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File: 19 KB, 250x338, heidegger[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2183607 [Reply] [Original]

Ontology Appreciation Thread

>> No.2183624

I'll appreciate it when I can describe reality totally within the perimeters of language.

>> No.2183627

The whole point of ontology is to attempt to develop an understanding of understanding existence. We will never UNDERSTAND existence, but we must understand understanding existence.

>> No.2183629


None of this is objectively important to me.

>> No.2183632


ok Ayn Rand

>> No.2183634

How bout metaontology, then. That's a good racket. Any place for me on the team, Tony?

>> No.2183635

But why? You have no questions objectively to the thought of existence and the meaning of life and the arrangement of the pure life and chaos that is so perfectly arranged?

>> No.2183636

Neo-Nazi appreciation thread!
Get in here, you anti-Semites and raging racists, you!!

>> No.2183646

>implying he was a neonazi

>> No.2183653

>implying I said anything about Heidegger being a neonazi
uh oh

>> No.2183656
File: 66 KB, 670x870, 1282305668863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm here on break from writing a paper on roughly this

>> No.2183659

>implying you weren't implying that he was

>> No.2183665

Cool. Real quick, what's the relationship b/w Wittgenstein and Heiddegger and Sartre. I know the latter two descend from Hussurl's original ideas in phenomenology right? Does Wittgenstein work anywhere in there or am I just delusional as always?

>> No.2183674


Sorry, I meant a literature paper with major correlations to that topic, I'm not an expert on philosophy. The paper does involve the Tractatus, though.

>> No.2183679 [DELETED] 

>implying I was implying you weren't implying that I was implying that he was, nigga

Oh, that's alright. What are you using from the Tractacus? Are what are you doing with it?

>> No.2183682


Why would I have any existential questions? They are all mental masturbation and there is no way to verify their veracity.

the mundane is by far more interesting, global affairs, science, math, history...now those things I have questions about.

>> No.2183684

Well fuck. I lost.


>that's funny
>you're funny

>> No.2183694


I'm using the picture theory and some of the comments relating to the cartesian subject, in relation to Wordsworth.

>> No.2183702

That's ok man. I actually haven't read any Heidegger. Good first work to start with?

Cool man. Wordsworth though? How do you work him in? And what class is this for?

>> No.2183712


Wordsworth is actually the focus, and this is for an independent research project. Basically interested in the role of the self in his Prelude (autobiographical) in relation to larger Recluse project (about everything, practically). So basically his subjectivity is in tension with presenting totality, and I argue his work and constant revision of the Prelude is an attempt to work out that tension (the larger project is never finished).

>> No.2183713

Being and Time

>> No.2183732

Cool. Thanks.

Haven't read any Wordsworth either (what's wrong with me?), but it sounds like this Recluse thing is something that could drive a guy nuts. And when you say totality, do mean a presentation of reality as it it, objectively, or totality as in errything that is? And it sounds like his tension with being subjective is just the human condition and being at the mercy of the senses, unless it's something more formal than that.

>> No.2183739


The totality being "Man, Nature, and Society." It's never suggested to be an objective view, it's always from the view of the poet, but it is still a massive scope made more troubled by the need to unify. I was thinking of suggesting that the relation between the Prelude and the Recluse as similar to the relation between Wittgenstein's setting up in the TLP the requirements for a logically perfect language and what would actually be involved in then creating such a language (not that he intended to), but I'm not sure that's a bit more of a leap than I can make.

>> No.2183747

Yeah, totality and its connective tissue's a bitch, just ask my new boy Heidi up top.
But yeah, it sounds like there needs to be some sort of synchronization between those parts and the self and its limitations, although any pattern would undoubtedly be hard to grasp, like you said, as a definite concept and even harder to express artistically, even as a general feeling.
It sounds like your on the right path though, or at least an interesting one.

>> No.2184170


Nah. 'Basic Writings' has all the good parts of B&T plus later, weirder stuff (like 'Building Dwelling Thinking'). Definitely a better starting point.

>> No.2184184

Cool. I'm still here, btw, so keep em comin if anyone's got anything else.

>> No.2184205


Poetry, Language, Thought is excellent too. Writing on technology, "thingness" (I particularly love this one), and how man dwells poetically. Real esoteric fun shit.

>> No.2184208
File: 78 KB, 267x400, sloterdijk-gespiegeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A meditation on Heidegger's Letter On Humanism


>> No.2184325

Cool. Thanks.
I must away to the library, post haste.

>> No.2185939


Enjoy! Dude rules. Allowed me to think past Marx.