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/lit/ - Literature

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21825279 No.21825279 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21825281
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>> No.21825285
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>> No.21826035
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If you were born after 1975 and your parents didn't read this to you, you missed out on kino childhood memories.

>> No.21826059
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>> No.21826063

>Tamora Pierce
Oh hell yeah, my brother! I was lucky enough to find a first edition boxed set of The Immortals quartet for cheap, and recently bought them in german, too, which was a bit tricker, since they're out of print, so I only have the first 3.

>> No.21826169
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>> No.21826179
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>> No.21826180

is this like the kid's book version of "you. me. gas station"?

>> No.21826231

I wifued all of the Tortallian girls. My favorite was probably Kelandry.
Why were all his books renamed?
Based, these were absolutely amazing.

>> No.21826246
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>> No.21826295

I read all of the Belgariad and Mallorean as a kid. Crazy how Eddings is almost forgotten. He was the king of schlocky quest fantasy back when it was huge.

>> No.21826300

For me it's Deltora Quest.

>> No.21826358
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>I read all of the Belgariad and Mallorean as a kid
yeah me too, that's where I started reading fantasy

>> No.21826409

Brings me back to good times.

>> No.21826637

He was Sanderson before Sanderson, writing soulless, generic, forgettable fantasy books.

>> No.21827300

The Percy Jackson franchise is a great read for a kid/teen. Not only its a great adventure, but it also teaches you greek mythology in an entertaining way.

>> No.21827310

the one my dad beat me with. it was red.

>> No.21827318
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15 years later and I am still chasing the high I got when I was 10 years old and reading the Deltora Quest books out of order

>> No.21827354

What was it about those books? Was it their weird proto-litrpg elements? I don't hold them in high regard, even with nostalgia, but they were the best thing in the world to me for a year or so.

>> No.21827456

Honestly think it was. Was very autistically specific about what they were packing and the items they bought and used/how much money they had/if they had enough money for a new horse. Scratched my 10 yo brain just right

>> No.21828968

>I am still chasing the high I got when I was 10 years old and reading the Deltora Quest books out of order
I think that's the high every reader is looking for. It's been so long... I actually think it's just something about the child-brain, and not about books themselves, which is tragic.

>> No.21829013

Maybe the dude who interviewed Sanderson was hoping he'd uncover some dark shit like Eddings had hidden, but found only Mormon wholesomeness

>> No.21829070

It's the same with every media. You will never get that feeling ever again. No matter how good a book/movie/videa/comic is, it will never be the same

>> No.21829184
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You can't make me re-read it.

>> No.21829206
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and the haunted mask

>> No.21829614

RL Stine's books

>> No.21831098

I loved TP growing up.
Thanks for the reminder OP

>> No.21831359
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The first book over 100 pages I remember reading.

>> No.21831411

>He was Sanderson before Sanderson, writing soulless, generic, forgettable fantasy books.
Eh, I wouldn't say that. He's definitely comfortable writing safe-ish books within a genre, but there there were some good ideas and he managed to make a magic system technical enough to play with the exploits without letting it turn into an autistic cancer which eats the story.

>What was it about those books? Was it their weird proto-litrpg elements? I don't hold them in high regard, even with nostalgia, but they were the best thing in the world to me for a year or so.
I think the structure definitely helped. Each book had one stone, one setting, one heavy. The puzzles were great too. Appealed to the game-like quality. Remember when they printed out the image on the door, and if you held the book at an angle you could read the words "if you want to die"? That was hardcore in elementary school.

>> No.21831457
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>> No.21831492

Guin? La Guin?

>> No.21831724

147 books...
not counting the 26 - side stories...
tell me /lit/izen, how many did you read??

>> No.21833201

none, but I did read 29 books of the xanth series

>> No.21833306
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>> No.21834226

Never expected to see the stuff here, grew up with them. Great inner book drawings for each chapter, the picture of the ghosts at the end of that book/the forbidden city is still one of the most frightening pictures I have ever seen.
I never really understood the female (main) characters until I read PUA books, got to learn about female sexuality and perception and got older.

>> No.21835204
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The Dark is Rising

>> No.21835343

used to read so many of these books when I was a kid holy shit.

>> No.21835533
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Rats of NIMH

>> No.21835537
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>> No.21835744
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>> No.21835798

Good thread, OP is not a faggot today.

>> No.21836932
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>> No.21837185
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>> No.21837198

Had the best song ever about all those fish in the sea