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File: 33 KB, 640x384, data98439175-01b54d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21845914 No.21845914 [Reply] [Original]

So KIRAC, a Dutch art collective famous for their video's messing with the art world, recently hooked Houellebecq into making a video portrait.

The catch is that they used a young Dutch girl to entice him for the interview. There is some footage where the lil goblin is busy plowing prime girl pussy (which blows my mind).

Anyways, he tried to block it via court but failed so it's ready to be shown. I honestly think this is going to expose Houellebecq for the nasty goblin that he actually is. The only option for him is to embrace it I think. Anyway, trailer here:

>> No.21845916

wtf why did he agree to this? lol

>> No.21845921

So he could fuck that Dutch pussy

>> No.21845922

Why did she agree to it? Gross.

>> No.21845925

>oh no im a disgusting grotesque looking freak and i get to bang young women because of my clout oh the horror
What a fucking hack. Dropped submission 50 pages in because the whole thing reeked of complete and utter limpdick pussification. Complete faggot.

>> No.21845927

I think he's such a coomer he just got enticed when he saw here. KIRAC has done this before in the Netherlands with a semi famous right-wing politician. The episode was called Honeypot, which in itself is a reference to the spy practice.

I mean just look at here profile:

Imagine a guy comes to you and says you're allowed to do anything that you want to/with her as long as you agree to it being documented and shared. I think Houellebecq is such a coomer degenerate because of his past that he just agreed. In his own words he was also mentally unstable at the time.

It contains an off-camera commentary by Ruitenbeek saying that Houellebecq had written to him saying that his honeymoon in Morocco had been called off after his wife had "spent a month booking prostitutes".

Afterwards post-nut clarity hit like a motherfucker and he realised what he had actually done.

>> No.21845928

>fuck women
>you're le faggot!

>> No.21845932

I wish I had a clue, I think they are literally mindbroken. They have a whole harem and clubhouse as well:

>> No.21845935

He's ashamed of fucking women, so he is a faggot, yes.

>> No.21845937

So funny

>> No.21845947

You unironically have more sexual value if you're an ugly bastard than if you're average. Also, he's famous

>> No.21845948

>He's ashamed of fucking women
he's not

>> No.21845953

Surprised I was ever able to believe there was a "point" to the KIRAC stuff
All they do is try to shock

>> No.21845956

If the goal of art is to instill emotion they succeed, I'm both flabbergasted, jelly and amazed at the same time.

>> No.21845963

>spend your life arranging for more famous men to have sex with girls you've met
>somehow think this is a win
hahahahaha what are you dutch like hahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.21845964

I'm only disappointed that he tried to sue.

>> No.21845966

he tried to sue because they didn't respect the original narrative of the film. they did him dirty.

>> No.21845970

I hope he sees this bro.

>> No.21845971

pretty generic euro trash and she's a mother. gross.

>> No.21845972

Nah, he tried to sue because he realised he's coming of as a nasty fuck goblin and his clique probably don't like to be associated with him. It's one thing to condone it and know of it, but it's a whole different thing if it's there out in the open.

>> No.21845973

reddit reply

>> No.21845976

>he tried to sue because he realised he's coming of as a nasty fuck goblin
yea, because he didn't agree to be portrayed like that. that's not the deal he agreed to.

>> No.21845983

Regardless, suing and losing is extremely embarrassing and the subject matter exacerbates it.

>> No.21845985

It’s not taboo in France where Sade is considered a national treasure and Muslim women are considered evil for not wanting to be naked

>> No.21845989

it is with the clique he's associated with. The same thing happened in the Netherlands. KIRAC knows how to play the game.

He signed a contract and he lost all lawsuits. It's gonna happen

>> No.21845991

you dont know what he agreed to stop lying dickhead, unless you can show me a contract dumbass

>> No.21845997

it's all over the French press, you stupid nigger.

>> No.21845998

Shocking alone is not art or else flashing people would be art. Good art should leave an emotional impression but an emotional impression per se doesn’t make something art

>> No.21846004

What clique? His writing is consistently pornographic, writers associated with him surely aren’t moralists

>> No.21846007

no, it isnt. Youre coming off ass very dumb because you are defending a man who already lost a court case! you idiot! clearly he was not deceived, it was all contractually agreed upon. fucking frog idiot

>> No.21846012
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What is wrong with western europeans?

>> No.21846014

For me, watching Houellebecq having sex with a pretty Dutch teen is the epitome of art. Beauty and filth intermingled, both corrupting each other.

>> No.21846016

America is just as degenerate, albeit it’s typically famous women who are pimped out. And Russia is the child porn capital of the world

>> No.21846018

lol no

>> No.21846021

Is this the man-made horrors olympics?

>> No.21846022

he was literally deceived, you stupid limey faggot. you have no clue what you're talking about. he lost on a technicality, you inbred bastard.

>> No.21846023

Legitimately, KIRAC's portrait of Stefan Simchowitz the art collector has artistic merit, and could pass as a solid student film. The problem with their stuff is it lacks an inner core. After that recent episode where it was just Tarik larping as a pimp the whole time while he insults people (the 'Canceled' episode I think), I stopped watching. The only other one with slight merit was when they confronted the gallery on protest art and told them it was nonsense, then got kicked out. The others are nothing.

But anyway clearly KIRAC has found their audience, people who enjoy the "scandal" of watching old writers have sex, and young girls put vegetables up their asshole. They can be De Sade if they want, that sort of crap always makes a stir.

>> No.21846025

It’s just porn, plenty of pornography features similar.

>> No.21846030
File: 431 KB, 900x549, 2202f3f9f0_Screen_Shot_2018-04-29_at_12.08.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did he fuck this chick from KIRAC? I would

>> No.21846033

nah, he fucked some barn animal. some eurotrash dutchie who's a mother.

>> No.21846034

So, technically he was not deceived. He is just a dumbass who decided to embarrass himself further by getting litigious in a case with no foundation. Do you know what a contract is you arab mongrel?

>> No.21846044

he was very much deceived you filthy backstabbing foreskineating kike. you have no idea what you're talking about. if I tell you to go fuck your mother, do I mean that literallyor figuratively? that's the level of deception he was subjected to.

>> No.21846048

upper class French people. fiction is different from reality.

>> No.21846051

It is porn but good porn that is genuine, interesting and impactful is rare. Would've been better if she was a virgin. But you know that it's good if Houellebecq is suing.

>> No.21846053

>he was very much deceived
not according to the LAW dipshit. Take your semantics and shove them up your baguette filled ass faggot.

>> No.21846056

>His wife had spent an entire month arranging prostitutes

>> No.21846058

that's not the law. are you going to defend kikery and deception? next thing you'll get your penis mutilated and a stupid little hat. legal ambiguity is where the foreskin eaters dwell and bathe every single day.

>> No.21846060

isn't this the same as girlsdoporn? and everyone was cheering for the guys who made that

>> No.21846062

He fucks 4 women in the movie. The one they posted on instagram was cute.

>> No.21846065

reddit reply

>> No.21846070

Grow up you low IQ plebian. The law is a function of power. The weak should fear the strong, and those that can be deceived should be. Law is power, your impotent rage at institutions of control is pitiful. It's funny to me. Keep screeching all you want but the court will nevertheless squash you like a bug.

>> No.21846077
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You would.

>> No.21846080

Arranging prostitutes for him or for herself?

>> No.21846085
File: 1018 KB, 890x1014, 92492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no tits. literally no tits.
i don't like men. thank you.
all yours.

>> No.21846088

Those are all fancy words for voyeurism in this context

>> No.21846090

Whatever you say, Schlomo. Go suck some infant's blood while chanting Hebrew or something.

>> No.21846094

>no tits
They're just a little saggy from having a kid, retard. On her back you won't notice and for a 70 year old goblin like Houellebecq she's prime. You would.

>> No.21846100

she's a malnourished skank. pregnancy makes tits look shapely and large on healthy females. I would? Yes, I would sell her to slavery upon first sight. so much for the dutch!

>> No.21846102

So what was the agreement.
Did the offer him an interview and used the chance to humiliate him? What is his excuse for allowing to be filmed?

It's hard to feel sympathetic when it looks like he was just trying to get pussy for old rope and is now embarrassed by it.

>> No.21846104

She's not a mother

The other infamous one is this girl:

Which author would you love to see honeypotted? Imagine Cormac McCarthy lol

>> No.21846107

corncob is a fucking ghoul

>> No.21846110

>pregnancy makes tits look shapely and large on healthy females
Pregnancy, retard. What do you think happens to those tits after they've been blown up with milk for a year and a half?

>> No.21846112

now that one is cute AND she has tits. I would fuck this one. lucky Michel!

>> No.21846113

>Which author would you love to see honeypotted?
Stephen King or Sally Rooney.

>> No.21846114

she's not a mother, retard. we were wrong. she has ugly excuses for tits. not even pregnancy lmao

>> No.21846115

>t. hasn't seen Honeypot

>> No.21846117

>Which author would you love to see honeypotted?
jk rowling. what a mommy!

>> No.21846118

>we were wrong
I was going off of your information, retard. Odds are you're an incel anyway.

>> No.21846119
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>Having sex is le dirty

>> No.21846121

I love voyeurism. And I thought about this exact thing before writing my previous reply. Would've it been even better were she a virgin AND they didn't know they were being recorded? Would it be more genuine? But I felt that the presence of a camera doesn't necessarily take away from the realness, as for you to be okay with a camera recording you having sex is equally revealing. It tells a lot about you.

With pornography, I have felt stronger and more real emotions expressed by the actress or model in their shying away from the camera, their reluctance, and the tension that this creates. In this tension more of ourselves is revealed. A camera would not be an obstacle here, but that which enables revelation.

>> No.21846122

I simply have beauty preferences. Odds are you're projecting anyway.

>> No.21846124

lol dyel faggot

>> No.21846127

Spoken like a true jaleous virgin

>> No.21846128

>trying to impress strangers on the internet by announcing who you would and wouldn't fuck
Sure, incel.

>> No.21846140

Jealous of what? I'm a very generous man. Literally saying 'all yours.' I prefer this chick >>21846104

>> No.21846143
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>> No.21846146

huh? they replied to me, I didn't try to impress anyone. are you a tranny and you think she looks like you or something? only troons think like that.

>> No.21846147

They don't even have one video with half a million views.

>> No.21846149

jewish victory

>> No.21846157

They were going to use a body double?

>> No.21846158
File: 86 KB, 450x678, nasx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be number 4.
Shhh, no one cares who you would or wouldn't fuck. Yes, the girl in pic-related is fucking nasty.

>> No.21846164

this faggot does
else he wouldn't have replied. is that the other chick btw? yea, she's gross. even worse than the titless whore.

>> No.21846166

>I love voyeurism

Yes most porn consumers do, that’s the point of porn

>> No.21846167

I assure you no one cares. Go away, newfag.

>> No.21846173

She has an onlyfans, I think some anon here actually shared some stuff of hers. She was, may Allah forgive me, doing anal training

>> No.21846174

>With pornography, I have felt stronger and more real emotions expressed by the actress or model in their shying away from the camera, their reluctance, and the tension that this creates. In this tension more of ourselves is revealed. A camera would not be an obstacle here, but that which enables revelation.
Imagine being this much of a pretentious pseud when it comes to what you jerk off to.

>> No.21846179

fuck off, tranny. i'll say whatever I want. keep replying

>> No.21846182

First you could argue it wasn't clear cut; I think all the shots where you see his face is without his genitals and the shots of his genitals are without his face. You could argue they faked it by editing, but seeing as he sued them he basically confirmed it's him. Kinda like the Streisand effect, I legit think KIRAC counted on him suing, exposing the hypocrite he is and how much of a coomer mentality he has. I mean, just look at his wife I can't blame him though

>> No.21846186

what's wrong with his wife? and how is he a hypocrite?

>> No.21846198

His whole schtick is that the meaning of life is just be as much of a shameless sick and sexual freak as you can and now when his commercial for it shows it as repulsive for him to be doing, he claims it is immoral to show him that way

>> No.21846203
File: 577 KB, 640x640, Rembrandt Girl with the Radish Earring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just release it already you fucking kikes, so I can fap to ass radish again.

>> No.21846205

I think if they do they should censor the woman and blur her out

>> No.21846207
File: 94 KB, 629x420, ESER5WaWkAAtIYz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's literally the deity of incels

>> No.21846210
File: 31 KB, 409x393, 1343290819980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was, may Allah forgive me, doing anal training
Top 10 /lit/ sentences

>> No.21846216
File: 128 KB, 1138x810, radish is good for your health.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>censoring the best parts

Fuck off to Japan, dweeb

>> No.21846223

Looool I don’t watch porn I think it’s gross but I think that would make more sense in this context.

>> No.21846229

Revenge is a radish best served cold.

>> No.21846231

based houellebecq, fuck every faggot itt

>> No.21846234

No one cares.

>> No.21846236
File: 328 KB, 450x450, lit radish girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you dont watch it, then how do you know its gross?

>> No.21846237

i know this term gets thrown around a lot, but unironically: they're projecting

>> No.21846243

It’s gross to put something that should be intimate on public display, making out in public is also gross

>> No.21846245

I don't get that. I've read 3 of his books and all the MCs have a lot of sex with multiple women. He portrays sexuality as a diversionary and spiritually empty distraction for the most part but it's not like the majority of his work concerns pathetic losers who can't get laid.

>> No.21846248

I took that screenshot and I intentionally cropped so you can't see her ass.

>> No.21846250

He depicts the incel worldview however

>> No.21846252

I hope he embraces it after the film comes out, basically just saying fuck it and embrace his fuck goblin lifestyle.

I mean:
"Twenty years later in Submission, still consumed by the sexual apocalypse, he offered the Islamic takeover of France as an ironic solution to Western decadence. In the end, the novel’s protagonist, who has lost all pleasure in sex and thus his will to live, submits to Islam because it promises a harem. Polygamy is as close as he can get to the possibility of having a normal loving family life, which is what he really wants in spite of himself."

Maybe he doesn't fuck her and just cries, who knows. That would suit his own message more lol

>> No.21846255

He's a deity because he transcended the incel. Just look God he is both: virgin and a sex-fiend. It is a very tense situation. It feels like he can't be honest about himself, thus drifting in this limbo.

>> No.21846256

I don't see it.

>> No.21846266

Sexual nihilism is the incel worldview: sex with prime teen pussy etc is ALL that matters in life but is simultaneously empty and bad (and this is the sour grapes aspect). Incels see sex as all they really want but their inability to have it also forces them to cope by saying it is unfulfilling and hollow

>> No.21846267

I feel like a significant portion of that book went over my head because I'm not familiar with Huysmans. There's probably a parallel there beyond the irony that's spelled out in the text (i.e. Huysmans religious conversion and the MC's pilgrimage to the church near the end).

>> No.21846274

I thought there was more to it than that. It seems like a pretty shallow read that misses how such interacts with neoliberal ideology/superficial traditionalism/hedonistic pseudo-spirituality and the destruction of traditional relationships. (See if you can guess which three books I read based on that).

>> No.21846284

Submission but there is not traditional relationship being destroyed for him. It doesn’t exist in his work. To say it is disappearing is one thing but to say it doesn’t exist is deliberate nihilism. Most Muslims have monogamous and traditional marriages, even historically. Every wife requires a different domicile, they don’t live together in a harem, which relates to concubines (an expensive luxury for those who are either very wealthy or warriors). He precludes traditional family because really incels would prefer a harem of prime teen pussy, that’s their yearning but they dress it up to be socially acceptable

>> No.21846286

>neoliberal ideology/superficial traditionalism/hedonistic pseudo-spirituality
Serotonin/Submission/Atomised. The conversion of the MC at the end is meant to be ironic.

>> No.21846305





I would

>> No.21846315

Of course, but that doesn’t mean much

>> No.21846322

That's one way to make sure your face is unforgettable.

>> No.21846326

This is completely in-line with the character he's presented of himself, I have no idea why he's not leaning into it. A strategic blunder for sure.

>> No.21846332

>this is going to expose Houellebecq for the nasty goblin that he actually is
he's never tried to be anything else

>> No.21846334

because >>21846266

>> No.21846338

All people love voyeurism.
What? It's called having good taste and understanding what actually makes something arousing. No one should care for cow-boobed pornslop. That exact moment when a girl realizes just how much she's sexualizing herself during a try on haul -- this is better than porn, to me.

>> No.21846348

Having sex, then suing is more in-line. And anyway it would've been pathetic if he just let it go without suing.

>> No.21846350

You're a creepy autist who somehow made a post about fapping into a pretentious sperg. /lit/ is know for pseuds but you take it to a new level.

>> No.21846353

Yes, you're right. KIRAC are essentially trying to prank the court jester here.

>> No.21846368

Of he'd owned it, then I'd understand. But the lawsuit clearly shows he can't live up to his ideal.
If he'd said I am what I am y'all can go fuck yourself, then maybe id retain some respect for the man, but as it is he just comes off as pathetic.

>> No.21846378

You are just too sexually frustrated and neurotic to understand what I'm saying.

>> No.21846404

I'm starting to view Westernshits as inferior.
They industrialize and curse the entire world with the technological-industrial order and global market economy.
They are licentious hypocrites, on average, who have no real deep interest in anything besides number crunching, destroying traditional orders, sex, and other soulless endeavors.
They open their borders during a time of war and then whine and complain when there's a flood of unruly rapefugees.
They scapegoat endless minorities and paradoxically become like Jews in their futile attempt to stabilize.
They act like they're interested in giving others a voice, but they only select those who fit into either the extreme far left or far right camp; the dialectic is controlled from the start.
They act like they care for peace, but NATO is the most aggressive force in this world.
I don't like modern China, but they are far preferable to America and Europe.
Also, I don't like Islam either, and if I were a part of religion, I would do everything in my power to bar Westernshits from converting into it.

>> No.21846409

I forgot to mention the endless deluge of sexpats too around the world, their number 1 export.

>> No.21846482

>You are just too sexually frustrated and neurotic to understand
From the guy describing to strangers, in creepily pretentious detail, what porn he likes to jerk off to? Kek.

>> No.21846492

You would agree if you'd listen

>> No.21846533

Yeah and jews are leading

>> No.21846537

Blah blah, who cares

>> No.21846556

Unlike your degenerate self, I prefer non-sexual passions and interests in life.
Honestly, I think you would have been better off as a peasant or slave in during this lifetime. I am undeniably superior to you in all regards (e.g., better tastes in literature, more inspired mind, etc.) A single moment of suffering from me is worth lifetimes of pain from trash like you. Now go fuck around some more as I engage in more meaningful tasks.

>> No.21846562

Sex is not dirty
Thats why I never take a shower or wash my hands after sex or masturbation

>> No.21846585

Every deranged famous man has had deranged sexually loose women around him
Painters had hookers and loose women
Mason and that other cult that offered sex had loyal hoes too
This ugly motherfucker that runs Kirac has these BPD art hoes
God I hate women so much
And I hate even more these deranged perverts and how we just let them roam the streets
In more serious times this greasy guy behind the camera would be put in an insane asylum
These motherfuckers at this "collective" think they are so innovative mixing high art with whoriness
Their lives would be better wasted by smoking crack
Theyre a sign of the times in the end, and nothing new at the same time
The only new thing abiut our time is that there isnt an opposite moralizing force to counterbalance that, the only moral force in the west is wokeism and it is pretty degenerate by itself

>> No.21846597

>this is going to expose Houellebecq for the nasty goblin that he actually is.
if he didn't want everyone to know that he's a nasty goblin, he shouldn't have written all those books.

>> No.21846604

>Houellebecq is le thought criminal
>he must be made an example of
>so we are going to send him several young women to fuck, and everyone will see him fucking them!
>::evil jewish laughter::
I am also a thought criminal, when do I get my sluts delivered?

>> No.21846648


>> No.21846651


>> No.21846702

>man had sex
>stop the presses
who the fuck cares especially if you are a peak coomer fic frog author

>> No.21846750

why would he try to stop it?
he's a man, he fucked a hot young chick
if I were him I'd want the world to know, who gives a fuck

>> No.21846772

Porn is a disease, voyeurism is a disease. Privacy and intimacy are far more valuable, values lost on a society of publicity and exhibitionism, values lost on coomers like you

>> No.21846794

These ugly duchesses are nothing compared to Eden Ivy, a real française deserving of monsieur H.’s bite

>> No.21846798

He (mistakenly) believes he has dignity to lose, you are already aware you have zero dignity, that’s the difference

>> No.21846839

>I hope he embraces it after the film comes out
he really should. bitch move not to imo. if he wants to retain his integrity, he has to own up to it. he was in amsterdam anyway, that's not illegal. but they might have set him up and distorted things and framed him and called it "art". "artists" these days are just seething, resentful jerks

>> No.21846841

all this dignity he's losing by plowing hot chicks 1/4th his age

>> No.21846852

Belonging to the American Empire for more than 50 years.
People go on about the depraved western Europeans when half of this stuff is directly imported from America.

>> No.21846868

This feels surreal

>> No.21846892

you are such a pseud lol

>> No.21846908

If he lived in a norse society he could legally kill them

>> No.21846912

Shock is barely an emotion. Also, this is not art. If you think so you might aswell be one of the retarded urinalheads and say everything is art.

>> No.21846915

Holy shit is that an adult man wanting to FUVK?


>> No.21846923

Shouldn't it be Hitlerman or chudman or something?

>> No.21846930

Autistic anons generally post drama like this, was re the most politically radicalised (if they are stupid,) and tend also to be transsexual... so maybe not.

>> No.21846931

Houellebecq's only mistake was not getting blackmailed by the Mossad and their cunny service.

>> No.21846934

>Showing my nude body is le art
It makes me sick that this girls are just being whores and we are supposed to agree that that's art. All kind of sex work should be a penal offence

>> No.21846935

Maybe what he did was too graphic to blackmail him with.

>> No.21846937

Michel took one for the team... I am becoming an asexual ... volcel... Nofap... Except when I fuck my gf...

>> No.21846950

Publicly having sex with anyone is a loss of dignity just like masturbating publicly is. That fact that she is much younger than him doesn’t augment especially as it is not a testament to his health or vigor but just an exercise meant to illustrate how shameless and vulgar he is

>> No.21847093

No nobel prize now.

>> No.21847120

I bet her voice sounds like milk.

>> No.21847136

This image just cured my porn addiction

>> No.21847147

Take a look sometime at the face of a dog who’s just had sex. He just stares into space with strangely empty eyes. It’s exactly the same with people – in the beginning they work themselves up into a frenzy, and in the end there’s nothing at all.

>> No.21847158
File: 288 KB, 414x471, Ff8zQX9XoAEvfK3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21847159
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate unhinge leftists so much, man. I hate regular leftists too, but they don't make me recoil as much as the unhinge ones. If I ever became a dictator, I'd kill every single one of them.

>> No.21847172

KIRAC isn't leftist

>> No.21847177

Agreed. You think Kiraq could get in touch with her and let Nabe or Zemmour piss on those pretty thick lips?

>> No.21847188

Anti-nomians are inherently leftists.

>> No.21847198

>author had sex with people
>this is somehow bad

>> No.21847206

t. reddit

>> No.21847242

It's literally over for him

>> No.21847250

Sex is trash. People who obsess about sex should be executed, and their money and assets should go to me. I live a far more meaningful life than them, so it's only fair.

>> No.21847260

>They act like they're interested in giving others a voice, but they only select those who fit into either the extreme far left or far right camp; the dialectic is controlled from the start.

>> No.21847369

Imagine falling for the oldest trick in the world

>> No.21847376


>> No.21847652

omne animal post coitum triste est sive gallus et mulier

>> No.21847673

It's contrarian. In 2005 they would have been libtards complaining about colonialism in art galleries.

>> No.21847747

Might be worth checking out velleman's essay "The Genesis of Shame" which, while analytic and liberal, does a nice job tying privacy and shame together in interesting ways.

>> No.21847999

i don't get it. why are they releasing a video of him having sex if he doesn't want it to be released? aren't there laws against revenge porn? also do Dutch ppl not need to work or something? like how is KIRAC supporting itself with this shit? this shit pisses me off but also makes me wish i lived in a country where i didn't have to work and could just pursue useless interests like this

>> No.21848002

you do care

>> No.21848048

>this shit pisses me off but also makes me wish i lived in a country where i didn't have to work and could just pursue useless interests like this
the european union baby. frolicking in the ruins of social democracy. come home white man

>> No.21848129

The military of Europe is supplied or funded by America so that budget goes to handouts for this sort of thing

>> No.21848183

Do you have a single source to back that up?

>> No.21848214

so if i moved there i could pursue writing without having to work?

>> No.21848217

No, they have to pay the nato 2% every year.

>> No.21848290

sort of, but the "work" that goes into constant begging for stipends and grants will wear you down as much as any manual service labour. during the cold war it was much easier to just flop around on the dole or get government monies from various schemes

non-EU, but i have heard that norwegian libraries are mandated by law to buy every new piece of domestic literature, securing every author a small but non insubstantial income

>> No.21848378

Literally a bodily finction, just like eating or defecating. Are you ashamed of grabbing a burger and shitting it out few hours later? Not saying that you should necessarily flaunt it in public, out of courtesy for others who migtht not be thrilled by sights and smells but thats it.
If you`re offended by the fact that Mr H. is putting his appendage into a meat hole, you dont have to watch it, just pretend it didn`t happen and simply concentrate on the contents of his books. You know, separating the artist from his art and all that.

>> No.21848385

>Mr H.
What has Hitler to do with this?

>> No.21848392

>liberals when old white man has sex with young white woman
>liberals when they see young white woman fuck a nigger

>> No.21848402

It does offend me deeply, and I would rather whip him and her both in public.

>> No.21848404

When you pull yourself from that euphoric state of love, where you can forget everything and every pretentious rule and explanation is meaningless, our sexuality and arousal still persists. And I can only call you repressed because you won't elaborate on how these function. If it is not the tension, then what?

>> No.21848406

She looks like she stinks.

>> No.21848414

>If it is not the tension, then what?
The pull of the Demiurge.

>> No.21848494

I find it equally disgusting when people express an unashamed lust for food.

>> No.21848502

You must be great at parties.

>> No.21848515

Food food all the food! God, I'm such a foodie!!

>> No.21848726
File: 1.88 MB, 2120x3000, whoresome elven family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokes on him, I only jerk off to anime, thus denying him the fresh slaves that could be brought about by actual sex.

>> No.21848762

Since when are judges based

>> No.21848847

>french guy likes to fuck

>> No.21848892

Did she cum?

>> No.21848921

t. reddit

>> No.21848959


>> No.21848975

>expose Houellebecq for the nasty goblin that he actually is
Or you could read his books. It's not like he ever tried to hide it (and I like most of his books).

>> No.21849013


>> No.21849232

>pretenious pseud telling strangers about what porn he likes
No one listens to a creep and you aren't smart enough to sell anyone via your pretensions.

>> No.21849323

When new and oldfags collide.

>> No.21849586

Pretty sad loss for incel community. The big literary sufferer who is supposed to be the voice for the crushed, tormented, broken people is just another faker making money over monetizing people's despondency using as themes without participating in this world himself. A hustler, a pornstar who chases vagina, a poser and a fraudster.

I think this is why he wanted this thing to be hidden too, normies would not be able to understand this, for them showing their dicks on cameras and pissing in public are sources of pride. Not for the sensitive real nigga type that he is or was before he lost OG status by shooting porno.

>> No.21849621

He is having sex and you think that's antithetical to his work? Have you read anything by him? Fucking hell

>> No.21849654

He is down in the list of pornstars that I want to read, I am reading Sasha Grey at the moment.

>> No.21849668

Go back to Twitter fuckhead

>> No.21849718

Calm down asshole there is no reason for you to act like you know anything with your simpleton brain and aggress against me. There is a reason why he didn't want this to be known, in your simpleton mind he shouldn't have even tried to prevent this from spreading and sue them because after all it's le just sex. That is the limit of your world.

>> No.21849772
File: 52 KB, 623x786, E5GFf4FWQAIHuS4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sex is JUST like eating a burger! It is a bodily function and it's fricking fun! So when other men fuck my wife it's *just* like her eating different burgers, why would I be angry at that!

>> No.21850043

It's not. Not generally. And not in the way KIRAC used it.

>> No.21850054

Everybody already knew Houellebecq was a total goblin, come on now. Just look at him.

>> No.21850066

Can't believe I used to look up to this guy as a kid. I thought he was just like me. Fuck you Houellebecq.

>> No.21850075

I know an old French lady who knew him back in the day, she says he's always been a phony

>> No.21850086

Most incels don’t want anything but a collection of teen pussy, they’d settle for sex bots if they could. They’re broken from life not being like porn more than actual celibacy

>> No.21850117

why would he try to hide he's a sexual goblin if he just went on red scare? i really don't think he appreciate dasha and anna's intellect.
maybe it's all part of the plot. maybe the joke are on u guys, whining and booing or cheering this.

>> No.21850235

>in your simpleton mind he shouldn't have even tried to prevent this from spreading and sue them because after all it's le just sex. That is the limit of your world.
Hypocritical response. No in my world, as you put it, Michel is already supremely disgusting so nothing can taint his image.

>> No.21850704


>> No.21850878

Just remember, forever, that life is like porn for some people. Just not you.

>> No.21850888

Have sex incel

>> No.21850902

> If the goal of art is to instill emotion they succeed,
It’s not. If this was an actual goal you would only need 4chan posts anout how great Hitler is and how much cunny anons want to fuck babies to outdo all contemporary art ever produced. Artfags want to “shock” people with the same limpduck nonsense they’ve been using for more than half a century. It’s like they believe they live in 1950 and they can really stick it to The Man by showing people having LE SEX and talking about LE VAGINA. Fetch my fucking fainting couch.

Anything truly abhorrent and shocking to art hoe liberalism would not even be allowed in an art context. A Wyatt Mann should be their hero.

>> No.21850987

Pornography really is disgusting.
Exactly. These people just like to larp like they are still in 1968.

>> No.21851014

Just watched this episode tonight, what a coincidence

>> No.21851034

KIRAC are an amateur film collective doing art scene documentaries
How do you think they would get press *besides* doing shock garbage?

Until recently, that seems to have been their M.O.
However, lately it seems almost all shock shit. Really Kate is the only one who cares about art.

>> No.21851095

She's right and you're a normalfag nigger

>> No.21851316

It's crazy. He's old famous and rich. He shouldn't care about anything at this point but here he is acting like a little bitch

>> No.21851479

Is this a samefag? Who keeps having these sentiments lmao. Wrap it up.

>> No.21851513
File: 72 KB, 640x480, D8AE6984-27AA-47A4-A162-963507708EB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> How do you think they would get press *besides* doing shock garbage?
But it’s not “shocking”. It’s completely within the same playground art has been shitting in for 70 fucking years. It’s titillating, it’s using the celebrity angle, but that’s not “shocking”, it’s what a daytime soap does for views or what you find on the gossip rag front cover. If that fits your definition of art and shock the GORDON RAMSEY SEX MIDGET EATEN BY BADGER front page should be in the Louvre.

You see the real problem is that they’re enabled by the media arm of “art” that pretends this shit is radical and shocking just like you do. It’s the kayfabe of pretentious retards who control the culture pages. They gather around to ooh and aah over the same repetitious garbage that’s been done to death and pretend it still has value because someone somewhere wrote “this is dumb”. Then they gather around and point and say “see WE’RE STILL CHALLENGING THE SYSTEM WE STILL GOT IT”.

>> No.21851591

>All kind of sex work should be a penal offence

Let me guess, you are an incel?

>> No.21851605
File: 317 KB, 625x1000, tsk-amazon-1000-625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish we had anything like that in Canada, I'm a unique person in this country, for sure, but there are no hip or cool art groups here. There is pretty much zero organic art in Canada that isn't 100% pozzed. Like even book clubs here open their meetings with land acknowledgements, it's insane!

>> No.21851613

People only pay attention to shock or celebrities, if you are just some nobody who does art, nobody cares! Even in art spaces there are so many rules now, and everyone is right up their own asses about equity, social justice, land back, all that shit is in art spaces.

>> No.21851617

I bet my sex tape is better than Houellebecq, and the girl did it willingly without being paid. God, imagine giving this old goblin hack attention when there's a Jason Bryan in the world.

>> No.21851621

I'm not pretending it's radical
/lit/ has posted about that bitch putting a radish in her ass to death
Do you think most people ITT would even talk about KIRAC otherwise?
Would anyone care about KIRAC, if they were only about art?

The answer is no.
More radishes in assholes = more people talking about it
More people talking about it = More exposure
More exposure = More money, publicity, and success

From the way you talk, you probably haven't even watched their videos, otherwise you would understand what they're doing. Originally they were mostly all art discussion. Over time, they've become more click bait-y, more shock-focused, because they are self-funded, and would probably die otherwise

>> No.21851757

>The catch is that they used a young Dutch girl to entice him for the interview. There is some footage where the lil goblin is busy plowing prime girl pussy (which blows my mind).
Women being whores blows your mind?

>> No.21851907

I better put a radish in my ass before Gardner beats me to it and gets more clicks!

>> No.21851936
File: 72 KB, 1086x992, 1641018382551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about it, like who is even going to watch that, there are millions of old ugly guys like him, am I supposed to be shocked that he is naked on camera or what

>> No.21851974

Most don't pay 2 %

>> No.21851975

This old man fucking some whore got more attention than the ebook release of The Shitkickers so he's doing something right :)

>> No.21851980

and what is he going to do with that attention, kill himself?

>> No.21852039

I wish I gave a half of a shit about this specimen as much as the rest of you do, but I’m too invested in my own life to give a shit

>> No.21852045

Schadenfreude is as old as time, Anonymous. Don't pretend to be above it, it's unbecoming.

>> No.21852117

but it's not even funny or embarrassing really

>> No.21852283

He's already rich af?

>> No.21852381

Kek, try living in the real world instead of pretending masturbation is an art form.