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/lit/ - Literature

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21821865 No.21821865 [Reply] [Original]

>nostalgic, sombre, lonely, heartbroken, melancholic, romantic, introspective, lethargic, fall, dark, alienation
only ones i can kind of think of as being close to what im looking for is crime and punishment and maybe no longer human, although i dont consider these good examples at all, really.

>> No.21821872
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>trying to use rym tags to find literature

>> No.21821881

dont use rym, pretty sure none of these words are on there but you can check.

>> No.21821882

my favorite album
perhaps book of disquiet

>> No.21821942

My Friends by Emmanuel Bove

>> No.21821949

Strongly recommend Sweet Days of Discipline for this vibe.

>> No.21822130

Descriptors as we can read on rym:
melancholic, lonely, depressive, introspective, sombre, sad, lethargic, poetic, mellow, male vocals, sentimental, dark, alienation, anxious, pessimistic, breakup, autumn, melodic, atmospheric, ethereal, sparse, progressive

you sure?

also maybe Stoner in a way

>> No.21822168
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>> No.21822171

My diary

>> No.21822187

Honestly, I don’t have a recommendation that would fit this album better than Stoner
>missing milestones you set in youth
Check, having changed his major and the draft upending his plans
>unavailable and/or emotionally unstable partner
Check, Edith
>“unadmired beings dread the due changes ahead”
Check, can’t say there was a feeling of dread throughout the novel but Stoner did fail in spectacular ways and let life dictate other circumstances like with Grace
>a relationship in which things were left “unsaid and undone”
Check, Katherine
>all of “Lord Kill the Pain”
Difficult to link this one, but then again what do you think that song trying to convey anyway? Imo it makes the least sense of Kozelek’s songs so I’m curious
>missing best friends, perhaps the only friends you had in life
Check, Masters and Finch

>> No.21822190

The Coming of Winter by David Adams Richards

>> No.21822194
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I got you brother

>> No.21822197

KEK winrar

>> No.21822314

where is that drawing actually from if its not from kozelek?

>> No.21822354

The Road by Corndog McCorncob

>> No.21822364

Simon Larbalestier

>> No.21822369

this does kinda makes sense.

>> No.21822381
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Not that album but I realized while listening to Benji last week that it reminded me of Knausgaard's My Struggle, mainly Book 1. Both of them deal with dreary memories and deaths in the family in depth.

>> No.21822545

The Sound and the Fury

>> No.21822835

L'homme qui dort