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21839982 No.21839982 [Reply] [Original]

We had danced in the corn field before we went home for our porridge;
burning strong upon our breasts was the Want for secret knowledge,
to peel back the foreskins of the cabbages that were growing,
and peel evermore in successive layers until naught but the root were showing,

Mother burst upon a sixpences worth of lard that Aunt had brought,
which she'd gotten from the tallyman and nary given half a thought,
Mother lathered up an upturned stool and made us sit upon the legs
whilst we read aloud the bible verse and anything else she said,

I had a bright idea once that God existed in the mind
so I dropped a heavy chamber pot on Mr Harris, who was blind,
it fell a dozen stories and it cleaved apart his skull
but by the time I'd ran the stairwell the police were there as well,

They say a boy is made of slugs and snails but this was certainly not true,
for within the skull of Mr Harris there was meat and sausage too,
I crouched down by the big feet of the people gathered 'round
and I dipped my little finger in, to taste what I had found,

Mother sang in praise to Jesus of an aubergine Uncle brought,
which he'd gotten from the tallyman and nary given half a thought,
Mother greased it up with lard and shoved it in my bottom, "ouch,"
and demanded that I stood with it and be as quiet as a mouse,

I had a bright idea once that God was probably a man
so I asked of Mr Bellows what it was that was His plan,
he took me to the seaside and after ice cream and a pop
he told me that he loved me then he took his trousers off,

They say a boy is made of slugs and snails and I suppose that's somewhat true,
for what hung between the legs of Mr Bellows wasn't fit for rabbit stew,
I scrambled to my feet and then I brushed off all the sand
but before I had a chance to leave he'd grabbed me with his hand,

Mother threw the windows open and proclaimed that Christ had come,
when Father brought home a jar of powdered soap, a rubber tube and bung,
she boiled a jug of soap and then decanted it in my bowels
then she bade it closed with the stopper, oh how I wished to howl,

I had a bright idea once that God enjoyed this kind of sport
as the history books were full of things which a Good God ought not have sought,
so I rolled up the sleeves of my dress and smashed a mason jar upon the floor
and with the shards of glass I cut my mother, screaming, "whore,"

They say a boy is made of slugs and snails but girls are made of far worse things,
as I learned at the correction school from Sister Brionny and Timms,
I screamed and shrieked in terror as they strapped me to a bed
after stripping naked to their waists and clambering atop my head.

>> No.21840002

see i can write in a stupid linear format, i can so there, now it's boring let's not do it again

>> No.21840072
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This is actually the worse and most disgusting poem I have ever read in my life, the autor teeters upon the nexus of sadism, incest and pederasty whilst describing the pitiable spirial into hell of a young girl in which the reader is forced to experience the perspective of, we think the protagonist finds succor int he tender care of Nuns at the culmination but it is merely more of the same foul copper-taste of the earlier verses.

I am sick to my stomach that this song is sung aloud in the streets of fair Maldon and beseech Good Christians to abstain from singing or dancing to this song, it is smuttery of sheer French proportion.

>> No.21840096


>> No.21840204
File: 27 KB, 645x770, sead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disgraceful, anon, i am seething