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21819633 No.21819633 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop resenting "normies"(for lack of better words)
I feel like the resentment has grown since I picked up reading

>> No.21819641

That is normal. Be nice to your mom but despise all others.

>> No.21819642

Understand them, cant resent things you actually understand

>> No.21819648
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>> No.21819678

put down reading

>> No.21819679

just know you're not as smart as you think you are

>> No.21819680

You have to realize that most of the population that are <90IQ are so much more mentally impaired than you can imagine. I don’t have it, I’m sure some other Anon does, but there was a study conducted that showed that most people <90IQ can’t comprehend simple hypotheticals. As for the other portion that can speculatively reason they have been subject to an intense daily regimen of propaganda for 12 to 13 hours every day for the entirety of their life (you and me included). While not all of it is direct propaganda with intent to subvert it still remains an incomplete picture of reality which promotes a single-minded view of things. People nowadays forget that you can interject opposing evidence into arguments tend to fully embrace the most internally coherent system that they can find. It never occurs to them that their systems can be both right AND wrong. This is due in a large part to the conditioning process of media and capitalism’s ability to neutralize sub-culture and revolutionary thought. But, ever since about 2010 the internet has played the forefront as a conformity machine unlike the world has ever seen before. The average victim of this dizzying stage in history is constantly bombarded with the most biologically enticing things they’ve ever seen week after week, year after year. Decades of receptor abuse, more depraved than a heroin addict, causes reduced grey matter which only serves to reinforce the messaging, which they may have resisted somehow so far, and promotes even more radical forms of simple-minded programming which reduces grey matter which etc. Essentially, you shouldn’t resent them because 99% of them are mind-slaves to “current thing!” living in present year +8, now there’s weed!, and you should instead be grateful you have somehow avoided utter destruction thus far.

>> No.21819682

by realising that you are the same as a normie if you are act out and are affected and live your life according to random emotions

>> No.21819683

Everyone overrates themselves but compared to the average goy we're basically superhuman

>> No.21819690

You are exactly the same as them except just a contrarian.

>> No.21819692

If they’re so beneath you why think about them at all?

>> No.21819697

Read about something about which you know nothing and in which you have no interest. Your arrogance will die when you realize that you're only less ignorant than normies in a small domain of human knowledge.
t. formerly resented normies but humiliated in undergrad

>> No.21819701

They're everywhere.

>> No.21819702
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>dividing the world into 2 populations of 20 million and 7 billion
You realize why this is retarded right

>> No.21819772

Acquire intercourse

>> No.21820063

How old are you anon?

>> No.21820114

Turn the resentment into self-loathing. If they don't like you, it's not because there's anything wrong with them, its cause there's something wrong with you. I used to be like that till I realized I was the problem, then actively tried to better myself

>> No.21820176

And father.

>> No.21820184
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>> No.21820256

With this kind of thing, it's worth considering how many of those convicts understood the question perfectly, but we're just fucking with the researchers out of boredom. It's like these stupid headlines about asking people to point to Iraq on a map.
>3% of respondents thought Iraq was in the Pacific ocean!!!
Is that really more likely than 3% taking the piss?

>> No.21820257

Self reflection is the answer. You are not as smart and special as you think you are.

>> No.21820270

you're a normie. you're a fucking frogposter, for god's sake.

>> No.21820287

Just realize the fact that there is no "normies". And that categorization shit is all in your head.

>> No.21820292

Ever since reading Proust I love middle-class normies and I love small talks. Being "deep" is overrated and its very unlikely that you'll bond with other well-read people. On the other hand normies think I basically know everything.

You can learn to respect them despite knowing you are vastly intellectually superior to them. That is basic caste conservatism.

>> No.21820298

I love normies. They are like cute dogs.

>> No.21820302

noo anon you don't get it I'm le heckin' MC and everyone else is an NPC

>> No.21820312


>> No.21820329

The inability of otherwise intelligent middle class people to understand when someone 'lower class' is lying to them is a phenomenon you see everywhere. It's like they think poor people are monkey see monkey do with no inner life, no understanding of what you want from them, and no ability to deceive

>> No.21820340

of course there are normies. normies are people with some form of social life and no significant mental illness.

>> No.21820343

rather they were messing with the questioner because it's a really stupid and pointless question

>> No.21820347
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Why should I be nice to my parents when they did pic related to me?

>> No.21820742

If you follow any kind of status quo you are a nomalfag. 4chan has it's own version of the normalfag.

>> No.21820745

If you follow any kind of status quo you are a nomalfag. 4chan has it's own version of the normalfag.

Depends on the poster. Normalfag ould be someone who tripped and accidentally fell into some pussy once.

>> No.21820754

I think it’s more a general belief if the honesty of every person and the lower class is inherently evil

>> No.21820777

this is the best advice
never choose ignorance

>> No.21820786

You resent them because you still feel like you're one of them

>> No.21820800

I think people born into wealth and privilege have never been in that situation where telling the truth to authority was going to fuck them up. They've never needed to lie to The Man, because they are The Man, and will always be protected. They'll talk to cops even.
Whereas your average prole spends half his time making sure his manager or the police don't find out what he's up to. Because of course he is indeed stealing from the stockroom

>> No.21820805

Define wealth and privileged. I'm from the middleclass and have probably had more jail time and contact with the police than anyone in this thread. Middle Class is poor compared to the actual elite.

>> No.21820859

Obviously it doesn't refer to crackheads like you, but to the usual naive social workers/doctors/journalists who tend to believe what they are told by your fellow lovers of the rock

>> No.21820867

>normalfag redefines me as a crackhead based on no actual information to feel more comfortable about the way he defines everything around him

>> No.21821593

normies are clowns. i work in a technical field and i fucking run the place, i can convince anyone of anything. they're like putty in my hands. they just want a plausible narrative to coast on.

>> No.21821846

Normies are not worth the neural impulses one would spend resenting them.

>> No.21821862

I have to agree with him, half of all people are stupider than the average. you have a 50/50 chance of being smarter than half of everyone you meet.

>> No.21821878

>there is no observable pattern that most people fall into which could be considered a "norm"
I see. Tell me more about how gays are just as "normal" as heterosexuals.

>> No.21821890

stop being 16 years of age

>> No.21821906

>half of all people are stupider than the average

>> No.21821954

and if your perception of average is formed by an upbringing surrounded by smart white collars, as many as 90% of people could be below average

>> No.21822141

you don't know what average means

>> No.21822217

but do you know what autism means?

>> No.21822242

Retard, think before posting.

>> No.21822248
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>since I picked up reading
Hate to burst your bubble, pleb, but the real smart people have been avid readers since they were kids.

>> No.21822363

This post reminds me an an experiment in molecular biology where they were trying to determine if hemoglobin transitions from tense to relaxed conformation in an all or nothing, probabilistic manner or if the transition from tense to relaxed occurs with multiple intermediete states.

The two hypothesis are in theory mutually exclusive, but the experimental evidence basically showed both models are accurately (and incompletely) describing the mechanism despite their seeming incompatibility.

Reality is inscrutable and even realtively simple, straigtforward biologicalc mechanisms don't generally conform to the human brains desire for cohesive and easily understandable narratives and explanations.

>> No.21822508

you can't use words properly

>> No.21822516

View them as animals that don’t know any better.

>> No.21822519

look up average on a dictionary

>> No.21822715
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