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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 455 KB, 665x861, ireland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21827677 No.21827677 [Reply] [Original]

Would you support this but for authors and poets?

>> No.21827689

Too bad their art will surely suck.

>> No.21827697

This is the dream and the ideal but it will only work in a proper, fascist society in which everybody wills the collective good, and artists and other creatives are properly understood as being simultaneously both the servants and the leaders of the national collective consciousness. In a society where being an artist means being the sodomite in that photo, you are just subsidizing a bunch of sodomites. Sodomite pseudo-artists are already plenty well-subsidized in our society, by their dads, who pay them a lot more than $350 a week. They pay their rent and nonstop party budgets in places like Portland, the SF Bay area, and certain neighborhoods in New York.

True art and poetry will only re-emerge when the European Volksseelen are restored to their natural, healthy equilibria. Until then all you will have is fags in beanies bumming each other.

>> No.21827700

There's already too many people making art, why in god's name should we try to get MORE people doing it?

>> No.21827703

get a job in security if you want to be able to support yourself and focus on your artistic hobbies in the same 8 hours

>> No.21827707

Artist who are good enough can support themselves with their work.
Thoughs who aren't still have plenty of time to do it as a hobby.
Government subsidies for art will quickly turn into government control of art.

>> No.21827708

For Ireland they might want to focus on their culinary artists first kokokokekokokokekeko

>> No.21827711

I don't get it.

>> No.21827712

Only for black music artists and lyrical poets that pass the test.

>> No.21827713

Because you're a dull nonce

>> No.21827820

>Would you support this but for authors and poets?
This shit will only lead to my own money being used to support people like Rupi Caur or whoever else. No.

>> No.21827831

>waaahhh, too many people are competing with me and getting more attention, they need to stop!

>> No.21827860

I think you hit the nail on the head, anon. A majority of modern “artists” are fags and losers - as evidenced by the fruits of their labors which are often ugly and mediocre works of nihilistic garbage. True artists with a positive conscience are snubbed by the corrupt industry or given in to the necessity of financial stability for the sake of taking care of themselves and their families (something that a modernist hack would never understand). Good art and good culture arises naturally with social and economic prosperity. In this globalized west of unnatural ideals, such things are no more than the dreams of a bygone age in history. We will not see such prosperity and proliferation in our lifetimes. The best we can do is cling to our unspoiled corners of our preferred mediums and enjoy the classics which have long been proven to their value.

>> No.21827861

>engaging in art prostitution for the government

>> No.21827871

This already exists but in the form of university positions and other fake government jobs. National parks have in-residence painters ffs.

>> No.21827892

it's 100% this. it sounds nice in theory but not in this decaying husk of a world.

>> No.21827893
File: 14 KB, 149x180, 1650813829109550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21827900

See this opinion comes from ignorance. Completely
1. There are already numerous government subsidies for art. Ireland has tremendous monetary support for artists, including writers
2. What’s the alternative for grants like this? Corporate or Private funding? They’ll introduce more creative control than the government does. The government at least requires a certain volume of inputs, corporations and private actors hear fewer voices
3. You’re on a literature board. Great artists die in obscurity all of the time. If Edgar Allen Poe and Herman Melville couldn’t make it off their writing, what makes you think “good enough” is the line of demarcation?

>> No.21827914

All the "good art" you circlejerk on this board "arose" from far harsher social and economic circumstances than we're in now.

>> No.21827916

>Artist who are good enough can support themselves with
But this is not how it was done in the classical period. Artists were scooped up by wealthy patrons and nurtured. I know this isn't exactly what they're doing, but your bootstraps notion has led to the ugly modern and Pomo art world of today

>> No.21827927

Depende, really. Starving artists aren’t universal, a lot of the greats were very rich and lived a life of indolence. They came from great beginnings. So even if the economic circumstances were harsher, the artists were still living easy. The advent of mass literacy and a large market for literature probably changed things, but this was relatively brief, as even now most people getting published are from rich and upper middle class backgrounds. Literature was only ever briefly for working men and women. I’m not going to say Thomas Pynchon had to rough it through inferior economic circumstances just because he had to work.

Plus, our economic circumstances are actually not fantastic, there’s no shame in recognizing this. Better than the early 19th century and probably into the early 20th, but compared to, say, 50-60 years ago? Worse.

>> No.21827948
File: 87 KB, 425x561, 1679374657672537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The erotica cum action thriller I would write where Jordan returns for the woman who was kidnapped from him on his nuptial nights. Two men, one will leave the room unscathed. One shall be turned into the cuckolded catamite who will take the others cock and he will watch his wife drown in the jizz

This was all part of the bookI am writing


>> No.21827952

Jordan and Mr K had been lubed up for a wrestling match. Something out of Greek orthodox epic poetry.

>> No.21827984

They could pass artist hunting laws. Open season on anyone who admits to being an artist or writer. Would provide revenue for the state while weeding out poseurs.

>> No.21828376

You modern rightoids are just marxists except you kill jews as well.

>> No.21828380

No I think barriers to entry are good for quality control.

>> No.21828433

Poverty is the sweetest, and harshest, muse.
A good life only brings mediocre art.

>> No.21828625

Your post is so dumb compared to the one you're replying to. What a juxtaposition

>> No.21828639

Patronage is patronage, I’ll take some gibs.

>> No.21828691

They're called art grants and in the US they're given out by jews to other jews, so they can spend a few hours smearing menstrual blood on a canvas and afford an apartment in New York while doing it.

I'm all for supporting white artists, but I'm not giving a single cent to any postmodernist, pronoun queens, twerking their way onto the New York Times.

>> No.21828696

I disagree. I found that anon’s post succinct yet insightful. What a debacle.

>> No.21828705

Indeed. Let us engage in civil conflict

>> No.21828717

I fear there is no other way. Very well.

>> No.21828771

Irishfag here and have to say that the UBI shit is only for people who are actually making money from their """"art"""" anyway. There's another inititive which is totally random though but I forget the details. I got a lot of shit at college in Galway for saying that that Irish literature and art in general has been utter dogshit since Beckett died (in the republic anyway) and nothing of any quality will ever come from a country that is obsessed with making art about how opressed Irish people were, how religion bad, tradition bad etc. because none of it is interesting, novel or even good. I would struggle to find an Irish penned author that hasn't written some variation of "moved to city and got sad also Irish culture from X years ago was bad". As for visual arts like painting or sculpture I invite any Galwayfags to visit 126 art gallery. I wandered in one day just before Christmas and was met with a college aged girl who didn't know who Raphael was to start and I asked why it was so empty and she said it was because they were catering mainly to black Irish artists to which I replied "that's very niche" and she shrugged her shoulders. The pieces were abstract nonsense or just newspaper clippings behind glass which, as a history project, might have been good. I asked her did she think that it was all very self-congratulatory and that people probably wouldn't be interested if these artists only made art for eachother to enjoyand she shrugged her shoulders and went "I getcha"

>> No.21828814

Literature in general has been dogshit since WW2 ended. It's not a particularly Irish phenomenon.

>> No.21828817

>waaaah i need someone to subsidize my derivative and shallow work because I'm an artiste and above everyone else doing their little rat race check out my etsy link in the bio

>> No.21828822

That's just called state propaganda, there's nothing new about it

>> No.21828875

>There are already numerous government subsidies for art.
And the results are largely total shit that no one likes and is produced mainly to play to whatever politics are in vouge
>What’s the alternative for grants like this?
The free market dumbass.
And yet you have the nerve to call me ignorant. are you fucking kidding me with this?
>You’re on a literature board
Right back at you, there are thousands who succeeded in selling their work and are talked about on this board daily.
It's not unreasonable to expect for literature to be able to support itself as an industry without being propped up by the government.
And no, people who couldn't manage their lives in a multitude of ways wouldn't suddenly not be assholes that no one liked until they died like Poe just because they got extra drinking money.
How about you stop being ignorant and pick up a book on basic economics.
I highly recommend economics in once lesson. Start with that.

>> No.21828876

Aren't they still under IMF control?

>> No.21828883 [DELETED] 

>But this is not how it was done in the classical period
And in the next sentence
>Artists were scooped up by wealthy patrons
Do I really need to connect these dots for you or do you are being dense?

Also a private person paying another for a service isn't remotely similar to government socializing of the arts.

>> No.21828900
File: 203 KB, 531x823, Cambridge controversy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick up a book on basic economics
Pic related.

>I highly recommend economics in once lesson. Start with that.

>It's not unreasonable to expect for literature to be able to support itself as an industry without being propped up by the government.
High brow literature might give one respect, but it will never be commercially successful. Because vulgar 'free market' plebs will pay only for cheap self-complacent thrills
And low brow tier lit is not literature, but paper wastage.The author becomes a crude manufacturer of shit. A clown slaving for the fags.

>> No.21828916

Art is freedom.
Fascism is the weakest possible form of government.

It's really telling the type of cuckhold one is to support ww2 losers.

>> No.21828939

Iirc it does cover all art forms. It's a trick though: they're giving a higher rate than welfare but it's time limited. It's there so young artists choose it over welfare or grant money, and with grant money you can give yourself minimum wage which is higher than that. It's to thin out the young while not getting long term welfare benefits, so more art students sign on the time limited programme not welfare and won't qualify for welfare after (or if they do, won't get longer term benefits like bonuses).
It's based to be a working artist in Ireland though. You're income tax exempt unless you're making like U2 money.

>> No.21828991

Until certain people (you know who) aren't paid to live and breed the artists don't get paid. Once that happens the artists get the money and they have to celebrate why they are paid to live and it has to show in their art that they appreciate it.

>> No.21828997
File: 190 KB, 1100x619, kill yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art is freedom.
Let me guess, you have absolutely no artistic skills or education, you retarded female-brained coomer

>> No.21829006
File: 171 KB, 1400x1619, 1651648558488547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>350$ a week
you can find 0.5 FTEs jobs that will pay you more than that, even if you have no qualifications. Surely having to be a wagie 20 hours a week will not kill your artistic pursuits??

>> No.21829016

Richard Millward is pretty open about working full time while writing.
Its just a cope by lazy people who wouldn't write anyway even if they were aristocrats

>> No.21829017

>>21827916 #
>But this is not how it was done in the classical period
And in the next sentence
>Artists were scooped up by wealthy patrons
Do I really need to connect these dots for you or are you being dense?

Also a private person paying another for a service isn't remotely similar to government socializing of the arts.

>> No.21829037

>Some other guy make a very convoluted strawman to then play word games in order to deny simple observable reality
>That means I don't have to learn basic economics and that economics somehow magically don't apply to me or the things I like
If your goal was to waste my time you did succeed. So congrats on that I guess.

>Stuff I value isn't valued by others
>So I should be allowed to use state violence to force other people to pay for the things I personally value
>The majority of people value other things that I don't value
>They should be punished for this and forced to pay for stuff they don't want because I personally think I know what is best for everyone else
When stripped bare you are just a evil wannabe petty tyrant with garbage ideas and no clue how reality works.

>> No.21829067

Are you serious trying to push supply side economic theory?

>> No.21829084

>in order to deny simple observable reality
simple observable reality: people are performing a human sacrifice to the god of rain.

A god of rain does not exist. People believing in him do.
A ritual is arbitrary. It's effects are real.

But instead of anthropological observations on the people you keep showing me theological scriptures about a god, apparently asking me to be believe in a god of rain too.

>violence to force other people to pay for the things I personally value
That's how free market capitalism in general works, silly:

"The added difficulty emerges because, according to Veblen, industry is subjugated to business. The compass that directs the production of automobiles in our example is corporate earnings – yet contrary to the various doctrines of political economy, says Veblen, these earnings depend not on efficiency, but on ‘sabotage’. Most generally, the income of an owner is proportionate not to the specific productive contribution of his or her input, and not even to the exploitation of productive workers – but rather to the overall damage that an owner can inflict on the industrial process at large.
The implication is that every bit of the industrial process is touched by the hand of power. In the case of automobile production, every aspect – from environmental considerations, suburbanization and the highway system, through the global coordination of manufacturing and the conditioning of workers and consumers, to the development process and the basic science – is intermingled with power. And so, even if we were somehow able to miraculously conjure up the distinct connections between these many ‘inputs’ and their automobile ‘output’, the result would reflect not productivity per se, but the control of productivity for capitalist ends."

"This is perhaps the reason why early in the twentieth century the automobile companies bought and dismantled 100 electric railway systems in 45 US cities (Barnet 1980: Ch. 2). And it is also why these companies have long shunned any radical change in energy sources. The electric car, first invented in the 1830s, predates its gasoline and diesel counterparts by half a century, and for a while was more popular than both (Wakefield 1994). But by the early twentieth century, having proved less profitable than the gas guzzlers, it fell out of favour and was forcefully erased from the collective memory"

>you are just a evil wannabe petty tyrant
No, u.

>> No.21829092
File: 42 KB, 819x431, Fix B. - Rethinking economic growth theory (1) (2015).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you serious trying to push supply side economic theory?
No, because one cannot define the supply side in a non-problematic way, as well.

>> No.21829098

Your argument is a non sequitur meant to waste more time.
Your quote doesn't even support your statement.
Just dumping other people's unrelated words isn't going to forward your position.

>> No.21829100

No. Money stolen from people through taxation should not be used to fund "artists" whom we all know are just degenerate hippies who will use that money to "explore the depths of consciousness" through taking drugs.
Only in a society with a natural aristocracy, bound together by some common vision and purpose (eg Christianity), will there arise art patrons who will commission the great works and artists of our day through their own free will (not from being forced through taxation).

>> No.21829112

>Your quote doesn't even support your statement.
You lack IQ to comprehend what is written then.

Free market means not the freedom of individuals, but the freedom of companies. And companies always keep grouping against other groups. Because apes are groupish. And because that's how multi-level group selection works.
Even your own freedom is actually a non-freedom for the cells in your body.

>> No.21829124

When they come for me I'll tell them I only write bestsellers

>> No.21829128

Now you are making a completely different argument and changing topics.
So let's add goalposts shifting to the bullshit pile. And red herrings too.
Really stacking it high at this point.

All that and my points remain untouched.

>> No.21829141

You cant fuck around with free market like this. Supply and demand dictate prices, basically no one is asking for these artists, they are not as good as they think they are.

Steel manufacturers are going to pull out of this fake, inflated, fiat economy. They are going to say 'we are not trading our steel for cash anymore'. And so will bakers, 'our bread should not be traded for fake subsidy cash anymore'. And so will the electricians. And plumbers. And car companies.
Whole economy.

Zimbabvification of economy has gone too far. We need to switch to gold. Have fun printing and inflating gold. Government gifting money to randoms for some nonsensical moralizing reasons is NOT capitalism. The only free shit is gulag.

>> No.21829155
File: 146 KB, 1265x627, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We began with "violence to force other people to pay for the things I personally value".
You've been shown examples on structural violence: companies dismantling railroads and constructing urbanistically-defective suburbs to sell cars. Because car companies personally value their cars. So they make you need them, too. Free market, everyone. After all, people are absolutely free to choose not to get a far-away job and starve themselves to death, right?

>my points remain untouched.
No, they don't. You've been provided with "simple observable reality".
So, either this was not free market, and then your "free market" actually means "utopian magical fairy land that has never been tried". Or it is, and then your screech about "wannabe petty tyrant" is invalid.

>> No.21829164
File: 745 KB, 1773x877, Graeber David - Debt. The First 5,000 Years (2014) (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need to switch to gold.
Riiight. What could go wrong?

>> No.21829171

central banks devaluing our currency nonstop is not capitalism
gold would help
we clearly do need 'shortage of currency' to deal with all these government projects such as giving 'free' money to self proclaimed artists

>> No.21829186

>gold would help
Historical evidence clearly shows that prices inflate out of shortage of money, you dumb cultist. Because taxes must be paid. So people who sell things, upon feeling strangled raise their prices in a desperate attempt to survive by strangling someone else.

And some goods are simply vital, so you'll pay whatever the price.

>> No.21829192

Artists who can support themselves in this economy are grifters who know how to game the subsidy system.

>> No.21829205

so basically what you are saying is taxes are the problem
government printing and government taxes
these are the mechanisms ruining our economy

how about we simply do capitalism: we use gold, we trade freely, and we dont have taxes/loicence tyranny?

>> No.21829221

I support this for everyone

>> No.21829224

that would turn money into air
you cant pay for things with air
scarcity has its purpose

>> No.21829227

Only in your head

>> No.21829232

Sounds like welfare for the scions of middle to upper class families - people who are already likely receiving support from mommy and daddy. But, hey, might as well, seeing as how everyone else is getting gubment gibs.

>> No.21829244
File: 408 KB, 880x864, Graeber David - Debt. The First 5,000 Years (2014) (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cant pay for things with air
That's not historically accurate. Medieval peasants literally traded with "virtual money", i.e. hand-crafted shit and sticks, which they arbitrarily assigned to be their "shillings", etc.

>how about we simply do capitalism: we use gold, we trade freely
In other words: "real capitalism has never been tried"?

>> No.21829254

turbo based, I've seen 1000 of these yank-emulating, beanie wearing, soya chugging, homosexual west brits in inner dublin, ireland shouldn't be asking if we can let them become even more parasitic but rather how many can we line up and shoot, hang or gas

>> No.21829255
File: 398 KB, 887x871, Graeber David - Debt. The First 5,000 Years (2014) (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cant pay for things with air
How about cheese and chicken eggs?

>> No.21829266

real capitalism has never been tried, except on cowboy frontiers and few medieval free cities and merchant republics in europe briefly

corporations are communistic
centrally planned
collectively owned
monopolistic (monopolies are by definition incompetent, they do not compete, they are monopolies)
corporations dont make profits in the free market, but via government contracts and tax subsidies
corporations are just government departments
rename google/facebook into soviet style 'peoples department of propaganda' or 'bureau of public information', what's the difference

government and corporations being 90% of our economy, and money being fake.. no, this is not capitalism, real capitalism has never been tried in this century

>> No.21829269

commodities like eggs take effort to produce
air doesnt
how do you not understand this?
yes, eggs can be a currency (altho a bad one, it spoils, isnt durable, divisible etc)

your main issue is still taxes, taxes are a feudal concept, not a capitalism concept, feudal and communist (same difference lmao) regimes want to tax people but that's not the main incentive of capitalism

>> No.21829273

For some reason, governments really overvalue the arts.

>> No.21829279

fascism is the most robust, simple government with the fewest moving parts and the tightest fixtures and fittings. if societies are structures, fascism is a steel door with a dozen locks and latches and neoliberal postmodernist democracy is a styrofoam doggy door secured with tape

>> No.21829291

you are describing your favorite ideology like a 9 year old describes his favorite superhero
jesus christ lad, at least get some arguments if you are going to shitpost about politics on lit
>im a fascist because... ugh.. erm.. foam doors!

>> No.21829295

>structural violence
>AKA not actual violence but I am allowed to redefine any and all words to mean anything at anytime as long as it's convenient to whatever argument I am making at the moment

I am done giving you attention and wasting time. Not just a evil wantabe petty tyrant, but also dishonest to a absurd degree.
Some hypothetical of a company consensually and voluntarily buying out their competition isn't compatible to the real threat of state violence that comes with state programs dependent on mandatory taxation.
If you resist paying for the shit you want the government will send men with guns to capture or kill you.
That is violence.
Voluntary business transactions are not violence.
Playing word games doesn't change this fact.

All this bullshit because you basically want socialized art. It's fucking retarded. Especially since the results of similar programs are always shit.

>> No.21829299

UGH mein fellow volkswagens....

>> No.21829304

what? it works, are you too much of a snob to accept a silly visual metaphor? your statement that fascism is somehow the weakest form of government is nonsensical, condescending drivel; how is a society with tight ethnic bonds, a collective sense of purpose, a pride in traditions and a focus on collective co-operation possibly weak or weakest? how? like every leftist/globohomo stooge/fencesitter you are just typing words to make yourself feel superior, to sneer and titter. your statement is still obviously stupid and never attempts to explain itself

>> No.21829305

>taxes are a feudal concept, not a capitalism concept
usury is a capitalism concept, though. Just change "tax/tribute" for "debt".

>corporations dont make profits in the free market
Lend someone some money for interest. When they fail to return, announce that their belongings and asses now belong to you. Profit.

Otherwise, with no credit, you'll be back to medieval zero-sum game. No one would bother to strategically produce things to sell for profit.

>> No.21829311

>Historical evidence clearly shows that prices inflate out of shortage of money
That is the opposite of true. I think you are just being a contrarian at this point. Because that is a kind of odd thing to be the total opposite of correct unintentionally. You are very likely doing it on purpose.

>> No.21829313

You guys are such bitchy little cunts

>> No.21829314

>you being a retard and taking retard tier loans is capitalism's fault
>tax/tribute and voluntary debt are the same things
no, taxes and tributes are not voluntary, communist and feudal regimes murdered extreme amounts of people over taxes

>> No.21829323

I am clearly not talking about diversity hires sucking off of the government using government subsidies for their "art".
I am talking about the actual market involving private individual and companies spending their own money.

>> No.21829325

You can apply for an artist salary in Iceland and most who do are authors and poets. The closest word to "artist" includes both.

>> No.21829328

>usury is a capitalism concept
Usury predates capitalism by several thousand years.
I don't think you know what capitalism is.

>> No.21829332
File: 118 KB, 587x649, bichler-and-jonathan-nitzan-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consensually and voluntarily buying out their competition
Which just miraculously coincides with some non-consensual violence that we will miopically overlook, riiight...

>If you resist paying for the shit you want the government will send men with guns to capture or kill you.
And in a truly free market capitalism would let you freely shit on your money debts with no reprecussions? Sounds like fairy tale hippy shit to me.

>Voluntary business transactions are not violence.
"Oh, nevermind the pistol in my hand. You are just voluntarily borrowing money from me, capiche?"

You are living in a magical fairy land, where you think you have a choice and can consent.


>> No.21829337

Didn't read your bullshit.
I told you I was done with you.

>> No.21829342

Given that this one >>21829266 claims that a "few medieval free cities" practiced capitalism, it has been replied that what they actually practiced there, was usury.

>> No.21829352

At least try to hide your latent homosexuality, faggot. It's too telling when you use the word "sodomite" three times in the span of two sentences. Absolute state of westcuck "fascists".

>> No.21829357

read flann o brian. also i know you in real life, you're that fag who stands on eyre square with a MAGA hat drinking buckfast with knackers. So glad i left that shithole of a city

>> No.21829363

I thought Galway was quite nice when I visited Ireland last year

>> No.21829366
File: 962 KB, 595x789, gandalf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is the creation of one of the artists receiving this grant. I'm a fag but this redditfied Tom of Finland makes my skin crawl.

>> No.21829373

Which government committee will determine which artists deserve to be subsidized or not? This looks prone to corrupt practices.

>> No.21829380

God you are fucking retarded.
Usury and capitalism are two separate things that aren't a key feature of each other.
You are incorrectly inflating the two things as one being a essential component of the other.
Explaining this baby shit is very annoying.
You are far too ignorant to actually discuss this topic.

>> No.21829385

>anon discovers why nazis were called the National Socialist German Workers’ Party

>> No.21829391

>>Graeber David

That guy is a literal Jewish anarchist. There is no way to trust a single line is wrote is not made up bullshit.

>> No.21829397

>how is a society with tight ethnic bonds, a collective sense of purpose, a pride in traditions and a focus on collective co-operation possibly weak or weakest?
lol it took a single war to crush fascism, and nobody that had lived under it ever asked for it to be reinstated because fascist nations were all shitty surveillance states whose "pride" and "purpose" were utterly hollow concepts enforced from above. even the light fascism of franco spain eventually petered out into liberal democracy because people couldn't be arsed anymore. coindicentally, the only people still advocating for fascism are a tiny number of hateful terminally online antisocial weirdos

>> No.21829399

You are AGAIN quoting Jewish authors: Nitzan and Bichler. How can you expect to be taken seriously if you ONLY quote Jews?

>> No.21829413

You need to go back.

>> No.21829418

No. There are already enough books anyway.

>> No.21829428


>> No.21829430

Having to rely on one person to support you isn’t adhering to the free market. It’s almost the opposite. Besides, it wouldn’t happen nowadays since rich people don’t care enough about art and the institutions that supported them (I.e., the church) doesn’t have enough influence to do that these days either.

>> No.21829440

lol $350 a week
lmao even
I hate the government for taking my money and giving it to "artists" who have demostrated no value

>> No.21829445

>Usury and capitalism are two separate things
>You are far too ignorant to actually discuss this topic.
No, I am far too knowledgeable about one structural problem of a diachronic World-System analysis. To which I thought one was alluding to.

"The main difference with Wolf is that they tend to refer to these not as “modes of production” but as “modes of accumulation,” which they define as “the deep structural logic of production, distribution, exchange, and accumulation” (1997: 29). It seems a reasonable change in terminology from a world-systems perspective. But it lays bare just how far the term “mode of production” had drifted from its supposed original focus on people making things."

"Friedman, Eckholm, and others now openly talk of a capitalist World System that has existed for 5000 years (Andre Gunder Frank [1991] would prefer to discard the term “capitalism” entirely, along with all other “modes of production,” but what he describes comes down to pretty much the same thing). The idea that capitalism is as old as civilization is of course a position long since popular amongst capitalists."

"Mainstream economics has been trying to show that capital goods indeed are productive and that this positive attribute is what makes capital as a fund valuable. The marriage, though, hasn’t work well, partly due to a large age difference: the concept of capital predates that of capital goods by a few thousand years"

>> No.21829446

They're probably negative value "writers."

>> No.21829448

Don't you ever get tired of being a cynical cunt? Your post is nothing but a tirade of sneering, dishonest abuse. "Fascism" as left wing homosexuals identify as basically being "a society wherein tradition, ingroup preference and cultural integrity is valued, and there are strong authoritarian ethnic ties" was the status quo of humanity for milennia. You are pointing at the last major examples of this ancient system, which attempted to reinvent themselves in a modern industrial fashion and were crushed by mere circumstance and the combined global wealth of powerful interest groups with a huge stake in keeping such movements suppressed and dormant. We identify the very word from the Roman Fasces, it is not some kind of flash in the pan, show a modern day subhuman leftist faggot western nations from 50-100 years ago and they'll instantly flag them as "fascist". It's not just the formal movement of the time but an aesthetic that goes back centuries. There's a breed of withering, bitter cunts like you that are simply incapable of being fair or reasonable, and can do nothing but gaslight, condescend and navel gaze from atop your high horse. I'm wasting my time talking with you because you'll have another dismissive smarmy snipe to throw at me, masking deep fear and insecurity; you know that you are a parasite with a sense that you are only tolerated and would be pilloried in a sensible society.

>> No.21829452

>Only in a society with a natural aristocracy
Or just ordinary people with disposable income and some taste buying books, maybe doing some kickstarter or patreon or something.

>> No.21829462

>Ireland using global multinational tax money to fund NEET sexy Gandalf art
Hmm kinda based actually

>> No.21829463

i accept your concession

>> No.21829465

>coindicentally, the only people still advocating for fascism are a tiny number of hateful terminally online antisocial weirdos
Can you fags on both sides move on from this? Leftists and Rightists, both of you are losers that support losers. If you wanted to side with the winning team, you wouldn't be here. You would be on twitter retweeting Jen Psaki and sending death threats to Glen Greenwald.

>> No.21829466

>catamite offended by lack of representation
i'm sure a marvel or pixar movie will come out to address this lacuna soon, don't schedule a therapy session just yet

>> No.21829584

as expected of a negative value homosexual decadent leftist passing his parasitic life away in protected indolence

>> No.21829634
File: 131 KB, 800x800, 1673746086255764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the propaganda hits just right

>> No.21829751

>A majority of modern “artists” are fags and losers

>> No.21829765

Seems like solid research to me. You can see banks changing the rules and being bailed out right now. Soros made his money by profiting off crises he manufactured.

>> No.21829773

>This is the dream and the ideal
this was literally the world before american dominance
ernest hemingway was a full time writer and somehow he was always traveling between europe and america

>> No.21830055

>quit your job
Maybe if you are a poorfag

>> No.21830163

take it easy jabroni, you're huffing and puffing yourself into a state

>> No.21830171

Who is “Iceland”? The politicians? I’m sure the productive part of society doesn’t support supporting woke parasites that are called “artists” these days with their tax money.

>> No.21830209

>over production of 'elites'
It's never about the money or critical reception. Would you pay people to blog or publish shrink sessions?

>> No.21830914

can Keet apply for this?

>> No.21830927

sorry incel, but if we normalized subsidizing chud artistic pursuits mustache man would have just been a freelance painter his whole life and not a genocidal dictator. we can see through your BS koch brothers talking points

>> No.21831157

>Artist who are good enough can support themselves with their work.
wrong, it's all about connections, nepotism and diversity hires

>> No.21831244

They're mad but you're right.

>> No.21831707

Given how this proposition riled up all the usual diaperlords on here I'm all for it.

>> No.21831713

It does apply to writers, just published writers, so it won't help you.

>> No.21831734

That excuse doesn't fly anymore when it's easy to sell directly to customers as well as cultivate a loyal audience.
Self promotion has always been a essential skill for success. Now it matters more than ever and has more of a effect than ever.

>> No.21831754

Hell no lmao. Artists are already detached from actual society, giving them free daycare would give them absolutely nothing to write about.

>> No.21831776

What is "actual society" and when were artists in tune with it?

>> No.21831783
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He's right, you know.

>> No.21833235

>artists and other creatives are properly understood as being simultaneously both the servants and the leaders of the national collective consciousness
Perhaps only those sorts should be entitled to national funds, but there is a place for (non-sodomite) artists outside of the civil bureaucracy. A Pandean figure who writes poetry in the countryside shouldn't have to worry about making his art appeal to le based propagandaministerium.

>supply and demand dictate prices, basically no one is asking for these artists, they are not as good as they think they are.
What's in demand now are Cardi B songs, the rare genius artist who is ahead of their time naturally is going to have a hard time getting funding from their contemporaries.
>switch to gold
Gives undue buying power to BRICs who have been stockpiling gold, and the intermediate step of the US trading its fiat for gold would create reasoned fears of de-dollarization.

>> No.21833309

Absolutely not. What an absurd thing to suggest.

>> No.21833321

Not that exact plan. I'd probably have a more "half-work-half-art" model, when they can work part-time to concentrate on their art. It'd be more so they can get their creations out there, and move towards becoming a full-time artist.

>> No.21833343

It's there so you can work on art. To get jobseeker benefits you need to prove you're seeking out employment and sign on regularly and go get training or show you're interviewing, but with this scheme they assume you're staying home to write or paint or whatever so you don't need to go through those hoops to deNEET yourself. They had to be getting 50% of their earnings from art anyways to apply, so you're really only getting skilled people with proven sales taken out of the deNEETing programme.

>> No.21833354

>Thoughs who aren't
genuine kek

>> No.21833377

>that would turn money into air
All the rest of the money printed and thrown around for shit, and THIS is over the line?

>> No.21833392

I would love if there were solid long term grants to keep classical arts alive. Studying in the traditional paints, styles of the masters, figurative marble sculpture. The shit that is both dying traditions and hard to do.
But I bet there’s no quality controls whatsoever here and you instead get job shirking “artists” who assemble found object trash or puke on a canvas and call it art. Then they lay about the rest of the month watching Rick & Morty.

>> No.21833440

If you take a more realistic premise you can rephrase the question:
>Many or most artists are already on the dole.
>What if we stopped wasting artists' time and effort on navigating pointless bureaucracy and just give them enough to get by so they can focus on being productive?
We're talking about supporting the arts, not about subsidizing the production of merchandise.

>> No.21833447

Fucking lol. I wouldn't hang around Eyre Square if you paid me, the city has gone to shite I moved to Bath in February. I also don't care about America at all let alone wear a fucking MAGA hat
It was much nicer when I was growing up around 2010 or so, even in the depths of the financial crash. The place is full of just angry teenagers, beggers and closed down shops now. Good for a week or so but after a while you'll realise there's nothing in it

>> No.21833462

You want the government to support the arts?
Fine, cut taxes related to the arts and make more art related things deductable in taxes. Also get rid of all speech and obscene restrictions for art.

Artist get to do their art in peace and keep any and all money they earn without government intervention or interference.