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21824528 No.21824528 [Reply] [Original]

Procrastination, writer's block, or imposter syndrome?

>> No.21824546

how is imposter syndrome real? who the fuck cares if you deserve something or not?

>> No.21825015

are you literally me? get out of my head, stop posting my webms.

>> No.21825041

Probably waist down, since you can't hold in your shit and need to wear a diaper.

>> No.21825055

I think imposter imposter syndrome is more common desu
The amount of people that never had a chance but are convinced that they just didn't try enough is also really high

>> No.21825757


>> No.21825788

procrastination (especially due to fear of failure)

>> No.21825883

This and especially when it lasts for years or decades

>> No.21825975

Imposter syndrome was invented because midwits started to infest intellectual institutions and when they subconsciously realize they are retards who contribute nothing and at best copy everyone else they need some cope so they tell themselves that they’re just gaslighting themselves to believe that they are an impostor when actually they’ve worked so le hard and are just as smart as the people who actually contribute

>> No.21826009
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Anywhere from C1 to 8. Complete, so that you rely on a ventilator.

>> No.21826103


>> No.21826197


>> No.21826218

Procrastination and writers block are the same thing.
Imposter syndrome isn't paralysis, if you feel it you must be doing the thing that makes you feel an imposter. If you aren't doing it, why would you feel like an imposter?

>> No.21827835

Stress and exhaustion.
God, I want to retire.
I'm so happy and productive when I'm unemployed, but then there's that whole "paying for my life" thing.

>> No.21828406

I think "writer's block", when it's not pure bullshit, is when you are trying to force yourself to do something which just isn't working, either because you don't know how to fix a broken story or (more commonly) you are trying to write what others want rather than what you feel is good.

>Imposter syndrome was invented because midwits started to infest intellectual institutions and when they subconsciously realize they are retards who contribute nothing
This. Some people do struggle with low confidence, but a big portion of people who feel like imposters actually are. Most people in college are either totally cynical or just need to be told they are something to believe it. Outside of people who are pre-med, I'm convinced being able to say "I have a science degree and therefore can invalidate you, despite being totally unfamiliar with the relevant evidence" is the primary motive for getting a B.A.

How many people with History degrees actually intend on writing history books?

>> No.21829028

The umbrella term is executive dysfunction.
Procrastination, or being stuck are just coping mechanisms rooted in the avoidance response. Why do you run away from the problem? You probably attribute the entirety of your worth to the quality of your creative output and the external validation it receives. This suggests, you're not a real person. You're not robust enough to exist as an isolated entity away from other people. You hinge on foreign input as the foundation of your identity. You base your entire worth on whether what you do is valued by others or not. Your skewed priorities place higher importance on the aftermath of the creative process (acclaim or rejection) vs the process itself. Which again reaffirms that you're not a person. You're a dishonest fraud. You subsist to adhere to a rigid albeit artificial set of norms. You cannot muster enough inner drive because you let the outside structure and the authority it imposes on you dictate your actions. So you'll cram for that exam. Not because you love the material and you find it fascinating. But because you know failing knocks you down two rungs on the social echelon. Your worth plummets further every time you underachieve. You'll keep underachieving if you keep approaching these things with the same forced, lukewarm enthusiasm you display towards everything in life. You'll get restless every couple of months and wonder why you're so listless and dispassionate. And why your life seems to trudge forward with no meaning or purpose. And maybe you'll dredge up some semblance of a purpose when you hyperfixate on some kind of media. Your brain doesn't register the difference between frivolities and actual important shit but so long as you're occupied am I right?

>> No.21829051

This guy gets it.
It's also completely the fault of leftists stuffing institutions full of loyalists instead of competent people.