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File: 46 KB, 300x661, Statue-of-Aristotle-in-the-Aristotlepark-of-Stagira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21822490 No.21822490 [Reply] [Original]

>"this aristotle guy sounds like a real misogynist bigot, why do you like him so much anon?"
whats your response

>> No.21822505

I can't image being pussy enough to actually let anyone talk to you this way. Anytime someone ever tried to virtue signal in front of me like this I dialed the aggressiveness in proportion to their arrogance and explained why they're retarded and they always come up with something like 'oh yeah I didn't mean in that way, just you know to think about it' or some other mumbling nonsense.

>> No.21822509

>I dialed the aggressiveness in proportion to their arrogance and explained why they're retarded
Can you share what you said

>> No.21822524

>"greetings from kazakhstan"

>> No.21822525

Because there are no perfect apples in heaven you Platonist bitch.

>> No.21822530

It depends on what they say, but the aggressiveness is mostly in the tone and unrelentingly pointing out their stupidity. Mix intelligent points (which shouldn't be hard to make with such a lowbrow opposition) with punchy and crude insults like 'only the dumbest idiot in the world could think' and then gaslight them by adding complements if they're starting to regret what they said like 'I know you weren't serious, but some very stupid people are', etc.

>> No.21822544

enact what such a conversation would be like with OP's statement

>> No.21822548


>> No.21822571

chipotle > aristotle

>> No.21822578

Depends on how attractive the girl is.

>> No.21822597

Not him, but I'd assume it's typical sophistics.
>Gosh, why would people support a demagogue?

>Right, because the point of democracy is that our politicians shouldn't support the people, right?
And no matter what they say you retort with sophisms. If they respond with something you can't quickly reply to, you do exactly as the Classical sophists and appeal to subjectivity.

>> No.21822603

We're not your personal AI chatbot

>> No.21822607

why reply with sophisms?

>> No.21822618

Start with the Greeks

>> No.21822626


>> No.21822627

How would a woman ever learn enough about Aristotle to even ask this question? Is he on insta now?

>> No.21822628

go back

>> No.21822629
File: 59 KB, 736x849, 859af748d1eed0d67d5801a6df188a89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually I prefer Plato

>> No.21822632

Because he is not trying to achieve the absolute truth, he just want to persuade others and feel intellectually superior, like sophists in general.

>> No.21822639

why does he want to feel intellectually superior?

>> No.21822642

Umm... Sorry sweaty don't you know that's a bit problematic? Plato was homophobic and fascist.

>> No.21822672

>Because he is not trying to achieve the absolute truth,
You know this.. because?

>> No.21822677

Shut up and keep sucking.

>> No.21822683

He's definitely not trying to achieve the absolute truth, but as for trying to feel 'intellectually superior', maybe not. He's probably just tired of hearing leftist sophistry so he responds in kind. It's probably not worth it to have a four hour discussion on the absolute truth involved in government paid sex reassignment for prisoners.

>> No.21823033

that happened

>> No.21823041

Hey, Aristotle. Quit stealing my moves!

>> No.21823070
File: 5 KB, 192x250, 1679621232023475s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ugh not again anon... you seriously need to stop reading old crusty dumb men

>> No.21823085

It’s definitely not worth discussing so much as one minute with a leftist because they don’t believe in truth. Now don’t get me wrong, the right is not without its share of falsehoods, biases and everything else. Those are flaws shared by all humans. But at least conceptually the right believes in objective truths and rational discourse as a means of approaching said truths as an ideal goal. Not so the left. The left will use the name of truth as a rhetoric device, but they fundamentally don’t believe in it. They believe truth is conventional and the goal of discourse is trying to persuasion or exerting pressure by manipulating the public.

>> No.21823091

That's fair. Use their weapons against them.

>> No.21823467

shut up, natural slave and keep fulfulling your natural ergon, trust me, it will make us both happy.

>> No.21823473

>talking to a normal nigger about Aristotle
>woah man this Aristotle guy is problematic because he supported slavery
>well he wasn't exactly talking about 18th ce united states slavery
>whatever man slavery is slavery
>mfw the normal nigger is exactly the natural slave Aristotle was talking about since they lack anything beyond the most rudimentary of reasoning capabilities

>> No.21823708

What can I read to understand Aristotle? Been getting into more classic literature but dont know where to start with him.

>> No.21823720

Nicomachean Ethics (Joe Sachs translation is good)

>> No.21823725

You could start by reading nichomachean ethics. one of his most accessible works. Politics is another good one. If you want a secondary source you can read through articles by Thomas Aquinas in his summa theologica, he makes constant reference to him and makes him more readable in general

>> No.21823770

I would like to go with primary sources when possible. I will have to check out the Thomas Aquinas though.
Thanks for the reply guys

>> No.21823802

It’s always a female usually and my answer is always “I don’t talk about matters that require cognition to women because that’s what women intrinsically lack. Have a nice day, toots”

>> No.21823804

Need a better resolution so I can beat off

>> No.21823808

I read the metaphysics and politics but not the ethics

>> No.21823811

His polymathic intellect outshines the weakness of the flesh. One of the most brilliant minds humanity has ever produced, Aristotle's legacy is timeless and enduring and transcends the petty politics of any given cultural moment.

>> No.21823868

>Aristotle's legacy
You do know he was refuted right?

>> No.21824226

If you read Aristotle, which I don't believe, and that was what you took away, there's no reason for us to speak to one another. Good day.

>> No.21824230

I don't like him
I find him boring and I think philosophy is a waste of time

>> No.21824244

His metaphysics, his ethics pretty much remain unrefuted

>> No.21824289

By Becker number. Skip Prior Analytics Book 1, Topics Books 2-7, Meterology Books 1-3, and all the following scientific works.

>> No.21824299

Read Simplicius's commentary when available. He is a window into the presocratics. Read Aquinas' commentary on Metaphysics. It's a difficult text and his interpretation was influential.

>> No.21824309

>i like him cause he's based

>> No.21824701

Then do read the ethics. Very good at explaining one of Aristotle's most key points about a good life. In politics, he says the good life involves having good friends, but that's external. What about proper function do you have total control over? Aristotle's answer: virtue, your character, habit.

>> No.21824789

yes you are

>> No.21824845

Realistically I wouldn't associate myself with someone like this
But assuming I did my response would be something along the lines of "Well judging someone as simply good or bad is a rather strict and cruel worldview that belies the very spirit Aristotle stood for. Furthermore who are you to judge Aristotle as if you were an infallible paragon of humanity that had not already been deeply impacted by his thought from the moment you were born. Regardless this posturing against a man long dead for millennia can serve little purpose other than to sate an ego starved for self-righteous indignation."

>> No.21824864

i hit the griddy and i freak it for the nation, you can out that on jah

>> No.21824903

That day will come, when Emperor Selassie I shall rise di whole a di ghetto yute dem from outta di slum, I shall ride out pon di wings of the heavens inna di sun.