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21840281 No.21840281 [Reply] [Original]

Am i the only one with tolkien fatigue? I used to like lotr and the silmarillion very much but recently i've grown weary of them. They're annoyingly preachy, the characters are cardboard thick, the descriptions are dark souls tier vague, the "magic" is unsatisfying, and i absolutely LOATHE the constant singing. Seriously, why there are so many songs?

>> No.21840285

>why am I bored of these children's books
Gee I dunno

>> No.21840305

you're probably thinking about the hobbit, try to read the Silmarillion to kids, you'll probably have more luck of them understanding you reading Homer

>> No.21840317

Doesn‘t mean it‘s not at their level

>> No.21840328

Yes it does. You clearly havent read it so why bother replying? Why not simply fuck off somewhere else?

>> No.21840361

ugh seriously it’s like he barely put any thought into his magic system
massive cringe

>> No.21840362

In premodern societies, singing is extremely common, no iPhone or record player

>> No.21840370

Lots of consoomers make the mistake of thinking Tolkien's books are something they can inject into their popcorn brains and receive le heckin ebic feels.

>> No.21840380

Tolkien is popcorn
Mythology with a layer of bland catholic morality pasted on, a bad fascimile of anglo saxon society and morality
Tolkiendrones who think tolkien didnt just rip off eddison and morris obviously lap it up like the dogs they are

>> No.21840382

Ha ha very funny. But yeah in retrospect being a kid reading lotr for the first time and then learning that wizards are not wizards but angels larping as old coots, that there's no real magic in the world but for words of command that are basically glorified cheating codes, that there's only 5 wizards and whose role is being a shill for the valar, and that most of the time they swing swords because said words of commands are a big no no for some reason, makes it all really underwhelming to read.

>> No.21840385

People don't understand that "animaniacs road trip" is Tolkien's vibe

>> No.21840393

>eddison and morris

>> No.21840417

Tolkien world building is bland, what made it so popular is the autistic effort in making new languages for it. I can say that tolkien was an ingenious linguist, but as far as lore is concerned i find even the elder scrolls better than his drivel

>> No.21840449

Exactly, Tolkiendrone
tolkiendrone does not understand the authors tolkien took from
I don't give a shit about muh languages
Somebody could make a musical album and then write a book to go along with the album, it doesn't matter how good the music is if the book is shit
muh language is the most retarded point tolkiendrones make. so somebody made a language, how does that change anything? at that point it's just linguistic autism for a world that doesn't exist
the emphasis on "worldbuilding" in fantasy, whose aspect is entiretly based on tolkien is a blight on the genre. i don't care abouty the great great ancestor of the king who founded a nation in a land that is completely fictional

>> No.21840456

So what DO you care exactly, dick flapper?

>> No.21840466

Is this how tolkiendrones argue?
So you'd voluntarily read thousands of pages of worldbuilding? you think worldbuilding is more important than characters and story and prose?

>> No.21840472
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I'm sorry am i speaking arab or what?

>> No.21840488

No. I have Sanderson fatigue, though, and I'm only halfway through reading the second book penned by him

>> No.21840513

Have you read Beowulf? Have you read the Kalevala? Have you read the Icelandic Sagas?

>> No.21840680

>defines the entire western fantasy genre forever so that things are either like Tolkien or consciously rebelling
>his world building was shiiiiiit
Good enough to be the entire genres basic template

>> No.21840759

> and i absolutely LOATHE the constant singing. Seriously, why there are so many songs?

That's what coherent cultures did before radios and iphones.

>> No.21840908

>defines the entire western fantasy genre forever
No, he ruined the entire western fantasy genre forever, tolkiendrone

>> No.21841372

Sanderson is the person that needs to be pointed to whenever someone complains about arcs not being perfect and worldbuilding being at times vague. Rhythm of war is the single worst fantasy book I’ve ever read purely because everything is over explained and telegraphed. I don’t care how much effort he spends on worldbuilding or how the mental illnesses fit real life textbook examples when all the book does is justify them in the most bland and aggravating way ever. It doesn’t matter if your 50th fucking chapter straight of rubbing two orbs together establishes so random obscure fucking thing, it doesn’t matter because it’s literal torture to read.