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21833949 No.21833949 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Audrey Hepburn edition

Previously >>21826088

>> No.21833972

Going on a lot of dates with different women to find the best one sounded like a good idea at first.
Then you're telling the same story about yourself for the fourth time in a short period and you bore yourself.

Also going to kms if I have to listen to someone say how much they like traveling.

>> No.21833988

My depression is turning into insanity. I'll probably snap sometime this year.

>> No.21834028

that happens at work every time they bring on cohort of new hires which happens a couple times a year. you have to tell them where you went to school, how long you've been working there and doing what, what your plans are, where are you from, did you always live in the city? blah blah blah. at first it's not unpleasant chitchat but after five years of that shit, you start to dread new hires. now i try to avoid getting to know them. at least at work you are getting paid for these repetitive formulaic conversations, but on a date, not only are you wasting your time, you're probably paying.


>> No.21834034

Today in the morning just after waking up I had a vision of the whole of human history passing before my eyes, from the primeval era through the rise and fall of great civilisations, to the modern day, and it all seemed so silly and ridiculous.

>> No.21834042

Movie for that feel

>> No.21834144

Why is God torturing me? Why bad things happen to good people?

>> No.21834150

God eases your sorrow with doubles

>> No.21834153
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He's testing you. And stop being a weak bitch desu

>> No.21834158

When drawing from a reference I have a bad habit of compressing things horizontally, making them taller and narrower than they really are. How do I change this?

>> No.21834162

Worst is forcing yourself to have a conversation with someone you know nothing about

>> No.21834164

He already took away the most precious thing - time.

>> No.21834175

Sketch more, and when drawing horizontal lines, always go a little further whenever you think you're done

>t. knows nothing about drawing

>> No.21834182

by sketching down and estimate of the height and width ratio of whatever you are drawing. my drawing professor would even use a pencil by holding it out at arms length and closing one eye, holding it vertically to the object, put the thumb at the base of the object, the tip at the top, then turn to horizontal. you can also use things in the background to help you estimate. that apple is the same width as the wine bottle, but the bottle is 4x as tall, so it must be 4 to 1 ratio.

>> No.21834204

Not gonna lie, I feel kinda good about my new job as the resident retard of the factory.

>> No.21834221
File: 852 KB, 500x717, 49v102.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I keep living in spite of the fact that I will never be worthy of the love of a woman?

>> No.21834234

Are you handicapped or something?
I'm sure you could get a gf if you're not deformed but you got to try.

>> No.21834235

I can’t stop masturbating no matter what I do. There were a few times when I stopped for 1-3 months and I had so much energy, so much vitality and self-control, and I didn’t even feel the desire to masturbate. Then I did it again and since then it’s become impossible to stop. I think on a rational level I know I want to stop and it’s good for me to do so, but deep down in my animalistic self I don’t care. Wish I knew how to tame myself completely.

>> No.21834238

The older I get the less I care about what retards on the internet think or say and it's very liberating.

>> No.21834246

I stopped taking it seriously when I remembered being a 13 year old arguing with people online.
Imagine you as a grown ass adult arguing with a 13 year old and getting invested in it.

>> No.21834249

I don't even know where I can meet women

>> No.21834259

Dating apps.
People scoff at it but I'm pretty sure most people get into a relationship from that these days.
Even if you don't want to, you can use it to practise talking to women

>> No.21834272

I'm ugly, poor and severely mentally ill. It's just not meant to happen in this lifetime.

>> No.21834281

civilization is when you oppress women. The more women are opressed, the more civilized it is. And when you achieve total women subjugation (robot waifus), that's the kingdom of heaven.

>> No.21834282

I'm sceptical only because I saw how my autistic (literally) older brother of 32 managed to get a gf.
He lived with his mom at that point and I'm sure never fucked anyone but a hooker once before.
He has no irl friends either yet he managed to get with a not ugly asian chick.
Granted she was 10 years older than him but he managed.

If your will to get pussy is strong eneough you'll find some way of making it work.
Don't overestimate women, they're easily tricked into falling in love with a weirdos and psychos.

>> No.21834371

>she was 10 years older than him
oh wow, that would be too much for me. How did they two met?

>> No.21834410

Getting into exercise and whatever makes me not wanna read at all now. Being sedentary sucks arse but I'm sure there's a balance.

>> No.21834457

Just realized that if you're injured in an accident, start asking chatGPT for legal advice and frame the questions in a way that opens it up to liability for prolonging pain and suffering based on relying on improper legal advice.
There's really no legal waivers provided anywhere on the site and there's mistakes in the information that could be theoretically exploited as it's legal information is trained on US laws when no jurisdiction is provided.
It denies that it's providing legal advice, but in a way it is. When prompted with "I have just been arrested what should I do now", it provides a user with information based on US constitutional principles. It's a broad strokes system that could lead to serious consequences for anyone relying on it (theoretically, not to say that anyone will).

Legal costs could hamstring AI startups if enough were brought against them. This would be a win for humanity.

>> No.21834471

I'm confused.
Years ago I used to play videogames all day but now when I try one of the genres I used to love my mind goes straight to "what's the point?"
I try to force myself to play but in the end half an hour passes and I'm like "ok time for something else."
I don't know if it's ADHD or simply I don't like them anymore, it's so weird. I wish I could just pass some time gaming in peace without this goal-oriented mindset.

>> No.21834508

> thinks he can bankrupt a glownigger psyop operation
Top, as the kids say, kek.

>> No.21834512

Congrats, you grew up and you're now officially an adult human being.

>> No.21834519

Just say El Greco is an influence

>> No.21834520
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How do I be normal?

>> No.21834566

Still wanna suck your dick and maybe cuddle but I think that's sexual harassment if I say it to you so I guess I've to keep my spaghetti on a low simmer but goddammit can't I just ask to suck your cock like fuck why did we have to live in a society

>> No.21834662


>> No.21834699
File: 165 KB, 504x263, 1661166921062308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start reading about Basque myths and folklore for fun
>Now I'm lost in a rabbit hole of telluric symbolism, pre indo-european matriarchal mysticism and being forced to learn words from a language so old it shouldn't even exist today
Basques are satanic bros, forget about Atlantis, Tartessos or Agartha. Fucking basques have collective memories of Neanderthal encounters I'm fucking terrified

>> No.21834713

>that would be too much for me
Well when it'seither than and never finding a partner the choice is easily made.
Also if you're the mentally ill poor ugly dude then you don't get to have such high standards.
>How did they two met?

>> No.21834716

1st. No frogs.

>> No.21834723

Power alone is real, everything else is an illusion.

>> No.21834727

I agree with this

>> No.21834766

Bad things happen to everyone. How a man decides to respond to negative events is ultimately what decides whether a he is good or bad.

>> No.21834789

This will not be the last time you are tempted. It never will be, you can't control what you encounter.
What is in your control, however, is whether or not you will yield to it.
You can choose to let last time BE the last time you ever gave in to temptation.
That is the power you hold, and when you realize this truth in your heart, you will be uplifted.

I feel as if a cloud has gone by, and the sun is shining again.

>> No.21834812

anon what did you mean by this, answer me.

>> No.21834866

I’d like to spend more time around horses. I can’t afford one of my own right now. I do have an offer to work my friend’s horse farm, but that’s not exactly a good career decision right now.

>> No.21834877

it's work that only a human can do well for now, you're safe from automation replacement for a while at least

>> No.21834909

Being diagnosed with sleep apnea this week has made reading Houellebecq more enjoyable. Puts me in the mindset of a jaded and decaying old man, Europe is failing and so is my youthful health

>> No.21834915

Take it anyway if you can. Use it as experience for a better horse handling position.
If this is what you love, pursue it.

>> No.21834928

i will be a certified private military contractor by the end of september

>> No.21834947

if you are american you are scum

>> No.21834972

That’s true but it’s not well-paying work.

I don’t think that’s something I’d want to do forever, just a while but I’m not young anymore so I can’t just run off and take adventurous yet bad jobs because they’re romantic. At my age, it’s no longer romantic.

>> No.21834981

i don't think american mercenaries are worse than any other nationality

>> No.21835060

You dont understand. You cant get even a second back even if you're a saint.

>> No.21835125

I’m at/past middle age and I’m taking on the most “romantic” course one can possibly take.
If it’s just a little calling for you, maybe don’t take it. But don’t be afraid of anything because of your age.

>> No.21835150

what led you to this path?
I mean that inquisitively

>> No.21835169 [DELETED] 

probably consumed too much stand with ukraine bs. ukraine isn't like iraq ok. there's no american air power coming to save your ass if things get hairy. you will mostly likely be blown to bits by some artillery so far away you never even got to see it. good luck tho.

>> No.21835176

I want my boyfriend's ex girlfriend to fall in an aquarium and get eaten by sharks.

>> No.21835230
File: 161 KB, 618x806, Mad Magazine 143_0020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the early 70s, drag queen summer camp was a joke

>now it's a real thing

>> No.21835232

Life isn't about getting it back.
>To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven

>> No.21835234

my days are monotone and filled with a pervasive numbness. i need something to break me out if this monotony, be it risking my life to live.
this was on my mind long before ukraine

>> No.21835235

Is she bothering you two? Is she not over him, or is it that you fear he isn’t over her?
Are her tits bigger or you feel she’s just generally prettier?

>> No.21835275

There cannot be a healthy tree with rotten root.

>> No.21835277
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I don't want to work

>> No.21835385

That just makes you a gymcel

>> No.21835445

That which does not work is broken.

>> No.21835454

Work is good when you can get it.
Jobs are shit though.

>> No.21835468

I should steal the cute black girl at work away from her boyfriend, she's begging for it.

>> No.21835472

>porn once a day
It's already over

>> No.21835483

If you have any ideas on how to let me suck more dick, pls share with the rest of us

>> No.21835495

Same. I boot up games basically every day, play for 10 minutes, then go "Yeah that's enough" and turn off the game.
Not really sure why. I loved games as a kid, but as an adult it's like all the magic is gone. The only ones that still appeal to me are the more artsy ones like Silent Hill or Metal Gear Solid 1. But I like them for their cinematic qualities like writing and music and atmosphere.

All my friends still love games, but yeah I can't get into them anymore. Played Sekiro, Elden Ring, Resident Evil, some Platinum games, etc. and they're all just "meh". It's like who cares about this?

>> No.21835512

No to every question. I just hate her.

>> No.21835574

Thinking about the phenomenon of old women who stare out the window all taking mental notes of who's doing what, who's going where, and who's meeting who; and I'm thinking of the equivalents in various eras of time. Imagine old women in Ancient Greece amongst all the city-states, she could well be taking mental notes of who's making what sacrifices and to which Gods and how lavious they are. She could easily also be paranoid and come to believe their neighbour, who is making a sacrifice to the God of barley and devastation (or whatever), is trying to appeal more to the devastation side than that of bountiful harvests, and could also be wishing that devastation on her own land and country. I wonder how prevalent this might've been and if there's any notes of this in history.

>> No.21835588

does anyone no how work the toaster

>> No.21835599

if any body will tell me how toaster i be much eppreciate

>> No.21835604

Sick dubs. Is it plugged in? Did you put bread in it? Did you press the lever down?

>> No.21835606

take the toaster it into the bathroom. plug the toaster into the wall outlet. fill the bathtub up with water. get in the tub while holding the toaster, and submerge the toaster under the water.

>> No.21835650

Imitate the average! That's all normality is

>> No.21835659

I wish you would just talk to me.

>> No.21835663

I don't want to think

>> No.21835672

this will make you feel better, won't make you normal though

>> No.21835675

Why not?

>> No.21835677

Are sunday blues even curable. Ever since I was a kid I have hated sunday afternoons so much. As a student, as a neet, as a wagie.

>> No.21835685

got orange lights working but cant find bread

fuck you

>> No.21835756

Will you answer if I call you?

>> No.21835771

Just a vindictive sadist?
Or are these feelings bothering you?

>> No.21835774

i just ate two packs of these delicious korean noodles i picked up at 99 ranch. total calories 850. that's not that bad. i'm still a little hungry too. it's weird, i'm not a fat fuck or anything but i feel kind of guilty for being so hungry. now i want to toast a bagel and put some cream cheese with chives on it. i did work out yesterday maybe that's why i'm feeling ravenous.

>> No.21835784

>cant find bread
There's your problem bro. You got pop tarts?

>> No.21835795

i always hate sundays. even when i was a little kid. it would be bitter sweet when the simpson's would come on because even though the 90s simpsons were a real treat, i knew night is coming. then we would switch to pbs and watch nature narrated by george page. watching some commentary on egrets and seagulls would be enjoyable and stimulating, but a pall would hang over everything. the simpsons had two ad breaks to let you know how much was left, but with nature, you would be lost in some field of antelope or something never knowing when the credits would roll ending your night.

>> No.21835801

I get too many telemarketers, so not likely

>> No.21835807

Wondering how many people die during waterslide testing

>> No.21835809

never heard of them

>> No.21835811

It’s something I like and would enjoy for a while but I don’t feel like it’s necessarily a calling. I’d grow dissatisfied with being a poor farm hand eventually. And it’s not necessarily that I think I’m too old for it anything but rather there’s probably something better I could do even if I’m not sure what it is. Idk. I really don’t want to work in another office job again. Would you mind sharing what your romantic course is?

>> No.21835818

I don't know what's wrong with me. I just hate her.
These feelings did bother me but posting ways I want her to meet her demise makes me feel better.

>> No.21835828 [DELETED] 

one hour before your bedtime, enjoy it while you can!

>> No.21835832
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Girl i was stalking turned all her profiles private
I have her number but i just don't how much i can do with it

>> No.21835869

Stalking people is so gay
Do you even know her irl?

>> No.21835872
File: 458 KB, 1995x1995, 2E32E99D-72C3-4318-8D23-A925A5336A17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go find a lookalike and don’t be creepy.

>> No.21835873

07961897033 go for it

>> No.21835893

he has her number

>> No.21835896

You can get someones number from instagram without knowing them.

>> No.21835899

Yellow pages will blow your mind

>> No.21835900

I still think it’s some kind of jealousy issue.
Next time you imagine it, let her go.

>> No.21835901

yikes so glad i never signed up for instagram

>> No.21835903

yellow pages?????

wow fucked

>> No.21835906

Every phone number you could ever want without even using the internet

>> No.21835910

I'm not jealous I just hate her with my entire being. My boyfriend and I are very happy I just hate what she did to him. He is very pure and sweet and she tried to ruin that.

>> No.21835931

I don't know how to stop phone blacklists wait about an hour and you can always call her if you have the number and mine doesn't work.

>> No.21835940

I want to kill myself but can't muster the enthusiasm. It's not what you think, I'm not sad. I'm not even depressed. Just very bored. Sometimes I think moving to a new town or starting a new job might help. Except I tried that. This is the third city and fourth job. Maybe a woman. I'm trying that right now. She's puking in the bathroom. Apparently she's a lightweight. Apparently mixing vodka and gin upsets her stomach.

My gun's on the dresser and I'm naked in bed. But it's a big bed and the guns on her side and I'd have to move over and pick up the gun and...

>> No.21835945

Have you tried drugs?

>> No.21835949
File: 38 KB, 500x790, 648px-William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_The_Virgin_With_Angels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much "pagan" is catholicism? Can we say it is a mixture of primitive christianity and pagan traditions and rituals?

>> No.21835960

This taints your mind. Let the hate go.
Her “attempt to ruin” failed. End of story.
If she really is all that bad, just warn away any new guy she might be with.

>> No.21835974

Waiting on a shipment. But that was fiction, a short story I'm working on.

>> No.21835975

does she have snapchat

>> No.21835988

My gf's body is so unsexy but l cant just dump her

>> No.21836010

I don't talk to her or her partners. But you're probably right. Although I may start a diary on my feelings.
I don't know. She uses 4chan though so maybe you can find her on here.

>> No.21836021

It’s a false dichotomy. Catholic theology doesn’t actually assert “paganism” isn’t true necessarily. If just asserts that worship of pagan idols is wrong. Much of what was valuable in pre-Christian paganism was retained and purified by the church. My favorite examples of this are the Saint Hubertus shrines you might find today in Europe or North America. They look distinctly pagan and yet are perfectly Christian.

>> No.21836024
File: 21 KB, 1850x122, i-lit-eratti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So some anon replied to this saying it already exists.. spill the beans NOW!!

>> No.21836032

>She uses 4chan
oh yuck

>> No.21836044

sounds like tcol49 to me

>> No.21836063

the pagan nature of the statues was really highlighted to me in my city where a catholic church has a statue of mary right across the street from some hindu temple with a statue inside that's visible from the street. the hindu one gets more attention, but there is often a fresh wreath and flowers on the mary one left by someone.

>> No.21836069

My dream is to be a mangaka and make the best manga ever, with romance, adventure, war and lovecraftian horror. Can't write or draw.

>> No.21836074

well good luck

>> No.21836110

I think he jokingly means the real possibility that it's possible to make up something online and from there literally affect the world into believing your lie.

Think a Wikipedia page. Anyone can edit something. Say you make up a fake person. Some small no name guy, who lives in a real town. You use various made-up encyclopedias and books as citations. Then you do it 30 more times.

Then you make up a small town. You use the bullshit 30 people to link the town in various ways. Your lie grows from their. Fake people living in fake towns, providing a fakebackdrop for a fake lesser known fake historical person.

Could other portions of history be a lie? How hard would it be for men of the past to also implant fake events into our history?

>> No.21836115

Dump her
Only reason you won't is because you're afraid you can't do better. Should probably let her go though so she can at least get smashed instead of stuck in something dead end

>> No.21836118

>try meditating
>cant stop moving around
>end up lying down
>fall asleep on the floor
every time

>> No.21836124

are you Japanese?

>> No.21836127

I think my boyfriend and his ex girlfriend met on 4chan aswell. I hope she meets another anon that beats her daily.

>> No.21836134

I watch porn maybe twice a month... once a day seems excessive

>> No.21836136


>> No.21836157

I just use porn to crank one out at the end of the day.
If you're not getting laid anyway I don't see the harm. And if you plan on fucking then quit 2 days before and youre good to go.

>> No.21836163

Why do you think falling into an aquarium and getting devoured by sharks is cute?

>> No.21836171

because the imagining of the hypothetical event is ostensibly initiated by luv

>> No.21836173

Yeah, I think you’re mistaken to call it a pagan nature though. If you’re a Christian, it’s not pagan. It’s just truth. Logos Spermatikos. It’s always been there. What’s pagan is the particular method of worship and not the thing. Things can’t be pagan. People are pagan.

>> No.21836181

That’s a cool dream. I wanted something like that when I was younger. I gave up on it though and I think I’m a little too old to start it now.

I think the best thing someone who is new to drawing or just isn’t very talented at drawing can do is simply draw a lot.

>> No.21836190

I think it’s only a matter of time before we see talented non-Japanese, even non-East Asian mangaka gain notoriety for their work. We may just call it “comics” but we’ll all know what style it really is.

>> No.21836195

Once per day is actually quite a lot.

>> No.21836208

My prose is the weakest part of my writing - it is the only thing my beta readers/critics note - and I don't know where to find good resources to improve it.

>> No.21836218

start reading and writing poetry

>> No.21836253

I recently bought a box set of The Lord Of The Rings + The Hobbit so I might as well go through that.

>> No.21836270

>if you plan on fucking then quit 2 days before and youre good to go
Why would you have to stop? Sometimes I'll jerk off earlier in the day so I last longer

>> No.21836280

Erectile dysfunction probably

>> No.21836288

>you could ever want

>> No.21836296

the birds are calling for you
please don't follow

>> No.21836299

Take an MAOI like Parnate

>> No.21836302


>> No.21836341
File: 170 KB, 270x377, 1678381185064112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A'onions sa'ra d'acun complante/ Ir se moulte sante e moulte juste

Always the first to complain/ and proclaim herself most just and saintly


>> No.21836367

c'est le premier pas qui compte

>> No.21836372

Limp dick from jacking off too much.
If you got a gf you should probably not watch porn.

>> No.21836393

Trying to turn off the little lighted boxes, but they haunt me, in my work, in my play. Only in my dreams are they replaced by a real world; a reality in which I, the actor, and playing the part. Want to break free but it's like every time I dive away a line connected to my spine pulls my shoulders forward and drags me back toward the screens; work, play, socialization. Even the little ones are consumed by consumption, but I have consumed enough. I am more full than I could ever dream, and all I want is some quiet and relief. But it doesn't come, it will never come. Because it's already here and I, brain adjusted to he speed of modernity, cannot sit still long enough to experience it. Even in pure unadulterated silence, even when my mind has nothing to blather on about, I am still sitting, waiting, wondering why I am not consuming, not acting. I long for sleep, for within sleep my dreams are living experiences. Waking life is a series of false hopes and perceptions; timelines that lead back to the same lossless nothing of the awakened mind. Life is both quick and slow, and I wish I had more capability to control when I am doing tasks and when I am relaxing; learning, again, to relax.
I haven't been still since 9/11.

>> No.21836404

I find unsexy bodies to be sexy

>> No.21836426

"why go out there and pick berries when we can just grow berries right here for your ugly, pregnant ass?"
Kitchen is proto-slave quarters
Now we have entertainment because living life manually was just too much to ask

>> No.21836452

Pass along some sources?

>> No.21836455
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I want to stalk and terrorize people but I dont actually know their names and that angers me.

>> No.21836474

Imagine in the modern era where the old women instead sit on the internet and do this same practice but for people that are so distant from their immediate social circles that withcraft looks like mere childsplay in comparison.

>> No.21836477

I dunno how.

>> No.21836483

Right Wing = Male
Left Wing = Female

>> No.21836503

What do you mean?

>> No.21836508 [DELETED] 

Rough sometimes... I've been disassociating lately which is frustraiting, it's like I'm 3 steps removed from everything going on. Sometimes it gets so bad that it feels like I'm watching a tv show of someone else's life. Makes it hard to enjoy anything, it's hard to describe. I've been trying some methods to try and "get back in my body" like pinching or rubbing surfaces around me, which helps a little but not much. I usually get like this before my period but it's been a while, I suspect I'm pregnant which would explain why it's so bad and lasting so long. On one hand I'm very happy about that, but on the other these hormones are kind of kicking my ass.
I went to a coffee shop and read some of naked lunch today and it was relaxing, I should get out more. It's 10 pm now I am going to write a little then maybe go to bed

>> No.21836557
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How do you find some peace in your life? Or to feel things like when you were a kid? Today I went to a coffee shop and read some. As I was sitting there, I kept expecting it to feel like something, im not sure what, but it didn't really feel like anything. It felt like everything else, except maybe slightly chilly. Maybe I have an idealized vision of what reading in a coffee shop would be like, but I dont know. It feels like when I was a kid everything felt more real, or substantial. I'm not sure how to recapture that feeling. Lately it kind of feels like everything is the same, im just in a different setting or feeling a different mood.

>> No.21836566
File: 69 KB, 750x814, CD58B4E6-4D7C-4F49-8AA0-EF9C7F5496B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had beef liver this morning and salmon at night. Good stuff

>> No.21836571

Women shouldn’t have sexual freedom. Men alone should determine who they fuck

>> No.21836572

I told my mom that I have to finish college out of residence and she was very rude to me and probably thinks I'm a disappointment even if she didn't say it directly. She wasn't very understanding and was just judgmental towards me, but she doesn't understand me and I don't think she even wants to try.

>> No.21836576

Stalking people is based you’re just too much of a pussy to try it

>> No.21836578

Are you the oldest?

>> No.21836584

I’m better than you Pierre

>> No.21836591

No, I'm the youngest. None of my other brothers and sisters went to or finished college.

>> No.21836614

This is incorrect I would never make fun of a man for sticking it up another mans butt. That sounds really sexy
I might call a man's dick small tho
Salmon sounds good but who eats liver for breakfast

>> No.21836616

>Limp dick from jacking off too much
Never been a problem for me.

>> No.21836628

yeah doesn't happen to gay guys idk why

>> No.21836638

Just pick up the phone and call me. It’s that easy.

>> No.21836655

Do women get off to gay porn like mem get off to lesbo porn

>> No.21836664

High test

>> No.21836669


>> No.21836675

did nothing all day instead of gooning all day

>> No.21836688

that's a problem i've found. you can't stop procrastinating on something by not doing other things, you can only stop procrastinating by doing the thing. earlier this year i quit 4chan for a while and all that happened was i browsed other websites with subpar bants. my productivity was exactly the same.

>> No.21836691

Like, the average woman or just weird 4chan women?

>> No.21836698

i feel like theres some sort of cancer developing in my mouth and throat

>> No.21836703

I don't know about "average," but it's more common than you might think

>> No.21836705

I wish you were my boyfriend's ex girlfriend.

>> No.21836711

>bro, weed is harmless bro!

>> No.21836715

Either that or too hard to cum.
The grip of a hand is tighter than most pussies so I think there's the issue.
But easily fixed if I stop jacking off.

>> No.21836717

You will never be your bf's first

>> No.21836730

I was. His ex girlfriend was edating him so it wasn't a real relationship.

>> No.21836732

>your bf e-dates people
holy kek

>> No.21836734

The plot thickens

>> No.21836735

Not anymore.

>> No.21836737
File: 16 KB, 615x409, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9.5/10 well built qt working at a deli restocking a drink fridge
>probably like 5'11"/6'
>stylish/revealing clothing
>tasteful piercings/tattoos
>massive fucking frame, in awe at the size
>feels like the first gril like this i've ever encountered
>work up the courage to get her attention
>perfectly curled shoulder length hair waves around
>it's a tranny
>doesn't even try to have a girl voice
why am i so fucking gay

>> No.21836740

shame that he ever even did
high chance he e-flirted with a man pretending to be a woman before

>> No.21836748

You'd be much happier if you just embraced your gayness. Smash that ass man, what do you have to lose?

>> No.21836749

I agree. It is shameful. I still love him despite his past tomfoolery.

>> No.21836757

you listed the same thing three times

>> No.21836758

Getting poo on his penis from sticking in a man's rectum

>> No.21836759

already tried that around the age of 18-20 it was repulsive
had to close my eyes or focus on something else during sex

>> No.21836763

ive never denied weed being harmless but the fact that you're acting like the weed did this to me and not the cigarettes is ridiculous

>> No.21836774

Havent we all done that

>> No.21836781

Shut up

>> No.21836782

why you telling his business

>> No.21836785

I lol'd

>> No.21836789

you got raped bro

>> No.21836793

did you go home with her then?

>> No.21836795

Wear a condom dummy

And yet you thought some girl who you should have clocked was a "9.5/10"

>> No.21836796

When I was 16/17 I used to say I was a girl on omegle cause then people wouldn't skip me and actually talk to me.
Funny thinking back on that.

>> No.21836798

I don't know. I'm writing what's on my mind.

>> No.21836799

Or don't stick your penis in another man's poop
Imagine the smell

>> No.21836808

When I was ten I would say I was a girl and then initiate sex chats

>> No.21836812

well that's enough

>> No.21836815

ill rape your eye hole with a marijuana injection you fucking tub-o-Lard
she lingered near me and talked to me some more but i wasn't into it anymore anon.

>> No.21836829

what you didn't have playstation?

>> No.21836836

I had a playstation but that was more fun

>> No.21836837

I'm about to smoke weed. There's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.21836844

I dont care

>> No.21836855

if trannies don't pass 100% they are batshit insane creaturas. if you're going to bone one don't give them your personal information. one once poked through my glove compartment once and bragged about how she learned the info on my car insurance.

>> No.21836864


>> No.21836865

can you be more cringe

>> No.21836902

I knew a girl who did. She was weird.

>> No.21836907

That’s faggot behavior. You should get killed

>> No.21836912

> if trannies don't pass 100% they are batshit insane creaturas.
This goes for all of them, passing or not.

>> No.21836943

Living out on the edge of the suburbs before it turns to farms. My car is no inoperable and I can’t afford to buy another car.

>> No.21836955

I despise literal thinkers so I also hate everything beginning with "liter". Literature sucks, being literate is bad and fluids are dumb because in Europe they're measured in liters.

>> No.21836966
File: 45 KB, 479x720, 51a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranniesm is a degenerative mind virus that Jews have turned into an MK ultra pharmaceutical lab experiment and I feel bad that humans are made into such disgusting displays of late stage capitalism.

>> No.21836967

The real challenge in getting older is not getting better. It’s believing that you can get better. There’s an age which when reached it gets harder to not feel that basically who you are is who you always will be. You have to believe firmly that you can change and you can get better, live a different life, be a different person.

>> No.21836972

I made a twitter then got ashamed of my posts and deleted shortly after.
I don't know how people do it. I'm not even insecure by any means

>> No.21837021
File: 128 KB, 1164x1027, 1626135068692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My car is about to die on me and when it does I will be in the same situation as you. A simple five minute car trip takes over an hour by bus. It's literally faster just to walk. I wish it were socially acceptable to drive scooters here, it would make my life so much easier.

>> No.21837057

>I'm not insecure
You sound insecure

>> No.21837123

Who are your favorite artists?

>> No.21837125

I just want to talk to you and yet you won’t give me anything.

>> No.21837150


>> No.21837154

Who is the cutest anime girl ever?

>> No.21837160

picasso & matisse

>> No.21837192


>> No.21837230

You have Js number im not giving anymore could just be someone fucking around

>> No.21837232

any catholic book recs? Im going to the library today.

>> No.21837244

the bible

>> No.21837344

Get married, have kids, watch movies, watch sports, read lit, buy new thing. Don’t know how normies do it. HOW? I could never make it. What a bore.

>> No.21837352

choose life

>> No.21837356

The job, the family, the fucking big television, the washing machine, the car, the compact disc and electrical tin opener, good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, mortgage, starter home, leisurewear, luggage, three piece suite, DIY, game shows, junk food, children, walks in the park, nine to five, good at golf, washing the car, choice of sweaters, family Christmas, indexed pension, tax exemption, clearing gutters, getting by, looking ahead, the day you die.

>> No.21837359

Josef Pieper.

>> No.21837380

The massive amount of convoluted elaborate copes that are needed to choose life is too laughable to take seriously.

>> No.21837383

Better than videogames and podcasts

>> No.21837388

You're supposed to be an active participant in your own life, not just float by. What do you WANT to do

>> No.21837403

>just bee yourself dude
I want to WANT something.

>> No.21837421

My infinity permanent fleshy bit fixed slam sham 'o procreative sex acts engagements forever nothnessing to come thing never on women's.

>> No.21837477

Anyone here wanna interpret my natal chart for me?

>> No.21837521

no doubt. it's the worst choice, except for all the others.

>> No.21837530

Higher education isn't about spreading knowledge and deepening our collective knowledge about particular matters but rather the control over the narrative by delineating legitimate/proper and illegitimate/improper knowledge in accordance with the interests of the groups who fund and support particular institutions, such as the state or NGOs. That is to say, universities exist because they provide the narrative pretext for the cynical interests of their upkeepers, and fight against counter-narratives which would make their own narratives seem illegitimate. It is all a war over legitimacy and authority as it concerns/relates to knowledge (and therefore the narrative explanation/framing of our present milieu and our past).

>> No.21837537

I had so much fun writing today, it was insane
I got super into the flow of it. I fucking love flow, where you look up and its been hours out of nowhere. Crazy

>> No.21837548
File: 74 KB, 736x1110, a53f3a7f3fb982e7d1a0c8b708428f4d--man-art-the-reader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about Schopenhauer's comments on reading. They mess me up.

Books are a tantalizing object, a physical symbol of knowledge. That volume of Aristotle on your shelf, how it seems to breathe wisdom! Look how sturdy and heavy it is -- dense with ideas you assume. But that surety itself is your downfall, since the book as an ever-lasting symbol of knowledge encourages apathy; "Well, the ideas are not in my head, but they're at least on my shelf! I'll read them some day!"

>> No.21837557
File: 112 KB, 602x488, lauburu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you speak basque, spanish or french you won't find much except compilations of popular tales and legends (which are mostly trash because they mix basque oral tradtitions with indoeuropean tales and christian lore)
'Basque legends' by Wentworth Webster is a good place to start I guess.
Then you should move to the serious experts, like Barandarian, Julio Caro Baroja, José Dueso, etc and go deep into the pre indoeuropean cosmogony.
Marija Gimbutas's books are a mandatory read if you want to get a full grasp of Bronze Age/Pre Indoeuropean society, matriarchalism, etc.
And if you want to go full schizo and learn about the secret conexions between Basque Collective Memory, Hermeneutics and the Cult of the Great Snake the works of Ortiz-Osés are what you are looking for

>> No.21837558

Why was ancient art so much less dour and melancholic compared to modern art when the ancients lived an inarguably harder life? It is as if the less common death becomes in everyday life the more people are frightened by it and its heralds.

>> No.21837572

have you watched orson welles' doc on the basques

>> No.21837576

>Imagine in the modern era where the old women instead sit on the internet and do this same practice but for people that are so distant from their immediate social circles that withcraft looks like mere childsplay in comparison.
I can imagine it now, old women watching everu move of celebrities half the world away and gossiping in anonymous chatrooms.

>> No.21837577

Being dour has been romantisized to the point where art is "deeper" and more "real" if it makes you sad. A comedy like Office Space isn't seen as holding as much artistic merit as something like Little Miss Sunshine, despite both being kind of equal in quality. I don't know why though. I guess if something makes you cry you'll think "wow that was beautiful, profound, touching" and if it's funny or light-hearted it's more like "haha nice"

>> No.21837588

That's what Plato said.
>>At the Egyptian city of Naucratis, there was a famous old god, whose name was Theuth; the bird which is called the Ibis is sacred to him, and he was the inventor of many arts, such as arithmetic and calculation and geometry and astronomy and draughts and dice, but his great discovery was the use of letters. Now in those days the god Thamus was the king of the whole country of Egypt; and he dwelt in that great city of Upper Egypt which the Hellenes call Egyptian Thebes, and the god himself is called by them Ammon. To him came Theuth and showed his inventions, desiring that the other Egyptians might be allowed to have the benefit of them; he enumerated them, and Thamus enquired about their several uses, and praised some of them and censured others, as he approved or disapproved of them. It would take a long time to repeat all that Thamus said to Theuth in praise or blame of the various arts. But when they came to letters, This, said Theuth, will make the Egyptians wiser and give them better memories; it is a specific both for the memory and for the wit. Thamus replied: O most ingenious Theuth, the parent or inventor of an art is not always the best judge of the utility or inutility of his own inventions to the users of them. And in this instance, you who are the father of letters, from a paternal love of your own children have been led to attribute to them a quality which they cannot have; for this discovery of yours will create forgetfulness in the learners’ souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves. The specific which you have discovered is an aid not to memory, but to reminiscence, and you give your disciples not truth, but only the semblance of truth; they will be hearers of many things and will have learned nothing; they will appear to be omniscient and will generally know nothing; they will be tiresome company, having the show of wisdom without the reality.

>> No.21837589

if you have no ability to see art as it really is, you spend your time groping for guidelines like what reviewers have said or might say about it, what movement it seems to fall into, where it seems to be aiming, whether its style strikes you as normal or not, above all whether it can be called important or not - which is far easier to decide than whether the thing is any good or not.

>> No.21837597

basque history & culture actually is interesting but your autistic anorak obsession has put me well off now

>> No.21837618

>autistic anorak obsession
What now

>> No.21837650

Yes yes we've all seen the quote by now

>> No.21837655

Schoppy just saw reading as an escapism (he'd say the same for internet today). Book reading is valuable if it helps for you to generate ideas.

>> No.21837698

The God is Pure Light and Wisdom.
Seraphim are a Ray of Knowledge of the God, whom we called Solaris.
Each Seraphim penetrates through the entire body of Solaris, which is composed of infinite tissues of light.

The Seraphim attempt to merge with the Core of Reality in a flash of lightning, an explosion, one eternal moment. After being created their only desire and sole purpose is simply to be absorbed.

But not every Seraphim successfully completes the journey. Some must inevitably fail. They fall from the sky into a sleep called abyss and then begin to dream. From their dreams on rays of divine knowledge, imperfect worlds are created.

The Demiurge of this story is named Maya, for she bore a brilliant yet vicious fantasy.

>> No.21837700

Where is this written in the Bible?

>> No.21837708

Well part of it is escapism. But I think a huge contingent of people who genuinely care about knowledge are drawn to books like moths to a flame, believing that books are the secret to wisdom and growth, when it's more about life experience and reflection combined with overall intelligence. In other words, if you want to contribute to this world intellectually, then books are not your "fountain of wisdom" or stopping point. Books can only show you how far humanity has gone in X field, and it's up to you to see if you can take it any further.

I used to think this only applied to math and science, but it applies to everything tbqh

>> No.21837710

just sliced a fat chunk off of my thumb.

>Fucking basques have collective memories of Neanderthal encounters I'm fucking terrified
dude that's fucking rad

yes, but it has to be romantic

>> No.21837713

are you the same wet-blanket fuck that got all snippy that I got excited about people finding the Endurance?

>> No.21837779

>Could other portions of history be a lie? How hard would it be for men of the past to also implant fake events into our history
It used be a huge problem with cartography-- some shyster would take your money, say they went on a trip and saw impassable mountains, and then for centuries everyone assumes the Congo doesn't real. In many ways they were probably doing us a solid with that.

>> No.21837787

What about fictional books? I personally use it as a cope because I cannot experience the real thing described in those books?

>> No.21837909

>I cannot experience the real thing described in those books
Hell, that's a great reason to read, I wouldn't call that escapism. With books, you can read a chivalric epic and feel like a knight, it's awesome. And reading by nature is not very addictive, since it requires effort unlike TV or MMORPGs or porn (which are dangerously addictive).

>> No.21837933

I wanted to quit my job but now my car is on its last legs and I don’t have enough money to fund my life for very long and buy a new car.

>> No.21837935

are you in a city? what about a bike?

>> No.21837938

I find the notion of "le untranslatable words" completely cringe. "Poshlost" just means trivial degeneracy. "Smekalka" just means innovation. "Sehnsucht" just means longing felt strongly. "Saudade" just means intense melancholy.
>b-b-b-but anon, you will never capture all the nuances of the words with those translations!!!
You literally never will with any translation, that's not what translation means and is not the criteria of succes for it.

>> No.21837945

Capturing nuance is the mark of good translation, just because it's sometimes impossible doesn't mean it's not objectively better for the translation

>> No.21837956

>trapped in a carcuck lifestyle
next time you seethe about "the 15 minute city" maybe stop to think for a second

>> No.21837962

>The claim: you will never capture all the nuances
>the counterclaim: Capturing nuance is the mark of good translation
These isn't even any tension here friend. Both are correct.

>> No.21837967

I’m on the edge of the suburbs of a big American city although I planned on moving closer to the city or in the city once I quit my job.

>> No.21838008

Most american post I've read today
Feels good to be a europoor

>> No.21838039

200 years ago not beliving in God was inconceivable. Today, belief is simply one option among many, and generally the most deried. How did this transformation take place in a relatively short span of time?

>> No.21838043

we stopped executing people that disagreed with the church

>> No.21838045

Hatred of communism was the unity that replaced Christianity in most of the west

>> No.21838047

do you want picking up in the morning mate?

>> No.21838050

The don't just mean that though. It's a problem even within a language: based does not just mean good, but rather signifies a zeitgeist, so when someone from the 1950s with no tech uses the word it has obviously different connotations than when a twitter user does, even if they were born into the same cohort.
Shitty translation that says "close enough" often means the translator is assuming enough ignorance in the reader that they too will accept "close enough".

I watch movies sometimes with translations by the official translation services for my native language and it's very evident from the translations that the people translating the language have little to no native sense of the language. Sentences which are "close enough" if you're English first language sound okay to the translator, but for native speakers, they sound like
>Please to be listening to me, good sir, I am in the process of trying to assist you now
It's even more unnatural when it comes to words that don't translate. The last movie I saw with this had a very strange thing happening in the translation: black and white are never used for skin description in my native language, and if you directly translate like that, you are saying something much worse than nigger. If you wanted to use terms of racial abuse, you would never call someone black, because it's more pejorative than using even the words for "black skinned and scum". But if you speak English, black is an identity and descriptor and racially loaded, so you might assume it's fine to say "their skin is black that is why they are discriminated against"-- but translated that becomes "their soul is darksided and that is why they are lopsided/how they are known" at best. That looks even worse when you have a translation which shows some familiarity in some ways, like the odd slang or dialect word, and then fuck up on such a basic conception that you look worse than racist, you start looking like a religious freak who is avoiding mentioning the skin tone you're discriminating against and instead talking about moral colours which are taken as invisible to the naked eye regardless of dialect.
It is kind of funny that people get paid to write those subtitles when they have to know they're running to a dictionary and AI too often to not have doubts about the intelligibility of what they've put out or their basic fluency.

>> No.21838059

Search engines are shit now and most people are really bad at knowing how to search for specific results anyway. It's no wonder people are using AI because it's easier to take it at face value, right or wrong, when they're already incapable of finding the answers they want by searching regularly. Regardless, search engines are so shit now that it's still easier to use an AI and spend the effort verifying/revising that what it's telling you is true afterward.

>> No.21838087

I work remotely

>> No.21838089

>you can read a chivalric epic and feel like a knight, it's awesome
My current books are all about love.

>> No.21838090

Google has been dumbed down so much that it is almost unusuable. It takes your search-terms and uses synonyms for them, which is great if you are a mouthbreathing retard who doesn't master language at all, but terrible if you are making highly specialized searches for exactly the terms you chose. For technical questions, it has gotten so bad that it takes something like "outbound" to be synonymous with "inbound" - literally, it takes antonyms to be synonymous in highly specialized searches - which is completely insane. And even then, if you actually manage to find a useful result after the endless commercial results, the owners of which have spent fortunes and tens of thousands of man-hours on SEO, the most disgusting waste of human effort and indignity to the human spirit of all time, these useful results are always on reddit or quora, which seem to be the only non-commercial sites google cares enough to index these days.

Google got its monopoly because it was the best in the 00's. Since monopolies do not have to compete, they tend to turn to shit over time, which is what happened to google from 2015 to now. The time is ripe for a competitor to blow them the fuck out. We may live to see google become bing and bing become google. Strange times indeed.

It's even worse on youtube (also google). I search the exact title of the video I want to watch, I get four results that aren't it, then it just gives up and shows me whatever slop is popular based on my age, sex and location.

Utterly cringe and gay.

>> No.21838092

how do we out-psyop the trannies

>> No.21838094

A few years ago I took a bad job because it afford me a lot of time to write and to go back to school. A few months in I lost all interest in writing and in school. I spent the next 4 years doing basically nothing but working, reading, hiking, and helping out around local farms. It was enjoyable I guess but 4 years later I have nothing to show for it. I really wish I had entered a graduate program. Instead, my track record just shows a sort of shitty job and a waste of time.

>> No.21838100

>200 years ago
>short span of time

>> No.21838106

I am curious about Dostoevsky but the way people discuss him is odd. He's taken as this deeply meaningful, profound figure, yet 'Notes from Underground' appears to have the desire to say something profound, but I don't think he ever does. I read 1/2 of 'Crime and Punishment' and felt the same way. Maybe TBK is better

>> No.21838131
File: 188 KB, 736x1783, af7153a709e01bd574d6bbd12b4b38ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a herme

>> No.21838164

Are /lit/ archived somewhere? I noticed that, in 4plebs for instance, there isn't a /lit/ section; so I wonder any other site saves them.

>> No.21838213
File: 199 KB, 1080x1081, 133558805-469449901120485-9008540218449866450-n-1610481414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think long nails or those stick on nails are a major red flag. It might seem harmless but it kind of shows she's dumb with money and doesn't mind being very wasteful with it. At least hair, makeup etc has some point to it, just as long as they don't spend stupid amounts on it ( but they often do lol), but "getting nails did" and overly done up designs is just pure retardation.

It also shows she's probably lazy and not practical seeing that these long fake nails get in the way of doing normal stuff like cooking or even just holding things. And probably aren't all that hygienic. Nothing wrong with painting your nails since girls are into weird frivolous things but the stick on and growing nails impractically long is just retarded. Plus natural fingertip length nails look better anyways.

How irrational am I being that they annoy me and i view the person differently if they have long/stick on nails? How did they even become so popular anyways? 10+ years ago most girls were keeping their nails normal length after rgetting over the 90s/00s long nail trend. Now it's back but over the top than I ever remembered it

T. unironically have a hand fetish

>> No.21838277

Trannies are just a psy-op to get technologists into mereological nihilism, it's fine

>> No.21838290

It's a sign you don't need to work. It's tacky, like all displays of wealth, and there's cultural variations which cross genders (e.g. leaving your pinky nail long for men in East Asian cultures is a way of saying you don't do manual labour, and it's the equivalent of showing labels, chains and rings and putting your Tesla keys on the table in the west.) Girls who have overdone nails are saying
>I can drop $100 every two to three weeks and take an hour out of my day to have someone else groom me, you better be able to fund that lifestyle simp
like the guy with the long pinky fingernail is saying
>I've never seen a menu with prices listed

>> No.21838300

accidentally stabbed myself. might be too dumb to live.

>> No.21838323

>accidentally stabbed myself
uhh, how?

>> No.21838333

walked into a pointy thing and then wandered around with it in my leg. then when it started to hurt i did another dumb thing and took it out so i bled all over the clothes i'm wearing while doing laundry. i've stopped bleeding anyway

>> No.21838363

Desuarchive might.

>> No.21838364

warosu and moe

>> No.21838368

Write about those 4 years. Then make the protagonist a bipoc who faces racism. Best seller, youll be rich.

>> No.21838370

>Girls who have overdone nails are saying
>I can drop $100 every two to three weeks and take an hour out of my day to have someone else groom me, you better be able to fund that lifestyle simp
Chances are the simp only wants them for being a dolled-up bimbo because if they weren't a simp, the gold-digging would be a red flag

>> No.21838382

It's not golddigging. It's a class statement, and usually a lower class one. Old money doesn't need a long fingernail. It's the same as people who wear their overpriced cartoon merch or need the new jersey for their team, where you're displaying your discretionary spending.

>> No.21838447
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Im really sad that discussion of Pascal and his Pansees as a whole is largely overshadowed by a single mental experiment in it, the Pascal's Wager.

TBQH I find most people who perseverate over it, especially the patrons of it, but the discourse in general, kinda muddy his whole project with myopia. I think it detracts from his legitimately insightful and nuanced work and reduces people's idea of him to an image macro table of basic bitch polemic fallacy slinging back and forth. Which is a massive shame, since I think nearly anyone, regardless of religious opinion, would find great worth in that work, even if they disagree with his particular religious beliefs or his other conclusions (its a rather multi-topic writing, more of a string of thoughts journal style). How he thinks and approaches things, his mindfulness towards relativity, but not overstating it to the point of ignoring blatant empirical trends, but instead towards prudent evaluations. There is a deliberation and even handedness in his methodology that leads to a compelling sort of wholistic melancholic optimism.

If nothing else, his approach towards subject matters in general is worth consideration more than particular points. Its one of my favorite things to open a random page and read if I want to just ruminate.

>> No.21838453
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girlfriend moved in recently and used my computer. She now wants to know why I have so many pictures of cartoon frogs and ryan gosling. She's gonna find out guys, what do I tell her?

>> No.21838465

>I think the frog is cute and I like Ryan Gosling
If she keeps whining then fuck her

>> No.21838472

I have a certain fondness for the smell of cinema popcorn, maybe because it reminds me of the times dad came to visit my grandparents and take me to movies when I was in grade school.

He has horrible taste. He is not the most interesting or fun person to be around. But I think it's always nice to see that at least there is still someone who cares, in one way or another.

In fact, to kid me, knowing whether that was the case might just be all that really mattered.

>> No.21838473

You don't deserve those frogs; give them back.

>> No.21838478

obstacle 1

>> No.21838483

Fun fact, that smell is toxic and causes popcorn lung, now popular among teen vapers who think it tastes nice.

>> No.21838497

the phones mix of heinrich maneuver is 95% of my formative consciousness to the point i'm worried my last words might be
>how are things on the west coast?

>> No.21838502

a 3 paragraph post about how much you hate fake nails is a red flag bro

>> No.21838507

Frogposters get what they deserve

>> No.21838513

I remember when i remembered that i used to get into arguments online as a 13 year old. Definitely changed my perspective.

>> No.21838524

I probably could game still, but there's just too much to play. I also neglected self improvement for so long that i don't want to get sucked into gaming.

>> No.21838526

well it's not like I'm exposed to that 8hrs a day 7 days a week, and I don't do cigs or vape. my lungs will probably be alright heh

>> No.21838528

learnt more from internet arguments than i ever did at school tb h

>> No.21838531

No British, Aussie, etc? They do the same thing.

>> No.21838534

I have been saying these three things every morning:

The Holy Spirit is a daemonical force of pure destruction. Jesus was an idiot.

Allah is an angry, jealous, and merciless god, and I put superior idols before him. Muhammad and Ali were idiots.

Moses and the Torah are shit, and I curse YHVH/Elohim.

>> No.21838554

People now can't wrap their heads around it. People did that as a joke. The military used to do it a lot, because there were no women. It is absurd because it's hilarious that a man is pretending to be a woman. They primarily weren't twerking or doing what modern drag shows do. It was a comedy skit where they pretended to do that. They also weren't gay.

People try to point to it and say "look, it's the same", but it's not. Mrs. Doubtfire reading to kids versus a drag queen doing it. It's not the same thing.

>> No.21838557

*tips fedora*

>> No.21838559

I'm just saying that it's one of those sensations that's pleasant enough people dgaf if it's toxic so you're not alone

>> No.21838565

I used to say “i’m daffy duck” every morning when I was a child because I thought daffy duck was cool.

>> No.21838566

and four hundred years before that, serious male actors dressed as women in plays & no one laughed.

>> No.21838572

is that true

>> No.21838648


>> No.21839029

I havent

>> No.21839058

>I get four results that aren't it, then it just gives up and shows me whatever slop is popular based on my age, sex and location.
This annoys me a lot. I try looking for videos on youtube and instesd it shows me "videos you might like" or "videos related to x" instead of meaningful search results

>> No.21839068

I work at a liquor store. Girls with those stupid nails have asked me to their ID out of their wallets for them because the nails are in the way

>> No.21839493

Love is great. When the hawk eats the nightingale he sacrifices her song.

>> No.21839506

treat yourself darling, nobody else will.

>> No.21839519

do some schizo shit faggit, kill Tony Blair.

>> No.21839547

read at the pub and people will try fight you. have you ever kicked shit into a low iq tradie who deserved it? then you'll be a man.

>> No.21839573

My muse is a vtuber with schizophrenia!

>> No.21839584

that's not from the bible. where is it from? >>21837698