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21820919 No.21820919 [Reply] [Original]

No one here has a valid complaint against the book other than that there is a black man in it.

>> No.21820922

A black rapist who managed to get away with his crime

>> No.21820933

>Even American literature is about their negro worship
Do Americans really?

>> No.21821197

Honestly this book is what started the phenomena

>> No.21821468

What about Uncle Tom's Cabin and Huckelberry Finn?

>> No.21821474

/lit/ is filled with the kind of guys who would have attended a “lynching party” in the old South. Does this really surprise you?

>> No.21821485

I never had this book assigned to me in any English class because Jesus loves me specifically and not other people

>> No.21821553

Don't forget people who criticize just because it was made by a woman. There is an equal amount of misogynist as their is racist

>> No.21821582

It's an eternal guilt trip because of slavery, where fellating negroes is the norm.

>> No.21821628
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Why is it always women defending negroes

>> No.21821630

>believe all women!
>wait, not that one!
Progressives really need to make up their minds.

>> No.21821633

Yes, but to lynch Leo Frank.

>> No.21821634 [DELETED] 

Because they want big black cock, not whatever frail, racist, rightfuly unused, shriveled, and useless coomer shit you got under there

>> No.21821635

fucking bird mocking everyone he deserved it

>> No.21821639 [DELETED] 

I don't particularly like women nor negroes, but it's a great novel.

>> No.21821660


>> No.21821689

I really like the book but I think the moral of the story is delivered pretty poorly. It just feels like the author is stating an opinion. I doubt it would ever convince someone who didn't already agree with it.
That being said it's worth reading for the pose alone.

>> No.21821693

>I don't particularly like women nor negroes
>Book is told by a little girl about how racism and prejudice is fucking stupid and unfair
>a great novel
Your mind on retarded alt-right conservatism. How in the fuck do you think its great when it clearly critcizes retards like you?

>> No.21821703

These types of people have an astonishingly difficult time deciphering even the most basic social commentary in books.
See also: Fight Club, American Psycho

>> No.21822136

to be fair that is an extremely valid complaint

>> No.21822154 [DELETED] 

Just because negroes on average are the human equivalent of a pitbull doesn't mean all of them are bad or that they shouldn't have the right to a fair trial, specially when a blacked slut is the one accusing them.

>> No.21822175

Some people are capable of entertaining thoughts they don’t hold

>> No.21822196

Read the actual story, retard.

>> No.21822204

not that anon, but your pathetic insults aren't particularly intimidating

>> No.21822213

Unreliable narrator. He was guilty.

>> No.21822237

They arent insults Im stating facts. It also seems it must've affected you too. Since you're replying to a guy who just made fun of a loser racist who obviously gets mad that women date other races

>> No.21822252

Fight club was meant to be a romance(failing) and Chuck, like in his other books very thinly hides his disdain for consumerism. Which isn't even counter to actual right wingers

American psycho just falls in line with women and gay men's obsession with writing out murder porn. Yeah yeah mockery of 80s masculinity, just used as an excuse to be gross.

With both instances the movies were more coherent than the books.

>> No.21822304

Yeah but why? It would be like me fully reading a story about how the Nazi's won ww2. Killed everyone not aryan and the book just explains how this was the best thing for humanity and its played completely straight. Than I say I loved it. What racist would love or think a book is great when it so passionatly hates and critcizes racist, almost the entire time?
Its not just about 80's masculinity and murder porn. Its about yuppie culture, the evil fakeness of the fraudulent capitalist upper class, strict enviroments compressing the lives of boys and eventually men, and there being no way to escape the cycle this specified societal role in a culture of this sort. What elementary way of thinking its just murder, torture, and basic 80's masculinity criticism

>> No.21822343

>It would be like me fully reading a story about how the Nazi's won ww2. Killed everyone not aryan and the book just explains how this was the best thing for humanity and its played completely straight. Than I say I loved it.
That would be nice. Unfortunately, we live in a world where your side tries to destroy any art and artist you dislike. You’ll even attack art you once loved if the creator later takes a stance you don’t like (see: Harry Potter). What a shame. I wish you would be able to hold thoughts you don’t agree with

>> No.21822416
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The theme of White working class people as filthy and racist freaks who make up rape stories struck me as cruel and in ill taste after the tragic mass rapes against working class White girls in Rotterham Britain
I still like the comfy relationships and the crazy guy Boo who saves the kid in the end

>> No.21822444

are you a brown faggot like your picrel? I'd make you my bitch

>> No.21822446

Whoever made that edit should be drawn and quartered

>> No.21822453

Nazi's blow my fucking mind with how godamn stupid they're. Youre complaining about your "culture" dying. It fucking isnt go outside, shit is still white supermacy and capitalistic as hell. I dont what your "culture" even means, like what white culture are you even fucking talking about. Because I doudt its gone, its just not the #1 most raved and talked about shit since not everyone in the godamn world is "white", and white also means different cultures. Ones that would need to be destroyed as well since youre a dumbass nazi.

I also LoVE how you people cant understand that all the shit you hate is because of capitalism not some marxist or leftist bs, and sorry people dont suck off shitty Nazi anything because everyone knows its fucking retarded and the only culture it has is the erasure of others.

Your entire idealogy is all about destroying other cultures indefintley. Your shit idealogy would 100% collapse if theirs no won to kill and pillage, since there's always has to be hate mongering for it to "work". I can go on and on about holding your beliefs, I can understand why people think the way they do about it. But Im not so fucking stupid to actually believe it and think its a just idealogy. It the brainchild of pathetic men wanting to feel superior to others. And you know what happened? They rightfuly killed themselves and ran away like pussies after fighting one war and losing

Lastly for the dumbass artist crap youre strawmaning. I always disliked J.K Rowling genuinely a shit fucking writer that got famous from fucking white liberals and imperessinable kids. People just grew up and understood how shit the books are and the politics in them. As for J.K Rowling herself and her opinions, if someone has opinions about hating a group of people for no reason but dumbassery, she should be criticized. Not to mention she aligns with dumbass alt-right retards like yourself as her friends in rl and online. People still love the movies since her influnce is barely there.

There you go I held your thoughs, you godamn loser

>> No.21822458

my relationships with neroids and women are both strained, but in very different ways.

>> No.21822459

Didn’t read

>> No.21822485
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You probably don't read in general. So why are dumbass fucks like you on /lit/

>> No.21822488

Yeah,no shit its strained. Youre a fucking moron loser who thinks people not looking like you equals bad

>> No.21822543

>leftist has histrionic rant full of the word "fucking" while directly inverting reality and claiming the other person is the one doing so
It's like they make you in factories kek

>> No.21822559
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The book that buckbroke this entire thread.

It's literally over.

>> No.21822580

I don’t even get the ending of it. “I held your thoughts”? Like, he understands and empathizes with what nazis believe, even if he disagrees? That doesn’t seem to be the case considering the shrieking histrionics

>> No.21822585

Oh I don’t think niggers are bad because of how they look. If there was a race that looked like niggers but weren’t insane drug-hungry murdering gangbanging rapists, I’d have no objection to that race or it’s existence

>> No.21822600

Inverting what? Nazi's are all about being controlled by one political party indefintley and being controlled to hate groups of people by propaganda and legislature they cant dismantle. Their idealogy is perpetual hate, nothing else.

White culture isnt gone at all people are just crybabies that are upset that not everything they see is white people 24/7.
People like Harry Potter movies but usually hate the books and author for her stupid politics.

Im not reverting anything if you're mad at the state of the world you're just a blind to the fact its all your fault that nothing changes and gets better.

The world is run by liberals and conservatives. Liberals are just right leaning moderates (like shit from the 50's and under so all the trad people should be happy that their idealogy is intact),with next to none left winning policies and consertives are far-right just because their idealogy is dying as its starting to become more moderate.

So go fuck yourself for being so mentally stupid on politics and the world

>> No.21822602

No I am an old crinkly Asian woman who would like to watch

>> No.21822610

>The world is run by liberals and conservatives. Liberals are just right leaning moderates (like shit from the 50's and under so all the trad people should be happy that their idealogy is intact),with next to none left winning policies and consertives are far-right just because their idealogy is dying as its starting to become more moderate.
This is completely wrong. Liberals are far far far leftists, and conservatives are just more moderate liberals. You also said “the world” when you meant to say “the United States”

>> No.21822613

If what we have now is right wing to you then how do you distinguish it from the US of 1800? You don't think abolishing eg the fed, income tax, the civil rights act, fbi, etc would be radical changes?

>> No.21822614
File: 90 KB, 1024x571, a0758cb50c6c790626721b4fda59af99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The usual ""nazi"" vs. ""leftist"" argument that never ends. lame!

Neon is the future, we need more neon in America. We need more chrome on our cars. We need to kill the LEDfags and insert our argon/neon dominance in our signage. Become a neonist and turn the directional ideologies inside out!

>Verification not required.

>> No.21822617

The US hasn’t changed in any conceivable way since the 1800s

>> No.21822619

No the guy I replied too is talking about how I should condone, fully listen, and empathisize with his stupid idealogy. So Im saying I realized its wrong by just examing it, held just means examination in this case.

>> No.21822620

>Buddy Hacket
Kek, that guy is funny

>> No.21822621

Could you pretend you are a nazi for a second?
Make a post at me in-character, arguing for me to be a nazi. Pretend all the posts you have previously made in this thread were made by me, and you’re now responding to me

>> No.21822623

Who hurt you or what propganda as a substitute for an outside real life experince did you come across and belive in?

>> No.21822641

American psycho is infantile writing describing rape and murder. It's a book about caricatures of 80s work culture. It's shallow and stupid and to think differently is the epitome of pseud.

>> No.21822647

He will be revived with neon and restored with a chromium body. In a neon America, everyone laughs.

>> No.21822678

Thank you! American Psycho is only beloved by leftists because they view it as “ironic.” Nothing in the actual text supports this reading, it’s just because the author said it was. It is a chud book about how murdering homeless people and prostitutes is cool and good.
I often think of Charles Krafft. He was a sculptor who made really provocative art involving far-right and fascist themes. Museums exhibited his work, until it later turned out he wasn’t being ironic - he was a neonazi and this was an unironic statement of his beliefs. Suddenly people had to grapple with his “complicated legacy.”
If the Turner Diaries was exactly the same, but written by an academic or media darling, if it had a hollywood movie adaptation, then people would say “lol right wingers you missed the point by idolizing them”

>> No.21822684

Holy fuck how assblasted are you, you fucking spastic faggot? You're foaming at the mouth so hard you can barely even get a sentence written out without any typos.
It's funny how all the criticisms you have against national socialism is based on misinformation derived from decade old soviet propaganda, but that's to be expected since you probably also idolize the works of Marx, Lenin, trotsky, etc..
You really are incapable of sincerely entertaining ideas that conflict with your own, and your little soi tantrum won't change anyone's mind about that.
> I can go on and on about holding your beliefs
Literally nothing you wrote reflects anyone's beliefs. You just posted a bunch of leftist misconceptions about "le ebil right wingers", which are so comically conflated and exaggerated, that no one except for other brainlet leftists would actually believe.
Anyway, at least you proved to everyone, beyond reasonable doubt, that you have no capacity to relate to or empathize with things different from your own ideological mind state. Pretty ironic since you fags are always the "tolerant" ones. I'm not the anon you responded to, but I also enjoyed TKAM despite not entirely agreeing with the main message. The themes of the book are still well supported by the writing, character arcs and setting are comfy and pretty nicely written, and overall it's just a nice story that makes for a good introduction to lit analysis. It's a well crafted book with nice message and theme, and I'm confident enough in my beliefs that I can enjoy a piece of fiction that challenges them to some extent.
Funnily enough, I only became as racist and right-wing as I currently am because I was open-minded enough to explore these radical ideas which I was taught to abhorrently reject. I'm still open to evidence disproving racial dimorphism, as I've come to understand it, but so far it turns out most people arguing against it, such as yourself, are scientifically illiterate (or rather just illiterate in general).
Kill yourself dumb faggot nigger.

>> No.21822690 [DELETED] 

Why would I ever pretend to be retarded? For your amusement? Do you get some cheap thrill for nazi's or something?

All I would type is the same slog 90% of this board types already. I would just I hate N******, they sure do bad stuff despite the societal powers kicking their ass for centuries abusing them and forcing them into low income communties with next to zero way out. As even the people inside the most gang and crime ridden areas fucking hate living in them and want there to be a way out. Only for the super smart and intellgent people say they did that to themselves, despite being in a country that only exist because of the combined efforts of whites and blacks, even when that group was enslaved.

Hh man I hate leftist they sure do have a lack of power and agency. Yet I'll blame them and their idealogy despite my own idealogy is killing the world and harassing every group of people including whites.

Oh maybe about how Hitler did nothing wrong despite killing innocent lives and wanting to bully everyone under his boot. Ill say how he was so smart yet he shot himself like a coward for realizing all his pursuits were stupid and was a loser idealogy from the start.

Oh man I hate Jewish people, they definitely control everything despite not even being the most popular religion for rich people. While also being demonized and killed for centuries and still do showing their lack of power in almost all of human history. Also how the whole idea of a secret cabal is totally a thing despite giant all powerful agencies like the CIA, FBI, and other giant government agencies do a shit job hiding all the non-sensical shit they do. So an even bigger one controlling all aspects of American life and the world in general can totally be a thing even though theirs zero academic or journalistic proof. That would totally be a thing to exist because my nazi idealogy is so smart, stupid leftist with their concern for all groups of people. Why cant they suck off Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos dick like the rest of us.

There you happy? Best I can do beliving in such a cuck way of thinking

>> No.21822701
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>Also how the whole idea of a secret cabal is totally a thing despite giant all powerful agencies like the CIA, FBI, and other giant government agencies do a shit job hiding all the non-sensical shit they do.
Indeed anon, indeed.

>> No.21822749

This is unhinge. Must be bait.

>> No.21822755

Writing like that is fatherless behavior. I don't know what about not tossing ball with your dad makes you go on unhinged rants about nazi projection.

>> No.21822764

Not OP but man, I won't say that if I were you. Especially since you're on 4chan.

>> No.21822773

For one you would most likely consider me a pseud. Then two academics like making up themes in books that weren't intended. Ontop of this they push the "seperate the work from the artist", if you have any sort of social intelligence 99% of authors bleed their world view into their books even if they're not trying to. This applies to any art medium.

>> No.21822776

Love this, I was actually a slightly alt right dude at some point. But you know what. I was actually open minded because I made sure to look at both sides by reading and following different people with totally different beliefs. Over time the whole idea of a conservative idealogy came to be really stupid to me. Nothing seems more dumb to me now than going back to the past and maintaining things that were terrible back than. Free market for example is a dumb idealogy since it just makes an authoratative regime controlled by corporations since theyll be nobody to reign the more powerful ones in, companies and business are already authortative since workers can't make changes unless the boss is kind or an employee as a big enough stake of a company (which isnt a thing).

As for race science, its 99% bullshit, its been proven to be wrong, time and time again. Literally read or listen to any anthropologist about genetics, heres a solid enough article if you actually care to learn about something besides your own beliefs. I recommend more research after this


JSTOR is another great resource for research since theirs something called peer review. Not sure you heard of it but its fine, you know now. But I doubt you would use it because you probably believe in leftist propganda academia theory or something. But trust me its actually something accurate for once. Im sending some links, one to learn how to use JSTOR and the other about why the leftist academia propganda conspiracy theory is stupid and why academia in inherentley left leaning



Heres an article about Reaganomics being the worst despite conservatives loving the 80's so much.


Lastly heres the most important thing of all, its called a biased chart thats great for examing bias for the news. You can use this for exploring articles and making sure you can come to your own conclusions and not get swayed by rhetoric


Hopefuly you can make that open minded rant about me and put it into actual action. I made sure to be open minded awhile ago and still am for the most part. But, Im not really going back to actually believing that conservative shit Ive done research and self reflection before. Good luck. But I'll be more than anything you'll stay in your tight racist bubble instead of doing research

>> No.21822783

Exactly, people truly believe that bs about there being some giant Jewish world government when the FBI will literally say they couldnt find 24/7 surveillance footage or that it was turned off. Not to mention the shit about drugs in the 80's and the weird experiments like the women fucking that dolphin, that anyone can find out for free.

>> No.21822784

You stopped being right wing out of fear of consequences and you narrativized it as a moral choice. The kind of repressed panic your type always has makes this rather obvious

>> No.21822788

You're not reading the proper articles about race.


There's a lot of disingenuous use of academics talking about race. Europeans as a whole are very related. But in terms of black africans populations have greater distance between eachother than to some eurasian groups. Which doesn't mean anything at all, other than Africa being more genetically diverse than Europeans are.

>> No.21822795

The cabal in question told the fbi to cool their jets if you can read between the lines. It also had him murdered in a prison and the prison lost the footage, and it sealed the Maxwell court documents, etc.

>> No.21822802

Haha no. Tf, most of my family and friends are still conservative, my entire friend group back in high school were conservatives, I even knew a few Nazi's that I was friends with. We talked about how America bombed railways so a lot of starvation of Jewish prisoners was by them or the stupid wooden doors cospiracy theory. When I started college I was still a conservative and open about it when asking questions and discussions. Left leaning Professors still liked me and I had multiple people who shared the same beliefs. I literally just read more and had learned tools from a library class I took to be more informed, thats when I realized /pol/ is fucking stupid, the links to alt right personalities with shit research were awful, the history of humanity strugglealways has a powerful group of people in charge abusing power or ignorant people who dont care about the poor or working class, and our system isnt controlled by leftist its by conservative moderates. So nice try but you're wrong about me. I could give less of a shit of being ostracized for my beliefs

>> No.21822810

Your family and friends arent in power bucko, they're no threat to you. You know very well who is in power because you've tailored your beliefs carefully to make sure you wont piss them off and incur any unfun stuff

>> No.21822811
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>Best I can do beliving in such a cuck way of thinking
Holy fuck the irony...
I would just I hate N****** [Niggers], they sure do bad stuff despite the societal powers kicking their ass for centuries abusing them and forcing them into low income communties with next to zero way out
Lmao, ok, we get it, you're too sensitive to accept reality. You don't have to keep bragging about it.

>> No.21822817

how is that not a valid complaint, niggers suck and I don't want to read about them, simple as

>> No.21822818
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Read the sequel where it’s revealed Atticus is pro-Jim Crow

>> No.21822819

Yeah theirs a tiny bit of difference but its not like a major difference to hate people for any reason. Just look at chimpanzees they have completely different genetic data despite being so similar.


Humans are more similar to each other than the majority of other animals. Yet people will justify hating black people, Native Americans, asians, and etc for being subhuman for not being similar looking. When thats straight up bullshit

>> No.21822825

anon, quit wasting your time being sincere. be shitty to the nazis in ways they respond to, the way you're going about it, you might as well lecture a dog on utilitarianism. they have spent years of practice sanding away the grit of their own critical thinking skills, so the only remotely useful things sane people can say are those that undermine their worldview. right now, you aren't doing that. good try tho, brother

>> No.21822828

There is no cabal, just rich people not wanting to be caught in sex crimes. Its practiacally the same thing as a pimp who had some underage girls he would hand off to politicians. Politicians just pulled some strings to not get the heat so they cant get canceled and they dont lose re-election. (Also if you pull up that celebrity list as a refusal, which you shouldnt. That list of the celebrities thats suppose to be "factual" is some hilarious conspiracy nonsense)

>> No.21822838

That's disingenuous use of populations which I was talking about.

> Surprisingly, even though all the chimpanzees live in relatively close proximity, chimpanzees from different populations were substantially more different genetically than humans living on different continents. That is despite the fact that the habitats of two of the groups are separated only by a river.

Like they could be weighing north africans like Algerians vs Greeks and people in the levant. They provide no numbers and nothing specific to compare.

Dogs, wolves and coyotes share closer similarity and yet are considered different species

>> No.21822839

Thanks dude you're right. I've been taking this shit too far, no way of helping people out from their own mental poltical prison. Atleast I got some writing practice off

>> No.21822840

Mr Epstein was collecting blackmail info on powerful people on behalf of the very cabal we are discussing m80

>> No.21822842

I'm arguing on the "nazi"(not really) side thoughbeit. Perhaps you replied to the wrong person

>> No.21822843

if it's any consolation, I felt your posts were decently reasonable. just no point casting pearls before swine

>> No.21822846

welp rekt myself then, good day regardless.

>> No.21822862

Ive talked to anthropologist before about this stuff and read some research articles. They all told me how race is a social construct and the little difference their is so negligible to almost be pointless. Im pooped out to go back and find them, but if you're interested definitely read some research papers about the subject. I remember one crazy fact I heard was how the two most distinct human populations for each other were still 98% similar to each other. So I would say for that race science is bs in the conservative sense is bs in my book

>> No.21822872

I posted the article of a renowned anthropologist on NY times of saying why your methods of using the term social constructs is stupid.

We share 60% of the same DNA as a banana every fraction of % is big

>> No.21822883

Talk to a geneticist if you want to know about race, since the only meaningful definition of race is genetic clustering due to ancestry. It's more complicated than simply grouping them into 6 categories or whatever but the intuitive old classifications like "caucasoid", "mongoloid" etc do refer to actual patterns of ancestry. I mean you can discern it just by looking at facial features and whatnot.

Instead of a tree it helps to think of human race as a delta shape since after populations split they can merge again.

>> No.21822908

Without reading a single post, I bet there is much /pol/posting going on. Skull shapes, crimes statistics, dna, and political mudslinging

>> No.21822912

Pretty sure that's just what they called people with down syndrome back in the day. They just thought it was a result of sleeping with mongols. Idk that's what nick mullen said on cumtown. I'm not checking or reading the thread though

>> No.21822952

Main complaint is that Capote's other books are better.

>> No.21822965

In Cold Blood is kind of schlocky and there's something about it that reeks of airport novel, but it's such a great book. Doesn't get enough respect.

>> No.21822980

Look up Liberalism defintion and youll realize it isnt left at all. Farthest from the left is anarchism is liberal even close to that?

Liberalism pretty much started getting more relevant because of Margret Thatcher. Check out where she was politically and all the fun stuff she did for England. Does it seem similar for what people want in the U.S?

Also no, conservatives are not left leaning in any capacity genuinely insane take or you just want YOU's.

>> No.21822983

Kek no it meant asians, using Mongols as the type name

>> No.21823010

Conservatives are left wing in the following senses
>believe in voting
>believe in income tax(some of them)
>believe in various social programs
>believe women should have rights
>anti slavery
>anti feudalism
>believe in freedom of religion

>> No.21823049

>believe in voting
Unless other sides guy wins fairly. In which theyll storm the capital and ask for a fraudulent recount
>believe in income tax (some of them)
Usually no, conservatives nowdays just was a free market system. Only a rare few want taxes in general, the recent conservatives want to get rid of social services nowdays
>believe in various social programs
Left leaning idea first and foremost. The right dont even want welfare or a better system of healthcare, etc. Not really a thing they want
>believe woman should have rights
Excellent bait for the whole thing but Ill keep going for fun. Most conservative men belive in the idea of wife who only stays in the household, why in the hell would they care for woman by beliving in such a restrictive system for a martial spouse
>anti slavery
Yeah thats a thing everyone wants. Only a few outliers that shouldnt even be noticed
They want everything to be controlled by people who "earn their wealth". Also once again the right, including conservatives are okay with fascism nowdays. Same thing more or less
>freedom of religion
God I hope so. But with how much the right hates muslims and they still have a stigma about it. Yeah freedom of religion but mostly just for christanity

Bad bait but in the off chance you're a kid that doesnt know what theyre talking about. I'll take the off chance Im not taking a bite

>> No.21823052

That's great to hear buddy, trust me, you're in no position to lecture someone like me about peer-reviewed articles, but I won't digress.

Let's go over some of your lins together then.
>authored by Vivian Chu, Ph.D. candidate in Biological/ Biomed at Harvard..
Wow, essentially a pop sci magazine article written by not-even-a-PhD.
A cursory reading of this article reveals a lot of bias injected into her findings,
"Science and genetics: Instruments of modern racism

Despite the scientific consensus that humanity is more alike than unlike, the long history of racism is a somber reminder that throughout human history, a mere 0.1% of variation has been sufficient justification for committing all manner of discriminations and atrocities. The advances in human genetics and the evidence of negligible differences between races might be expected to halt racist arguments. But, in fact, genetics has been used to further racist and ethnocentric arguments—as in the case of the alt-right, which promotes far-right ideologies, including white nationalism and anti-Semitism."

Oy Vey, very sound arguments there. Please tell me more about how to look for bias in supposed scientific, objective, articles. I'm sure there's no way Mizz Chu would have any type of agenda swaying her presentation of this scientific data, right? Anyway it continues for a few more paragraphs about how it's important to teach the right science so that we can fight racism and the alt-right (and I wish I was being hyperbolic). Here's another quote from VIvian,
"In the biological and social sciences, the consensus is clear: race is a social construct, not a biological attribute. " Note that there's also a hyperlink to a paywalled NYT article intended as a citation for Chu's definitive claim. The article she's citing is, "Do races differ? Not really, genes show", Natalie Angier, New York Times, August 2000.
Is this really THE source you wanna use, Vivian? Maybe something published within the last 10 years or so would be a little more convincing.
Even in the comments section of Vivian's article, there's people refuting it in more words than I'm willing to allocate to this response.
>Youtube video of some random faggot and their poorly sourced opinions
Ok awesome more great unbiased sources
>Heres an article about Reaganomics
Who even mentioned reaganomics? You have this conflated idea of the right wing conservative boogeyman that you're fighting and assume everyone who argues against you matches this ridiculous fabrication.
Here's an article from 2015 confirming notable racial variation in the human genome.
Someone so well versed in science such as yourself should appreciate that I'm providing you with an unbiased primary source, rather than secondary and tertiary sources like the opinion pieces you posted.
Feel free to run your own sources through your bias chart, you donkey raping shiteater.

>> No.21823069

They've only stormed the Capitol that one time they generally do believe in voting and that that specific vote was a sham. Only extreme libertarians want no income tax not the RNC. They support all kinds of social services just less than Democrats. They want women to be in the house but they dont want to force them to be, ie they want them to have rights. Slavery was common when the original right wing was formed. Feudalism is not remotely the same thing as fascism, it's the blood inheritance of political positions, conservatives do not want this. Conservatives have no intention of making synagogues illegal, they are mostly a bunch of philosemites.

>> No.21823075

>There's no way the people who control everything can control and manipulate the FBI.
Or are you implying that if there was a secret conspiracy they would slip up about it, because there are many cases of Jewish people in positions of significant power openly stating their intentions, since they realize the average midwit (i.e (you)) wouldn't believe it anyway and would rush to defend them,exactly like you're doing.

>> No.21823128

>Yet people will justify hating black people, Native Americans, asians, and etc for being subhuman for not being similar looking
Again, that's not the point of our arguments about race realism, and it's sad that someone so tolerant such as yourself keeps jumping to that extreme. I understand the differences between different breeds of dogs, different variations of closely related plant, animal, bacterial species. That doesn't mean I hate them. Better understanding your reality only allows you to make better informed choices. I don't support slavery or racial genocide against anyone. I also don't see why only the white countries of the world are encouraged to import niggers into their population and provide trillions of dollars in foreign aid to African tribes that have been living independently of other societies for centuries. Africans can keep doing killing each and eating each other or building wakanda or whatever in Africa, White countries that have been settled and developed by whites should have the sovereignty to remain white regardless of Israel and the EU wants to dictate.
Maybe look into the history of Slave trading and merchant routes and how those things developed over the past 1000+ years, though you might stumble across some anti-semitic information.

>> No.21823134
File: 99 KB, 886x1078, E3oNB6fXoAwHbLe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right wingers were originally monarchists. Left wingers were liberals. Monarchists eventually disappeared and got replaced by conservatives, who believe in the same things liberals believed 10 years ago at any given time. Anarchism is irrelevant. It's disingenuous to call it "the real left" when it's just a fantasy. The only thing those "we are the real leftist" types are achieving is making liberalism look moderate, which is partly why they are kept around, but it's as nonsensical as if the right defined the "real right" as a government headed by Jesus after he brings Paradise to Earth. By making "real leftism" something so far removed from reality, it becomes easy for politicians to present themselves as moderates even if they are pushing something extreme, because hey, it's not like it's real leftism, right? But also it gives them an easy excuse to ditch any commitment, because they were just compromises anyway, and we shouldn't let them stop us in our path to our real ideals, which are, of course, unworkable. The point is, leftists are the useful idiots of the liberals.

>> No.21823150

Very well said anon. I like that Millennium Kingdom of Christ analogy, I’m going to remember it and use it in the future

>> No.21823184

Kill yourselves retarded faggots

>> No.21823192

Kill yourselves retarded faggots.

>> No.21823193

Great job everyone, I did minimial amount of actual typing but you've been seeing AI for the most part. Cheers have a great rest of your time for now on

>> No.21823194

>crime statistics and DNA are "/pol/ posting"
With reading only a single one of your posts, I can claim that you are a fucking retard.

>> No.21823202

>Heh, I'm not actually retarded, I was just AI posting
Wow, glad the wonders of technological progress are being put to good use

>> No.21823211

Kill yourself retarded faggot

>> No.21823224

Go ahead and refute those crazy holocaust denial conspiracy theories then. You talk a lot without actually saying anything definitive.

>> No.21823255
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You don't have to believe me Nigger but it happened. Was still a waste of time since I had to text for 1/5 of a single post. I'm done with this thread after this post so you can come up with any conclusion you want. Anyone who tries to say some faggot tankie shit is an imposter remember that everyone

>> No.21823265

If you prompt the ai what to say specifically then there isnt really any difference between that and what most people will write themselves. The reason you can clock AI is the weirdness of the overall structure from paragraph to paragraph. It doesnt sound like a consistent train of thought unless you tell it what to do

>> No.21823291

>muh lynching

more people are murdered by blacks in chicago in one decade than in the entire history of lynching.

>> No.21823301

i think its funny that the left are basically monarchists now a days. globalhomo desperately is trying to convience people that being a peasent or a serf is super rad, that the middle ages didnt suck for most people, and that the neo-aristocrats are totally down with heckin democracy and thats all you need to be le free.

>> No.21823308

Noo, don't post crime statistics! That type of information is /pol/ posting now, you heckin nazichudcel. please try to do better and only post things that discourage negative opinions of certain races, because all races are completely indistinguishable from each other, not just in appearance, but in behaviour. It would be dangerous to believe anything else.

>> No.21823340

I don’t think you quite get what /pol/posting is. It is the obsession and autism posting about /pol/ topics outside of /pol/

>> No.21823352

whats really dangerous is that after they remove white people they could potentially pacify the other races by restricting their diets and making them physically weak and mentally feeble with state mandated chronic malnutrition. I feel that this is one of the real reasons behind the 'eating bugs and processed protiens' narrative. If you can control a person's diet from cradle to grave, you can directly limit their growth and potential. People forget that back in the day, the heckin based peasentarino was 4 foot nothing and had an iq of 80. yes, even the white ones. Why? chronic malnutrition. In some land locked areas the peasentry in the far flung corners of europe were literally retarded due to chronic health problems. Its why most of the third world is so dumb. I mean sure, certain races are objectively stupider than others but why are western blacks better? A little bit of whitie in the blood? Maybe, that accounts for a few iq points but the real reason is... that steady supply of fried chicken and other meme foods lets them grow to their full potential. Goyslop it may be, but its still nutritionally dense and fortified with vitamins and minerals some people can only dream of eatting. Take that away, and they will revert back into a similar state as their 60 iq african cousins.

is this polposting or schitzoposting, i dont even know anymore. Ive been gaslit into believing im insane for noticing things. But one college course in nutrition as an elective has made me realize the importance of food and so when I see UN documentation on how 'we are going to feed the planet with one diet lmao xd' i start activating my almonds.

Theres a social revolution going on and it isnt left versus right in the contemporary sense. The last 3 years have had so many changes pushed through I feel like I fell into an alternate reality.

>> No.21823448

>implying there isn't a qualitative difference between drug gangs killing each other and an entire town of racists torturing an innocent person to death
I'm sorry you're retarded, anon.

>> No.21823470

Yeah that would be the question

>> No.21823483

Fuck off, jesus christ. The most famous lynching case of all time was a boy who unambiguously didn't even commit a minor crime.

>> No.21823494

You entirely sure about that? You think its beyond the realm of belief a 14 year old black kid sexually assaulted a white woman?

>> No.21823506

There were multiple witnesses. The only person who claimed that he assaulted her later retracted that statement.

And even if he did do what SHE claimed, the most he did was grab her waist and say lewd things. Hardly justifies being fucking literally tortured to death.

>> No.21823519

>later retracted that statement.
Under what sort of political conditions?

>most he did was grab her waist and say lewd things
Worthy of being killed

He wasnt lynched anyway, he was killed by a couple people in private, not a town

>> No.21823538

/lit/ sucks

>> No.21823548

If some dumbass grabbed the waist of a gangster's wife in 1955 and he tortured him to death for it would you cry all over your crocodile for that guy? No youd say "of course if you fuck with a gangster you're going to die". Why do think a scumbag criminal has more right to do that than any random man?

>> No.21823553
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>> No.21823561
File: 6 KB, 275x183, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to answer you litte faggot. Why do you care about this but if a white kid ran up on a black gangbanger and got killed youd laugh?

Let alone that why dont you care when blacks randomly murder white children for literally no reason?

>> No.21823608

No you see there's a QUALITATIVE difference between niggers killing each other and other non-blacks, and non-blacks killing blacks. It's only immoral when whites kill blacks because of their institutionalized racism which makes it a hate crime every time. If a poor misunderstood adult niggerino kills a racist little white kid, it's because the system taught that poor black gentleman to be a violent criminal, and it's strictly environmental issues/racism which led to his criminal behaviour. How do you not understand this very basic difference, even though race doesn't exist and there are no differences between any of us. That's why we need to differentiate between black and white violence: because we're all the same.

>> No.21823626

Kil yourself faggot

>> No.21823669

Not sure if you're a triggered blm supporter or too autistic to understand blatant sarcasm.

>> No.21823936

>in one decade
In one year

>> No.21824589

Thanks for sparing me a comment when I'm too far down anyways to have said this

>> No.21824595

From where does this meme that white people can't eat spicy food come?

>> No.21824597

This guy gets it

>> No.21824808 [DELETED] 

black people eat rotten meat and burn it to such an extent that they only way they can taste anything is to pour an anthill of industrial runoff onto it and call it flavuh

>> No.21826582

I really liked this book. I read it last year, I should watch the movie, but now I prefer to read more, since I only want stick
with books now to compensate the many hours staring at a screen that I spent. However, I do wanna see how they filmed the scene with Scout stopping the angry mob without even realizing, and Jem getting assaulted and of course all Boo Radley scenes etc.

>> No.21826733

Didn't read the rest, but
>Your shit idealogy would 100% collapse if theirs no won to kill and pillage, since there's always has to be hate mongering for it to "work".
is impeccable bait on a /lit/erature board. That one sentence alone is a rape of the English language, so I can imagine how bad the rest is.

>> No.21827966

I'm not completely convinced that's bait.
I think this is an unfortunate consequence of commies swarming here to make threads about socialist literature they haven't read.
I read the whole thing, but had to take frequent breaks to assuage the nausea