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21850200 No.21850200 [Reply] [Original]

And I'm tired of pretending I don't.

>> No.21850511


>> No.21850518

>max stirner
Read Ecclesiastes 4:4-8.

>> No.21850614
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No, I don’t think I will.

>> No.21850617

Oh he just like me fr

>> No.21850677

Hard work is good. Hard work enslaved to the American GDP cult is bad. Simple as.

>> No.21850788
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Based austrian bro. Why yes I do work hard on my own land to produce untaxable subsistence agriculture in a state with no property tax and poach deer as often as I can get away with it using a supressor spotlighting how could you tell?

>> No.21851011

...BEACUSE.... you just have to, ok?!?!?!?!?1?1

>> No.21851279

The main problem is all the crooks that have a strong grasp on everything. Every year more bullshit laws, more taxes, when will this end? When will people realize that going out in mass and acting like jackasses will solve nothing. The real answer is not to pay any tax in mass, or even if third of people decide not to pay the control structure would go into full panic mode. Unfortunately too many are brainwashed and must consume slop daily and would buckle at the slightest inconvenience or threat. Just like what happen two years ago with the culling syringe.

>> No.21851294

Except in actuality, you are a useful idiot, and literally everything you do except starve to death fuels the State.

>> No.21851295

Ecclesiastes in general is good but I don't think unsaved people can understand it desu.
>not kjv
I shiggy diggy.

>> No.21851308

Another reason to starve.

>> No.21851328
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Work isn't bad if you enjoy your work.

That doesn't mean you have to enjoy ALL of your work. You accept the bad with the good. Being free to accept a role means being free to accept duties that constrain you. Max libertarians don't understand this and just focus on negative freedom, the freedom that comes from not being enslaved or robbed, etc.

But being a father means not sleeping through the night for almost a year, cleaning up shit, playing stupid games of blocks after hardly sleeping, etc. It's a duty, and you can accept the role without loving every last duty. Just like you can want to get married even if it means you can't have sex with every woman you want.

The same thing applies at the level of the state. You can't be free if there are no laws and no social institutions because then your rights aren't defended and no one person can defend their rights against a mob. Building defense requires institutions.

Moreover, freedom means not being driven on by mere animal instinct and pleasure(Romans 7-8). You need development and rationality to be free.

The problem with modern work is that it is often not rewarding, but rather menial and poorly paid.

There is a lack of recognition that people need:
>Lack of adequate compensation = not being recognized as valuable, your employer can burn you out and grab another of millions to replace you if you balk, or ship the work to desperate people abroad. Also, without money you can't self-actualize your desires.
>Lack of meaning in work, particularly moral meaning.
>Lack of ownership and responsibility in work, being treated like a machine
>Lack of respect, having your dignity affronted.
>Lack of identification with your work. Doctors go to AMA conferences FOR fun, because talking shop is fun and they enjoy being a part of perfecting the trade. Most jobs lack such associations.

Good workplaces have people who work well because they want to work, like good relationships have people who don't want to cheat, not those who only avoid cheating because of incentives from punishment.

Modern work is shit because employers don't recognize employees as individuals. It's worse in the US where healthcare is tied to jobs because you are less free to leave or start your own projects too.

>> No.21851365
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Hence, members of the Greatest Generation who worked on the massive infrastructure projects of the New Deal as part of the WPA often expressed life long pride in that work. It was mostly hard manual labor and you lived like an enlisted soldier. They built a ton of neoclassical buildings, planted tons of trees, built tons of trails, etc.

Young men got shelter and food, but very little else. But they learned trades and got to be a part of some bigger goal with moral reasons for working. Hence, tons of nostalgia for that program. Unfortunately, attempts to revive it have been pretty weak, "the free market will do it better." IDK though, I never have heard an old person wax poetic about their time serving Walmart.

You see a similar thing with the draft.

But work becomes empty when you grind just to be an interchangeable cog in an institution where all the benefits of better outcomes will only ever get funneled to those at the very top. It's not even just the lack of economic incentives, people willingly go do manual labor abroad or join the Peace Corps, it's the lack of any recognition or social aspect.

I've had a few good jobs. Working in outdoor recreation/guiding was always great, with great people, even admin staff. Working in restaurants was toxic shit most of the time but I did work at two where it was a good social scene that kept people happy. Being an office cog drone was awful, retail even worse. Construction was ok, but I've heard horror stories of bad companies. Working in local government was a mixed bag of disgruntled union Boomers who only thought of themselves (suprisingly, or maybe not, the cops were a big one) and very good people to work with.

>> No.21851408

Guy on the right lives in bad faith. He only exists in opposition to wojak.

>> No.21851429

Good post

>> No.21852192

>unsaved people

>> No.21852954
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Wrong, here he is as a monkey.

>> No.21854350

not if i don't pay taxes

>> No.21854378

If you starve they'll use your death to justify raising taxes on everyone else to pay for programs (they will actually just pocket the money) and you will have increased the total amount of profit of the people you hate at no benefit to yourself.

>> No.21854385


>> No.21854390

why would i care if i get what i want without putting any effort in? not like i'm paying taxes
>Work isn't bad if you enjoy your work.
how could you possibly enjoy working at target or in a warehouse?

>> No.21854395

>Most jobs lack such associations.
Because most jobs are fundamentally uninteresting. The world needs more people doing tedious, awful jobs, not people who enjoy their work. It's why warehousing is understaffed and programming isn't. Most people will never get good jobs. Modern work is shit because real work (= uninteresting tedium) is shit, and work is what is needed, there's no way around it.

>> No.21854403

>Le marvel thanos stone disappearing in a meme meant to make fun of wagies and other retards
Genuinely laughable irony

>> No.21854435

>aising taxes on everyone else to pay for programs
>you will have increased the total amount of profit of the people you hate
how will their profit increase if i am not laboring for them? and also, who cares if their profit increases? i'm not so envious and resentful as to be angry at other people making money

>> No.21854583

It depends. If you check those forklift memes you'll see that working class folk believe working to death is a virtue by itself. On the other hand, a doctor could feel his job is meaningless because he feels he chose this profession doing what others expected from him or because he didn't become the best doctor and failed his ideal.
Enjoyment is subjective.

>> No.21854611
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Old news, nothing revelatory.