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21844733 No.21844733 [Reply] [Original]

>still hasn't been refuted

>> No.21844740

Yes, yes he has.

>> No.21844747


>> No.21844751

Evola was the only one who came close, partially refuting him on initiatic regularity.

>> No.21844810

Nothing is ever refuted in philosophy it just loses popularity. And Guenon was never popular. He's not even a has-been he is a never-was

>> No.21844828

Well duh. Its only the same handful of guenononon simps who post in these threads. Everyone else ignores them.
One day a couple of you will move on with your lives and these threads will fade into obscurity. Same thing happened with Land threads.

>> No.21844832

Which book has him describing traditions and then providing his own explanations for them and then providing links to other traditions?
Does he try to approach the original perennial source through this or is it more of an encyclopaedic effort for him?

>> No.21844877

> Which book has him describing traditions and then providing his own explanations for them and then providing links to other traditions?
Primarily, ‘Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta’, and ‘The Symbolism of the Cross’, and to a lesser extent all his books on metaphysical symbolism.

>Does he try to approach the original perennial source through this
Yes, partially through citing various primary source texts and thinkers

>> No.21844895

Guenon claimed Hindus don't believe in reincarnation. His connection to primary sources is purely imaginary or to use his terminology "metaphysical"

>> No.21844910

Kant refuted him, didn't he?

>> No.21844934

astaghfirullah, actual islam refutes him.

>> No.21844941

Being Muslim while teaching perennialism self-refuting. Those people kill others and each other over the essence of what they believe.

>> No.21844962

Quality is ontologically superior to quantity you benchod sala.

>> No.21844969

>exotericism is superior to esotericism
Do not concern yourself with such things, shudra.

>> No.21844988

Sounds bigoted. Not all muslims are savages who kill people for no reason.

>> No.21844994

Correct, some are gentlemen who kill others over religion.

>> No.21845000

If I recall correctly, he was retroactively refuted.

>> No.21845026

>blatantly going against the basic tenets of islam is "esoteric"

Guenon commits shirk.

>> No.21845029

>Guenon claimed Hindus don't believe in reincarnation.
He distinguished reincarnation from transmigration and he admits that transmigration is accepted by multiple Hindu schools, this is like the dumbest thing to get filtered by in his writings.

>His connection to primary sources is purely imaginary or to use his terminology "metaphysical"
So when he cites exact verses from the Upanishads, Tao Te Ching, Zhuangzi and other texts, that’s somehow imaginary? Sounds like cope

>> No.21845048

Not being "popular" is an auspicious sign.

>> No.21845053

There is no reference to reincarnation in the Vedic texts

>> No.21845071

kek, the ol retroactive refutation! I believe it was attributed to Parmenides.

>> No.21845114

Guenon was refuted retroactively, by Parmenides, the inventor of the retroactive refutation, which he specifically invented to retroactively refute Rene Guenon.

>> No.21845120

Damn! Was this Guenon guy really refuted??? And retroactively refuted at that!? Holy moly! This Parmenides must be a powerful guy to refute someone in a retroactive fashion...

>> No.21845127

Retroactive refutation is a double negative. He is saying Parmenides proactively confirmed Guenon.

>> No.21845131

there's nothing to refute. He's indologically irrelevant. Philosophically less than irrelevant. I can't imagine a single domain in which Guenon has any significance, save for understanding a brief stint in the folklore of /lit/

>> No.21845133

Nope those are still savages.

>> No.21845136

>ur irrelevant!!
Stupid brown teenager detected, go watch marvel

>> No.21845144

Nice strawman, shows how weak ur "argument" is

>> No.21845152

Quiet hylic. Marvel has a deep symbolic connection to the primordial truth. If Guenon(pbuh) were alive he would be writing exegeses on phase 5

>> No.21845153

He has though. The Church fathers refuted monism and dualism centuries ago.

>> No.21845160


>> No.21845164

No. These Wikipedia pages say Parmenides invented the retroactive refutation.
You are wrong. Guenon was refuted retroactively.

>> No.21845167

Go watch spiderman.

>> No.21845169

Indra's net. You will never be able to understand dependent origination

>> No.21845175

No they didn't, they just suppressed it since they couldn't elevate themselves to higher states of being. The Jesuits in particular are evil and actively seek to stifle any opportunity for man to experience spirituality. While at the same time, they were the creators of "social justice" and now their schools are at the forefront of pushing and accepting the unholy faggotry.

>> No.21845177

Damn...is this going to be /lit/'s legacy? Hiding a /lit/ meme on two Wikipedia pages? I wonder how many people will read that and believe it's real. Maybe one day I'll be at a bar and hear some drunk pseud talking "Parmenides' retroactive refutation". At that moment I will be euphoric, because /lit/ will have had a cultural impact.

>> No.21845197

I guenon (pbuh) were around today he would definitely be a HUGE marvel fan. His books were basically like marvel movies but for religions. He could bring out the esoteric dimension of Avengers for sure

>> No.21845206

Guenon(pbuh) is still around brother. He is all around us sublimated into the primordial unity

>> No.21845217
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>retroactively refuted by his own mother tongue

>> No.21845225
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>The Primordial Brahman, in his infinite power and wisdom, bestowed upon our hero a physiognomy that only the gods could ever dream of

>> No.21845240

t. has not read a single book
>He's indologically irrelevant.
Opinion instantly discarded if you think this means anything.

>> No.21845243

>The Church fathers refuted monism and dualism
I didn't know the Church Fathers were also non-dualists

>> No.21845249
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>> No.21845256

He's a non-person in Indology, literally no one mentions him. The only person he's so far had an inch of influence is Steve Bannon. That's it.

>> No.21845263

Fair enough, I thought you misspelled ideologically.

>> No.21845274

>He's a non-person in Indology
Again, your opinion instantly discarded if you think this means anything. Guenon rejected "Indology" and orientalism from the beginning. Which you'd know if you bothered to read (you don't).

>> No.21845279

>keeps forcing his shitty joke like an autistic

>> No.21845285

He's in an entirely different field than profane academia.

>> No.21845288

That’s pretty stupid if you actually didn’t know that.

>> No.21845294

If you think Guenon(pbuh) was autistic you clearly haven't read any of his books. He had a level of emotional intelligence approached only by a few prophets and saints in all of history.

>> No.21845298
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>> No.21845332
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>gets refuted and BTFO
>insists that others are coping

>> No.21845350 [DELETED] 
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it's over.

guenon is FINISHED

>> No.21845370 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21845377
File: 564 KB, 2346x886, Guenon semen eating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21845381
File: 556 KB, 2500x1250, virgin guenon vs chad serrano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21845382

What is it with Traditionalists and jizz? Evola was obsessed with it too.

>> No.21845404

>source: my porn-addicted tranny/cuck mind
Henceforth I will just bully you until you leave, ugly faggot freak.

>> No.21845410

>tranny faggot so BTFO it posts a fake quote
No woman will ever love you, not even your disgusting brown mother.

>thinks it's real
Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.21845412

they were gay cum fetishists. Guenon was trans, you can tell by "his" pics. If he could just have transitioned everything would have been better

>> No.21845415

Post the source. You can't because it doesn't exist.

>> No.21845419

>brown 3rd world subhuman projecting his cuck fetishes again

>> No.21845756
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All the trads, including Guénon, were blown out by Aleister Crowley, The Great Beast 666.

Even Guénon could not handle this anglo.

He cucked Amanda Coomaraswamy:
>Coomaraswamy asked Crowley to help promote his wife Alice Ethel's performances in 1916. Crowley wrote reviews of her in Vanity Fair and offered letters of introduction for her. She and Crowley quickly became lovers and magical partners, engaging in sexual magic by April of 1916. Alice became pregnant.
>Crowley says that Coomaraswamy was quite aware of their affair and had even encouraged it, wanting Crowley to take on her living expenses while in New York. Crowley, in exchange, introduced Ananda to Gerda Maria von Kothek, a prostitute and former Crowley lover. Coomaraswamy and von Kothek were soon living together.
>when Alice Ethel's career began to take off, Coomaraswamy wanted her back. Alice Ethel loved Crowley, but, for whatever reason, decided to return to England with Coomaraswamy. She had a miscarriage as a result of sea sickness on the voyage.
Crowley himself described Ananda "The Worm" in his magical diaries and considered him a "Black Brother" (Meaning an adept, achieving certain state in magical initiation corresponding to the Sephira of Chesed, fails to make the plunge to Binah, or the Supernals, and remains in towers of egoism and knowledge of the false sephirah of Daath)

Rene Guénon thought Crowley was a secret advisor to Hitler:
>To come back to Aleister Crowley, what you told me reminds me of the story that turned up in 1931 (I believe at least that was the exact date): while he was in Portugal, he suddenly disappeared. They found his clothes on the border of the sea, something that made them believe he had drowned. But it was only a simulated death, since they were no longer concerned about him and did not try to find out where he had gone. Actually, he went to Berlin to play the role of secret adviser to Hitler who was then at his beginning.
>A little later, Crowley founded the Saturn-Lodge in Germany; have you ever heard of it? There he called himself Master Therion, and his signature was to mega Therion (the Great Beast), something that in Greek gives exactly the numeric value 666.
-Letters from Guénon to Evola (X)

Julius Evola praised Crowley, wrote even an article about him:

He was a degenerate, sex addict, coomer. Crowley coomed regularly, he was a pro-coomer advocate:
>In his book, Magick, Aleister Crowley referred to masturbation jokingly and dysphemistically as child sacrifice.
>According to Crowley’s diaries, he performed this “sacrifice” about 150 times per year from 1912-1928.

Also see pic related. Aleister Crowley referred Guénon as a "monkey" and Guénon never accepted Crowley's claims to being a 33rd degree Freemason.

>> No.21845801
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Why was Lady Blavatsky living rent free in Guenon's head for many years? Did she even think about him/his ideas at all?

>> No.21846217
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>> No.21846709
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AI proves he was right about the quantity thing at least

>> No.21846795
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hehehehehe refuted xD

>> No.21846802

did guenon have any magical powers

>> No.21846957

Nothing in those articles refutes Guenon

>> No.21847018

no, even for all his cum eating he was just a baguette slinging tradcel who got absolutely siddhimogged by crowley and blavatsky at every turn

>> No.21847029

>siddhimogged by crowley and blavatsky
what kinda powers did they have

>> No.21847123

They all employ the retroactive refutation. Guenon is famous for being refuted retroactively by the retroactive refutation of Parmenides.

>> No.21847134

join my server, advaitafag

>> No.21847146

Guenon is forever exempt from retroactive refutation

>> No.21847153

It was part of thecontinuum of occult thought at the time, Guenon was involved with occult templarism, groups that descended to Crowley's OTO... But their "secret" was all about semen eating. https://www.parareligion.ch/spermo.htm

>> No.21847166
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>> No.21847170
File: 97 KB, 840x500, 550EE3C7-9718-4A9A-8E7E-AF9F25431FDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carlos Rocchi: None of these Guenon-followers are REAL ADVAITINS because they dont follow my 20th century neo-guru who came up with his own individual and novel interpretation of Advaita that is actually foreign to the Advaita tradition

>> No.21847204

Don't be so homophobic. The truth is that the traditionalist path is that of manly men, who (as Plato points out) only increase their manliness when associating with other men... You're probably a closet case yourself, don't be afraid...just relax and flow with it. Come out, anon, we'll all support your decision.

>> No.21847438

Only difference is that Land is sort of irrelevant, whilst Guénon is very, very relevant.

>> No.21847600

>The Jesuits in particular are evil
Guenon himself was a satanic apostate you retard.

>> No.21847611

Crowley is automatically refuted by being a masochistic cuck and even I think Guenon was a sophistic retard.

>> No.21847637
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>> No.21848501

>he's satanic because he disagrees with muh dogma
Idiot detected.

>> No.21848507

Guenon was never associated with OTO or Crowley.

>> No.21848509

>ur gay
Good argument. Traditionalism btfo.

>> No.21848512

You can do this shitty meme with basically any philosophy book

>> No.21848653

He's satanic because he rejects Christ on the grounds of summoning his own Anti-Christ, yes.

>> No.21848778

>gets refuted
>doubles down

>> No.21850166

Guenon (pbuh) was closer to Christ in spirit than you will ever be in your wildest dreams

>> No.21850696


Guénon was disciple of Papus. Papus/Encausse was a member of the Paris chapter of the HOGD; Crowley was a member of HOGD as well, and specifically loyal to the Paris (Mathers) faction. Both Mathers and Encausse worked on translations of the Kabbalah; Crowley utilized their work in his own subsequent materials. Crowley was aware of and knew Encausse.