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21821510 No.21821510 [Reply] [Original]

I want to understand exactly what the fuck is wrong with Africa as far as political stability goes. Wikipedia articles are laughably oblique. Does anyone know any good books on the subject? One from a sort of historian/documentarian/even journalist point of view would be especially appreciated, as opposed to one from some ideological hack that's never been to the continent and has an axe to grind. In other words, one that covers specific politics/disputes/foreign relations/etc in the vein of, for example, Steve Coll's Ghost Wars or the various works on the lead-up to World War I.

>> No.21821521 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21821528 [DELETED] 

It's just niggers anon. You can blame colonialism, and you'd be right insofar as decolonization shaped the particular political structures of these countries, but the dysfunction is all down to niggers and niggers would remain dysfunctional no matter what political system you gave them.

>> No.21821530

You're asking way too much. Africa is completely fucked as far as coherent political narratives go. I'd recommend looking into a specific period or conflict you're interested in and going off there. E.g the Congo Wars or the Mercenary operations in the 60s.

>> No.21821543

Why Nations Fail is a good start

>> No.21821545


>> No.21821556

>what the fuck is wrong with Africa

>> No.21821558

Anything that fits the bill would be awesome, I didn't mean to ask for something that covers the whole continent. You know anything in particular?

I'll look into stuff about the Congo Wars or the 60s. Now that I think of it the Rwandan genocide might be one of the better-documented events. I don't know shit about Rwanda or Africa in general but I hope all the instability doesn't just boil down to ethnic tensions.

That's a little too general for me, and maybe a little to axe-grindy.

>> No.21821560

The biographies about Mad Mike, Neil Ellis and Bob Denard are pretty interesting.

>> No.21821758

Check out The War That Doesn't Say Its Name about the Congo Wars. It's recent too, 2020 I think

>> No.21822144
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Basically, Africans are dumb as shit.

>> No.21822184

So true!

>> No.21822195
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I know exactly the right book, in fact. Strong recommendation

>> No.21822208
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Then, as a follow-up, read this for a contrasting view on what it takes for a third world nation to catch up

>> No.21822224

>I don't know shit about Rwanda or Africa in general but I hope all the instability doesn't just boil down to ethnic tensions.
Rwanda is one of the examples you can specifically say was a result of colonialism. The fucking Belgians created the divide within the country on purpose, in order to have a ruling class that answered directly to them. Then when they just fucking left, having done their utmost to socially engineer a country of people who could not govern without their help, there was inevitably a bloody civil war.

>> No.21822261

And, I guess, just to add since this is a topic that's near and dear to my heart, there are a lot of different reasons African countries have struggled. It definitely isn't one-size-fits-all colonialism/tribalism/resource extraction/whatever. The big ones I can remember off the top of my head are:
Northeast African countries largely faced the issue that Islam is a really bad influence on stable democratic politics.
Ethiopia is the movie Aladdin, but Jafar won.
Liberia is a country founded by ex-slaves after the US Civil War. They went back to Africa, and proceeded to recreate the Antebellum South, but with themselves as the masters. When bloody civil wars came into vogue in Africa in the late 20th century, they got punished for that.
Any country that seemed too friendly with the USSR got a bloody civil war fomented by Henry Kissinger, and vice versa.
Ghana was set up all cool, and everyone thought they were gonna be great. They went full socialism, completely cocked up the centralized economy thing as per normal, and then things went bad.
Nigeria is basically the story of Oklahoma, except instead of everybody getting to claim land, the government took it all, sold the oil rights, distributed profits, but never fixed the issue that people really like to own their own land. Civil Wars ensued.
Kenya frankly did alright for itself, other than being ruled by one man from the moment they were freed until his death. They're basically a mostly stable, kinda mediocre, one-party state with minimal likelihood of anything else happening any time soon.

>> No.21822301

I dunno, ethnic/religious conflict seems like the norm for Africa, even before the colonial period. One of the eternally reoccurring themes in any event is the belief that violence is an acceptable means by which to pursue political or economic goals, which is shared by the vast majority of the African populations.

Ironically, the perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide fled into the Congo and were housed in refugee camps set up by none other than the United Nations. At least until the RPF crossed the border and started their own genocide in earnest. There's an example of post-colonialism (or well-meaning UN interventionism) fucking things up just as bad as the colonial period ever did.

>> No.21822318

Julius Nyerere, Tanzania, and the IMF

>> No.21822325

Don't forget that the French heard a genocide was going on, showed up to help, and then spent the first few days helping the genociders by mistake

>> No.21822371

>the first few days helping the genociders by mistake
that'd make a great comedy

>> No.21822397

You can add the documentary Africa Addio as a side document.

>> No.21822423

I mean, this was quite obviously written by someone with an agenda. I'd be surprised if they're telling the truth at all.

>> No.21822475

yeah, the account of his friend going bankrupt after his father took 20 loaves of bread is a little suspect, and I stopped reading there (which is where I started reading)

>> No.21822497

White people.

Destroyed it through centuries of exploitation and colonization.

>> No.21822565

Seethe more Nicolas Isahiah James Ahmed Mobutu.

>> No.21822573

Stunning and brave

>> No.21822589

do niggers really believe this?

>> No.21822681

Literally no, just whites

>> No.21822693

Most black people look down on Africans.
Western africans are the cream of the crop, evolved and genetically superior stock. Their violent criminals and retards were repeatedly lynched, sterilized, or imprisoned. Comparing western blacks to african ones is horribly insulting.

>> No.21822728
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>western blacks
>cream of the crop

>> No.21822778

Those are probably first or second generation immigrant retards, and now that progressives are trying to claim they're "exactly equal" to everyone else, nothing will be done about them.

>> No.21822780

The psychology of the populations and their leaders. They are too hot-blooded to have a calm constructive project. This was known to western scholars before woke. Speaking as a native from the continent.

>> No.21822806

Yes. Good book.

>> No.21822809 [SPOILER] 
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>tfw u donno de wey

>> No.21823323

Great book, worth bumping this thread. If you like it, the author is the head of the Congo Research Group and continues his work on there.

>> No.21823731
File: 312 KB, 802x1259, Belgians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Belgians were so bad that even the rest of Europe was horrified at what they were doing. Pic related.

There's a list of books on the decolonisation of Africa I have somewhere, I'll see if I can find it. For the Rwandan Genocide, Dancing in the Glory of Monsters is highly rated and is a pretty good overview of the genocide and subsequent conflicts.

>> No.21824308

yeah he just went to africa as the pozzed of the pozzed, a fucking peace corps volunteer, and was therefore unprepared for how fucking retarded africans could be. have you ever been to africa? what's your agenda?

>> No.21824331

The divide was always there.

>Then when they just fucking left, having done their utmost to socially engineer a country of people who could not govern without their help, there was inevitably a bloody civil war.
Great premise, except this is what happened to literally everywhere else in Africa.

>> No.21824335

*All white people

>Their violent criminals and retards were repeatedly lynched, sterilized, or imprisoned.
Or sold as slaves

>> No.21824361

Basically no modern African nation is 'authentic'. There are no Congolese people or Nigerian people like there are Frenchmen or Englishmen. Instead it's a fuck ton of tribes with separate interests, who all desire a good condition for their people, and fight against the others for this purpose.

So you ask, why is it such a shithole? Well, when one power gets coup'd, the power that takes over tends to go full autocracy because they understand the only way to stay in power is by violently oppressing all threats. Just like happened with Stalin or Mao. And like with Athens after the Thirty Tyrants. Nations in a 'defensive' state function sub-optimally because they're guarding against threats on all sides. For a state to be prosperous, it has to be somewhat relaxed about its future existence. Africa is such a fucking political mess of tribes and resources and global interference that it's always stretched like a taut rope.

>> No.21824375

Sounds rather ethno nationalist

>> No.21824383

Humans are what humans are. Why do you think the French spent so much effort quashing local identities and dialects through education? No one identified at French at first; they were a Breton or whatever. Africa is still in that phase now.

>> No.21824392

White people destroyed Africa by buying into their guilt narrative and leaving. If white people never abandoned their belief in “civilising the savage”, they would have remained there as natural masters of the blacks. They would have developed Africa and imposed eugenic policies on it. Then Africans would have a much higher quality of life than they do now.

>> No.21824399

So what you're saying is, it is their nature to be tribalistic and retarded. Sounds pretty authentic to me.

>> No.21824415

Sounds like you heard out of that what you wanted to hear.

>> No.21824417

m8, they're literally niggers

>> No.21824422

I'm only repeating what you said. There are no Congolese or Nigerian people like there are Frechmen or Englishmen. Because they are just a bunch of retarded tribals. Are you a based racist like me or aren't you? Because you can only write shit like this off on autocratic despots for so long before you start to wonder "why aren't they doing anything about it?"

>> No.21824424

People in the balkans are still doing the same shit, that's why Yugoslavia fell apart. Call slavs subhumans or whatever though, I don't care to debate racial pseudoscience

>> No.21824429

Are you denying that their skin is literally the color of poop? Do you think God just made an entire race of people black (evil) on accident? Grow up, dummy.

>> No.21824430

The Dutch Jews fucked it up, obviously you can’t be bothered to do basic reading

>> No.21824442

iirc the earliest record of the idea that dark skin was the mark is from a papal bull around the 1100s shittalking ethiopians

>> No.21824445

Surely if you're a racist you must congratulate them on their tribalism. Aren't racist the biggest advocates of tribalism, of protecting whites against external threats? Perhaps on some other angle you can insult Africans, but I would assume on this matter you would actually praise them.

>> No.21824455

No, and that's not what I said. However I will say that if africans are happy in their shithole tribal nations, then what gives you (whitey) the right to go in there and try to save their lives with capitalism and democracy? I approach this from the same line of reasoning as the american constitution. It is hard coded in the constitution that we the people have the right to overthrow the government and install a fascist dictatorship if we want to. Who are you to say any different?

>> No.21824460

>retard libshit equates racism with ooga booga tribalism
It's always funny when people fall for their own propaganda. Race is real, it's a biological reality, if anyone ever wants to progress towards a better world we must cull the undesirable mongoloid retards. This has nothing to do with tribalism, as a downie retard can be randomly born anywhere and all downies should be killed regardless of their race.

>> No.21824471

>install a fascist dictatorship
You missed the whole point, it’s to re-establish a republic without tyranny. Fascist government is inherently tyrannical.

>> No.21824475

We the people believe otherwise. You missed the whole point of we the people.
>Fascist government is inherently tyrannical!!!
Very interesting. Now face the wall please.

>> No.21824477

What’s wrong with keeping the downy as long as they don’t breed?

>> No.21824479

Your face the wall comment is inherently tyrannical retard

>> No.21824480

That's unrelated to what we were talking about I think. Anyway, there is no morality on the global stage. It's just competing powers, the stronger wins.
I am not a lib or a leftist.
If racism is good, and tribalism is bad, why not make Europe one monolithic country and erase all national identities? Would you advocate that? That is the logical conclusion of your post.

>> No.21824487

>You killing british soldiers trying to calm their colony is inherently tyrannical!!!
Very interesting. We the people do not really care.
Okay, so how did one power get stronger. Did race have anything to do with it?

>> No.21824488

You betas aren’t we

>> No.21824491

>why not make Europe one monolithic country and erase all national identities? Would you advocate that? That is the logical conclusion of your post.
Yes, but I would take it further, Globalism is a good thing, there should be a one world government, the idea that humans should be allowed to have different laws in different places suggests that morality is subjective and that right and wrong change depending upon the geography, that is of course nonsense. We need racist globalism that forces humans to be moral, we need Hitler to rise again and force everyone to become vegan. We need utopia.

>> No.21824494

I’m going to stop arguing with 80iq niggers

>> No.21824507

Stop arguing with your oligarchical masters too dimwit. I wonder if you consider them inherently tyrannical as well.

>> No.21824535

I'm surprised how you think racism is correct but shy away from tribalism, when it's basically proven some ethnic tribes are smarter than others. Look at Parsis for example, they're considered to have one of the highest IQs of any group and they're very closely-tied genetically. If you're a racist, isn't it still logical to admit some groups of whites are above others?

>> No.21824559

"I don't want it to be true" is not sufficient grounds to denounce something as false

>> No.21824570

Obviously some groups of Whites are above others, Germanics are objectively better than Anglos and Meds. Regardless, tribalism is outdated. We need to unify the races so that true individuals can exist, only once we create a singular race can the White man be free to be himself.

>> No.21824651

>I want to understand exactly what the fuck is wrong with Africa as far as political stability goes
Insane degree of biodiversity and different habitats mean that every tribe has their own local culture that's disparately different from other tribes. This makes them not mesh together well, so conflict ensues. Conflict breeds instability.
Historically, large stable empires (Incas, Mycenians, Egyptians, Sumerians, Chinese, Indian, Greeks, etc) have only properly spread their influence through relatively homogenous areas in terms of climate and geography.

>> No.21824658

The biodiversity of Africa is not significantly different from that of Italy or parts of Eurasia like Tibet and northern India.

>> No.21824745

>minor clan-based skirmishes that occasionally crossed into people with different ways of life = hacking up an entire ethnic group with machetes while the government sets up checkpoints to make sure none can escape
Stunning AND brave. Truly one of the most insightful takes on the matter I gave ever read.

>> No.21824774

The IQ is what differs

>> No.21824810

The divide was not always there, the two tribes had inter married to the point of being one. Belgium then brought it back and actively assigned them their tribe, forcing them to carry an ID card that stated it.
It's also not accurate to say that every country in Africa was socially engineered to fail without Europeans. Britain especially worked very hard to train up bureaucrats who could take over when they left.

>> No.21824837

Why do arabs never get shit for trading in african slaves for over fourteen centuries but people absolutely lose their shit at europeans doing it for at most four? Arabs never did anything to stop it, either, neither did they ever think to lift subsaharan africa out of the stone age.

>> No.21824869

Communism and america kinda fucked the place up even more during the cold war by arming whatever nigger warlord they could find to fight a proxy war for them.

>> No.21824894
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Here we go. Mike Hoare's books, particularly Congo Mercenary, are also quite good, written by a guy who was there and did it all. He was pretty much everywhere there was fighting to be found in the 60s.

>> No.21824905 [DELETED] 

Arabs are niggers and thus a protected class

>> No.21824921

Because arabs are low-iq shitskins just like the africans.

>> No.21824961

Why would you ask a question to which you already know the answer? Just look at some of the posts made by spoiled whities in this thread. Satanic globohomo distortions of the truth are everywhere.

>> No.21825511

yeah his agenda is not wanting to live in a world where the average IQ is 57

>> No.21825521

Nonsense. They were distinctly different races.

>> No.21825528

>>minor clan-based skirmishes
Dude there were massive genocides and massacres across the entire continent when white rule went away.

>> No.21825533

I'm reading "Mad Dog Killers" now, the autobiography of one of Mike Hoare's mercenaries. Crazy stuff

>> No.21825550

This but unironically. And now those same eugenics policies (criminal justice, executions, etc) are being done away with in the west, and black criminals, gang rapists, murderers, etc are being released because "MUH SOCIOECONOMICS!!"

>> No.21825564

What's the subject matter? Is it mostly fighting/war stuff, or does he go over the reasons why they're there (in this conflict or that) and a little bit of the political significance of the conflict?

>> No.21825574

The conflict between the Hutu and the Tutsi goes back to the kingdom prior to the colonial period. It was not colonial in origin.

>> No.21825582

>Look at Parsis
They are some of the most arrogant and inbred people I've ever met. They make mullahs look like saints. I'm glad they're dying out.
They don't even know their own history well.
Some of their ancient rituals like Barashnûm make Sharia look tame. Throwing water on fire or taking a bath in a river (both considered as spreading impurities to the sacred elements) were enough to land you into big trouble. This was before overpopulation.
Also, IQ is overrated, and not a single positive thing has come from modernity or the technological-industrial order, soulless faggot.

>> No.21825597

He has a fighting man's political interest which is basically 'niggers = bad.' It's mostly about fighting but tells a lot about the state of things.

>> No.21825599

Victims of colonialism and “neocolonialism”. In a word it’s capitalism. Racism/white supremacy exacerbates it, but it’s mostly been about robbing them blind, slave labor, all that.

>> No.21825677

Was his agenda "leave them alone"? Because that's what he says at the end, and it seems pretty reasonable to me. Finish reading it next time.

>> No.21825829

Why are you so defensive about your retarded post on some forum? I don't care if you hate niggers, but just come out and say it and don't cloak it behind some gay fucking story. No way, the literal cave men ooga booga blacks that live in mud huts and throw spears are retarded? Did you expect them to be using geometry to figure out the radius of the earth?
>I can only speak for the little corner I was in, a remote village in the Sahel, go vacation there bro
>From my experience there I can say with no hint of irony that Asians are ant people and Africans, of which there are more than a billion, are just the opposite bro
Stupid faggot

>> No.21825836

t. Never been to Africa

>> No.21826306

Calls Kenya a 1-party state. KANU left power in 2002 , thats 21 yrs ago and is not even considered a real party anymore. Check how many seats they have in Parliament ?
When you write this shit do you imagine people cannot fact-check what you write ?

>> No.21826549

Ah, I guess my info is out of date. I should take another look at the state of everything, since it's been a while since I really dug into it

>> No.21826564

Nice cope. It's actually the other way around. Africans look down on American Blacks. I used to live with Africans in college and they all used to call blacks niggers.

>> No.21826986
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>Did you expect them to be using geometry to figure out the radius of the earth

i have bad news

>> No.21826998

Can I get a nigger word pass from an African African or does it have to come from an African American since they are the real victims and targets of the nigger word?

>> No.21828020

Niggers are dumber than rocks.