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/lit/ - Literature

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21830891 No.21830891 [Reply] [Original]

I want some book recommendations on how to become a renaissance man. Sounds larpy, but being learned in numerous disciplines and earnestly following your creative passions sounds like the only way to live life.

>> No.21830895

Literally just read every book

>> No.21830908
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I'm trying to pursue this too. Here's what I think is a good start
>Languages: Latin, Greek, German, French, Spanish and Italian
>Learn math
>Learn physics
>Pick up an instrument
>Read the Western Canon
>Write poetry
>Make contributions to somw field (?)

>> No.21830934

the renaissance was about the rediscovery of the classical Greco-Roman culture
so start with the Greeks

>> No.21830955

>how to become a renaissance man

boost your brain

read a lot

>> No.21831005

Be healthy male young Italian lower nobility in 1470.

>> No.21831009

I've kind of become a shitty modern gutter version of one basically by accident. Anytime I'm exposed to some kind of art or something really catches my interest my reaction is to learn how to do it. Stop motion animation, drawing and painting and a little sculpture/plaster casting, guitar and bass, leatherwork, blacksmithing, writing, graffiti (done tastefully and mostly legally) wood working (mostly carving) a little bit of glass blowing, old tool and sign restoration, sewing and upholstery, probably other shit that isn't coming to mind. I'm not great at any of them but I haven't completely failed with any of them either. If I could go back in time however If probably focus all that time and effort on just one or two things that I could have possibly become great at instead of being anywhere from very amateur to decent at a bunch of shit.

>> No.21831016

>If I could go back in time however If probably focus all that time and effort on just one or two things that I could have possibly become great at instead of being anywhere from very amateur to decent at a bunch of shit.
Jack of all traits, master of none, etc., as they say

>> No.21831524

thanks anon, this is exactly the sort of thing I was thinking about

>> No.21831539

Start with The Learned Disguise and l'Académie.

>> No.21831553

Sure if the renaissance happened in Africa

>> No.21831556

Hello anon. Although many of the low hanging fruits seem to have been picked in most fields, there is a lot of work to be done in finding and making connecting between fields so there is a great need for renaissance men.

Try to learn new things with this connection in mind. See how one thing relates or can explain a concept in a different field. Similar to how Leonardo studied bird anatomy to build flying machines and ended up making progress in both areas.

Beside that, read widely, allow you curiosity to guide you, and keep commonplace notebooks similar to how Leonardo kept books to centralize your knowledge.

>> No.21831559

but better than a master of one

>> No.21831716

thanks GPTnon

>> No.21831767

lol just took a break from writing a college essay so i'm still in that headspace

>> No.21832797

listen to all the courses offered by The Great Courses or Wondrium as it's called today