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21822815 No.21822815 [Reply] [Original]

>A bloo bloo bloo the mechanization of agriculture is le bad

>> No.21822833
File: 115 KB, 1046x512, the-book-of-job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is fucking le bad.

>> No.21822848

This is gonna be the white collar work force soon.

>> No.21822868

>the mechanization of agriculture is le bad
Yes. What, you don't think it is?

>> No.21822878
File: 111 KB, 600x816, moby-dick-slideshow-slide-V7YU-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh my GAwd sometimes a whale IS just a whale

>> No.21822900
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>sometimes it do be like that

>> No.21822907


>> No.21823066
File: 239 KB, 818x822, overproduction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21823212
File: 332 KB, 1400x1400, 9781400079988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing literally anything proactive is... le bad! just let things happen duuuudddee!

>> No.21823322

not mechanization, but corporitization. today the jew talks about over population, but thats only because books like this highlighted their true fear and turned public opinion against them: over production.

the industrialist, the globalist, whatever word you want to use, fears one thing and one thing only: not making a profit on their investment. You can be knee deep into aggressive forigners and this crook will not give a single fuck. But the moment those people of color realize they can make their own product, that they can compete with the machine, suddenly its a problem.

The book isnt about mechanization you mitwit. Its about the consequence of mechanization, and the response to that consequence. A regular, honest person cant comprehend why good food is put to waste. They find it amoral that others are allowed to suffer and starve in a land of plenty. But there is only plenty when plenty is good business, and good business protests its interests and not yours. They pretend to be apart of your community, a part of your govenrment, but the internationalist rootless monster that is the corporation has no community. It has no loyalty. You will pay for its product, or it will destroy it to spite you. And so, it contrives scenarios and events to make that happen. It conviences you not to partake in the production and creation and growing of food and products and things. It teaches you at a young age backward ideas and shoves poisonous thoughts into your mind. After all, it was these same corporations who forced through the public school system in the first place, and its the same corporations who create the reading lists for your young mind to consume. And they hire the teachers from the institutions they created to train them and its all right and proper. And you thank them for it.

it's not about mechanization you soulless automaton.

>> No.21823403

Don’t be a fag- you should actually read the book. This is just low hanging bait which shows that you failed a high school AP English class because you didn’t hand in your essay on Grapes of Wrath. Meanwhile it’s in the running for Top 3 Great American Novels faggot


>> No.21823522
File: 94 KB, 452x363, 8E38E87D-9772-430B-88FF-132A768F6416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If corporations control every facet of our life then why is anti-corporatism shilled in every social media site, and anti-corporate books like this taught in every high school? You’re a persecution-complex useful idiot

>> No.21823584

>he still thinks there even was a whale

>> No.21823690

Yep, it's happening again. Reading it not too long ago and it sounds like it's gonna be our turn soon.

>> No.21824531

All of those people are unwitting pawns of the corporations, and often times their best supporters.. They're not naming executives and companies, it's just an attack on the boogeyman that is "capitalism".

>> No.21824588
File: 42 KB, 960x960, 1654544002156750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The industrial revolution (and the green revolution) have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.21824655

Name an author who writes scenery better than Steinbeck.

>> No.21824669

someone screencap this for me.

>> No.21824670

>He thinks the book is about a whale

>> No.21824674

>why is anti-corporatism shilled in every social media site, and anti-corporate books like this taught in every high school
so those corporations can sell anti corporate merchandise

>> No.21825008

>corporations are bad goy, dont make a competiting corporation. in fact, fight against competiting corporations because corporations are bad. Oh, our corporations? you can trust these corporations because they support transrights :)

keep your smug basedjacks to yourself

>> No.21826167

I personally love the book, but can we at least agree that the cover is comfy?

>> No.21827810

I absolutely love Grapes of Wrath. I read it this year in January and it is the comfiest read I’ve ever read. It is really got a lot of heart too.

>> No.21827996

the difference is that white collar workers are so hopelessly atomized that they'll be sitting in camps surrounded by fences and guards telling each other about their careers and polishing their resumes

>> No.21828434

why was god such a lil assblasted faggot in this episode?