No.21861001

Where's the fukkin unreal press merch I need a shirt and a hat fukkk

>> No.21861019

I know a lot of these new books that go into the retro anthology horror genre have staffers that take pledge of allegiances to diversity and fill their books with woke nonsense throughout. Is this one of those books?

>> No.21861024

I don't have any involvement with the book beyond being someone who read it and no I wouldn't say that's true of this book at all.

>> No.21861025

It's a meme where you say how his gibberish filled books are parts of the western canon for the lolz and then people here lose their minds and accuse you of being F. Gardner.

>> No.21861027

Did Unreal press actually, act this way towards Gardener? I'm disappointed but not surprised to be honest. I always knew they were feuding but this is the nail in the coffin for me. Unsubscribing from their channel and never buying a book again from them. I'm going to have to sit down and contemplate this. I was a big fan but now I'm going to have to reconsider.

>> No.21861033

whens this shit gonna drop it’s been like a year dude

>> No.21861039

Can this be found at Barnes and Noble or is it amazon only?

>> No.21861045

>can this be found at Barnes and Noble

>> No.21861062

It can be found at Barnes & Noble. If someone accidentally leaves their copy there.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21861218

Checked. Ari’s a baby. I’ll do the fucking project man. Go to sleep.

>> No.21861228

Can I get a QRD on what happened?

>> No.21861248

kek, why’s he a baby? qrd

>> No.21861360

This thread is full of F Gardner samefagging and sabotaging our already thin reputations. I wouldn't take it to heart.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21861362

I think he’s talking about himself in the third person stupid

>> No.21861366

There are only three dudes in this thread spread across 38 IPs

>> No.21861367

nah it’s only 4pm, only babies take naps

>> No.21861369

and two of those dudes are Frank.

>> No.21861371

And they’re currently jerking eachother off.

>> No.21861393

three dudes is generous haha

>> No.21861514

What was 'Traffic Stop' about? Is it just a simple tale of a murderous cop abducting a man with the intentions of taking him somewhere to kill him or is there more beneath the surface that went over my head? I liked the story by I came away feeling like I missed something. I thought the ending in particular was great.

>> No.21861540

If you didn’t get it that’s because you’re a hylic.

>> No.21861543

So it's a blm fuck day police type of thing? Just as I suspected.

>> No.21861574

Maggots, maggots, maggots and bits of sick.

>> No.21861808

I’ll believe it when I see it. Which will be never

>> No.21862053

Join the discord and ask the author.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21862091

I attempted to join the discord but the invite code or w/e that an anon posted for me didn't work.

>> No.21862097

Go to the Unreal Press Podcast YouTube channel and use the link in the description of the latest video

>> No.21862256

Oh fuck yeah awesome. Thank you sir

>> No.21862291

See you there.