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21831349 No.21831349 [Reply] [Original]

Books that discuss the purpose the government should serve in relation to its citizens?

>> No.21831386

There’s a lot of them, and they often seem to forget that we don’t need governments turning us into their citizens.
So I’ll go with Against History, Against Leviathan

>> No.21831423

For me its Anti-Oedipus.

>> No.21831994

>pregnant afro-simian

>> No.21832203

Aboriginal Australians aren't African, retard. They're closer to Dravidians, but may as well be their own group since they're fairly isolated and not very close to Africans nor Europeans in genetic makeup.

>> No.21832266

Why liberalism failed. I haven't read it myself but I've seen the author lecture on this topic.

>> No.21832756

Subsaharans and Australian Aboriginals are the only people who have genes from a certain archaic simian hominid not in the fossil record.

>> No.21832819


>> No.21832890

So what you're saying is abbos are fully sick cunt pussy masters?

>> No.21832986

Is that what your frail mind actually thinks of blacks? HAHAHAHA just kidding, I know you are a coping nigcel.

Ya, the genetic profile of subsaharans and abbos.

>> No.21833003

You're a sep mate. I can tell from your racialised sexual dysfuction and having had the mispleasure of meeting multiple seps.

>> No.21833035

I'm asking you if you actually have any information to back up a claim you're making

>> No.21833070

Probably some infographic he saw but forgot to save as a jay peg.

>> No.21833244


>> No.21833299

Murray Rothbard – "Anatomy of the State"

>> No.21834389

If he has the information then he'll provide it, if not then he's making a baseless claim without evidence

>> No.21834996

Aristotle - Politics

>> No.21835048

I will make a second baseless claim that counters his: I've actually heard that Africans have some of the lowest admixtures of other hominid DNA. The theory being that the others may have migrated out of Africa before we did, and we interbred with them later. The highest levels I've heard of are from Abbos and some SEA monkey area. I think Euros have higher Neanderthal admixture than Africans. Not that it matters. Abbos probably are the most genetically distant from other major groups though, since they were isolated for so much longer

>> No.21835086

I think he meant this:

>NEW YORK – Researchers have teased out evidence suggesting the ancestors of modern-day sub-Saharan Africans interbred with an archaic human group. At the same time, though, they found no evidence of non-Neanderthal or non-Denisovan archaic admixture among Andaman Islanders, which had been previously suggested.

>> No.21835093

Here is another one:

>While introgression from Neanderthals and Denisovans has been documented in modern humans outside Africa, the contribution of archaic hominins to the genetic variation of present-day Africans remains poorly understood. We provide complementary lines of evidence for archaic introgression into four West African populations. Our analyses of site frequency spectra indicate that these populations derive 2 to 19% of their genetic ancestry from an archaic population that diverged before the split of Neanderthals and modern humans.

>> No.21836055
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>now the bad faith kikes demanding proofs attack this proofposter

>> No.21836165
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>schizo complaining about nonexistent persecution
All according to keikaku

>> No.21836317
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Uhhh .... yeah

The answer is The Republic, but OP already knew that

>> No.21836320


>> No.21836327

They were the true whites. We're just the vermin left on Earth.

>> No.21836392

>muh dick

>> No.21836612

Out of Africa is a fake, disproven theory, only held on to for political correctness' sake. The archaic simian genetics that ONLY subsaharans and australian abbos have disprove out of africa. The same goes for the human remains found around the world outside of africa which predate ooa theory by hundreds of thousands of years. There is a lot more too.

What are you talking about you dumb ape? Niggers are ugly monkeys with no redeeming qualities, their penises are shorter on average than the Nordics.

Of course I do, but not on command for some dumb nigape who wouldn't even know how to read the study in the first place.

They take about 1/3rd of their genetic profile from an ARCHAIC SIMIAN HOMINID NOT FOUND IN THE FOSSIL RECORD, you halfwit. The point is this isn't Neanderthal or Denisovan, these are basically monkeys not found in the fossil record, and blacks take about 1/3rd of their DNA from them, while no other race of humans has any of this admixture, apart from Australian abbos.

>> No.21836627

History of western political thought by J. S McClelland

>> No.21836630
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>> No.21836645

lmao, now post your dirty shit-colored tranny hands. just kidding, go back to your 3rd world toilet and get beheaded.

>> No.21836652

Lol dude he refuted you, cope.

>> No.21836659

Holy based

>> No.21836660
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>lmao, now post your dirty shit-colored tranny hands. just kidding, go back to your 3rd world toilet and get beheaded.

>> No.21836681

Just close the tab nigger, you got destroyed.

>> No.21836683

>antifa cuck accidently uploads a seflie

>> No.21836692
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>antifa cuck accidently uploads a seflie

>> No.21836693

>3rd world poo man has no argument
Go easy on him lads, he probably doesn't know English very well.

>> No.21836699

This is you except you're a nigger and fat.

>> No.21836700

>too afraid to type anything
Poor baby

>> No.21836807

Show me one scholarly source that proves what you're saying, otherwise you're acting like a shit brained faggot for not offering any evidence other than "yeah it just is"

>> No.21836818
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>didn't read the book
>"liberalism failed"
Never change, /lit/

>> No.21836834

>Niggers are ugly monkeys with no redeeming qualities, their penises are shorter on average than the Nordics.
Holy cope, stop thinking about cock faggot

>> No.21836840

You're the one that brought it up, he was just refuting it, you dumb ape.

>> No.21836847

One of them has already been posted.

>> No.21836892

No it doesn't. It says that Subsaharan Africans and certain Indonesians (not even Abos) have different sets of genetic ancestors than others, not that they're from the same ancestors you monkey brained retard.
>Non-Africans are estimated to have inherited about 2 percent of their DNA from Neanderthals, while Melanesian and aboriginal Australians have inherited about 4 percent to 5 percent of their DNA from Denisovans, and yet other populations,like the Andaman Islanders, were thought to have interbred with as-yet-unknown hominins. But as archaic humans also lived in sub-Saharan Africa around the same time and in the same places as a modern humans, there may have been opportunities for admixture inside Africa, as well.
>Meanwhile, they found few signs of non-Neanderthal, non-Denisovan archaic admixture among non-Africans, including South Asians and Melanesians. A previous study had reported a signal of unknown archaic admixture among Andaman Islanders, but the UCSF-led team could not detect any, despite deep sampling in the region. Additionally, they found no signs of additional archaic admixture among individuals from Flores, where the ancient homininHomo floresiensiswas uncovered.

>> No.21836922

Both of these suggestions are gay

>> No.21836924

Been meaning to get that

>> No.21836945

>can't even read the article
>calling others monkey-brained retard
>is black

>> No.21836990

>quotes from the article
>"can't even read the article"
Can you read?

>> No.21837073

Whether or not someone provides evidence supporting their statement has no bearing upon its truth value. What do you think this is, reddit?

To answer OP, all of political philosophy deals with this question. Start with The Republic or Leviathan or something.

>> No.21837083

>provides evidence supporting their statement has no bearing upon its truth value
What's your evidence for this claim?

>> No.21837085

Statements are definitionally insufficient to bare truth value without evidence. FFS is this analytical?

>> No.21837099

>You don't need evidence for a claim
This is why we can't have nice things and you're clinically disabled

>> No.21837139

>posts irrelevant quotes from wrong article demonstrating he doesn't understand what it's saying or the argument
U lose nigga

>> No.21837142

That isn't what he's saying you mentally retarded pavement ape.

>> No.21837169

>Irrelevent quotes
How? We're talking about you're proposed connection between Abos and Subsaharan Africans
>Wrong article
The other article doesn't focus on any other race besides Subsaharan African, it's about how they have a different archaic human ancestor from other races descended from Neanderthals and Denisovans (2-19% and not a 1/3, compared to 2% between Neanderthals and non-Africans and 4-5% between Denisovans and Abos)
Then what is he saying? Spell it out for me, oh righteous and noble bringer of truth