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21835938 No.21835938 [Reply] [Original]

Jordan B. Peterson is a symptom of the regression of reason and the reification of capitalist ideology in the contemporary world. He is a pseudo-intellectual who peddles a reactionary and authoritarian worldview under the guise of scientific objectivity and common sense. He is a charlatan who exploits the anxieties and frustrations of his followers by offering them simplistic and dogmatic narratives blaming non white cis males or "the state" for their shortcomings. Peterson claims there are universal archetypes and myths that shape human cognition and behavior, drawing on dubious sources such as Jungian psychology and the bible. He asserts that these archetypes and myths are inherent behaviors encoded in the human/animal genome and that they reflect the natural order of things. Peterson is effectively a quack and third rate thinker elevated to a status far beyond his relevance or capabilities because he panders to an impressionable online crowd and gives them a figure to use as an appeal to authority fallacy argument for rationalizing their hatred and failures.

>> No.21835953


>> No.21835961

He's a controlled opposition Jewish stooge and an idiot

>> No.21835972

>basic classical liberal who would not have been this extremely out of the norm just 20-30 years ago for holding the views he believes
>”reactionary and authoritarian”
>massive projection of the authoritarianism of cultural neo-Bolshevism onto “the reactionaries”
>scientism-worshiping discounting of “Jungian psychology” as a programmed engrained response to anything which goes beyond eliminative materialism and the most reductionistic interpretations of evolutionary psychology
>accusing him of helping “rationalize followers’ hatred and failures” while in fact, much of his shticks and impassioned lecturing is about how they have to take responsibility for their own mess of their lives and not just blame it all on any external scapegoat (“the Jews” “white men” “the patriarchy” “the capitalists” etc.)

JBP pisses off both /pol/ and lefty-/pol/ types like you, largely just because of, again, stuff like a very basic libertarian/classical-liberal view on issues like enforced adherence to transgender ideology (which you and your like automatically equate with “being far-right”). hence, I instinctively actually accord him a greater degree of respect, interest and attention than I would’ve otherwise when I see seething like this — he must be saying things on the mark to inspire such (wildly inaccurate and frustratedly seething) attempted character assassinations.

>> No.21835980

I'm not reading all that but I hate this mf like you wouldn't believe. He talks with this annoying high-academia pseudo-intectual speak but when you cut through it and get to the point he has some of the most retarded takes I've ever witnessed

>> No.21836000

Jung is a pseudoscience, astrology for men. I don't believe in materialism, I think the material world is a manifestation of underlying patterns, but even I can tell him and Freud are bullshit
As for the rest Jorden Peterson is retarded and I don't dislike him because of political views, occasionally I agree with him, I dislike him because he spouts the most inane shit and acts like he's laying down some incredible fact. Most of his opinions are just personal advice but he acts like it's the only correct way to be

>> No.21836003
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He pisses off pol because he works for Ben Shapiro and goes to Israel and cries about how the fate of the world depends on them and meets with Netanyahu. No need to mischaracterize the position. He is literally controlled opposition. And he spends his days crying on Twitter about "machiavellian anonymous demon trolls" online who criticize him for any of this.

>> No.21836006

True he talks like a faggot and his shits all retarded

>> No.21836014
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Wash your dick.

>> No.21836017

Peterson advocates for a dominance hierarchy as being the universal core driving principle of all life and says this is inevitable in all human populations, promotes Christian mysticism, and that capitalism and individualism are the only valid forms of human expression. Peterson's reduces human beings to biological machines that are driven by primitive instincts and irrational emotions.

I think his popularity and influence are a reflection of the crisis of meaning and identity that many people face in the modern world. He appeals to those who feel lost, confused, and alienated by the complexity and diversity of society by telling them all they have to do is accept everything as it is and do nothing about it, don't fight back because there is no alternative to a right wing reactionary capitalism system as it is biologically inevitable. Peterson's narratives and flowery rhetoric placing the blame on liberals, transgenders, and marginalized people offers them a sense of order, purpose, and belonging by telling them what to think, how to act, and who to blame hiding behind obscurant language to give just enough plausible deniability to sound marginally acceptable. He exploits their fears and prejudices by portraying himself as a defender of Western civilization and traditional order against the threats of postmodernism, feminism, multiculturalism, and socialism. He uses his academic credentials and rhetorical skills to give an impression of authority and credibility, while avoiding actual serious engagement with his critics and opponents. In effect the only truly impressive thing about Peterson is his skill in manipulation and propaganda. He's on the tier of the likes of Andrew Tate, Stefan Molyneux and Joe Rogan.

>> No.21836029
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Clean your room.

>> No.21836037

Woah why's Joe rogan there. I casually listen to Joe rogan podcasts and he comes across as kind of politically independent and usually just let's his guests talk. He's not very right wing either, most of his right wing beliefs come down to be against censorship and authoritarianism

>> No.21836045

Rogan is a misogynist and right leaning conservative, not racist but an enabler and generally ignorant fellow with an influential platform that promotes right wing reactionary thought to a large audience

>> No.21836054

Joe Rogan platforms Jews to the extent that they make up 42% of his guests when the topics are ideas or politics and not ufc or comedy. He's not right of anything and he glows like a light bright.

>> No.21836057

>in 50 years people will be posting him unironically

>> No.21836064

I actually dislike Satanic Zionism too (not to be confused for all of Judaism or Jews, though unfortunately Jews are often conditioned to automatically act as a shield for any crimes of theirs due to the natural racial and cultural self-preservation instinct) and think JBP was naive to the point of reprehensibility with his sympathy for Netanyahu. However, it’s an understandable psychological reaction to dislike of /pol/-type trolls, harassment, flaming, threats of violence, etc., dislike of Nazism itself, and fear of its rearising in the West.

I’m not Jewish and I’ve immersed myself in many /pol/-style arguments and worldviews to understand what’s behind it before “the penny dropped” and I realize what they mean. Figures like Ovadia Yosef do indeed exist, and their reprehensibility is indeed covered up by an industrial-scale anti-antisemitism complex that which heavily controls or influenced various sectors of Western nations (regulation of speech and opinions in academia, politics, the news and social media, over-representation in finance, media, and politics, and the like), while of course paradoxically using their control to call criticism of such control, or any Zionist war crimes, or Jewish double-standards towards Jewish vs. White nationalism, as “antisemitic.”

For all this, though, while I think racial struggles and tensions are indeed more complex than “White man bad”, and every race or group can have some fair share of criticism thrown on it for overall hivemind-like tendencies and statistical propensities, I also sympathize with and lean towards JBP’s views that to extend this to the point of murderously violent Nazism is as bad a response as the cultural neo-Bolshevism we have now. I also, again, sympathize with his (probably very corny-sounding) view that the ultimate roots of modern humanity’s corruption and degradation are deeper than being able to be reduced to just “racial realism” or “the Jews,” but, rather, more to a “spirit of Cain” which can possess any national, religious, ethnic, racial, sexual, sexual-orientation, gendered, or political entity alike.

The world is indeed heading towards something like Kurt Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron” (if it hasn’t already, and if not worse), but this is not just the fault of Jews, but of numerous people of numerous races (Whites alike, in flocks) who agree with and enable such an ideology, even if high-ranking Zionism is a significant component of this. But, again, I wouldn’t want to project these evils to the average Jew on the street, who is indeed on average, someone horrified by and (understandably) conditioned to be afraid of the world’s history of antisemitism and atrocities against Jews (which, in a paradoxical self-reinforcing loop, also inspires paranoia against and hostile defensive culturally-widespread machinations against Gentiles, Kevin-MacDonald-style).

>> No.21836065

this is a text based discussion forum, fuck off

>> No.21836067

>and think JBP was naive to the point of reprehensibility with his sympathy for Netanyahu.
It isn't naivety. From the beginning he has been a paid actor in their schemes.

>> No.21836101

I actually thought he was pretty sympathetic toward women... at least from what I heard from his podcast. What does he say that's sexist?

>> No.21836103


> Jordan Peterson is evil and stupid. He has a daughter and says, “We are here to suffer so learn to suffer like a man.” A potential paradise could be like a never ending DMT trip with the constant pleasure level of heroin. If you get bored then it’s not paradise. There don’t even have to be human bodies. His is just a severe lack of imagination. And there is no sense in which suffering or mediocrity create meaning. All the meaning you need would be packaged into the paradise experience. But I am not experiencing such meaning and perhaps never will. That’s why despite the abundant grace and mercy I think I am not subject to a fully benevolent God. Perhaps God is like Jordan Peterson and I therefore consider him my enemy.

>> No.21836116

Why do FtM trannies specifically hate JBP?

>> No.21836126
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I agree to an extent. The average Jewish layperson definitely feels a level of persecution, and the may consider any criticism, legitimate or otherwise, of Israel or Judaism is antisemitic. Maybe I'm just autistic, but I wish more jewish-people had a level of awareness about Zionism shenanigans and how that should relate to a larger overall context. I don't think many other groups get this sort of leniency. I find the
>anti-semitism is the worst form of racism and discrimination
crowd to be particularly irritating.

Pic related has an interesting history to it in this context. And I think Spike Lee did a good job of tackling the criticism it got. The Jewish characters presented in the movie where very real people that he remembered when he wrote it.

>> No.21836138
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you're the meme

>> No.21836143

because they're marxists

>> No.21836152

I often see this claimed about many figures, even ones who heavily inveigh against mainstream narratives, put out very thoughtful counter-narratives, alternative points-of-view, and work as something of an “awakening” force for people, simply because they’re “not far-right enough.” To me, I clearly and unmistakably see this as a symptom of “divide-and-conquer” tactics (use both the far-left and the far-right as pincers with which to attack dissenters). JBP went through quite a lot of hassle for what he believes in, up to him recently being disciplined by the College of Psychologists of Ontario and threatened with loss of his license to practice psychology.

If those with dissenting views from the mainstream narrative get attacked both by the far-left and the far-right alike, either for being “far-right authoritarians” or “secretly Woke NWO Zionists who aren’t open neo-Nazis,” isn’t this a rather effective method of dividing and conquering?

His recent online presence is replete with counter-narratives against socjus truisms like of transgender and radical gender ideology, the DEI (Diversity Equity & Inclusion) agenda and its most radical outgrowth as violent BLM and Antifa types, cancel culture in academia, politics, and the corporate world, the environmental agenda against the standard-of-life of Western nations as a sort of imaginedly deserved “leveling out” or “handicapping” of them to make them equal with third-world nations (as well as the infamous double-standard of letting China off the hook for their emissions), online and media censorship, COVID vaccine fishiness and dishonesty in media, political, and public health messaging, and so forth.

None of this really strikes me as “The Agenda” that “They” want to push, and in fact very staunchly against it. The reports he edited/wrote for the UN as part of the High-Level Panel on Sustainable Development are usually brought up as proof of him being “controlled opposition” or a “shill”, but I view this as paranoid tarring with guilt-by-association. These organizations are highly compartmentalized and having a close tie to some project with them where he was working with what he thought was benevolent, doesn’t seem to me enough to “throw the baby out with the bathwater” and assume he had a personal meeting with Nathaniel Rothschild on how to help institute the New World Order. People who want to make some change they imagine is positive in the world of politics or NGOs, often have to “grease the palm” and deal with the bureaucracy, and anyway recently he’s reneged on this by becoming effectively, in the eyes of the mainstream, a “climate change denier.”

Tl;dr You can’t please everyone, and if you TRY to, you just become either some propagandized shill probably serving some elite agenda, or an inoffensive, meek, grey, timid blob.

>> No.21836155


>> No.21836189

ah, they typically tend to hide behind the guise of diverse thought-process to superimpose a distraction on their primary stimuli for passionate hatred and not be ultimately dismissed as myopic, that's why they are so pitifully obnoxious and frankly pseudo-active

>> No.21836269

>Peterson advocates for a dominance hierarchy as being the universal core driving principle of all life and says this is inevitable in all human populations

The inevitability of hierarchies and inequality (indeed seems to be an inescapable facet of life by the way) is NOT necessarily the same as just a callous social-Darwinist-style “the poor should die” or “just get rid of all social safety nets and let it sort itself out,” and equating the two is disingenuous. This belief in the naturalness of hierarchies could be called a conservative or even “far-right” view, but it just as well applies to a classical-liberal or libertarian-like ethos, which would hold that naturally, “when things are mostly left to themselves” (i.e. no radically forced attempts to artificially level out all differences), but still with some degree of authority in the state to enforce the laws equally for all and have some degree of “socialization” (i.e. paying taxes for roads, police departments, the fire department, public education, etc.), and a free market functions reasonably, a meritocratic society is formed which ultimately ends up producing more wealth, more innovations, and a higher standard-of-life for more and more people.

A master welder naturally has more authority in this field than a novice one. A teacher does over their students, in general (ideally). A CEO or founder of a business invests much of their overhead, time and effort into it and hopefully creates a business that contributes beneficially both to society and their employees’ well-being, and the like. An (ideally highly-qualified, intelligent and ethical) politician functions as a necessary head of the state. An army doesn’t work as well without a general. A guru teaches a disciple, a sensei the martial artist (we Oriental now) Etc. You can see in any of these just examples of “dominance” and “authoritarianism” but on the other hand, this very “dominance” of some seems like a necessary, natural and inevitable feature of humanity. I don’t see why it should automatically be criticized as evil, wrong or unjust, apart from being programmed with hyper-leftist ideology than any inequalities or disparities in ability are “unjust.”

>promotes Christian mysticism

Oh cmon man! I’m not even a strict “Christian mystic” myself but what’s intrinsically wrong with this? You can indeed point out numerous examples of close-mindedness, injustices and irrational bigotry attributable to religions and mysticism, but it’s a one-sided view if you can’t ever accept any beauty in religion, any naturally useful functions for the cohesion of society, any positive and uplifting influences of them, crucial role in giving meaning to people’s lives, inspiring great art, literature, philosophy, statesmanship and charitable behavior …

>> No.21836272

I'm trans btw

>> No.21836308

Keep seething faggot.

>> No.21836325

>that capitalism and individualism are the only valid forms of human expression
I like this because it has more meat. There’s a very automatic “socialism-is-bad-and-leads-to-the-USSR” button in many conservative or conservative-leaning people, but perhaps it could work, and perhaps modern (pseudo?)-capitalism (or some type of state capitalism veering on fascism, classical defined as the merger of corporate with state power, also variously “crony capitalism,” “monopoly capitalism,” “cartel capitalism,” “inverted totalitarianism” of the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin, and the like) indeed has much that can be criticized and reworked in it.

The Nordic model, for instance, a mixed economy with features of both free-market capitalism and principles of socialism with heavy state-planning/interventionism, doesn’t seem to be working out bad for them at all! And China’s “socialism with Chinese characteristics,” if it weren’t fused with psychopathy of CCP leaders, widespread censorship (a version of which we already unofficially have in the West), dystopian social-credit-score system, and the like, could very uncontroversially be praised for the massive economic powerhouse it made China into. I think transcending the socialism vs. capitalism binary, might be one of the next hopeful advances of humanity’s politico-economic thought.

>Peterson's reduces human beings to biological machines that are driven by primitive instincts and irrational emotions.

It’s almost the opposite of that! First you criticize him for Christian mysticism and Jungian philosophy, then for “materialistic reductionism.” Neither of these (Christian mysticism and Jungian philosophy) are like that, and JBP’s stressing the importance of archetypes, mythology, religious belief and higher values to attach oneself to, doesn’t seem like this at all.

The second part of the post — Peterson is quite a bit more intellectually above, with at least some more academic credentials and publications to back him like “Maps of Meaning” (which again can be criticized for the “Jungian philosophy” and “Christian mysticism”, as you bring up; but still is a great amount more philosophically and psychologically astute, well-read, probing and with more depth than anything of those “culture war” figures). You can criticize his outright veering into self-help books (12 Rules for Life and Beyond Order) for being shallow compared to that, but even those I believe have more intellectual sophistication and depth than anything those entertainers could come up with.

>> No.21836332

>Peterson's narratives and flowery rhetoric placing the blame on liberals, transgenders, and marginalized people offers them a sense of order, purpose, and belonging by telling them what to think, how to act, and who to blame

He is calling out the institutionalized power, hypocrisy, double-standards and inclinations-towards-totalitarianism which hides precisely behind these flowery ideals of “justice for the oppressed minorities!” which is indeed, as JBP points out, scarily bringing us towards Soviet-like cultural conditions, see case-in-point in COVID totalitarianism and totalitarianism over dissenting views on gender ideology and the BLM movement in academia, politics and the corporate world (“You’ll lose your job or get expelled over this if you openly disagree, and have mobs of enraged student protestors against you, so just keep your mouth shut.”)

Anyway; too long of a post in defense of someone I don’t really care as much in my day-to-day life as I make it seem — I’m no JBP-adoring fanboy, I just like the argument for the sake of it, because of how dirty he’s done by “both sides”.

>> No.21836344

when it comes down to it, it's really quite striking how addicted to money the guy is. He entered the stage as a sort of sincere intellectual that seemed committed to making some cultural contribution, but over time it became clear that it's all just a racket to exploit insecure young men and make bank

>> No.21836366

>Peterson advocates for a dominance hierarchy as being the universal core driving principle of all life and says this is inevitable in all human populations
Inevitable in all life and all computer simulations similar to life. There is finite energy and material or whatever is used to reproduce information. The competition for the resources to reproduce creates winners and losers.
>accept everything as it is
No the point is you specifically are retarded and should stop trying to change things you haven't the slightest clue about. Become competent first, then come back.

>> No.21836373

He's just some self-help modern liberal. Leftist obsession with this dude is ridiculous.

>> No.21836380

Leftism is a totalitarian ideology, and he only agrees with 80% of it, which makes him a nazi, just like Rowling and Rogan.

>> No.21836383

>>basic classical liberal who would not have been this extremely out of the norm just 20-30 years ago for holding the views he believes
>>”reactionary and authoritarian”
Holding views of the past in opposition to newer ones is, by the very definition, reactionary.

>> No.21836400

Marxism isn't a new idea, and it's as retarded as it's always been.

>> No.21836403

I stopped when I read capitalism.

>> No.21836406
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>The Nordic model, for instance, a mixed economy with features of both free-market capitalism and principles of socialism with heavy state-planning/interventionism, doesn’t seem to be working out bad for them at all!
We just copied the Nazis and dropped the masterrace/eugenics/lebensraum bits.

>> No.21836416

The pronouns-raging identity politics is a new idea, however. It may be retarded and based on marxism, but that doesn't matter on whether or not the word reactionary is appropriate. Someone being reactionary in respect to retarded ideas is, in fact, still reactionary. And most people that are reactionaries are so because they think the new ideas are retarded.

>> No.21836428
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You could've just said he was a fuckin' leaf, OP, instead of pontificating like a faggot. Nothing Canadians make is any good. It is always consistently shit. Think about it. Always. It's why so many of them consoom Yankslop.

>> No.21836439

peterson's a joke

>> No.21836451

OK. If leftist ideologues and activists keep pushing the way they do in the way they do about numerous issues, increasingly a simple “OK” is going to be the automatic reaction (no pun intended) you’ll get when you accuse someone of being a “reactionary” (as if this were a slur or curse-word) for not supporting the new social agenda heavily pushed in the past six months with social engineering, agitprop, censorship and demonization of its critics. Give it a while, and, “Lesbians shouldn’t have to force themselves to like ‘transgender women’ with penises out of fear of being called ‘transphobic’” could become a reactionary viewpoint, and at that point, I think it’d be a good thing to be “reactionary” in some ways. You can’t just say “reactionarism” is intrinsically bad or use it as a slur without any reason for it, and there are many different degrees and types of reactionarism, from wanting to bring monarchical rule back, theocratic rule by the Vatican, National Socialism, Mussolini’s fascism, or simply just a classical liberal free-market system without as heavy a degree of enforced DEI/social-justice propagandizing and policies.

>> No.21836497

they fall into a self-contradictory pitfall since they reduce the *reactionary* to a binarized entity whose partiality obstructs critical thinking while inverted reactionism is highly prevalent in leftism

>> No.21836498

I didn't say being reactionary is intrinsically bad though. The progressives generally think it is, so they also think that using the word means something. They also do this with "social construct" as though something being socially constructed made it automatically bad or invalid. There are situations where these are valid criticisms, but they're not always so.
I'm simply noting that the word definitely applies to Peterson, and I'm frankly of the opinion that getting mad at people using it is futile, even if they intend it as an insult. At best you're arguing with some fervent ideologue, in which case the best thing to do is owe up to the term and reappropriate it, and at worst you're fighting some four-IQ terminally online subhuman that doesn't even know what the word means and why people are calling Peterson one.

>> No.21836527
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Reactionary isn't a thing, leftists are the ones reacting ("revolting") against all normalcy. Traditionalists or just regular people who don't want society to be dominated by a bunch of mentally ill losers/freaks are just upholding the normal values of society.

Leftism stems from a sense of innate inferiority.

>> No.21836530

That doesn’t make Zizek any better

>> No.21836532

Thank you for your effort mr mush brain

>> No.21836537

That model won't work if your population becomes a low-trust, low IQ, severely obese chimp horde like the US black population.

>> No.21836552
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He makes them so mad it's hilarious. These fucking losers would benefit from his normalfag boomer dad advice, instead they throw tantrums online and cry about muh evil conservatives (he is barely even right wing, he just correctly points out that you aren't a woman and that religion is important for people).

>> No.21836567

How is he exploiting them if they benefit from his advice? Also, isn't this basically what anyone with any fame whatsoever does?

This is such a low IQ argument, why don't you point out that he runs damage control for jewish supremacists but then tells white men not to collectivize as they're being attacked and replaced by 3rd world garbage?

>> No.21836574

>dogmatic narratives blaming non white cis males
stopped reading right there

>> No.21836665

Kek ok fair point. For me, “reactionary” just generally strikes me as a meaningless, worthless, non-explanatory term. If Trump decided to go God-Emperor, execute Democratic politicians en masse, suspended the Constitution, instituted martial law and lifelong rule of the United States under himself and a lot of MAGA cronies (a hyperbolic and satirical scenario based on what CNN and MSNBC seems to think was likely), and leftists “reacted” to this negatively and “wanted to return to a previous state, when we weren’t ruled by Trump indefinitely and the Constitution wasn’t suspended,” these leftists could also be called “reactionary” if you’re using the literal and etymological definition of the word.

If John Cena came up to you and started firmly squeezing your testicles and not letting you out of his grip, and you “reacted” negatively against this and “wanted to return to a previous state when this wasn’t happening,” you’re a “reactionary” against John Cena.

Again, it’s a meaningless non-word in my opinion, I think it’s fucking stupid, but I appreciate your input and we’re on a more similar wavelength than we are a different one.

>> No.21836709

I am easily able to view things from the perspective of /pol/, and contemplate the merits or grains of truth hidden in this worldview, but also ultimately view even this simplified model-of-reality skeptically and am able to detach from it in favor of more nuanced, less cartoonish views of reality than the one where one has become “redpilled” by adhering to a narrow, self-eating (the same way the radical left eats it own) consensus based on the /pol/ pasta spreading around or infographic of the day one has read. Following the /pol/ hivemind ultimately without no exceptions is as retarded and pseudo-intellectual (when it’s not outright anti-intellectual) as following the Reddit or Tumblr one is

God what have I been reduced to giving these shallow midwit boomer takes on the “culture wars” and internet culture. I could be reading Shakespeare or something.

>> No.21836713

I get what you're saying. But if JP is so concerned about that, wouldn't it be better to have honest discussions about things involving Jews? He doesn't appear to skirt any other issue quite like this one and it's glaring. He often talks about the evils of bolshevism. But he completely ignores anthropological pieces of evidence that explain it. You can't tell these stories without talking about the Jewish people. And if JP is so concerned with the growing extremist far right movement, he'd be better served by talking openly about the issue. Instead, the "extremism" exists underground and no longer listens to a word he says. And rightfully so, he's lost credibility in recent years from being associated with dimwit republicans like Ben Shapiro.

>> No.21836904

I liked your defense of Peterson. I only have a vague understanding of him, so your posts are very helpful.
If hierarchies and inequality are inevitable, what is wrong with institutionalized power being capitalized by a small group who use totalitarian methods to turn the general public into cattle? Isn't it inevitable and natural that those at the top use whatever methods are at their disposal to ensure their survival?

>> No.21836941

Jungian archetypes is astrology is 16personality types. These are all just different ways of saying that there are patterns of personas among people.

>> No.21836942

>what is wrong
Depends on your goals. If you want humans turned into cattle it's good. If the goal is "happiness" as in just mindless pleasure then you probably want to be cattle. If you tell yourself you want freedom but always choose the easy option that leads to short term pleasure you're feeding a process that leads to you willingly becoming cattle.
If one of the fundamental axioms you work from is respect for individual human sovereignty then the fact that power always consolidates needs to be incorporated in your plans to maximize human sovereignty. You can't make factors like that disappear, there's no law you can put in place that changes how math works.

>> No.21836948

Yes, this is why I don’t idolize JBP. Even the sharpest fellas will have subjects they don’t want to seriously broach. But he still says some things worth mulling over, although it’s mostly stuff you already “know” or just understand if you’re on a similar wavelength to him. It’s the paradox of, “If you CAN be told it, you don’t NEED to be told it, and if you most NEED to hear it, you will be INCAPABLE of hearing it.”

Because JBP seems far from a moral nihilist or social Darwinist. His belief in the inevitability of “hierarchies” or “dominance of some people in some fields” is more like the basic axiom, “May the fastest person in this race who participates fairly win,” not that there’s no ethics, one can’t do any wrong, a Thrasymachian view that there’s only power, etc. You can also argue such a practices are inherently self-defeating because they actually subvert natural meritocracy e.g. if these “elites” haven’t gotten there through ethical, natural, just and fair ways, but in a conspiratorial and cut-throat fashion, and if they then use these to disadvantage members of society more inclined towards ethics, more intellectually developed enough to be able to see against and argue against their narratives, etc. Trying to dumb all of humanity or one’s populace down into thoughtless cattle ultimately has — who would’ve thought? — a bad effect on this same populace, perhaps ultimately even on the rulers themselves. Many argue totalitarian structures of society are intrinsically self-defeating over time, even if they’re able to go on for years, decades, even centuries and do incalculable harm, and intrinsically self-defeating not because of any sophisticated philosophical argument or tenet of political science, but simply humans have an innate desire for freedom from such totalitarian control and this will inevitably break through (revolts, riots, recruiting others to their ideology, spreading information and viewpoints the rulers precisely don’t want one to hear, etc.) Finally, there’s just the (similarly very pragmatic and simple) argument that, “This isn’t a future I would want for myself, my family and loved ones, my children, grandchildren, and descendants; hence, I do not want to support it.”

It’s far from extremely sophisticated and hip political science, to be fair. JBP is neither the neo-Nazi the left sometimes makes him out to be, nor is he entirely the “radical once-in-century genius” some of his more adoring followers make him out to be, but he plays his own, sometimes interesting or thought-provoking role in the niche he’s carved out for himself.

>> No.21836950

And how's that going for you guys? Is Muhammed the most common name for baby boys in Sweden yet?

>> No.21836992

When people want to take a knife to my kids dick you better believe I’m going to be reactionary. Fucking retards.

>> No.21837001

You can hold the banner of truth and also enjoy having a lot of money. Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive

>> No.21837027

Why are commies the only people left who passionately care about Peterson

>> No.21837182

Okay, I always get confused by arguments concerning what is "natural" but you helped clarify JBP's position a lot. So JBP considers ethics to be natural, therefore that which is natural is good? Like you said here >>21836325, JBP does not simply equate the "natural" to mere biology and instincts, but something beyond. I'm rereading your previous post about hierarchies and it's making a lot more sense, too.

>> No.21837219
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Look I'm not a Peterson fanboy and I have my own critique of him but 99% of JBP critics reveal themselves to be pseuds who are jealous of JBP influence. Whether leftists like you with your low IQ critique or the altright who hates him because he's not an antisemite, the critique essentially boils down to: Millions of young men are listening to every word of Jordan Peterson and are looking up to him as a father figure when really millions should be following MY ideology!

>> No.21837238

Peterson is retarded because his evidence for universal archetypes is weak. He simplifies the unconscious too much. He also bases his worldview on suffering. But I don't care about suffering. I would rather base my worldview on joy (die fröhliche wissenschaft).

>> No.21837303

>not to be confused for all of Judaism or Jews
But their nexus is the Talmud. Whatever their schism might be, their ''jewness'' is measured largely in how closely they either follow or do not follow the Talmud.

>> No.21837305
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>their ''jewness'' is measured largely in how closely they either follow or do not follow the Talmud.

>> No.21837335

I don't get it. Am I supposed to be a tranny because I do not like the ''jewish'' tranny agenda? Or perhaps because I do not like ''jewish'' marxism? Please, elaborate.

>> No.21837343

it's visualizing what close following of the Talmud produces on average

>> No.21837475

>He is a pseudo-intellectual who peddles a reactionary and authoritarian worldview
Such as? Not a fan of the guy especially since a certain interview he's done but curiously I've never seen anyone attack him on something precise he's said, only broad misrepresentations of his general ideas.

If I had to critic him that'd be for notbreally opposing the current progressive status quo when it comes to policies and ideas, the only political thing that he seems to advocate is freedom of speech and even then it's not clear if he wants absolute freedom or if he just think restrictions goes too far in some specific cases.

His life philosophy is interesting but politically he's just a regular liberal with a conservative style, but no conservative opinions.

>> No.21837499

superb bait

>> No.21837564

Did an AI write this? It reads like AI text.

>> No.21837574

that's the finnish flag you retard

>> No.21837603
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> He appeals to those who feel lost, confused, and alienated by the complexity and diversity of society by telling them all they have to do is accept everything as it is and do nothing about it, don't fight back because there is no alternative to a right wing reactionary capitalism system as it is biologically inevitable.
Now what? You can concisely pinpoint the landscape dilemma Peterson advocates toward his audience to enrich their cog existence in society. Are you advocating we be better agents of humanity and be martyrs of the MSM? I applause your conciseness yet you do nothing to add to somebody else’s merit.

>> No.21837709

You have never read Jung, and you have no idea what you're talking about. Don't disparage thinkers with whose ideas you're only familiar through pop psychology websites and hearsay. It's immediately obvious that you lack even a basic understanding of Jung. He's an extraordinarily complex thinker and the popular explanations of archetypes and so on are completely off the mark and have absolutely nothing to do with what he actually wrote.
You are retarded enough to think that "archetypes" are types of people, which is not even fucking close to what they are. You're also retarded enough not to realise that 16personalities is a corruption of Jung's personality theories filtered through the Big Five.

>> No.21837741

Congratulations, you write as annoyingly as he orates

>> No.21837750

get yo stinky ass outta here trannie, this JP's land

>> No.21837763

Not a troon but I'd cut my dick off before listening to any more of that verbose Kermit-voiced mystic pill-popping schizo

>> No.21837776

>He's an extraordinarily complex thinker
True but he was also quite schizo and wrong about pretty much everything.

>> No.21837785
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Thanks dad

>> No.21837876

what do you mean? jordan peterson is one of the best intellectual in the 21th century! google "I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother" by jordan peterson.

>> No.21837879

If you read MacIntyre, you'd know we're all basically sophists these days. Peterson is no different in that regard. He's just another academic who whores himself out to a crowd for money and fame knowing that crowd will become dependant on him to furnish more crappy arguments for their ultimately futile online squabbles.

>> No.21837946
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Only leftypol transvestites describe things as "reactionary".

>> No.21837950

Tldr; im trans

>> No.21837990

I like your breakdown of it. I know quite a few regular guys who do listen to him periodically and I think it has been for the better. He isn't a pseud like the other members commonly associated with the right. And his message overall has been a good one. Poltards will disown anyone that doesn't say nigger on Twitter as being a phony, so that's irrelevant. I personally can't listen to him now, but I guess when I was younger, I did. As a 21 year old, I was kind of listening to Rogan and that type of thing. I didn't fully comprehend everything he spoke about, but it did encourage me to start reading and thinking about the world a different way. In an odd twist, it's what led me to find fault with him currently.

>> No.21837997

>be r/acc
>all lefties are now reactionaries

>> No.21838003

That‘s objectively wrong in a categoric way to aggressively defend remaining enclosed in a jewish-controlled dichotomy

>> No.21838011
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>That‘s objectively wrong in a categoric way to aggressively defend remaining enclosed in a jewish-controlled dichotomy

>> No.21838016
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he finally admitted he doesn't even believe in God

>> No.21838189

Oh god im pissing and shitting myself oh nononono

>> No.21838215

How would you accurately criticize JBP? As other anons said, most criticism seems to be generalizations or misunderstanding his thoughts.

>> No.21838218

This is a very weird obsession with trannies that rears itself out of nowhere in response to being told to have actual convictions.

>> No.21838236

The control of the narrative is not supposed to be limited to the mainstream agenda: progressivism, LGBT, minorities positive discrimination, feminism. It extends the non mainstream: Qanon, what's really in the vax, Trump and Putin will free humans from their shackles, E.T are around ( the good ones, the bad ones) alternative archeology (Graham Hancock) and some internet influencers like Jordan B. Peterson and Joe Rogan.

>> No.21838266

triggered retard, lol, here's your text

>> No.21838294

>reification of capitalist
and you have the audacity to call anyone pseud...

>> No.21838301


>> No.21838343
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>This is a very weird obsession with trannies that rears itself out of nowhere in response to being told to have actual convictions.

>> No.21838346

He's a moderate liberal that gives basic bitch self help advice for people who were raised by single mothers, which is why it's life changing for them, and everyone else takes it for granted.

>> No.21838365

This guy is just a 1990s liberal. Left-liberaloids resent him because despite their absolute institutional dominance, they are incapable of producing public intellectuals because they have no solutions to the problems of normal people because we are at the end of history and you are *no longer allowed* to have problems they don’t approve of as problems. Young men and especially white men are construed as having no legitimate social or economic interests, so if you are in that demographic, tough luck. This causes the left-liberaloid to lash out in hatred at goofy and innocuous people like Peterson who still obliquely reach out to these left-behind demographic cohorts; they have no powerful voices speaking for them as a group so they immediatey attach to anyone who seems to be doing so. Of course this causes them to fall for the “grifter”, the “surrogate father” and the “parasocial relationship” but the shitlib never questions WHY huge numbers of young men are so lost that they are looking for guidance from ecelebs. The insidious reason for this is, of course, that shitlibs positively want young men to be lost and hopeless because young men are the revolutionary demographic and revolution against the end of history is just something unthinkably awful and immoral

>> No.21838443
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>a reactionary and authoritarian worldview
If only....

>> No.21838519

tdlr he's a massive faggot

>> No.21838640 [DELETED] 

Queer Theory: which books will help me better understand the ideology behind things like sex work is work, drag queen story hour, and trans kids? what makes these people into such fanaticalpolitical soldiers?

>In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”







yes we should definitely trust these people, nothing suspicious going on in here, these are just individuals who want to express themselves and be left alone, not brainwashed tools of a totalitarian corporate social engineering agenda /s.

>> No.21838643 [DELETED] 

As a white man, what is some science or theory i can read which can help me check my privilege and learn more about the awful plight the diverse and vibrant culture of this snivelling priesthood of pedophilic apparatchiks, subhuman vessels for a putrid totalitarian ideologythese warm body politically correct victimhood unit NPCs purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for the democratic party the corporate monoculture psychiatrists and big pharma, i mean these most noble and progressive these most wretched and pitiful of creatures?

How can i be a better ally? How can i get over the deeply engrained heteronormative prejudices that make me feel uncomfortable at the beautiful and heartwarming display of diversity and progress in pic related?

>> No.21838657 [DELETED] 

I mean,bros,have you tried bringing up nietszche or any books for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating, screeching and snivelling hysterically as if begging to be put out of their misery"wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been deboonked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been watching CNN reading the NYT streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneyplus? your daily mandatory dose of ''ethically sourced'' child pornography? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your daily recomended dose of high fructuouse corn syrup your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.21838658

He's a milktoast centrist.

>> No.21838670

Horseshoe theory, more like horseSHIT theory lmao

>> No.21838674 [DELETED] 

I mean if even a milquetoast critic of the system like peterson is branded as a dangerous reactionary, if these people are going to call you a fascist for not wanting to be a second class citizen in your own country, having thoughts unapproved by the HR departmetn and corporate media or not wanting children to be molested, then one cant help but start thinking, can ''fascism'' really be all that bad?

>> No.21838680 [DELETED] 

Le illiterate education bureaucrat inducing body dysmorphia and suicidal ideation in children because they are desperate to blackmail you into voting for the blue party. Le locking helpless children up in an air conditioned room and indoctrinating them on the importance of normalizing sex work and sex reassignment surgery and scolding them for their white privilege in between false flag mass shootings and mandatory drag shows sponsored by onlyfans lockheed martin and mastercard. Fucking hate queers simple as.

Your children! Give us access to your children!
>screeches in furry AVI ACAB AMAB BLM blue wave emoji pronouns land acknowledgement public teachers union membership (you know how hard is it to fire public employees?)link to onlyfans and laundry list of mental illnesses in bio

>> No.21838694 [DELETED] 

reminder, this is cultural marxism, this is the future they want for our children, if you support gay rights or trans rights or proonouns if you are on the left this is what you are supporting. smash cultural marxism through radical and uncompromising action.

>> No.21838700

Be honest, you never spend any time around real people, let alone the alphabet people. Your eternally online newspeak betrays just how much your personal familiarity with the “Marxist cattle” is dictated by real life experiences- ie, none at all. Go outside, touch grass, have sex, etc etc

>> No.21838703 [DELETED] 

le totalitarian religious movement supported by the federal government and the compulsory education system based on virulent slave morality and a cult of ritualized child molestation and mutilation

>> No.21838706 [DELETED] 
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t. biocollectivist chattel for the total state

>> No.21838756 [DELETED] 

the fucking sanctimony, these brainwashed pedophiles think they have the right to police your every thought! thats why they are so censurious, becaudse they have a lot to hide.

>> No.21838762 [DELETED] 
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Woah YAS kween slay! such science! such victimhood! such love! such identity! Such NPC! Such DEI EGS! Such LGBT! Such Bioleninist pedoganda! Such Cultural Marxism! Such vulnerable! Such marginalized! Such Diverse and Progressive! Such objective scientific and psychiatric authority! Such Sex Work ! Such BLM! Such unlimited expansion of the administrative state! Such such democracy! such empathy and basic human decency!

>> No.21838778

Juden Peterstein

>> No.21838784

Ninety five percent of what he says is true. I do not discount that. That is how con men work. I fear that a dangerous amount of young men have been harnessed by his fraud - that they have been contained. They should be attacking the roots of our problem but he, as their surrogate father, has directed them to accept the hierarchy as it is and not defy it. The trannies hate him for the truth that he speaks. I hate him for his supporting the hierarchy that enables the trannies.

>> No.21838787
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You're a projecting subhuman marxist.

>> No.21838790

What hierarchy
> inb4 muh capitalists
Be specific

>> No.21838803

He's a clown but I don't think he's a charlatan. Peterson has deep unresolved personal issues and tries to exorcise them by his narratives.

>> No.21838812

>these brainwashed pedophiles think they have the right to police your every thought!
It's a house of cards. They cannot begin a legitimate conversation because of where the conversation will naturally progress.

>> No.21838814 [DELETED] 





see, he tranny gender ideology is being pushed by the hierarchy, billionaire families like the (((pritzkers))) and (((rothblatts))), soros and even prince charles.

leftists will side with the capitalists against the working class everyfucking time because they only care about gettin access to that fresh HRT gay veal

>> No.21838816

I don't care about either

>> No.21838839

He did an ad lib video in response to some emails that he had received. He went into his spiel of how since Jews are so great at everything that they do, that it was natural and right that Jews be in charge of everything - because why would I not want the best people in charge of all of the institutions. This is not misrepresentation. It is what he has openly stated. I do not want a master class of Jews ruling me. Simple as.

>> No.21838844
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Yep. The guy doesn't even deny it. No clue how anyone fall for this shabbos goys.

>> No.21838876

KYS hylic

>> No.21838885 [DELETED] 

jung is pseudoscience but transgenderism and microagressions and systemic racism are real science

>> No.21838893 [DELETED] 

if anything peterson UNDERestimsates the evil of the cultural marxist ideology, these people are brainwashed and deranged, violence is the only language they understand

>> No.21838902
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He’ll dumb himself down for social media, mainly.

Criticizing me online like that, buckaroo — that is NOT a path you want to go down, believe me. You sanctimonious prick. You arrogant, racist son of a bitch. You anonymous psychopathic troll demon. I would gladly slap you if we were in the same room together. Fuck you.

>> No.21839392

>not a Peterson fanboy
>proceeds to make sweeping generalistations of 99% of Peterson critics
sure bud

>> No.21839478

He's right. Except for most people on the far right don't seethe over him like the leftists do.

>> No.21839484

>No clue how anyone fall for this shabbos goys.
Because he's pushed in the mainstream and isn't vehemently anti-white?

>> No.21839489

>Jordan B. Peterson is a symptom of the regression of reason and the reification of capitalist ideology in the contemporary world.
Buddy, who ain't!

>> No.21839497

He always answers thus question so retardedly
>do you believe in God
>Well... well... well... first we have to define exactly what BELIEVE means and what IN means and that ISNT trivial bucko its UNBELIEVABLY. COMPLEX. So so... so first we have to get through THAT and it's BLOODY DIFFICULT
Etc, for fucking ever
I just wrore that from memory and I promise you its a verbatim quote

>> No.21839504

>works directly for jews as a controlled opposition shill
>not anti white
Good one anon

>> No.21839513

It's just another anti-white leftist/jew word for pseuds and for propaganda purposes. There's plenty.

>> No.21839535

That isn't the point you autistic idiot. He isn't out in the open attacking white people, saying they are evil oppressors, like the rest of the jew/shitskin media is, which is why normalfags with functioning brains (unlike neo-marxists) will follow him.

>> No.21839569

Yes he's controlled opposition so he has to appeal to the opposition. That's why they staged those fake viral riots at his "I won't say your pronouns" thing and rolled him out with the biggest media blitz possible.

>> No.21839663

he is one eyed king in land of blind

>> No.21839703

That is only natural, because most people do not realize that he is a charlatan. The left generally hate him for his polemics and the right love him for the same. The only people on the right that do not like him are those that see through his chicanery.

>> No.21839965

i still can't understand how and why people support this clown
and i'm a depressed right-wing catholic

>> No.21839979

pet the cat retard

>> No.21840154

stopped reading there.

>> No.21840172

This. We don't live in capitalism.

>> No.21840175

So define god

>> No.21840186 [DELETED] 


>> No.21840193

I can't but I don't need to be able to in order to answer the question with a yes.

>> No.21840243


>> No.21840340

the same people that look to the likes of tate look to peterson

>> No.21840384

While the impulse driving young men to grifters like Andrew Tate or Peterson is similar (a generalized "crisis of masculinity"), Peterson at least offers some intellectual pretenses and emotional sensitivity and has a somewhat more individualist worldview. Tate on the other hand is the complete opposite, a simplistic jock who encourages men to blame "the system"/"the matrix" for their woes and find their salvation in pure hedonism. Tate’s main message is that life is a game and that men need to win at all costs by exploiting the system, manipulating women, acquiring money and status, and displaying physical strength and aggression. Peterson’s main message is that life is inherently suffering and to develop a fulfilling one must learn how to adapt to these various challenges and struggles, and that people need to find meaning and purpose in their existence by following a set of moral rules and structure enabling them to pursue their highest potential.

>> No.21840398

Imagine how much money OP paid some Jews in academia to learn how to put that "sentence" together.

>> No.21840412

you get it

>> No.21840414

They intertwine, but it's not absolute, since both infuse the void of learned weakness and helplessness forcing them to address it and obstinately 'self-actualize', however, the means of getting there are supposed to be done under a different "framework"
and yes, Tate's are typically less bright

>> No.21840676

At least Tate does not acquiesce to the notion of Jews being our natural masters.

>> No.21840728

Does Peterson run any sort of camp or pyramid scheme where he pays you to recruit other members like Tate does? I dislike Peterson immensely but he at least has a legitimate academic background and real credentials, he just abused his authority to become an irresponsible pop intellectual promoting conservative culture war issues. Tate is some amateur boxer who pays prostitutes and rents cars to make himself look cool, then regurgitates some 2008 era manosphere pua garbage and sells a "hustlers university" scheme that says it teaches people how to become "influencers" but you only make money by getting other people to join and pay the fees.

One's just an irresponsible but eccentric academic overstepping his bounds and field of expertise to gain notoriety. The other is just a two bit con artist jester who is in prison for human trafficking

>> No.21840848
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>JBP pisses off both /pol/ and lefty-/pol/ types like you,
Yes, because he's a stupid fucking idiot and so are you. Anyone who gets on stage and says "I LIKE THE CURRENT SYSTEM, IT'S THE BEST THING EVER! BETTER THAN GULAGS, AM I RIGHT???" 100% deserves the gulag.

He's not real. He's an e-celeb. Shut the fuck up. Don't talk about him anymore.

Don't tak about thinkers from 70+ years ago, either. Make new stuff. I know it's hard because everyone's brain-dead and alienated now and we're in hyper-dystopia, and I'm talking to the literal unthinking pleb/peasant class who got computers and books by accident, but... do something for real, or I'll kill you. Tonight.

>> No.21840855

>Does Peterson run any sort of camp or pyramid scheme where he pays you to recruit other members like Tate does? I dislike Peterson immensely but he at least

Comparing e-celebs. Get off this board.

Peterson in his first year (or couple years) of fame, ran a Patreon that earned $50,000/month and used it to buy carpets.

>> No.21840859

He's now a multi-millionaire based on saying absolutely nothing. It doesn't even matter, it's a non-issue. Might as well talk about Cardi B, she has more clout, after all.

>> No.21840882

>appeal to authority

>> No.21840929

troon seething never keeps my dick flaccid

>> No.21840938

Jorden Peterson is just another useless self-help guru. The difference is that he has academic credentials this veneer of scientific authority. His politics was accidental, a consequence of running his mouth on every topic in the public sphere and getting embroiled into culture wars bullshit. He isn’t a reactionary. He’s just a sad intellectual prostitute who got stuck in a world of politics he didn’t want to be in but now he can’t escape it either. Like Zizek, all he does is waffle and offer up ignorant opinions to his brain dead followers. Unlike Zizek, he’s never produced any intellectual content of merit. Both are prostitutes, but the Slovene, and I’m sorry to say this, is a high class prostitute!

>> No.21840939

I'm not going to waste limited time reading the entirety of any of his work, I will say though that I've always gotten the impression of someone trying to mimic Waldo Emersons ideas around symbolism and mythology, but who's completely out of their depth in doing it

>> No.21841278
File: 96 KB, 1024x642, FB215C27-7A8A-4CA3-A3D2-F29933270E7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very well put

>> No.21841282

>Trump gleeful while surrounded by niggers jews and africans

>> No.21841317

>government owns major industries
Lol, those get privatized and sold, so are our resources. "Nordic model" is sinking ship. Norway can make it with oil, I guess.

>> No.21841399

I think the primary issue most people take with him is that he justifies his defeatist submission to dominance hierarchies through his unique blend of Christian mysticism blended with Jungian psychology to produce an inert, atomizing effect on his followers. Sure, you can argue that his insistence on the universal subconscious and fealty to God connects us both metaphysically and meta-cognitively, and this is true in theory, but that’s not the effect that it produces in people. Generally, his very chud-like baseding that the West has fallen gives him a blackpilling effect on his fans and his insistence on self-improvement drives these people to be alienated from society by their now enlightened-gnostic levels of self-aggrandizement. This would be tolerable if only for the positive message to improve on yourself if it weren’t for his cuck-minded insipience that dominance hierarchies are the most important organizational tools for the world. This leads to his fans that actually take his message seriously only reinforcing the systemic power-structures that he endlessly moans about when they shill for something that he doesn’t like. Despite his obsequious classical-liberal front that he loves to flaunt the implications of his thought lead to his followers subverting the state in the same way that he now bemoans but for their interests. If the state was doing totalitarianism and media control the JBP way he would have no issue with it. Look at the way he talks about Stalin. Never once does he despise the absolute power that he held, just the way that he used it. Gulags were bad to him because they had the wrong prisoners in them. Of course he won’t directly say that, but it’s what his thought leads to. Additionally, he lacks a very firm basis in philosophy and he loves to take terms from it and throw them around in his doomspeeches. Zizek had to thoroughly spank him publicly in front of a live audience so that he would stop saying postmodern neo-marxists.

>> No.21841525
File: 44 KB, 759x422, 9F9FCA74-E851-47CD-A33D-1EE9F3C6094A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve paid Peterson for his clinical work, bought his book and listened to hundred of hours of his stuff. He is absolutely a surrogate father figure and I would absolutely do coke with him. He helped me. Sorry you got disenfranchised and still are but there are paths to being apart of society again. Patience and forgiveness with yourself are key.

>> No.21841610
File: 249 KB, 1290x1251, IMG_6870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks there is something new under the sun

>> No.21841642

Based unashamed zoomer

>> No.21841645

Everything you are saying is wrong. You've misinterpreted everything.

>> No.21842235

>And how's that going for you guys?
Better than getting nuked by kike-ran United States if we didn't drop those parts.

>> No.21842241

i really like this picture :)

>> No.21842308

comic writer needs a solid dose of Stirner
seriously fucking spooked jesus christ

>> No.21842313

Jews are all conservative inherently

>> No.21842317

This guy doesn't even know how a two dimentional political spectrum works

>> No.21842318

>based on marxism
why do so many channer retards self-report never having read marx

>> No.21842328

its because most channers are dysgenic and have repressed gender dysphoria. its why theyre so transphobic and also aggressively retarded

>> No.21842329

Peterstein has never read the works of those he criticizes. His followers don't read at all.

>> No.21842344

Define conservative political theory.

>> No.21842350

there are no good Jews, Jews are a monobloc, they all agree on the main points
>Jews are a group
>that group has a right to exist
>that group's existence must be defended at all cost (muh holohoax never forget)
also, an absolute majority of Jews also believes this fourth point
>Jews are all intrinsically good/smart/interesting/better i.e Jews would be the best possible rulers for humanity i.e Jews must rule
any other opinion or belief the Jew may hold will merely serve these first four. There are 'left wing jews', none of them would ever say 'we Jews should go extinct'. Compare that to germans, white (americans), french, englishmen, etc

>> No.21842353

>marx is le....... undefinable

>> No.21842376


>> No.21842381


>> No.21842385

They are conservative amongst themselves but sew disunity in whichever host nation that they are leaching from.

>> No.21842386

>This guy
Which guy, the artist or the character?

>> No.21842397

They are commenting on the practical application of Marxism that they witness, not theory from a book.

>> No.21842402
File: 24 KB, 640x392, arachnaphobia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21842404

If you are not commenting on theory, your argument is irrelevant

>> No.21842409

The artist. Anarchy is to the right, not the left. Totalitarianism is at the leftmost limit and anarchy at the rightmost.

>> No.21842420

Marx has no theory because every obvious flaw and shortcoming that arrises every year from the basis he backpedalled and made up band aids for until those failed and he did it again. By the time he died there was no thesis throughline because it had been shot and patched more times than the ship pf theseus

>> No.21842429

>If you are commenting on what you have personally witnessed, your argument is irrelevant

>> No.21842438

The character is confused on this point, not the artist. The nebulousness of linear political framing may even be the artist's primary thesis.

>> No.21842439

If this board spontaneously brought spiders up every time their retarded shit got identified and had entire cartoon canons about how much they hate spiders and typically at least one spider-related thread on the top page at any time I would definitely wonder what was up with them and spiders.

>> No.21842464

The self-help guru du jour for disaffected young men who think feminism is a plot to force them into virginity, Peterson is a Canadian psychologist who rose to fame by vocally opposing a bill that would protect transgender people from discrimination, an illustrative example of his association with the contemporary culture war. 12 Rules for Life is a rambling, pompous, and often incoherent mishmash of misinterpreted evolutionary psychology, Jung, biblical literalism, and anti-communist paranoia. He claims to offer a guide to living a meaningful life in a chaotic world, but his rules are either banal or just plain baffling. He peppers his prose with obscure references to Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche, and Solzhenitsyn, but fails to engage deeply with these thinkers or with any contemporary thinkers who might challenge his worldview. He is a reactionary masquerading as a liberal radical standing up for truth, a charlatan peddling snake oil to the masses.

>> No.21842467
File: 471 KB, 640x640, JBP I am in control of this moment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry. I don't want to fuck you, Jordan. Simple as.

>> No.21842475

It looks much more like the right wings idea of liberalism/libertarianism coming back to a fascistic/nationalistic state imposed social morality. Anytime anybody brings up "society" I get leery because it is so ill-defined as to be meaningless outside of the gut feeling of an individual of their expectations of others not being met.

>> No.21842480

>who think feminism is a plot to force them into virginity
What, precisely, is the point of feminism?

>> No.21842485

Allow women to be treated as individuals with full human rights and not under subjugation to men

>> No.21842496

I would like him to have an articulate libertarian like Dave Smith come onto his show and not be an idiot who falls for obviously nonsense cultural issues that paper over the economic ones that are the root problems they are obfuscating. But conservatives never do that because their ideology really is completely meaningless. Conservatism is just liberalism from 10 years ago dragging it's feet. It has no theory behind it. It is a weird hodgepodge of libertarian gut feelings and nationalistic rhetoric. There couldn't be further root ideologies from some kind of fascistic theocracy and a libertarian free market yet somehow conservatives walk around with those both in their heads as if they are compatible theories in any way.

>> No.21842499

>Anytime anybody brings up "society" I get leery because it is so ill-defined as to be meaningless outside of the gut feeling of an individual of their expectations of others not being met
Who introduced the term ''society'' into this discussion?

>> No.21842500

What are human rights? Which men are the subjugated by?

>> No.21842505

Panel 5 and panel 7. The author.

>> No.21842506

How exactly does Prohibition foster that premise?

>> No.21842507

The libshit agenda is not practical application of Marxism but the advanced, decrepit stage of capitalism. For example, trannies are the literal embodiment of capitalism: they are indoctrinated by propaganda and advertisements to have a fantasy ideal of themselves for which they must consume products from the pharmaceutical jews to attempt to fulfill. Their entire sense of self comes from consumption and advertisements because they view being a woman as a material construct.
Just because retarded "leftists" use snippets of Marx to defend themselves (let's be real here: they don't even quote Marx anymore and instead have some general notion that "capitalism is bad" and that the rich must die or whatever Soros-fed propaganda they are guzzling nowadays) or claim Marx as their prophet does not mean they are anything more than the dysgenic children of capitalism. There is no practical application of Marxism in the wastelands of North America (and in the general Western world).

>> No.21842510

>He isn't out in the open attacking white people
He is. He has unironically said having pride on your race is good except if you're white because muh nazism.

>> No.21842513

>The author
Not by narration, but through the voice of the character.

>> No.21842514

We haven't had capitalism in over 100 years. We have had mixed socialist economies with state controlled fiat capital.

>> No.21842520

You are misreading the point of the comic. It is not that the single dimension political spectrum is hard to read, it is an argument that authoritarianism provides freedom. The thought experiment is literally that freedom isn't free because of risks and that safety provides freedom. You have misread the intent of the comic.

>> No.21842524

I do not see any material difference between the philosophies of either Marxism or Capitalism. They are both oligarchies with the same nexus of capital.

>> No.21842526

Based anprim

>> No.21842530

>You have misread the intent of the comic

>> No.21842534

Go ahead and read the comic 6-10 more times. This time don't think that the artist is trying to be le meta. Eventually you will get it.

>> No.21842540

>Go ahead and read the comic 6-10 more times
No u.

>> No.21842619

Oh please, this so called "social justice movement", identity politics, etc has nothing to do with Marxism. It's pure bourgeoise liberalism and an attempt by the capitalist regime to undermine class consciousness and manipulate individuals belonging to these groups to enthusiastically participate in the system by promising them rewards and offering them a commodified preset identity.

Instead of challenging the capitalist system at the root of oppression and exploitation, the progressive social movement reinforces the system by dividing the working class along identity lines and promoting a false sense of empowerment that only serves the interests of the ruling elite. The progressive social movement is not a revolutionary force, but a reactionary one that must be exposed and opposed by all genuine socialists.

>> No.21842637

say "im a sheltered cis white guy living in the imperial core" without saying it

>> No.21842639

I'm a libertarian and I see this with the exact same goggles except I don't see state run central banking systems and fiat handed out to cronies and propaganda spread through state education facilities to do this end as anything even remotely close to capitalism.

>> No.21842642

>reads settlers once

>> No.21842671

NTA, but I think there are different definitions of capitalism. A Marxist sees capitalism as the domination of capital over labor which leads to crises in society, especially as capital and its production gets concentrated in the hands of the few at the top. So what you are describing, they would call "State capitalism" because the State, in conjunction with capitalists, uses capital to dominate over society.

>> No.21842673

wow this thread is awful, i don't see a single poem here which is funny, are you guys in the right place?

>Instead of challenging the capitalist system at the root of oppression and exploitation, the progressive social movement reinforces the system by dividing the working class along identity lines and promoting a false sense of empowerment that only serves the interests of the ruling elite.
yeah this is obviously true, given the the politics is sponsored at every opportunity by corporate and neoliberal politicians, it's cyber astroturf that doesn't exist IRL.

>> No.21842680

Ah yes let’s all hate the boogie man created by marketing think tanks, that’ll show them

>> No.21842701

The pseud that doesn’t think he’s a pseud

>> No.21842702

>Authoritarian worldview
>Blames the state
Pick one commie

>> No.21842708

To me capitalism requires capital and the investment of capital. Capital is a store of value. Within a state fiat currency system there is no real capital because the fiat that is traded is not capital because it doesn't have any actual value. The root word capital itself is so violated that it cannot be capital-ism. Like most of the issues that fringe people see the libertarians and socialists see the same evident problems and have different beliefs in solutions and causes.

>> No.21842717

Easy, he is against the state in its current form because it promotes an ideology he is against, but would support a strict state that promotes his ideological values

>> No.21842777

I love fringe right wing crackpots that are actually interesting. Peterson isn't one of them. I get the feeling he's the kind of guy who makes stuff up on the spot to sound cool and intelligent while having zero substance. All of his publications are Star Trek quality pseudo-intellectual waffling. I think his crowd are actually homosexuals, they desire these homosocial relationships with other men. They want bonds but they are terrified of how women are taking over. They desire females but not really, they genuinely fear them. These people are basically closeted homosexuals in denial and they sublimate that sexual frustration into the lite redpill therapeautic culture that Peterson feeds them.

>> No.21842814

I am not too familiar with libertarianism, so your view on state fiat system is interesting. How do you view the State? Like do you not think the State exists to serve the interests of large corporations? When individuals and groups have amassed a large amount of capital, will they not use the State and its laws for their needs?

>> No.21842838

>Oh please, this so called "social justice movement", identity politics, etc has nothing to do with Marxism
You are expounding of the differentiation of various flatulatory aromas. Marx was a fraud, but more notably, a grifting scumbag. He would have felt right at home amongst his modern adherents.

>> No.21842840

The state is a large corporation and crony corporations are subsidiaries of the state. A state is the dominant criminal corporation in a given geographic region and it exists are a parasite. A state at best is a protection racket no different from any other mafia. You pay us and we'll protect you from the other gangs, you don't pay us and we smash up your shit, beat you, lock you in a cage, or kill you. The reason corporations go to the government to get free money and regulatory advantages is the same reason anybody would go to the mafia for it. If you can get the criminals to point their guns at your competition and not allow them to be a competitor then you win without competing. The state serves itself primarily. Corporations go to the state offering the government (the operators of the state or gangsters in the gang) deals to allow them to compete. Take a conservative boogeyman- Bill Gates. Bill Gates didn't use to lobby and work with the state, it was only when his competitors lobbied the state to call his company a monopoly and trust bust him that he started working with the state out of necessity. Now windows has backdoors for state intelligence to access anybody's PC they want remotely at any time easily. This is the general pattern. The 'private' corporations don't have the power to shut the state down at the end of the day but the state has the power to shut them down. You tell me who runs who.

>> No.21842853

So basically “beat your women” the post

>> No.21842863

The banks own the gov

>> No.21842876

theyre gay but afraid to admit it to themselves because of ingrained machismo and heteronormativity

>> No.21842881

Idk you sound a little gay to me

>> No.21842886

Tell that to your mother

>> No.21842888 [DELETED] 

this explains the hostility towards psychology on the part of that crowd... actually it always struck me as strange that Peterson was supposed to teach something or other to do with Psychology, you'd think he'd know full well that the social dynamics of all of this were spelled out in the first half of the 1900's and .... while he does know what sexual repression is and 'is' blaming it as a cause, he's pinning it as a cause in the wrong place; as if people who take up arms against pepsi cola thugs in latin america just haven't had sex, and would stop caring about anything that happens to them if they did. On that level it's very BNW, his whole shtick; the intellectual position that a human is so soft-headed that they'd forget about.. idk.. having their family killed or something.. if they were shown a pair of breasts.

He's a lunatic anyway, no emotional control over himself; quite literally, and he is really just a case study in how a really stupid press system creates inadvertent "heroes" by talking badly about them for a long time.

He's kind of the (i forget his name) political opposition to Putin, in a western context; a wild-eyed obvious schizophrenic bouncing from one gig to another being cheered by crowds of malcontents who see his martyrdom-lunacy as a poetic form of vicarious rebellion against a complex world that they don't really want to grasp.

>> No.21842895 [DELETED] 

this explains the hostility towards psychology on the part of that crowd (e.g. everything, esp. psych, is a jewish marxist conspiracy against me)... actually it always struck me as strange that Peterson was supposed to teach something or other to do with Psychology, you'd think he'd know full well that the social dynamics of all of this were spelled out in the first half of the 1900's and .... while he does know what sexual repression is and 'is' blaming it as a cause, he's pinning it as a cause in the wrong place; as if people who take up arms against pepsi cola thugs in latin america just haven't had sex, and would stop caring about anything that happens to them if they did. On that level it's very BNW, his whole shtick; the intellectual position that a human is so soft-headed that they'd forget about.. idk.. having their family killed or something.. if they were shown a pair of breasts.

He's a lunatic anyway, no emotional control over himself; quite literally, and he is really just a case study in how a really stupid press system creates inadvertent "heroes" by talking badly about them for a long time.

He's kind of the (i forget his name) political opposition to Putin, in a western context; a wild-eyed obvious schizophrenic bouncing from one gig to another being cheered by crowds of malcontents who see his martyrdom-lunacy as a poetic form of vicarious rebellion against a complex world that they don't really want to grasp.

>> No.21842903

this explains the hostility towards psychology on the part of that crowd (e.g. everything, esp. psych, is a jewish marxist conspiracy against me - they all think this*)... actually it always struck me as strange that Peterson was supposed to teach something or other to do with Psychology, you'd think he'd know full well that the social dynamics of all of this were spelled out in the first half of the 1900's and .... while he does know what sexual repression is and 'is' blaming it as a cause, he's pinning it as a cause in the wrong place; as if people who take up arms against pepsi cola thugs in latin america just haven't had sex, and would stop caring about anything that happens to them if they did. On that level it's very BNW, his whole shtick; the intellectual position that a human is so soft-headed that they'd forget about.. idk.. having their family killed or something.. if they were shown a pair of breasts.

He's a lunatic anyway, no emotional control over himself; quite literally, and he is really just a case study in how a really stupid press system creates inadvertent "heroes" by talking badly about them for a long time.

He's kind of the (i forget his name) political opposition to Putin, in a western context; a wild-eyed obvious schizophrenic bouncing from one gig to another being cheered by crowds of malcontents who see his martyrdom-lunacy as a poetic form of vicarious rebellion against a complex world that they don't really want to grasp.

*edits, didn't quite drum home the neo-nazi fanbase who comprise 100% of petersons followers

>> No.21842907

She's the one that pointed it out to me.

>> No.21842912

>didn't quite drum home the neo-nazi fanbase who comprise 100% of petersons followers
He literally stumps for jewish hegemony.

>> No.21842921

The state owns the banks. In fact it just bought two of them. The state owns the money itself.

>> No.21842922

I know lol he's trying so hard to distance himself from his loyal patreon supporters that he even went to Israel and had tea with the Brothers Ben Yahmin, who OF COURSE represent all jewry everywhere hahaha

this fucking society, i swur

>> No.21842924

I don't think it's ingrained heteronormativity. It's classic Freudian repression. They basically can't admit to themselves that they have homosexual desires and their fear and dislike of women and feminists is rooted in their inability to deal with their unconscious homosexual tendencies. All pre-modern societies, Greek, Chinese, Islamic, accepted a kind of male peer homoeroticism where younger men were mentored romantically and sexually by their male seniors and only after that did they graduate to heterosexual relations with women. But since the 19th century, when the West created an identity politics where people are straight or gay, there is no such system anymore. The result are a bunch of angry repressed young men looking for an elder male figure to guide them, they are filled with desire for male companionship and sexual relations with older men AND young women but lack maturity to deal with it. Peterson has latched onto that niche. He's become their surrogate romantic/sexual senior to idolize. But they can't admit that basic fact to themselves and so they're never fixed and just dig themselves in deeper and deeper into a hole of shitty politics, paranoia, and therapeautic bullshit.

>> No.21842936

still, the Apartheid Regime in israel is the one place on earth you can go to see white germans and slavs (larping as bible heroes) abusing tanned and brown people in a comicbook villain manner, so it would add up.

it's still bible belt.

>> No.21842944

>He's become their surrogate romantic/sexual senior to idolize.
in fairness this is virtually all surrogate media; to lack a tangible society and latch to a fiction instead.

>> No.21842977

I don't think that's a bad thing. Humans have been doing it for centuries. Confucius was hung up on making sure people knew poetry and the lore of old kings, even if it was probably fictional. Why? Because literature provides ethical role models for young people, something we can attach ourselves to, model ourselves on and build our identity in our formative years. Jordan Peterson is an objectively bad role model. He's an incoherent schizo, a liar who fools people into thinking he's perfect when he's a drug addled addict, a guy that sucks up to the powerful or anyone who gives him attention and only cares about his audience because he wanted to be a superstar public intellectual and needed a mob to ride on. He doesn't offer them anything other that soothing talk that bolsters their fragile egos.

>> No.21843004

I do agree that the State is a group of armed men and that today the State has expanded grossly beyond reason. However, isn't the gross expansion a natural evolution from its role in protecting private property? It claims that its laws and executive power is being used to help the people, but it overall seems to protect the current system. Every time State power expands, it expands as a result of a crisis in the system and it steps in to preserve the system. Consider the SVB situation here >>21842921. The collapse of SVB would have resulted in a catastrophe for the "average" person, which the State uses as an excuse to step in. Otherwise the whole financial system might be jeopardized and more banks could collapse, which the State cannot allow for its own self-preservation but also the preservation of the current system and the owners of the system.

>> No.21843031

>The state is a large corporation and crony corporations are subsidiaries of the state.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with this, since you, taxpayer, are the investor and the policemen are you and your family, and the law is written by you and for you.

Capitalism, however, puts this up for sale by selling off chunks of public property to fly-by-night legal constructs; states within states, with no ties or stakehold or responsibility to the land or the citizenry.

As Stalin pointed out, 'capitalism', underneath all the pseudo-babble, is just condition of anarchy, in the control of nobody; a permanent state of being plundered and dragged from your bed by barbarians, knowing no peace due to the absence of an Imperial Army to crucify such persons and put the fear of slow death by bleeding and burning into their animal brains.

Even this 'capitalism' is the true cause of all the ills suffered; from atlantic slavery to so-called colonialism; these were all capitalist enterprises which the nobles of the day lacked the trained manpower to properly chase down and exterminate, and more's the pity.

>> No.21843066

>However, isn't the gross expansion a natural evolution from its role in protecting private property?
We don't really have private property, we have real estate which is different. For example the deer on your land are public, the water you don't have real rights to, you must pay property taxes to the real owner.
>It claims that its laws and executive power is being used to help the people, but it overall seems to protect the current system.
It has never protected the people because the goal is to extract wealth from people. It does so with the goal of maximizing the GDP and thus the amount it can extract from the people and organizations that it owns.
>Every time State power expands, it expands as a result of a crisis in the system and it steps in to preserve the system.
It expands to expand state power, profits, and control. At every single chance it gets it reduces individual rights unless they help it increase the GDP.
>Consider the SVB situation here >>21842921 (You). The collapse of SVB would have resulted in a catastrophe for the "average" person, which the State uses as an excuse to step in. Otherwise the whole financial system might be jeopardized and more banks could collapse, which the State cannot allow for its own self-preservation but also the preservation of the current system and the owners of the system.
So SVB was interesting, the Fed has been having to increase the fake interest rates that they have had at 0% for years now. This has caused fake business industries to hurt- in this case Tech. You see, much of tech is just ponzi schemes based on this 0% interest rate. You make a start up, you make an application with a logo, you bring in investors, the originators cash out by dumping the brand, the brand crashes. They do this over and over. That's why you see some software devs claiming 600k/yr. It's not that the company is creating value or anything, the business is fake and based on an artificially low interest rate allowing absurd malinvestments. Well this has dried up with the increase to 5% and SVB was a run on the bank created by a group of these techbros. They had a slack group and all colluded to create the run on the bank in order to pressure the Fed to lower interest rates again. Now that said because I thought it would interest you but as for sound monetary theory that would be good for us and not the beneficiaries of central banking like fake businesses or the state I WANT the banking system to collapse. All of this fake money is malinvested and the printing of it devalues our own wages. In terms of Keynesian theory the point of QE and bailouts and low interest is because the state wants the GDP to stay high at all costs and those costs are us. Essentially the tools lower the natural oscillation amplitude of market ups and downs and make the line more linear but this happens at the expense of the individual citizen via inflated home prices and reduced wages.

>> No.21843069

>since you, taxpayer, are the investor and the policemen are you and your family, and the law is written by you and for you
In an ideal world, maybe this is the case, but the State seems to allow you to be "plundered and dragged from your bed by barbarians" as long as it can profit off of it and you don't dare revolt. It actually takes part in the plundering and dominates over every aspect of your life. Look at how it lets corporations collect your private information and the State uses that information to track and persecute you. In the past you could've organized and revolted, but look at how Jan. 6th turned out.

>> No.21843078

Every dollar printed is a debit to the gov credit to the bank retard. The chief group of lenders owns the gov

>> No.21843090

You the taxpayer are the states property. You are a slave.

>> No.21843098

Please do expand on this.

>> No.21843127


>> No.21843132

I'm not watching youtube, you're going to have to use your words.

>> No.21843145

Watch it

>> No.21843153

Be a big boy and use your words.

>> No.21843164

Watch the video it’s less than 5 minutes of your time, not my problem, bucko

>> No.21843172

I don't listen to people who post youtube links as their explanations or proof.

>> No.21843174

>not my problem, bucko

>> No.21843182

See >>21843174

>> No.21843188

Could you explain the SVB situation further or link to where I can read about it? I don't understand how these fake startups are taking advantage of the 0% interest rate.
>We don't really have private property, we have real estate which is different
I understand that today, we has individuals don't really own anything. But I mean that the State had an initial role of protecting the idea of private property. It was supposed to protect you from others stealing what you own and to help dispute conflict between property owners. Sorry, my understanding of classic liberals is very shaky and rusty, so I can't solidify my thoughts.
Over time, property becomes increasingly concentrated in fewer hands (like the owner of your water supply). The State participates in this concentration of property and acquires properties of its own. It wants to perpetuate this concentration and acquisition of property because of its ideal role as a protector of private property. it needs to grow ridiculously powerful in order to keep dominating in a rapidly industrializing and globalizing world. In addition, as the property gets increasingly concentrated, more conflicts and crises arise, such as worker revolts and collapse of major institutions/corporations, which threaten to wreak havoc in this system. So the State has to expand in power to step into these crises as well and reduces individual rights for the "safety" of the "public" and the system.

>> No.21843201

This just wasn't true for most of history; to skip the debate on Roman Law (which is grievously against this notion), the Europeans won plenty of rights for themselves after the decline of the romans in the manner of citizenship but these citizen rights became degraded due to the bringing in of foreign groups for cheap labor, if today you have as little rights as a person who arrives in the country tomorrow, then this is because the citizenship itself has been degraded to nothingness.

My point is that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the state model, or city-state model, but that the wrong which goes on in these areas are the direct result of mercenary "capitalists" being let to do as they please.

Really the notion of "international BAD" is correct, but it's international commerce that's the chief architect of decline. Goods, for instance, are produced overseas in slave camps for (many but) one big reason: the law says the government can tax imported goods, since the laws were written with home production in mind and the tax was designed to limit imports.

I agree with that but that's that the state is when the state is cut-off from the citizenry who would otherwise correct it; it's unlawful for these thing to happen, yet everything as happened because of this disenfranchisement.

The Peterson crowd is like this, "just leave me alone, let me have my steel belted radios and i won't say anything," but the beast that is their way of life cannot stop itself from what it is.; it knows no reason nor control, even when such things would seem to be in its own interests to show restraint it is incapable - hence it is anarchy, with all musings on the matter being merely sophistic apologisms; the refusal to look honestly around them and appraise the world as it is.

>> No.21843218
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>> No.21843231

So in terms of libertarian theory you don't make any assumption that the state is benevolent because as I said before it is basically just a corporation with the most access to the means of warfare including weapons, propaganda, and surveillance. But in this case you need to understand how Keynesian economic theory works. The idea economically is that by controlling the interest rate at which banks are provided money by the federal government and therefore the interest rates at which those banks lend to individuals and businesses you can jump-start a slow recession economy by pumping it full of cheap money. Interest is the price you pay for money. You can buy money now by paying more for it later. So if you lower the price of money you can increase GDP and thus increase the money the state makes off of it's subjects. Then there is bailouts which are for when a large corporation malinvests this and inevitably fails through incompetence the state buys out the company so that it can continue because losing such a large producer on the GDP is not good especially because it is a glass cannon. If one company fails and cannot pay it's debts and then that bank fails because there is a run then more and more can fail so the federal government must bailout large corporations. So you are right that they are doing it out of fear but the thing is that we absolutely should allow these shit companies to fail. You can look at it like doing a bunch of meth to stay awake. Yes you stay up and go fast but eventually you crash harder than having just slept when you should. Now Keynesian economics works and that's why every country does it, especially as you say for global influence. China is even more of a house of cards than the US- and the US has managed to outsource its inflation to some degree via backing developing currencies with bonds as assets due to the cantillon effect. At this point the whole global economy is out of fucking control and if you are smart you will just latch onto the governments teet.

>> No.21843273

I would rather live in frontier America in Arkansas in 1830 in anarchy than in Rome in 100CE.

>> No.21843314

are we weighing the quality of life of slaves from those times? I dare say you'd be happier as a human dildo for a wealthy patricianess in 100CE than as a negro sharecropper dying of hunger and cold in a field with your precious fucking liberty in 1830, citizen.

>> No.21843319

So in the case of the startups, after the startup fails, they claim bankruptcy and get bailed out by the government? Is that how the startup owners and investors get "paid"?

>> No.21843348

After the start-up fails they default on their loan an forfeit their collateral; usually the house that was paid for by generations of toil, after this they enter the labor market again.

>Is that how the startup owners and investors get "paid"?
It's how the banks get paid and acquire actual capital.

>> No.21843373

This is delusional, critical theory has deep origins in Marxism whether you like it or not. SJWs attack capitalism constantly and to classic Marxist points they add an attack towards the "reactionary" values it supposedly brings with itself (racism, sexism etc), which are an obstacle full equality within the working class and thus to class consciousness. That what they advocate for coincides with what banks advocate for has two causes: it both helps keep them in check and continues the 180 years of common values between the bourgeoisie and socialists, united in the destruction of everything that is solid and stable. When Marx critiqued capitalism for turning all that is solid into air, he didn't consider it a negative nor did his followers. Everything the SJWs do is consistent with what Marxist intelligentsia advocated for 100 years ago, the same intellectuals that went on to dominate universities and instruct the newer generations of the ruling class.

>> No.21843399

social justice is a dialectic of capitalsm and socialism
thesis socialism
antithesis capitalism
synthesis social justice/progressivism/etc

>> No.21843407

Capitalism is not the antithesis of socialism.

>> No.21843410

there is no synthesis for the two. We are currently stuck in a materialistic dialectic.

>> No.21843412


Don't care, still voting Trump.

>> No.21843458

What makes him this?

>> No.21843477

Did you read his book?

>> No.21843491

They just have to add the deplorables to their ranks because all that matters to them is class huh?

>> No.21843501

Advocating for lobsters and then railing against the same lobsters.

>> No.21843502
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>And China’s “socialism with Chinese characteristics,” if it weren’t fused with psychopathy of CCP leaders ... I think transcending the socialism vs. capitalism binary, might be one of the next hopeful advances of humanity’s politico-economic thought.
A useful thing from Marxism for me is the theory of religion and alienation. That is, humans project some part of themselves onto their own creations which they then pray to / become submissive to, like God, which actually a concept made up by people. (Or maybe more specifically they become submissive to people who monopolize the interpretation of the divine powers.) In a similar way, people create capital but then they become submissive to capital, or rather, the class of people who manage capital (capitalists) and their "priests." Or the "free market" is treated like a religion even if it hardly seem very free (or fair) when it's controlled by a handful of monopolies, when the advice you've been given about looking at the boss square in the eyes and giving him a firm handshake is bullshit because that manager has been replaced by a computer, and so forth.

So the question really isn't "planning" vs. "market" here, these are just tools created by people, no reason to treat them like a religion or CEOs like superheroes. That's how people were treating Elon Musk but look at him now. They're just tools. Can markets exist in socialism? The CCP's ideologues seem to say they can and probably will for a rather long time, because planning exists in capitalism. Just look at these bank bailouts recently. I'm not sure what I would've done if I was in the Fed's position, to just let all these depositors go bankrupt -- that seems like it would have seriously negative consequences. But we do seem to have some kinda semi-planned pseudo-capitalism like you were saying. I'm on my soapbox, but when you look at how much wealth is being stashed in these offshore bank accounts and held by large financial institutions and hedge funds like Blackrock, it's insane, trillions of dollars in assets which are not being used to invest in infrastructure or people in general, who are treated as disposable.

People are obviously growing dissatisfied with this set-up and that's called capitalism so they look at socialism without even knowing much about it, or they want a utopian and idealistic version of it which contrasts with the shitty thing they've got now, but that's easy and rather fantastical, and developing a critical and scientific direction to go down takes more effort and time.

>> No.21843509

Uses various terms incorrectly, most famously "postmodern neo marxism"

>> No.21843568
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The Cold War and McCarthyism threw a lot of communists in jail for Thought Crime and then convinced regular people communism was the most spooky evil thing ever. Since it was unacceptable to be discussed in media or even in public, a lot of leftist discourse got relegated to obscure corners of academia. Not only this, but even in academia, if they came out too in favor of communism, it could get them in trouble, so academics started to play around with and adapt leftist rhetoric to make a "friendlier" version for the U.S. public discourse, i.e. something that was anti-communist, anti-revolution, anti-class struggle, anti-working class, etc. Over time, leftist viewpoints stopped being associated with working people and became associated with university and academics. You had academic "leftists" like Susan Sontag who denounced communism saying "communism is the same as fascism," but then replaced communism with identity politics and anti-white rhetoric, saying "the white race is the cancer of human history."

It's more insidious than that, though, as capitalist countries indoctrinate their people with immense propaganda to try and convince them that all the successes of enterprises are built personally by the hands of its owners. People unironically think Elon Musk himself designed and built Tesla's electric cars, or SpaceX's rockets. This propaganda is necessary because if you realize the capitalist played no role in the designing, innovation, or construction of these things, then you quickly realize the capitalist is not actually necessary but is in fact a leech upon those people who did all the hard work. Therefore, there's lots of intense propaganda to keep the population worshipping the greatness, power and intellect of their glorious polymath capitalist overlords who deserve to rule over the society because of their superiority over the regular population.

And you have a problem where Marxism was basically beaten out of its population by the state, which caused the "left" in academia to become incredibly deformed and anti-working class, and then when Marxism began to be acceptable to talked about again, it is now mixed up in this incredibly deformed "left." You have people like Jordan Peterson who actually try to claim there is some link between the two, that identity politics is just “cultural Marxism." So some capitalist countries have become extremely evil and psycho.


>> No.21843578

That explains it.

>> No.21843591

I don't think anything in particular of him.
I'm apolitical.

>> No.21843593

No one has posted /ourguy/ already? You disappoint me, /lit/.

>> No.21843594

I don't feel that strongly about Peterson, although I find his Youtube self help guru persona a bit contrived and obnoxious

>> No.21843601
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>neoliberal fascists
Why are leftists like this, bros? Why are they so disingenuous.

>> No.21843729

I'm a large white man and I just want to hunt all day.

>> No.21843734

Because they hate real socialism. It’s never been tried before, remember?

>> No.21843754

>offering them simplistic and dogmatic narratives blaming non white cis males or "the state" for their shortcomings
This shows you don't know what he actually talks about, and I mean that in the most literal and severe sense. Peterson is pretentious, trite, and overrated, I agree there one hundred percent. But you don't know a single thing about him. Go back to twitter btw.

>> No.21843772

They spend all the investment then sell the company to a chump before that happens. It's a ponzi scheme.

>> No.21843821
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That’s what I was thinking. Somehow you can just tell.

>> No.21843867

Stop making excuses and clean your room already

>> No.21843877

Love this guy

>> No.21843952

No, do you?
He explained it here.

>> No.21843975

>He explained it here
Timestamp, please. I am not dedicating another half hour to Peterson.

>> No.21844034


also here

>> No.21844035

Is this portrait AI generated?

>> No.21844039

trying to rationalize your boner? don't worry sweaty, we ALL got it.

>> No.21844239

Well, at least that one is shorter and has Zizek in it.

>> No.21844418

Imagine if modern people were this inspired by more substantial thinkers to the extent they are by Peterson

>> No.21844427

Because trannies love the attention from being perpetual victims, they weild their victimhood as a weapon. JBP calls this out specifically. They also seek vanity and entitlement to an extreme degree, insisting on falseness, obsessed with inversion. Its pretty pathetic and Im forever thankful I read his stuff and got out of this mindset completely.
>T. Zippertits

>> No.21844497

Jung is actually probably more for boomer hippy women lol
You realize America had a tech start up boom in the 1980s when interest rates were like in the 20% region right? Why would you think tech should be particularly interest rate sensitive?
>Well this has dried up with the increase to 5% and SVB was a run on the bank created by a group of these techbros. They had a slack group and all colluded to create the run on the bank in order to pressure the Fed to lower interest rates again. Now that said because I thought it would interest you but as for sound monetary theory that would be good for us and not the beneficiaries of central banking like fake businesses or the state I WANT the banking system to collapse.
SVB could of survived no problem if the government didn't step in ironically. Also are you not claiming you believe here that public bureaucrats at the Fed are acting right but private entrepreneurs are in the wrong? lol... also lolberts made crypto to revolt against le banks
>In terms of Keynesian theory the point of QE and bailouts and low interest is because the state wants the GDP to stay high at all costs and those costs are us
None of that has to do with "Keynesian theory"... a rational investor demands a bailed out for himself, any business wants to increase sales, etc. QE is just one asset swap (a bond for $), not increasing GDP much. If you just want to inflate GDP you can pay people to juggle things back and forth, keeping asset prices inflated is protecting established wealth not trying to maximize GDP.
>Could you explain the SVB situation further or link to where I can read about it?
SVB didn't have "normal" clients, it did business primarily with a large number of retards who could easily all be rallied to demand to get all their money out at once. It couldn't meet the demand (no bank could but that's not a situation any other bank will realistically find themselves in because they don't just cater to one group of retards) and was forcefully shut down by the government and the investors in the bank lost out and the depositors were "saved". If the government didn't step in they could of just told the depositors to fuck off and come back latter and may have played it out no problem (totally common in crypto exchange land). Lolberts hate the idea of government deposit insurance tho and want to get rid of that.. which would result in banking consolidation when everyone flees risky small banks for security in large numbers
Keynesianism is about fiscal policy i.e. government spending/taxes. The idea of an "independent" technocratic central bank using interest rate policies to smooth over the business cycle is more Friedmanite. If you want to boost demand Keynes would say cut taxes/pay people to dig ditches, don't depend on banks to expand loans to firms or consumers and vice versa if you want less money in the economy you tax more/spend less, don't hope everyone just decides to spend less

>> No.21844509

My condolences, I am sorry you fell victim to the manipulation tactics pushing impressionable young people to undergo these gruesome treatments and hormone experiments

>> No.21844512

Correct, that those deplorables find themselves within a subordinate position in society is undoubtable, and as such leftists mobilize their resentments against the status quo. They're using their differences (considered conseguences of oppression) as a sledgehammer to destroy difference altogether, not merely supporting egocentrism.
McCarthyism is an historical meme with very little substance, ironically continhed by those very same communist academics you claim were obsessed. In the first place, McCarthy's focus was on Communist infiltration of public administration and the secret services, not merely education, something confirmed by the Venona files. Second, that very same administration was what plotted against and condemned him to the status of persona non grata. He had very little istitutional support. Unironically thinking Marxists were persecuted in academia in the West is retarded, all theorists worthy of note in the Eastern Block moved west and got comfy university jobs. Those academics "frendlier" to the USA were also busy protesting Vietnam with essentially no repercussions whatsoever. Communism became unfashionable after the USSR collapsed and everyone agreed the whole project had been an abject failure (which it was) and leftism became more academic-centred not because of some state-led oppression, but because it both always had been and it lost contact with its base also due to a changing economic enviroment. Funny the structure-superstructure scheme gets inverted when it doesn't suite you. That whole Elon paragraph is schizophrenic bullshit and would singlehandendly spoil the rest of the post, if that wasn't was also a pile of shit. Go get shot by police you tranne fuck.

>> No.21844540

Then stop exhuming him

>> No.21844581

Not who you're responding to but

>McCarthy's focus was on Communist infiltration of public administration and the secret services
The Truman administration did that first and the FBI had files on everyone. If McCarthy never came along a crack down was coming, the thing is McCarthy wanted to overthrow the entire liberal establishment not just "communists" (unless you seriously believe people like George Marshall were communist agents which is of course ridiculous). McCarthy was a reactionary Catholic homosexual (e.g. see what happened to father coughlin) with deep links within those circles but also the emerging neocon Jewish cricles around Bill Buckley... they had an agenda which wasn't just anti-communism.

>confirmed by the Venona files
Someone citing the Venona files probably have never actual read gone over them first hand

>that very same administration was what plotted against and condemned him to the status of persona non grata
Eisenhower? Now you're in John Birch territory lol

>Unironically thinking Marxists were persecuted in academia in the West is retarded, all theorists worthy of note in the Eastern Block moved west and got comfy university jobs
In Western Europe maybe... in America the CPUSA was crushed, which created the New Left ironically.

>Those academics "frendlier" to the USA were also busy protesting Vietnam with essentially no repercussions whatsoever
COINTELPRO? The government didn't want to open that up in court

>Communism became unfashionable after the USSR collapsed
French theory was hot already in the 1970s... dogmatic Marxism-Leninism wasn't as relevant as you think

>> No.21844762

Yeah I'm sure McCarthy singlehandedly stopped the FBI from cracking down on commies. His ulterior agenda is irrelevant and saying he wanted to "overthrow" the entire liberal establishment of the time is misleading. Being generous in his accusations should still not have caused what happened to him, especially since his was mainly a call to investigate. In the first place, he was the one to invoke McCarthyism first, at which point I called it a meme. Source on the link between McCarthy and the neocons?
Do the Venona files not confirm deep inflitration in the public administration and secret services? Yes or no?
That the administration plotter against McCarthy is by now undeniable, and your doubt is especially ironic when you were the first to point out him being a "catholic reactionary (in America?) homosexual".
>in America the CPUSA was crushed
Source? Decay=/= being crushed, especially when it was never that big in the first place.
Most COINTELPRO were against the Black Panthers, not exactly the most USSR-aligned movement at the time, and while that failed, they let all other supposed subversives run around and ruin the homefront.
Aside from Foucault, most French theory was still made up of communists who supported the SU (or China), with Althusser in pole position. Meanwhile in America analytical Marxists and left-communists were still highly important. And that's ignoring the rise of dependance theory and third world economics. You're full of shit.

>> No.21844789 [DELETED] 


>> No.21844791

he's not gonna fuck you bro

>> No.21844869


>> No.21844891

I am going to look for it. I think that he was travelling. It was in an ad hoc setting. Not his normal desk video format that he so commonly does.

>> No.21844912

Jordan Peterson is not nearly interesting enough to inspire this much discord about him on this board.

>> No.21845265


>> No.21845305
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JBP is the savior nobody asked for or expected

>> No.21845317

You can say the exact same thing about anglos.

>> No.21845792
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>> No.21845862


>> No.21846479

>You realize America had a tech start up boom in the 1980s when interest rates were like in the 20% region right? Why would you think tech should be particularly interest rate sensitive?
You realize that moores law is over, right? You realize spin up on hardware is at such a high price floor that it is impossible to do anything but source arm components or play with the two choices of x86? Only software is booming, hardware is crystalized.
>SVB could of survived no problem if the government didn't step in ironically. Also are you not claiming you believe here that public bureaucrats at the Fed are acting right but private entrepreneurs are in the wrong? lol... also lolberts made crypto to revolt against le banks
Svb had their assets in long term bonds at a 2% 10 year return. When the fed rased the artifical interest rates it made those bonds completely worthless. The "businesses" that are started with 0% loans then run as ponzi schemes are not real businesses they are just investment scams. They provide no real products and are misvalued by the fake market. I dislike both these fake businesses and the federal reserve and banks that makes them possible. Crypto is just a solution to having your assets rapidly debased by the legal counterfeiter. Nothing more.
>None of that has to do with "Keynesian theory"... a rational investor demands a bailed out for himself, any business wants to increase sales, etc. QE is just one asset swap (a bond for $), not increasing GDP much. If you just want to inflate GDP you can pay people to juggle things back and forth, keeping asset prices inflated is protecting established wealth not trying to maximize GDP.
It is to stabilize the GDP and keep it growing. If one industry fails it causes the entire house of cards to fail. The tech bros are smart enough to know what they are doing is a scam dependent on low interest rates and they are smart enough to know that they could cause a run and hopefully scare Powell into lowering the interest rates once again.

>> No.21846531

Apparently not

>> No.21846539

The GOAT lays all of this out really well if any of you zoomers have the patience to listen to this.

>> No.21846552
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Why do so many posters here refer to him as a pseud or an idiot? I don't always agree with him but he's clearly not a stupid man.

>> No.21846561

What administration plotted against McCarthy? Are you talking about the claim that Eisenhower was an active agent of the Moscow? lol
McCarthy was on the right of the GOP and closer to guys like Taft who literally wanted to return to the 1920s and undo all aspects of the New Deal. Claiming all dumbocraps were commie treason might have had something to do with that.
Crypt cables weren't even necessary for knowing a lot of Soviet influence existed. All kinds of people voluntarily were cooperating with the USSR, they didn't need to be NKVD agents. It doesn't prove what McCarthy was claiming though, Mao won the Chinese civil war because the nationalists were corrupt retards not because of communist agents.
CPUSA was massive in the 1930s, it barely existed by the 1960s and was led by literally Feds.
And with French theory I'm talking about postmodernism... Althusser wasn't hot. By the time the USSR invaded Afghanistan most French intellectuals were full on into humanitarianism and campaigning for the boat people and refugees from communist countries.

>> No.21846568

>You realize that moores law is over, right?
You realize government inflation adjusted invested in basic research is like at an all time low? Yes, the methods private corporations used to increase computational power over the past decades is slowing down. Some big breakthrough like the invention of the transistor is still possible but no one wants to risk the quantity of money necessary there to get it.

>When the fed rased the artifical interest rates it made those bonds completely worthless
Except that's wrong. They were less valuable but not "worthless". In the long run they were perfectly safe. SVB had a temporary liquidity problem (you know... why the Fed supposedly exists) and the government stepped in and forcefully shut them down. What happened was the irrationality of crowds and stupid government regulators. Sounds like a good reason to ABOLISH THE FED to me since they fail at their basic tasks but not why you think

>The "businesses" that are started with 0% loans then run as ponzi schemes are not real businesses they are just investment scams
You can become a very wealthy individual with such a unique ability to detect investment scams and real viable businesses. Go back to the 1980s when Ron Paul and Austroretards were claiming you needed to ABOLISH THE FED to ever see low rates ever again

>Crypto is just a solution to having your assets rapidly debased by the legal counterfeiter. Nothing more.
Satoshi invented bitcoin as an alternative to banks bro, the idea was his "digital cash" with a fixed supply would replace the demand for government fiat lol

>It is to stabilize the GDP and keep it growing. If one industry fails it causes the entire house of cards to fail. The tech bros are smart enough to know what they are doing is a scam dependent on low interest rates and they are smart enough to know that they could cause a run and hopefully scare Powell into lowering the interest rates once again.
It's not just tech bros. Trump would of slapped down Powell for what he's doing. This is a failure of the Brandon regime.

>> No.21846696

>You realize government inflation adjusted invested in basic research is like at an all time low? Yes, the methods private corporations used to increase computational power over the past decades is slowing down. Some big breakthrough like the invention of the transistor is still possible but no one wants to risk the quantity of money necessary there to get it.
Ah yes le graphine shall be here in just two more weeks.
>Except that's wrong. They were less valuable but not "worthless". In the long run they were perfectly safe. SVB had a temporary liquidity problem (you know... why the Fed supposedly exists) and the government stepped in and forcefully shut them down. What happened was the irrationality of crowds and stupid government regulators. Sounds like a good reason to ABOLISH THE FED to me since they fail at their basic tasks but not why you think
They were worth less than they paid for them. As an asset they were therefore rendered worthless. The fed stepped in because they had to obfuscate market signals to ensure everyone didn't pull their money out of big banks and cause a run in general. Nobody would have bought those shit bonds. That's why the fed had to allow us to pay for them and absorb the loss. Half of the feds job is just to keep the faith.
You can become a very wealthy individual with such a unique ability to detect investment scams and real viable businesses. Go back to the 1980s when Ron Paul and Austroretards were claiming you needed to ABOLISH THE FED to ever see low rates ever again
I don't want low rates. I want actual investment in real businesses based on real market rates and research.
>Satoshi invented bitcoin as an alternative to banks bro, the idea was his "digital cash" with a fixed supply would replace the demand for government fiat lol
Wow and this individuals plan to overthrow central banking in every mixed economy on earth hasn't worked in 10 years? Damn.... what a failure. Again the point of this is not to use as a bank. A bank doesn't hold your money. They take your money and invest it. It is no longer your money, it is an iou note. Holding a currency is not banking it. You fundementally do not understand what a bank is.

>> No.21846991

>Ah yes le graphine shall be here in just two more weeks.
Except it's not. Like I said private/public investment is way to low in basic research... we've been living off scaling past discoveries.

>They were worth less than they paid for them. As an asset they were therefore rendered worthless.
If you buy something for $5 and it turns out to be worth $4 it's not "worthless", you're playing dumb or are dumb... SVB didn't have a ton of toxic assets or bad debt, what happened was a classic bank run... it's not just being heavily invested in long term government bonds... if 99% of depositors at any bank acted like those at SVB at the same time the same thing would happen because they don't have accesses to that money on a moments notice. It was a pure liquidity issue.

>The fed stepped in because they had to obfuscate market signals to ensure everyone didn't pull their money out of big banks and cause a run in general.
The Feds DIDN'T need to step it, the bank could of just limited depositors ability to withdraw funds if the Feds weren't involved. That of course could of caused people at other small banks to realize the risks and a lot of people might of tried to transfer funds to big banks. Big banks don't have this issue because they cater to more than one little niche group. You don't see bank runs in most developed countries because the sector is highly consolidated and oligopolistic.

>Nobody would have bought those shit bonds. That's why the fed had to allow us to pay for them and absorb the loss. Half of the feds job is just to keep the faith.
I have no idea what you're trying to say here. The government doesn't "really" need to sell bonds after the end of the gold standard, there's a lobby and demand for government bonds since they're basically a subsidy for the wealthy. If the government doesn't sell bonds institutions just take on more risk. The Feds job is liquidity management which they failed at here.

> A bank doesn't hold your money. They take your money and invest it.
Banks don't lend out reserves, no bank is really constrained on the amount of loans they issue by the amount of deposits they hold. Whenever someone goes in for a loan all that matters is their creditworthiness since that creates an asset not liability on their sheets.

>I don't want low rates. I want actual investment in real businesses based on real market rates and research.
Appending the term "real" in front of something doesn't magically accomplish anything. You hate investors more than the Fed, if the Fed was gone tomorrow you'd hate stockholders anyhow commie

>It is no longer your money, it is an iou note.
>Holding a currency is not banking it.
Spoiler: all USD is a promissory note from the federal government basically. If you hold a dollar in your pocket you have a IOU and you depend on the entire banking system for it to hold value.

>> No.21847017

because when you disagree with someone you commonly smear them. This is the internet.

>> No.21847462

>What administration plotted against McCarthy?
What administration do you think? And by "administration" I don't necessarily mean the President, although suspicion is warranted.
>Are you talking about the claim that Eisenhower was an active agent of the Moscow?
No, he was just mistaken about the real extent of the web.
McCarthy was on the right of the GOP and closer to guys like Taft who literally wanted to return to the 1920s and undo all aspects of the New Deal
That's not a Catholic reactionary (no such thing in America for obvious reasons). Again, do his personal views actually matter in any way?
>Claiming all dumbocraps were commie treason might have had something to do with that.
Fortunately he never claimed it then.
>All kinds of people voluntarily were cooperating with the USSR, they didn't need to be NKVD agents. It doesn't prove what McCarthy was claiming though
Contradictory: by claiming all kinds of people were spies and agents you corroborate his primary point, which the government never acted upon except in select, unavoidable cases.
>Mao won the Chinese civil war because the nationalists were corrupt retards not because of communist agents
The American response to the war was deliberately weak, by the end of WW2 American advisors had essentially total control over Chinese battalions and Chiang had asked for help more than once. In fact, not only were the American services compromised by fellow travellers, the Japanese ones during WW2 were too.
>CPUSA was massive in the 1930s
Define "massive". Influentially speaking, yes. Numerically speaking, absolutely not.
> it barely existed by the 1960s and was led by literally Feds.
As I said, it decayed. The "fed" infiltration just shows the absolute incompetence (or maybe the ideological diffusion) of the services. Source on the leadership being feds?
>Althusser wasn't hot.
Absolute denial of reality. Especially in the 70s, when him, Sartre and the other apologists were riding on the spread of European doctrine to America after '68.
>By the time the USSR invaded Afghanistan most French intellectuals were full on into humanitarianism and campaigning for the boat people and refugees from communist countries.
Those are the 80s, and even so there was a great amount of apology of the SR and the USSR still. Where do you think the narratives about "muh womin empowament" in the DPRA started?

>> No.21848035
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I think your misunderstanding. McCarthy claimed Stalin took over Eastern Europe because of agents in the treasury/state department and that Mao won the Chinese civil war because the American military was also under communist influence. This all at the same time Republitards wanted to actually defund the military post-WWII and then get shocked America couldn't do much.
If Stalin wasn't a retard maybe he could of taken over the world, the NKVD was the best intelligence agency in the world and there were people willing to work for free everywhere but Stalin was overly conservative and unwilling to really attack Anglo interests and didn't even trust any of that intelligence making it mostly useless.

> by the end of WW2 American advisors had essentially total control over Chinese battalions and Chiang had asked for help more than once
And what were all those individuals on the ground saying about the nationalist government during the hyperinflation before it fell?

>> No.21848091

I hate Jordan Peterson but this post seems like it was written by a pseudo-intellectual in ninth grade


take it to reddit you're clearly trying to smuggle your anger as "intellect"

>> No.21848104

The claim that graphene is not coming in two weeks is not accurate. Graphene is a material that has been studied extensively in scientific research, and there have been several breakthroughs in recent years in terms of developing its applications. However, it is unclear what the speaker is referring to specifically in this statement.

The claim that an asset is not worthless if it is worth less than what was paid for it is technically correct. However, in the context of the statement, it is being used to downplay the significance of the failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). SVB's assets were valued at less than what they paid for them, and this contributed to their insolvency and need for a bailout. The implication that this was simply a liquidity issue is not entirely accurate.

The claim that the Fed did not need to step in to prevent a bank run at SVB is not entirely accurate. While SVB may have been able to limit depositors' ability to withdraw funds, this could have still caused panic among depositors and spread to other banks, leading to a broader financial crisis. The Fed's intervention was part of its broader role in maintaining financial stability and preventing systemic risk.

The claim that the government does not need to sell bonds is inaccurate. The US government issues bonds to finance its spending, and there is demand for these bonds among investors, including foreign governments and central banks. While the government could theoretically finance its spending in other ways, such as printing money or raising taxes, these options have their own drawbacks and limitations.

The claim that banks do not hold deposits is not entirely accurate. When individuals deposit money in a bank, the bank holds these funds on their behalf and is required to maintain certain reserves to ensure liquidity. While banks do invest these funds to generate a return, they are still required to maintain sufficient liquidity to meet depositors' demands for withdrawals.

The claim that creditworthiness is the only factor that matters when issuing loans is not entirely accurate. Banks also consider a variety of other factors when deciding whether to issue a loan, such as the borrower's income, employment history, and existing debt. Additionally, banks are subject to regulatory requirements that limit the amount of loans they can issue relative to their reserves.

The US dollar is not backed by any physical commodity such as gold or silver. Instead, it is considered a fiat currency, meaning that it is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. This means that the US government guarantees the value of the currency and will always honor its value. If you turn in a US dollar, you can exchange it for goods or services of equivalent value, or you can deposit it into a bank account where it will be held as a liability of the bank.

>> No.21848168

And that's why AI is retarded

>> No.21848219
File: 518 KB, 622x914, 1600994778686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there should be an option to report GPT posts

>> No.21848753

Found the Source?