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21828175 No.21828175 [Reply] [Original]

I think the core problem with picrel is a fundamental aversion to sincerity. You see, when you write something with sincerity, you're taking an actual risk. After all, if your sincere writing still falls short and gets criticised, or if a very vocal contingent of people criticise it loudly, then it's a big hit to the ego. Some people just can't take that. But if everything is bubble wrapped in a thousand layers of irony, you don't have to come to terms with critiques of your work; you can just be like 'well yeah, but it's all a joke/ironic/satire etc anyway' and never be, for a moment, vulnerable in one's writing. Dude, I said nigger! Dude, I said die cis scum! The writing in Borderlands definitely sums up millennials quite well; they talk a whole lot, but rarely say anything important. Totally a coincidence that when the millennials come of age, though, that video games, movies, television and books all simultaneously go to shit, though. Yeah. Totally.

>> No.21828179

I think you're the first one to realize this.

>> No.21828230
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I just find it hard to believe that a generation full of folks who can't shut the fuck up about the Attitude Era and the "REAL" MTV and how EDGY it all was suddenly became the most puritanical people around. And if it's not puritanical bullshit, it's the lamest shit imaginable: inoffensive, milquetoast, stock, by the numbers. How do you have a generation of people idolizing the decade when literally ALL franchises were at their PEAK in terms of creativity only to end up churning out such swill?

>> No.21828251


>> No.21828262
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Zoomers have their own problems, but this is about millennials. I love how everytime anyone calls out millennials on their shit, though, so many of them will latch onto "oh, yeah? Well, ZOOMERS...." and then, elsewhere, you'll whine about how boomers just don't "get" your generation, 'cause they stereotype you all the time.

>> No.21828300

Reminder that millenials are all like 30 now, and they don't even own a home, have a wife, and are happily replaced by negro-fied hispanic zoomers.

>> No.21828308

are you coming to the ceremony tomorrow for your award? I still cant believe you won the Gayest cock-sucking tripfag award on 4chan! I'm so proud!
>verification not required

>> No.21828318

What is cretenic simplism?
Being insincere is one way to avoid criticism to your ideas, obscurity another.

>> No.21828320

> literally ALL franchises were at their PEAK in terms of creativity

>> No.21828347

>pretentious zoom-zoom discovers DFW

>> No.21828363

That's an insipid opinion. The problem with millennial writing is they're only concerned with superficial problems and not the human condition. They'll write a book about why you shouldnt say nigger, but they'll write about niggers. They write about feminism but they dont understand femininity.

>> No.21828366

No, this is insipid.

>> No.21828371

At least post the video OP

>> No.21828499
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>Totally a coincidence that when the millennials come of age, though, that video games, movies, television and books all simultaneously go to shit, though. Yeah. Totally.
It's more a consumer problem going on there coupled with the seeming refusal of people to really grasp it, or, more likely, the totality 'of' consumer culture which just make it impossible to share the understanding of how .. er.. total.. the consumer culture is.

I mean: we're developing when we're younger and our tastes and habits change and there's media to cater for us, for a few years, and then the cut off occurs and no more media exists, then the "consumer" is out in the wilderness and probably will not grasp the mechanics of what happened and why "society" (but really media, tv, movies, etc.) hasn't carried along to match their pace. The regressive cycle is a choice, of course, as you can find older men and women who are fully stuck in that media loop designed for younger demographics... and there's no real difference in the mentality or process when it occurs.

In my opinion people already did grasp this back in the 90's and so the media that broke out from that cycle is still the "bleeding edge" of this... the early internet and stuff which breaks with the planned format we're used to in movies and shows, etc., and in my experience there's nothing like this since.

To be honest though I see no difference from the hated Gen X to the Millenial and the so-called Zoombberrr; just a bunch of lazy manchildren too stupid to think for themselves. The reality of progression and evolution; development of the self, vs. that of a culture of scripted and circular media which is at odds with reality.... best example if you still don't know what I mean is the tv show where everything resets back to the beginning at the end of the show, with this being 'media' in a nut shell; a psychological circular loop, which the mind naturally outgrows and when it does then there's literally nothing else being spoon fed to it, a kind of learned helplessness of the intellectual faculty; proper term: arrested development.

this is true.. ultimately being in that media cycle in inhibiting your actions in the real world; it's not surprise to me (10000x smarter than my peers, fact) that Jimmy who spent his life emulating drop-out snark and "too cool to care" from his media-peer influences is now basically a hobo.

Most of the circular media, outside of the process of the psychological hook of the thing, reinforces do-nothing-ness and gives that as a sense of normalcy, hence: totalitarianistic, because it's everywhere and defines peoples entire trajectory, whilst encouraging them to low functionality in their lives and social groups. Bad bad.


>> No.21828513
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When C ΠM G E N V S posts and replies to herself the thread is dead. New discussion: how haruhi and Kant are alike

>> No.21828527
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>You see, when you write something with sincerity, you're taking an actual risk. After all, if your sincere writing still falls short and gets criticised,
I gotta say that I've learned to ignore these kinds of 'feedbacks', I reason that most feedback is fake; people reading but not reading, scanning for a keyword and if it agrees with their politics/religion then they'll declare it genius and if it doesn't then they'll declare it retarded.

I think the biggest difference with these three age brackets is the learned format that they tailor their output to; this isn't dumb exactly but it's derived from fake impressions 'of' society in the first place, so they're tailoring their work o groups who they think exist who don't actually exist, or copying the format of other writers who've recently done that, etc., i.e. they're setting out to create a prepackaged thing which comes across as same-same and immediately out-dated.

Ironically every single influence is going to tell them to do this but it just proves the point in my last post, here: >>21828499 that people are stuck in cycles of repetition which ... in all fairness.. it doesn't take much to recognize and avoid. Even as they go to write or do a thing, they're entirely influenced and set in motion by whatever prior format they were exposed to and told was "how you do it", and it doesn't work.

>How do you have a generation of people idolizing the decade when literally ALL franchises were at their PEAK in terms of creativity only to end up churning out such swill?

>> No.21828548

I'm so sorry, but the truth is all great classic works of literature that have stood the test of time spoke to universal truths about humanity. Nobody cares about some abolitionist's book written in the 1800s which focuses on non-issues.

>> No.21828554

We're seeing thr effects of affermative action. Who would have thought all entertainment would go to shit the moment we started hiring people based on whether or not they had bipolar disorder or a freaky pronoun?

>> No.21828557 [DELETED] 

I watched that shitty video too. Nobody cares what expressions will your stupid video characters use.

>> No.21828564

I watched that video too. Nobody cares what expressions will your stupid video game characters use.

>> No.21828573

>all great classic works of literature that have stood the test of time spoke to universal truths about humanity.
>muh ethnos
Now that is insipid. The contemporary false-hype and politically orientated fake praise for a JK Rowling book is no different to people who hyped Dostoevsky or Shakespeare in the past, whilst the censorship of the past operated the same way as today; to prevent this or that being published and provide a softer version written by someone of the stronger version written by a thousand others.

Poetry, for example, in the West took a nose-dive during Victorian times because censorship refused to publish certain things; movies, in the same way, took a nose-dive during our times for the same reason: you can't censor reality (e.g. don't write about sex and corruption, don't show the horrors of war) without killing that medium of expression entirely and that the act of doing so relies upon putting some fake thing in its place.

>> No.21828582

>We're seeing thr effects of affermative action.
It's probably the other way around; the consumer loop created that impression in peoples heads in the first place where they see a fake character or fake group in media and then emulate it in reality... e.g. identifying XYZ in reality as being XYZ from the media show, although you're not wrong as to start with a person doing that would be mentally ill.

>> No.21828583
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Born mid 90's so I must be a fucking zoomer.

Regardless, I dont want what I write associated with me. Ideally I would like to live wholly divorced from what I write. Assuming what I do could ever be anything other than self-published.
I dont talk to my family friends or others about what I write.
That is all to say I dont see this as a lack of sincerity, but it is certainly an attempt to avoid criticism in my personal life.

>> No.21828608

I pretty much write off anyone who cries about muh zoomers. It’s so fucking annoying and incredibly dumb.

>> No.21828622

There's really no difference between zoomers and millennials. Both are consumerism-driven generations who eat up whatever is served to them by media. If millennials had Tik Tok as teenagers they'd be doing equally cringy shit. The only difference is millennials weren't entirely raised by the internet.

>> No.21828649

See, there you go. Why do millennials always refer to zoomers whenever their generation is called out? I think >>21828608 is on point. Are you literally that intimidated by a bunch of dorky kids who will inevitably grow out of whatever they're into --- y'know, just like YOU were supposed to? At least >>21828499 points out how millennials aren't that better. And that's the point I'm making. Millennials are completely self-obsessed and can't handle any real refletction without bringing up random people who have nothing to do with anything.
>Born mid 90's so I must be a fucking zoomer.
The truth is, it doesn't REALLY matter what generation you're from, BUT the problem is that so many millennial writers seem to have a real problem with, well, writing. You actually have the right mindset, but so many of your peers go on about their "problems" or whatever. They don't write timeless, interesting shit - they write wish fulfillment nonsense just so they can say they did something.
That's EXACTLY what I'd like to get across. I love when millennials bring up TikTok, too, considering they gave us Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr AND nu-4chan. Millennials seem to love acting like Diet Boomers, though: what they lack in money and gaudy homes, they make up for in bullshit moralism. Ever wonder how so many "Karens" are millennials?

>> No.21828661

Millennials are definitely the first "consooming" generation and it shows. No experience at all, and any hardship that actually is experienced, is expressed through sarcasm, wittiness, layers of irony, and an obsession with "nerd culture" in a vicarious way and I air quote that with a massive amount of exaggeration.
I suppose this was always going to be the case now that I think about it (looking back on hindsight). When you have no major conflicts or hardships to overcome in the span of 75 years, and culture itself (specifically films and tv) is producing quantity at a belligerent rate, the results are as expected.

>> No.21828668

I am curious what generation you belong to OP. Are you willing to share that information?

>> No.21828688

Millennials were raised as "me" generation, like boomers they were taught that the planet spins around them, except they weren't given the material comfort and economic stability that boomers enjoyed. That is not to say zoomers are any different. They're even more self centered and the economy will fuck them in the ass even worse than it did millennials.

>> No.21828692
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>No experience at all, and any hardship that actually is experienced, is expressed through sarcasm, wittiness, layers of irony, and an obsession with "nerd culture" in a vicarious way and I air quote that with a massive amount of exaggeration.
And that's exactly my point. Millennial writers bring nothing to the table other than whining about literal first world problems. They are the creative equivalent of a boomer like Jack Scalfani who, stuck in a nursing home, doesn't like how the food they're serving him isn't fatty and greasy enough. They whine about the stupidest shit imaginable, then get offended that you don't share their enthusiasm. They claim to be into "nerd culture" but let's be fucking real, most so called "nerds" are posers on both sides who just want attention.
>When you have no major conflicts or hardships to overcome in the span of 75 years
Oh, but they'll tell you that they DO have hardships, though. Problem is, they're never writing about them. Female millennials are too busy writing about how they're not like the other girls, while male millennials are writing about how they're not like the other boys. We have grown ass adults who believe cooties actually exist. They get really mad when you poke fun at how their collective work is essentially a whinefest about the other gender, or some such race, or religion. Oh, if only it weren't for cis white men/black people, I'd REALLY get somewhere! They offer no solutions. They just whine and whine. What's funny is that both claim that normies are on their side, and yet most normies I speak to think they should all be gassed or at the very least told to shut the fuck up. Seriously, i have yet to meet a single person IRL who gives a shit about this so called "culture war" - but a LOT of people who poke fun at the very idea of it. Never met an "SJW" or an "incel" IRL, either. Odd, right? If you listened to today's writers, you'd think there was a pandemic of (insert group here) out to kill you or something.

>> No.21828727

>I am curious what generation you belong to OP. Are you willing to share that information?
I am a millennial myself. I don't think millennials are irredeemable, though. I just think we don't have any really good writers pushing the envelope or speaking about the issues of our time. All we seem to get is "TFW NO GF D00D" and "ADULTING IS HARD" and "OMG ZOOMERS" or whatever. When is the last time a millennial writer ever wrote something you could really sink your teeth into AND expect people to do for years after? That's not to say that there aren't any good millennial writers out there. In fact, I'm sure they are, but they must suck at self promotion because all I ever see are one of the aforementioned groups.
>That is not to say zoomers are any different. They're even more self centered and the economy will fuck them in the ass even worse than it did millennials.
Here we go again. "BUT ZOOMERS!" as if zoomers matter when we're not even talking about them. And it's a shame too, because you started off with a solid point. But again, I have to ask: why do so many millennials bring up zoomers when they have nothing to do with the discussion? Did I extol the superiority of zoomers in my OP? Nope. Did I even mention zoomers at all? Nope. So why bring 'em up? I'm talking about millennial writers here.

>> No.21828729

>Oh, if only it weren't for cis white men/black people, I'd REALLY get somewhere! They offer no solutions. They just whine and whine. What's funny is that both claim that normies are on their side, and yet most normies I speak to think they should all be gassed or at the very least told to shut the fuck up. Seriously, i have yet to meet a single person IRL who gives a shit about this so called "culture war" - but a LOT of people who poke fun at the very idea of it. Never met an "SJW" or an "incel" IRL, either. Odd, right? If you listened to today's writers, you'd think there was a pandemic of (insert group here) out to kill you or something.
bloody good points, anonobon, it's always interesting that peering beyond this little fake media veil results in immediate recognition of the depth of the fakery, really simply and easily too. It really is just a false sense of 'peers', artificial peers via internet or media, that prevents real progression .... but it's good or heartening, whatever, how quickly anyone can immediately recognize and shake off a lifetimes worth of fake influence.

>At least >>21828499 (You) points out how millennials aren't that better.
aw, you're so kind anon(!)

>can't handle any real refletction without bringing up random people who have nothing to do with anything.
Very true also, even this is just a kneejerk psychological deflection when it occurs, a glorified "no you/they," but you're right, a person who thinks like this; whose first thought is "i know i shit my pants, but other people have also shit their pants" is not mentally willing to address the cause of why they did it or begin cleaning themselves or seeking new clean underpants; it's a stagnancy - arrested development / learned helplessness.

>> No.21828745

>spend your whole life pretending to be a victim
>have nothing interesting to say
Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.21828749

Thank God, as an ESL child, I never paid attention to any dialogue or storyline in any game.

>> No.21828758

>What's funny is that both claim that normies are on their side, and yet most normies I speak to think they should all be gassed or at the very least told to shut the fuck up. Seriously, i have yet to meet a single person IRL who gives a shit about this so called "culture war" - but a LOT of people who poke fun at the very idea of it. Never met an "SJW" or an "incel" IRL, either. Odd, right? If you listened to today's writers, you'd think there was a pandemic of (insert group here) out to kill you or something.
Yup. The truth is that most people who aren't involved in identity politics or adjacent spheres are indifferent to it at best and despise it worst. The silent majority is just that: silent.

>> No.21828760

>I am a millennial myself.
For all the special flower individualism we got growing up, I don't think it was ever hard to look around and actually measure yourself against genuine artistry. How the fuck are you supposed to know what's good and what to focus on improving in an environment like that? Instead you've only yourself and the incredibly brutal honesty of the internet stranger. Then we transition from that into the world of post-irony where it's impossible to tell what anything even is anymore. So if all you know is that you need to do better but you'll never know how unless you stumble into it then all that's left is insincere bullshit and getting on with things.
That's my take as probably the exact fucker you're mad about lol.

>> No.21828769

>Totally a coincidence that when the millennials come of age, though, that video games, movies, television and books all simultaneously go to shit, though. Yeah. Totally.
Writing in movies, television, and books went to shit after the WGA strike of 2008, because it changed how the industries option IPs and how they hire writers. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The average employed creative that makes decisions in the writing room is still a 40+ y.o. Late Gen X-er.

All Zoomers are gay homosexual faggots

>> No.21828773
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I have met people from all walks of life in my day to day life, and all of them are chill. Where I work, I have one female coworker. The rest are all dudes. We make countless jokes about her and her boyfriend. We've made quite a few off color jokes that might "trigger" somebody. But y'know what? She's never once threatened to cancel anyone. In fact, she shit talks us right back. Everything's fair game where I work. Nobody gets triggered or offended or cancelled. We're told all the time online that "you can't do ANYTHING anymore" and yet I have yet to run into a single person who has ever called me a "fascist" or a "typical cis dude" or whatever. Non-whites joke alongside with whites all the time. Women alongside men. Trannies are supposedly overrunning everything - I've never met a single one in my entire life. And if I bring 'em up to people, they couldn't care less. Seriously. None of them are whining about TERFs or whatever. None of 'em genuinely give a fuck. I work alongside Trump and Biden supporters, neither of them have any problems. They simply agree to disagree, then talk sports. You're more likely to get an argument over which team will win the (insert championship here) than politics. Religion? We got a Muslim woman who prays on her breaks. We got Ukes who are Orthodox Christian. We got atheists, agnostics, etc. And again, nobody cares. Nobody gives a fuck. But yet if you listen to the internet, all these groups would be butting heads regularly. Why aren't they? The internet told me all X are Y, after all. I volunteer a lot, too. Where I live, it's a very diverse neighbourhood. Whites, blacks, Asians, etc all live together. Again, nobody gives a shit about these differences. When Santa "came to town" last year here and was white, the non-white neighbours didn't give a shit. They didn't freak out that Santa wasn't black or whatever. Their kids just wanted to meet Santa and they just wanted to make 'em happy. That's what I'm talking about, anon. Sure, sure, there are problems in parts of the country, but I have been around many of those same exact parts, and what do I see? People just being people, getting along, chilling, whatever. I don't see "SJWs" or "incels" or "troons" or whatever. All I see are people. When the George Floyd shit happened, I met plenty of non-white folks who were pretty bummed out about the violence. I never met a single person whining about "white fragility" or how "it's just property bro" like the internet says. Hell, when officers get killed, I see non-whites MOURNING them. But wait, the internet tells me that non-whites HATE white cops. Yet I see non-whites telling me they're praying for those cops' loved ones? I see 'em throwing up hashtags about dead cops ALONGSIDE the Uke shit? But wait, the internet told me that being pro-cop AND pro-Ukraine is impossible - only hardcore ACAB types would be pro-Ukraine! See what I'm getting at?

>> No.21828776

>What's funny is that both claim that normies are on their side, and yet most normies I speak to think they should all be gassed or at the very least told to shut the fuck up.
Kek, and their go-to retort is 'be normal' and 'touch grass'.

>> No.21828788

>believing that the sincerity-irony distinction is meaningful
The discourse about "sincerity" in literature has just not been productive. I hate DFW for setting this conversation the path that he did.

>> No.21828790

>All Zoomers are gay homosexual faggots
Yawn. Yet another "BUT ZOOMERS" post. Imagine being intimidated by a bunch of kids. What a loser lmao
>That's my take as probably the exact fucker you're mad about lol.
I'm not mad, actually. It's not THAT big a deal. I have a whole bunch of media I enjoy. I just think it's a shame that so many people just have thrown in the towel, so to speak.
Exactly! To this day, I have yet to meet a single person who's into identity politics at all IRL. White, black, man, woman, it don't matter. With how much the internet whines about this shit, you'd expect literally nothing could be done because we'd all be at each other's throats too much. I'll never forget what convinced me that the internet was full of shit: a hardcore MAGA dude was asked by our boss to work with someone who was a member of our diversity committee. The internet would have you believe that these two would've been at each other's throats, but you know what I saw? They just got their fucking work done and went home. He wasn't called a fascist. She wasn't called a woke liberal. They simply got their work done. Oh, and the MAGA dude ended up leaving for another job. Dude was openly pro-Trump, and nobody ever shat on him for it. Oh, sure, he got some ribbing, but nobody ever tried to get him fired. We actually miss the dude because he was a hard worker. But the internet would have you believe he was out to make The Handmaid's Tale a reality because he thought the orange man wasn't so bad after all.

>> No.21828796
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>> No.21828799

>Kek, and their go-to retort is 'be normal' and 'touch grass'.
I'm just saying these things because quite a lot of terminally online types will say "oh, the normies are TOTALLY on our side" and yet every single person I talk to, from coworkers to the rando on the bus, doesn't seem all that bothered. We're "in a cold civil war" and yet I see everyone getting along well enough. I have yet to see the internet's "culture war" in real life. Again, trannies are supposedly the hot topic, but yet I haven't seen a single fucking one. I have a coworker whose goddaughter is a tomboy. Nobody is telling him she MUST be a FTM because she hates dresses and plays tackle football with the boys. The problem with today's writing is that we let bullshit internet trends dictate so much when we should be letting REAL LIFE do that instead.

>> No.21828804

Oh, shut up. You're exactly the problem I'm talking about. I've yet to meet anyone who even looks like the cariacture your little "gotcha" cartoon there depicts. I doubt you have too. But I'm sure you feel really based and redpilled for sticking it to people you'll never meet in real life. I'm sure that'll make you the talk of the nursing home you'll end up in someday. "I own'd fiddy libs" you'll tell Shaniqua as she rifles through what little you own.

>> No.21829364

>See, there you go. Why do millennials always refer to zoomers whenever their generation is called out?
I'm 23 lol, it's funny to make fun of them.

>> No.21829365

I don't understand OP's point at all. What could be more naively sincere than Young Adult fiction?

>> No.21829631

>I'm 23 lol, it's funny to make fun of them.
And that's another one. "I'm ACTUALLY a zoomer lol." What's with millennials pretending to be younger? I see it all the time. Also, you didn't answer my question: why did you bring up zoomers in the first place? They're irrelevant to the conversation. And honestly, I'd rather take zoomers over millennials any day.

>> No.21829644

Ending a serious sentence with 'lol' is very millenial, but I will give you the benegit of the doubt

>> No.21829648
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There's a really good Borderlands dialogue copypasta from /v/. Does anyone have it?

>> No.21829653

I write sincere posts on 4chan every day. Stop expecting a generation to be defined by books, like this is fucking Charles Dickens days, lol.

>> No.21829664

I made fun of millenials for being reddit childless sex-nerds that get demographically replaced by retarded mexican kids, why're you so autistic about generations? Fucking loser lmao.
>a comma is the end of a sentence

>> No.21829667

>I don't understand Gen-Z aesthetics
No one says this.
No one says this because it's all just internet meme formats that have been recycled for the past 15 years. That's what they think their "thing" is.

>> No.21829686

the core problem with picrel is that's it's just genreslop

>> No.21829718

If I may, where do you guys live? I only ask because I live in California and I do, in fact, meet a lot of People Who Care About the Issues™ in real, offline life. Like, all the time, on both sides of the fence. Hell, my previous job I had to take sensitivity training because a coworker went tranny.

>> No.21829730

I think a lack of sincerity is part of it. Another part is the ubiquitous smug metropolitan coastal viewpoint. The sort who went to college, got a white college job, bought a shit apartment and raves about coffee, microbrews and other consumer shit and has boilerplate acceptable political opinions.

I think for whatever reason there's a dearth of alternative attitudes in videogaming, music and literate. It's all the same moderately intelligent but fundamentally sheltered liberals expounding forth.

In the 80s 90s 2000s a lot of writers, actors and directors came from far edgier more alternative backgrounds. Compare that to today and entertainment is pasteurised.

>> No.21829741

I've met people that care about this stuff in Texas. Get a job with young degree holders.

>> No.21829750

Just a thought that your post triggered. I wonder if the quality of art has fallen due to the ease of creation. And it therefore required a bit more personal investment/artistic vision to create it.

>> No.21829758

From the outside looking in, I find it strange how obsessed the Americans are at dissecting and discussing age groups and their interests. Sure, there are generational gaps, but most of the time they seem to conclude that the existence of those must mean different generations are different species of the human race.

>> No.21829761
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Turns out boomers were right about millennials.
Millennials can't handle criticism towards them or the big brands that shaped their childhood, so they started this movement of faux-niceness, participation trophies and progressiveness where quality is subjective, everything has to be inclusive and where people should let others enjoy things no matter how bad it is and how mindless consumption affects the market and feeds corporations.
The cherry on top it's that they refuse to grow up, they are already in their late 20s to early 40s but still keep playing and buying with products meant for children and teens, all while lashing out at zoomers, taking the credit for anything that gen x did and blaming boomers from their problems despite the fact that they are the ones in control now and that they are doing everything that boomers did wrong to begin with.

>> No.21829769

It's from marketing. They made being a "teenager" an identity so kids would buy cars and jean jackets, but you gotta make new trends for each new generation of teenagers.

>> No.21829778

I just realized how much that pic expresses millenialism

>> No.21829790

There is a lot of narcissism within Millennials.

>> No.21829793

It raises an interesting question, what if I love hating things?

>> No.21829815

Moot was born in 1988 newfag

>> No.21829830

I dunno about you but I’m sincere af. It’s a thankless job

t. just turned 40

>> No.21829836

It is a masterpiece:
>You think its cool to hate things
There is nothing better than people who think they can read minds.
>It's not. It's boring.
This line angers me because it treats interaction as entertainment. If its real, its boring. I cant really put into words why I hate this so much.
>keep quiet about that you don't
People just love scolding from a perceived moral high ground, don't they

>> No.21829846

thinking one can read minds, expecting interaction to be entertaining, and scolding are all just feminine character traits anon

>> No.21829852

Is 'let people enjoy things!' millenialism or just redditism?

>> No.21829867

Both? I am having a hard time separating the two.

>> No.21829872

I guess it’s up to me to defend my generation itt all by myself since no one here can seem to do that. The fact is, as cultureless as we are, zoomers have exactly half of that, and millennials the half of boomers. People still talk about The Beatles like they never went out of style, just like skramz and indie rock seem to be still loved by younger generations still. The thing is, the baton is in your hand. This a marathon we’re running and you’re not standing out from the pack. Most things are being rehashed now. The best you can come up with is fentanyl addicted cloud rap and even then, that was more of a late millennial thing than anything else. I have yet to see a zoomer make something even close to what previous generations have done, whether in music, literature, science, philosophy, or cinema. Nothing but dead air. Give us something tangible. Anything. I’ll be waiting.

>> No.21829873

Why do they all use those grandma glasses?

>> No.21829877


I agree to an extent about the overuse of irony preventing vulnerability in writing but that’s always been the case. Other literary devices were overused in certain generations as well. This is partially the reason why we can categorize different eras of art/media. The various common literary devices or visual/Audio features used by many artists define each era.

Video games, movies, television and books have not gone to shit in any way. This critique of media/culture/art decaying has been repeating since the time of Ancient Greece.

The reality is you’re only alive in the era where the prominent media you see is produced by gen x and millennials. You don’t have perspective on the overall media culture of the past. As a result you only see the best media produced from the eras before you. Look at the top 200 songs of any given year in the 80s and before or just what was commonly played in the radio. Or look at the top 10 box office hits in any given era. I guarantee you that maybe 1-2 movies in the top 10 box office, and maybe 10 out of 200 top songs are of any quality or meaning. They’re complete crap that’s just consumed by the masses.

It’s a sort of confirmation bias because you didn’t live in the cultural landscape of the past you only see the best works of the past.

For every Hemingway in the 1920s there was 10 other popular authours who wrote complete dog shit meaningless work. The thing is those 10 other authours aren’t memorable after their time and fade into obscurity.

20 years from now I guarantee you’ll look at millennial works of art and there will be a handful of amazing meaningful and even society changing works. But the majority of stuff produced will be forgotten or fade into obscurity and not he remembers due to its lack of quality.

People will be having the same conversation in a few decades about how gen alpha works are so meaningless, and the work of the 2000-2020s era was far better.

This problem of shitty content is also far worse in the present day due to the internet and lack of barriers of entry. These days we’re saturated by content anyone can upload to Spotify or YouTube or self publish on Amazon. That just means more shitty content will be produced but so will more amazing art that would otherwise never be seen in the past.

It’s way easier to find shitty and amazing music when you have billions of songs at your finger tips. It’s a lot harder when all you could hear was the 200 songs that played on the radio or the 5-10 popular records sold at the record store that month. All that really changed is the quantity not the amount of quality.

Also main stream institutions are dying. Sure Hollywood has gone to shit but thanks to the openness of the internet there’s indie movies 10x better. Some of the best video games in the past decade were made by indie developers not major corporations like activison.

>> No.21829899


Every generation in the west after World War Two is consumer driven. Arguably the 1920s was significantly as well.

Most people will be like this, and forever will be as a result of the invention of the telegraph/faster access content.

>> No.21829903

let me tell you, the zoomer gen is even worse. remember andre gide? he wrote 'the immoralist' about a character who is an atrocious human being. and readers, by the hundreds, sent him hatemail and death threats because they thought he was endorsing the actions he wrote about, when in reality he's a deeply christian man condemning them. it was an absolutely braindead witchhunt. writers still talk about it to this day shaking their heads at the stupidity and rash-to-pitchforks behavior of normies.

that problem is now one trillion times more prolific and zoomers will form online lynch mobs if you write about anything they find "problematic" whether you are supporting or lambasting it, they have no capacity for nuance or critical thought, only anger and crybullying. and there are tens of thousands of these things on the loose scouring the internet for problematic writers to cancel. if you haven't committed any sin, no matter--they'll find one to assign you. their accusations do not even need to be true. if it's true in their mind, they call that good enough. any means are justified for their end. and that end is them becoming the morality gestapo.

>> No.21829912

I think the main issue here that most troglodytes on here and elsewhere when talking about this issue seem to forget or lack the ability to connect the dots is that entertainment in all its forms is liberal dominated so when you consume entertainment media, you are looking at a time capsule of what liberal culture was for each generation (along with the creator of the entertainment itself). The only real way to fix this is having more non-liberals creating more entertainment but that is easier said than done as most either much rather be indistinguishable from the rest of the 9 to 5 wagie rat racers or at best make a podcast(with a good portion of them being grifters)

>> No.21829921


>> No.21829973

redditism is just millennialism

>> No.21830032


This post and half the replies summarized:

“[Young people] are high-minded because they have not yet been humbled by life, nor have they experienced the force of circumstances.

They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it.” - Aristotle 4th century bc.

“Youth were never more sawcie, yea never more savagely saucie . . . the ancient are scorned, the honourable are contemned, the magistrate is not dreaded.” - The Wise-Man’s Forecast against the Evill Time, Thomas Barnes

“Whither are the manly vigour and athletic appearance of our forefathers flown? Can these be their legitimate heirs? Surely, no; a race of effeminate, self-admiring, emaciated fribbles can never have descended in a direct line from the heroes of Potiers and Agincourt…” - Letter in Town and Country magazine republished in Paris Fashion: A Cultural History 1771

“The free access which many young people have to romances, novels, and plays has poisoned the mind and corrupted the morals of many a promising youth…” - Memoirs of the Bloomsgrove Family, Reverend Enos Hitchcock

“Never has youth been exposed to such dangers of both perversion and arrest as in our own land and day. Increasing urban life with its temptations, prematurities, sedentary occupations, and passive stimuli just when an active life is most needed, early emancipation and a lessening sense for both duty and discipline…” - The Psychology of Adolescence, Granville Stanley Hall

“We defy anyone who goes about with his eyes open to deny that there is, as never before, an attitude on the part of young folk which is best described as grossly thoughtless, rude, and utterly selfish.” - The Conduct of Young People, Hull Daily Mail 1925

This post and most of this thread is just these quotes reworded and modernized. Criticism of the next generation and characterizing them is the same meaningless and baseless conversation repeating itself millennia after millennia.

This whole generationalist discourse online is basically useless ad hominem attacks and baseless generalizations of millions of people. Young and old people are both guilty of this.

But this discourse is just pure anti-intellectualism. It’s always amusing to me when I notice history repeating itself.

>> No.21830046

You can get a sense of what’s wrong in millennial writing most when reading short stories in the New Yorker and Atlantic. I don’t have the time or energy to write about it, so I’ll give examples:

• Characters are defined by their seemingly meaningless quirks
• Characters are defined by their race and gender yet simultaneously it means nothing because they all are characterized as feminine blobs of emotion and quirkiness
• In addition to the first two, characters are often named bizarre names. Instead of Matt he’s Mat. Instead of William he’s Willem. Someone is named Napoleon, someone is named Theactrius.
• There is no suspense outside of genre fiction. Serious writers do not write like that apparently
• All emotional apotheosis is either some get-together where the characters all realize the victimization of one or several characters, OR the emotional apotheosis is the character cold and alone by themselves whimpering
• Overmention of tech and current events in tacky, often opinionated view

The reason for all of this is that a good deal of writers who get these deals and succeed in academia are the spawn of upper-middle class and rich parents with cheugy, affected views on the world

>> No.21830297

The problem with "millennials" is one of their overall difficulty with expressing themselves. It's one zoomers also share, and maybe suffer even worse from. I think even some boomers (think your crazy Q Anon uncle) suffer from it too. The problem is this: they are too immersed into online groups, in a way people just aren't built to be, and that impacts the way they can express and articulate themselves.

There is not much time for introspection among people like that. You're always seeing someone else's thoughts and takes and rhetoric. You want to fit in. Your own thoughts and reactions will be filtered by the schema of the communit you're immersed in. This is true of leftist schizos (think trans and groomer apologists, black racists etc), but it's also true of people on places like 4chan, who only are "antisemitic" or "racist" or "antivaxxers" or whatever because they want to prove themselves in the edgy community they live in, to the point where they can no longer express themselves without meme words.

This is where I believe the much-lauded "insincerity" often comes from. "Sincere" writing is, ultimately, derived from introspection, and introspection happens when you submit your concepts and ideas and thoughts to yourself, to seek their meaning, to see if it even has one, without the lens of some previous conceptual filter. You'll never be 100% sincere, after all, you live in a society and that leaves an impression on you and you can't just built your entire conceptual framework from the ground-up. But the constant immersion into their own niche communities makes millennials and zoomers simply unable to take a break and introspect. So their concepts and words are always second-hand, as some kind of pantomime, a role they are playing.

"Sincerity" and the ability to express it requires some degree of solitude. Millennials and zoomers, being so online, may be very lonely, but they are never alone.

>> No.21830345

holy cope, the current young generation are zoomers and gen alpha
as pointed out before the oldest ones are their 40s and the youngest will hit 30 in less than three years
they are the ones making the entertainment and consuming it
grow up already

>> No.21830354

>Criticism of the next generation
Not what is happening in this thread. All I see here is millenials, zoomers and millenials larping as zoomers criticising millenials. Unless this thread is full of boomers pretending to be all of the above.

>> No.21830377


Millennials and Gen Z are the most influential on current culture. Gen Z is just starting to be dominant.

A lot of millenials are in their late 20s or mid 30s they're still young and have the most impact, and are presently the most criticized by society.

Half of Gen Z and Alpha is still in grade school it's irrelevant.

My point still stands about how generationalism is retarded, and is a tale as old as time.

You're nitpicking one minor detail not looking at the argument I'm trying to make. I'm not even a millennial lol this thread is reddit tier nitpicking and logical fallacies.

>> No.21830390


You're right I should've worded that better.
My main point is the generalizations of generations in general regardless of age are all retarded.

>> No.21830401


Also, there's no "Silent Generation" or "Boomer" writing. There was like 50 different artistic and literary movements during the silent and boomer generation.

This whole thread categorizing millennials and even art and it's style to a generation is some reddit tier shit.

>> No.21830443

Agree with these.

But really, 99% of all human writing has always been shit. The common lot of man is low, only briefly can one man out of the many rise any higher.

>> No.21830528
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>they're still young
Not really, it's millennials writing endless paragraphs on why boomers ruined them and how zoomers are much worse than them, because blaming others is their only cope.
The difference between previous generation is that they had quality standards, organic cultures and sub-cultures that made up for any corporate influence in their lifes. Millennials killed that when they decided that "gate keeping is bad" and embraced the culture of consuming on a worse level than boomers.

>> No.21831170

>I do, in fact, meet a lot of People Who Care About the Issues™ in real, offline life. Like, all the time,
It's mostly massive internet impressions, for me. The only IRL I've experienced of any of these things have been people obviously faking to permit themselves an excuse to claim offense.

I struggle to believe that most people under at least 30, having grown up watching how this works, aren't fully aware of how to use these political things for their own advantage... it's not really much difference from when we learned that claiming racism or bullying against a teacher was a super easy way to get out of lessons for an afternoon. There's no way to prove it didn't happen, no verification process, and the adults are terrified of the accusation.. and socially 'cannot' use their common sense to dismiss the obviously false allegation, by design. My generation was certainly aware of and using this when we were around 12 yrs old, and that was early 2000's.

If you look at the recent cyber trolling / fake reporting, as an extension of this, then a lot of things make sense as to why the accusation culture exists and the politics, which is just a veil for it, doesn't exist at all IRL but is 'assumed' to exist due to the massive prevalency of the false ccusation culture.

Christians won't admit to this, the fucking scum, because it's the same thing they were doing themselves in the 70's, - and obviously before that when they claimed they'd been turned into a frog and everybody had to take them seriously and burn the witch who was accused of doing it.

>> No.21831204

>it's not really much difference from when we learned that claiming racism or bullying against a teacher was a super easy way to get out of lessons for an afternoon. There's no way to prove it didn't happen, no verification process, and the adults are terrified of the accusation.. and socially 'cannot' use their common sense to dismiss the obviously false allegation, by design. My generation was certainly aware of and using this when we were around 12 yrs old, and that was early 2000's.
I should add, obviously, that we would have been perfectly fine with literally destroying a persons career and life, in order to skip a math class., and there was no means to prevent us babies - who knew no better - from doing that. It would not have even occurred to us how awful it was, we didn't have the context or education to understand it.

I see this in the twitter culture, 10000x over. Of course the adults are forced to take it seriously and go along with the bullshit or face accusation themselves. There's no means in our society or intellectual capacity to prevent this and it's not even recognized or admitted to occur.

>> No.21831251
File: 483 KB, 1235x1612, hippies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget that today's boomers were yesterday's rioting hippies. People change.

>> No.21831285

Correct. You see this a lot in children and teenagers who dye their hair, join the internet circus, dye their hair, pronouns etc. It's all because they look up to media and creators and emulate it. This is especially prominent in fandoms.

>> No.21831354

Part of the problem stems from that most people in are current age have no "skill" or value. So they go into the arts, but for some reason they have a high ego and low self esteem so the bring in identity politics to virtue signal how much of a freedom fighter they are. Another thing that could be a problem is that everyone thinks that they are a expert at their subject and teach their peers or novices bad advice, which everybody parrot over and over again to get social creed points. One thing I have noticed with "millennial" writing or art, is they lack tone and their "message" is political.

>> No.21831374

I went to a liberal arts school for a bit for writing. I wanted to learn how to write objectively well. On the first day of a poetry class everyone was saying what they wanted from the schooling. When I said that I wanted to become a high quality writer, they looked at me like I yelled nigger. Professor included.

The liberal arts are gone

>> No.21831400

thats fucking scary

>> No.21831627

Alright you gotta tell us which school

>> No.21832063

It was Fort Lewis College
though I think they changed their name recently, or wanted to.

>> No.21832081

Puffy vagina?

>> No.21832085

i would like to stick my penis inside both of them

>> No.21832217

23 is objectively at the very tail-est end of the millennial spectrum. anon considering himself to be a zoomer is akin to someone born in '82 considering himself gen-x; it's not within the accepted range, but the cultural experiences that such a person has are largely similar to those of the other category.
consider that if anon was born in '99, he likely never knew a world without immediate internet access (unless he grew up in a very rural area), and the iphone was brought out to the public by the time he was 8. his entire experience of the internet was colored by phoneposters, and by the time he knew better, the internet was being developed to cater to them. web 2.0 was a tongue-in-cheek joke for millennials, but for zoomers, it was very much the reality. for all intents and purposes, someone born in '99 has had a set of life experiences much closer to those of the zoomer than those of the early millennial, who went from laserdiscs, 56k dialup at your rich friend's house and staying out til the street lights came on to on-demand direct digital downloads, broadband wifi at every mcdonald's and never letting your kids out of your sight for a minute. from 3.5" floppies to cloud storage. that's a pretty markedly different experience from a kid who could cop a 2gb flash drive for $20 or less his entire waking life.

tl;dr: stop being a number nigger and consider what kinds of experiences are being grouped together in those periods of time.
>the first generation to have members who lived a significant portion of their lives connected to the internet look to the internet for the cues about their world
midwit take
from behind the anonymity afforded by the internet, people's true intentions are more apparent than the face people have to put together for public appearances. i would eject every illegal immigrant from this country in a heartbeat, kids and all, but when i worked for a home improvement retailer, i was unfailingly polite to the people who couldn't speak english whenever i had to deal with them. call it disingenuous if you like, but the simple fact of the matter is that being straight-up with my beliefs about the world will see my ability to make a living severely impacted.

but i never have relaxed around blacks, even the ones i was tight with. even if they're legit, goofy negroes they associate with can and will cause you problems

>> No.21832251

That’s about video game writing but there is a strain of “le Quirky MAGIC fucking SKELLINGTON” that runs through millennial writing. I think it just shows a lack of rigor and erudition more than some generational problem.

>> No.21832267

don't forget we're also the ZOMG iM sOoOoO rAnDuM lol!!!11one1 *holds up spork* generation, so that's also a commercially viable way to reach a millenniall audience
it's dogshit and hasn't been funny for anything other than trolling, but tards gonna tard and tards open their wallets pretty readily for le nostalgia

>> No.21832268
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Because corporatists are propagating cultural dirty bombs like this slack-jawed bean-chugger to retard and emasculate us, demoralizing us into pod-dwelling drones.

Everyone says the Nazis burned books. No one asks which books.

>> No.21832313

I recognize you, MAD poster. Thanks for another image.

>> No.21832361

The economics of writing took a complete nosedive since the 80s-90s. I see nobody even thought to mention that ITT. Combine that with this weird perception I have personally encountered from writers of solely off of their artistic skill and people will inevitably write milquetoast, by the numbers trash to simply survive. It's the inevitable result of people who are too proud to work a different field for money and would rather debase their passion instead. Writing teams for tv / movies are incredibly cutthroat now too. Everyone wants to secure a raise over working as a team and nobody can be trusted with anything.

>> No.21832376

Epic typo but I meant, "living solely".

>> No.21832414
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Who are the millenial writers?

We have

>sally rooney
>tao lin (lol)
>cartoon network and Netflix animated comedy writers (inside job and regular show come to mind)

Everyone ITT is shadow boxing. Millenials barely write anything, and what the few noteworthy ones that do don't fit into a box. It's all still gen x

>> No.21832447

>Overmention of tech and current events in tacky, often opinionated view
i'm a zoomer and I still find any mention of smartphones in lit, films, shows to be pandering and obnoxious.

>> No.21832456

>Don't forget that today's boomers were yesterday's rioting hippies. People change.
that's because wages were high enough to convert them to covetous materialists. Not so now.

>> No.21832540

Me, but I'm not published yet. I will be the greatest writer of my generation.

>> No.21832831

>Part of the problem stems from that most people in are current age have no "skill" or value. So they go into the arts, but for some reason they have a high ego and low self esteem so the bring in identity politics to virtue signal how much of a freedom fighter they are.
This is true but there's a real gap in recognizing that the identity /pol/ is astroturf in the first place; I mean for actual politics things are terrible and we have a good inclination to do something about it - or to be inclined to - but every avenue sluices the person into some dead-end. I'd say that's by design, for as much 'design' can be rationally attributed to an irrational chaos.

I mean that we have the over-hype of fake racism because it's there as a band-aid for actual real things, and because it fulfills psychological or religious function in the social group (to proclaim piety for no reason, to accuse others of impiety). A lot of it does come back to a shit society then, which may or may not validate the identity politics - but those things are a consequence 'of' the society, recognizing that they offer no solutions and are no different from left to right ought be more common.... but then the social group comes into play with the reality that people, by that point, have committed themselves to one ideology or the next and built their social life on it, so they're stuck there.

although, most of this:
> dye their hair, join the internet circus, dye their hair, pronouns etc.
we've understood as being caused by bad parenting (repression: person will do what you tell them not to do, do the opposite) for at least a hundred years. It's easily predictable via psychology, which isn't a secret, even though the society acts as if it's some mysterious thing. There's a constant message to be that way anyway through the media; to "conform" to some cut-out character, so consumerism (at least being that advertising films are the only real propaganda people are exposed to) plays a massive part in this. In a lot of ways the LGBTQRSTUV virgin with a clown hairdo is the model capitalist consumer; transient and seeking succor.

>> No.21832839

I self-published a short story that was pretty sincere and even though it sometimes makes me cringe, I still don't regret writing it.

>> No.21832862
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>I love hating things

>> No.21832870
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>> No.21832875

>Millenials barely write anything,
I'm sure they do but.. the publishing world is pretty closed off for anything but politicized garbage... with that gen x type publishing it lol

>Writing teams for tv / movies are incredibly cutthroat now too. Everyone wants to secure a raise over working as a team and nobody can be trusted with anything.
Teams! holy shit, I forgot this existed, yeah this is why the writing everywhere is shit; a team of people is just too many cooks spoiling the dinner. A lot of times I found that actual writing; the most important part for videogames movies etc., is just done by the producers themselves: they have an idea in their head of what they want to create, okay that's fine, but they don't have the skill to create anything so it just regurgitates prior media they've seen themselves.

It's a real loss to the culture that 'proper writers' barely exist now, mostly in movies and shows, when you now have "teams" you, before, had cool movies and shows with "guest writers" who'd do everything for one episode or another, and it obviously worked. It's not like they all died or something, rather that the production industries themselves decided they could do it without them, result: nobody watches tv anymore.

>Everyone says the Nazis burned books. No one asks which books.
William Reichs books was burned by Communists, Nazis and American Liberals.

>> No.21832880

I mean, I could write a good script for a videogame or a movie that didn't present gay sex of the main character in a cringe hamfisted way.

>> No.21832888

>transient and seeking succor.
seeking validation externally, and seeking definition of their own self by cosmetics and apparel.


>> No.21832896

whoops, this >>21832831 was also for you >>21831285

>> No.21832914
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I don't know, man. Millennials were the South Park generation. As teens they were libertarians who said nigger, posted Hitler memes, played violent videogames and thought pedobear was the peak of comedy. Now they're either purple haired dog moms or racists.

>> No.21833112

It's a deliberate psyop to drive a wedge between generations. Younger generations are no longer cultural Inheritors through inter-generational familial lineages so that they can more easily be groomed by media propaganda and state schools.

>> No.21833173

>groomed by media propaganda and state schools.
media, yes, state schools, no. You don't need to educate a person to make them illiterate and malleable, they already are.

>the South Park generation
defining generations by tv shows is as bad

>> No.21833180
File: 5 KB, 192x160, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't need to educate a person to make them illiterate and malleable, they already are.
that's how they come out of the
*the joke is that a womans vagina is sometimes referred to as "a box"

>> No.21833182

>"guest writers" who'd do everything for one episode or another, and it obviously worked.
four rooms, one night on earth - good examples of how movies 'should' have evolved along this format; you write this scene, i'll write that scene, we'll not both write one scene.

>> No.21833195

since virtually all stand-up comedy and comedy in general centers around hating things, this inclination is hardly fucking rare

this post is entirely correct:
>Younger generations are no longer cultural Inheritors through inter-generational familial lineages

The lines are artificial things, they turn the same guy against himself at different stages of his own age; the zoomer is the youngest, the milleial the youngeradult, the gen x (fucking animals) are the actual adult (i hate them lazy fucking reactivist ungrateful baby-brained cunts), the 70's babies are the elder adult (manchilden all of them, pure evil, evil evil evil, they literally rob and imprison their own parents to sell their houses and piss away the money) and the unfairly vilified "boomer" are the most senior who are supposed to be in charge and instructing all the others.

Still, some are vilified quite fairly (gen x were always just lazy ingrates) but notice how there's no real equivalent for the "70's baby" who is basically now aged 50 to 60 and defacto in charge of all of this, having usurped their own parents.

If the family hierarchy collapses, then ruin follows. I'd like to reinstate elder succession law in the west and force the parents to subordinate their finances to grandma.

>> No.21833895


>> No.21833985

For what? Millennials already got btfo and everyone stopped reading their mindless essays on why they are "unfairly treated and generalized" while doing that to zoomers and boomers.

>> No.21834011

If millennials indeed have a fundamental aversion to sincerity, then wouldn't it be insincere of them to pursue sincerity for sincerity's sake? You go on to characterize a taste for tongue-in-cheek writing as a type of insecurity, but it's just as easily justified as a stylistic preference, so one wonders from whence this accusation has arisen. And then I think we both know everything after your first few sentences is just a series of disingenuous remarks; perhaps an attempt to defensively clad yourself in the ironical, which would in and of itself be ironic.

>> No.21834080

The postwar era was the first consooming era and that is why they are remembered mostly by their ads and commercials

>> No.21834136

When I write, I often pretend that the modern era doesn't exist, along with all the stupid people in it.

>> No.21834995

oh i know, I'm saying we should stand in the door and pretend to talk about the weather so that other people can read what was already said.

>> No.21835071

I disagree, it's fairly obvious what's being described; that low bar tier - although I would disagree also with the OP, in that the "ironic" is the same as gen x, the "i'm too cool to care about anything or plan ahead, oh no suddenly i'm homeless," since such fake personalities typically are a product of the same kind of consumer intake.

The "reduced to egoism and passivity" described in BNW.

>> No.21835087

This, but unironically.

>> No.21835266

This. Television especially has been better in the past decade than it has since its inception. It was a shit-tier medium with a handful of decent shows (The Twilight Zone, TNG) until The Sopranos came along and let everyone know that TV could compete with film.
Bad writing in an already bad video game trilogy + the nitpicked outrage screenshots you see on this website =/= the whole of art is shit now. You're just looking in the wrong places.

>> No.21835614

Buffy the Musical was the finale of all television. It was good that it ended gracefully, while it were still a beaut and we was, of our own selves, still youngles, aye.

>> No.21835670

>Other literary devices were overused in certain generations as well.
Given that the overreliance on irony is a narcissistic defense mechanism, I'm curious to know if the narrative crutches of a given generation are a window into the dominant neurosis of their day.

>> No.21836227

I don't think it's possible to insincerely pursue sincerity. The thrust of the argument is that millennial writing is drowned in verbose, detached irony and infused with divisive politics instead of being sincere to the individual artist; the millennial artist fears being the outcast and so takes upon the mold of the trendiest ingroup, annihilating the self and self-expression in the process. From there, nothing of value is said and the art is meaningless. It's not even pornography, because pornography at least allows some form of animalistic catharsis.

>> No.21836538

I can't think of anything more quintessentially millennial than South Park.


>> No.21836545

You have to consider its environment. That kind of talk was utterly inconceivable on TV or in media in general. There was no internet content. You got what the magic box in your livingroom deigned to show you, which was all carefully vetted through corporate meddling and network censors.

There was a window of time where it was truly transgressive and shocking and edgy. But now anyone can just go to NewGrounds. It's passe because we've moved past the context in which it was noteworthy, just like how people don't get how big a deal Seinfeld was at the time.

>> No.21836644

>aversion to sincerity
You literally cannot be sincere in your beliefs today or else you will get canceled. Take Dune for example, the villain is a fat gay pedophile rapist. Do that today and it's a one way ticket to the shitter. And I'm not talking just social cancelling, I'm talking straight up banking/payment processing cartel threatening publisher/platform with punitive action unless they get rid of you. So what else can you expect. Hell, you can't even say nigger on this very website without getting banned by some power tripping faggot half the time.

>> No.21836680

this also. what sjw are doing is social terrorism. people now hesitate to ever criticise or paint in a bad light any of the "protected" classes so the only ones left able to be the antagonist are white guys with conservative views, and this limitation makes for a very boring world. any difference of opinion, any slightly questionable content, anything that is not a mao zedong level conformity to what the party preaches and confirmity with absolute unquestioning enthusiasm, it's a cancellation

how can anyone write in this environment

>> No.21836951
File: 47 KB, 500x548, 1570552309560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21837392

I agree. Ignoring the rapid rate of technological development and its effects on the cultural environment seems like a massive oversight. Boomers, Gen X and Millenials all got a sizable taste of both the analogue era and the digital era, while Zoomers and beyond have spent their entire lives firmly entrenched in the digital era exclusively.

>> No.21837398


>> No.21837468

zoomer hating on millennials already happened in the form of millennials hating on gen-xers. As a 20 year old something approaching life, you see 30 and 40 year olds dead beats complaining about how difficult life is and you think they lack backbone, etc. Then you start actually working 8 hours a day and see that they were not your generational enemies but that life actually is kind of hard. Younger people are always quick to judge others, and it's partly a good thing as it shows how each generation is eager to change the world they live in for the better. But as you get older, your perspective changes, and you stop being so harsh on people who were adults before you.

>> No.21838489

The word is cretinous. Seek help pedophile.

>> No.21838503

The problem is that they're not ironic enough

>> No.21838511

It's called proficility. Everything post-millenials is only done for the sake of your profile; how you look towards others; for pretense.

Just see Harry Potter and shit, now it's just million times worse.

>> No.21838560

as a millenial artist and writer my aesthetic flaw is an overabundance of sincerity

>> No.21838724

Two things:

1. Jews, unironically
2. Adult millenials never became actual full adults and kept the accountability of children

>> No.21838743

wow that le pic is so le relatable, deep and true Xd

>> No.21838776


>> No.21838907

YUH HUH *louder therefore righter

>> No.21839399

You're onto something but it's not really millennials that are to blame, it's the internet. Now that everything is permanently recorded (in potential at least) and accessible for everyone, tye cost of humiliation have never been higher, which push low risk behavior on creative people.

Not a coincidence the last bastion of true creativity are anonymous internet platform, the only place we're people can express themselves without having to fear jugement.

Truth is culture is greater that it has ever been, you're just not looking at the right place.