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21836684 No.21836684 [Reply] [Original]

Man who donates millions to gay and trans hating organization is a true LGBTQ ally.


>> No.21836747


>> No.21836754

fuck, just bought a book of his

>> No.21836770

He must be getting ready to announce something big. I've heard more about him in the past week than I had in my whole lifetime before then. He isn't mad about that hit piece article because it's part of a publicity push. It's kayfabe, everyone is in on it. Savvy marketers know that outrage and shit-flinging draws more attention than a positive puff piece ever could

>> No.21836779

People are trying to drag mormons into the culture wars but mormons are having none of it

>> No.21836797
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 09d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>linking reddit boards here
What the fuck do you think you're doing
>but they're being le dumb its funn-
I dont care you tremendous faggot dont bring it here

>> No.21836801


>> No.21836806

They've been involved for a long time, don't kid yourself

>> No.21836816

Lol retard

>> No.21836820
File: 13 KB, 375x353, Moldbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who sees a resemblance with Moldbug

>> No.21836822

There is no such thing as trans people.

>> No.21836824

/t #2

>> No.21836825

Mormons obviously have some kind of play with the feds. They still get shit on by Hollywood and nyc types but the fact a group of white people are allowed to behave like Mormons is an anomaly.

>> No.21836832

Never been to the rural south huh?

>> No.21836852

Rural southern boys dont have legal harems, a quasi-ethnoreligion, and a tradition of being glowies. They dont have massive networks and prosperity like mormons

>> No.21836860

That's what being an organization means. You can't just shake in fear at the sight of organized white people

>> No.21836870

>You can't just shake in fear at the sight of organized white people
Yeah but the feds literally do in every single other instance. So Mormons being not only accepted but seemingly friendly with the feds is an anomaly

>> No.21836872

i've heard people speculate that the reason mormons have a good track record of entrepreneurship and glow-ops work is because through their evangelism they become unhesitant to talk to endless streams of random people which helps in sales and investigations. not sure if that's the whole story, but it sounds like it could be a piece of it.

>> No.21836900

>muh evangelism
Ah, I doth hear the conjectures of some, that the Mormons' laudable record in entrepreneurship and clandestine operations is perchance due to the proselytizing endeavors they undertake. Pray tell, dost thou credit this supposition?

>> No.21836911

You are a faggot and could have just said “Maybe it’s because they serve the lord and preach for 2 years” but you took 20 minutes to piece together that reply

>> No.21836913

Transphobia isn’t real

>> No.21836917

That’s Jewish behavior if that’s the case

>> No.21836921

i dont like his books but i guess i do now

>> No.21836936

why does his pictures give off chris chan energy?

>> No.21836944
File: 55 KB, 973x519, ec7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anglo Saxon Genes.

>> No.21836947

Not going to open that can of worms but I dont personally know shit about the relationship between mormons and the feds, I can just easily see that Mormons are a pretty strange thing to exist in the Current Year and not get a ton of shit for it. They're mostly treated as like goofy and slightly problematic