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/lit/ - Literature

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21821243 No.21821243 [Reply] [Original]

So we more than likely really are living in a simulation but for what purpose?, are we being harvested? What parts of us? Is our bio electricity/brain power needed for some kind of machine god ala matrix? We’re we criminals of some kind sent to be punished here

My own theory is that our dreams feed some kind of old god

>> No.21821246

What does this thread have to do with literature?

>> No.21822329

I’ve noticed that this board has refugees from just about every board I’ve ever frequented, for some reason we all end up here wether we are fitizens, virgins, xphiles, Spartans, pedos, schizos, polacks, trannies, what have you

I ask this question here because this board is the nexus for all these varying perspectives and insights, and desu the people here are just flat out smart

Indeed if I’m to find an answer to this, Itl be from this board

>> No.21822366

>We live in a simulation because… BECAUSE WE DO OK?
If we move on from that point, the reason we experience the simulation is directly tied to how the simulation works. One theory is that an advanced humanity (us in say 1000 years or whatev) runs ancestral life simulations. If that is true, then the reason would be the study history/life of their ancestors (our perceived reality). The why is dictated by the who and how.

>> No.21822432
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>and desu the people here are just flat out smart

>> No.21822437

Simulation theory is for people who want to talk about God without saying God

>> No.21822518

if we're a simulation we'd have no way of knowing what "reality" is really like because everything down to the fundamental laws of our universe would be code in a computer. We may not even be real ourselves. We could all just be parts of the simulation, nothing but code.
This could all be some sort of scientific experiment, a work of art, entertainment, maybe we're all just NPCs in somebody's game of Civilization.
Personally, I think its pointless to consider because if reality is a simulation and we're all simulations too, then its just as real to us as if it weren't a simulation.

>> No.21822523
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Here's an infograph of possible reasons the simulation might exist


>> No.21822564

When you die and meet God, turns out it's just some sweaty nerd. "Sorry about all the suffering and whatever," he says, "but my professor said I had to make the simulation realistic."

I'd certainly be creating historical simulations to see how else things could have gone, had I that power. But I don't, so I just read philosophy and play /gsg/ games.