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21819116 No.21819116 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good sex ed books? Keep in mind they have to be appropiate to 7th graders

>> No.21819127

Les fleurs du mal

>> No.21819180
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Just go with something zoological. From an evolutionary perspective all that matters is maximizing offspring, encourage them to stop education at an 8th grade and focus on reproduction. Get them to understand all environmentalist libcuck worrying about any wellbeing of offspring or christcuck morality on monogamy or whatever is pathological from a biological perspective

>> No.21819205

you can't have sex with a 7th grader
not without filming it

>> No.21819367

sex is supposed to be shameful

>> No.21819904

We get it, you're virgin

>> No.21819908


>> No.21819938 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21819960

For me it's Belgium's Sexuele Voorlichting

>> No.21820205


>> No.21820253

i fucking wish

>> No.21820295

you cant dumb down the concept of sex. sex is sex, end of story. either go all in or dont teach it at all.

>> No.21820316

Yay. It's another "lets ban books" moral panic on a website that allows loli, shota and cp

>> No.21820321

You’d be surprised how many people on this site want to hide children from degeneracy to only turn back around and say “15 year old girls are scientifically the most breed-able”

>> No.21820335

none you fucking groomer scum

>> No.21820350

Being against sex education is chimp-like behavior

>> No.21820352
File: 620 KB, 3372x2220, happy newlyweds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“15 year old girls are scientifically the most breed-able”

Cause thats the the truth. They should be protected from degeneracy of modern world in special harem facilities.

>> No.21820503

Agree. Last thing we need is to continue the sexual revolution. Been a disaster for society

>> No.21821001
File: 486 KB, 1384x2048, ellul4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refuted by Ellul.
>Given this ethos, utopia is built on a fanatical trust in schooling and pedagogy. A society completely schooled, in which everything is learned collectively, even how to make love: Does this not remind us of what our own society is becoming? Let us not forget that the most advanced movement always represents the cutting edge of the process of social integration. I am thinking here of the movement of universal sexualization, of collective sexual education, of sexuality in the schools, and so on. How can we fail to see that this whole thing is an effort to eliminate the mysterious, adventurous, uncertain, mythical element in sex and to reduce sex either to cold knowledge or to a practice that is collectivized and therefore technicized? When the question of sexual education in the schools or of sexology comes up, just listen to the incense-bearers talk of the sexual freedom we are thereby gaining. Listen to them say, as though they had won a great victory: "Now at last we can talk without shame or fear of what people did not dare whisper twenty years ago. See how far we have come! We have got rid of a frightful complex, and have become bold and intelligent. An absurd moral code used to have us tied hand and foot, but now we have destroyed it. We're done with all the complexes and all the false shame. Our dear little children must learn to practice sex right out in the open, just as they openly suck at their mother's breast." You wicked fools, you cretins who promote sexology and sex education and universal sexualization, have you still not understood what they did to Racine by mumbling about sex to him in school? You have still not understood that school and what they call education for life make the child utterly and forever disgusted with what they do in it, and that the infantile scientistic rationalism that holds sway in the schools will never be improved by introducing experimental sex into the program. If that is done, the only result will be that sex will be trivialized, collectivized, made ridiculous and deadly boring, and stripped of its mystery and drama and passion. "But that is just what we want: a sexuality that is stripped of its mystery and drama! Why should the human being wax enthusiastic just because he or she has organs for serving others?" But do you not realize that man needs mystery and passion? That if the white Mass is put into French and turned into a rationalized social affair, he will invent black Masses for himself? That dreaming is no less important, basic, and decisive for man than reason, or rather, that reason ceases to exist if there is no dreaming, no lightheaded imagination, no myth and poetry? Reason then turns into its opposite: rationalistic mathematics.

>> No.21821030

>What you are preparing the way for with your sexology is a human being who is disgusted with sex, who will no longer have the slightest idea of what love is, and who will be even a little more fed up with things than he is now. And, by heaven! we all know what happens when a human being gets bored, jaded, fed up: he finally commits suicide. Your sex education in the schools is training a generation of torturers who will end in suicide. You are taking from them the passion of love (not just sexual love, though that is included), but then they will develop a passion for death. Those are the only two passions possible. What frightful hypocrites you are, claiming to liberate the male by carefully washing out the labyrinthine ways of his heart with a bleach, and the female by washing her sexual organs with the same to make them sterile! I am not speaking here in the name of morality. In fact, it is precisely against your scientistic morality, which would make everyone a cog in the social machine, that I am raising my voice. (Note that leftist sexuality has exactly the same aim. It is ludicrous to see the battle lines drawn between the learned sexologists with their medical degrees who speak objectively about the matter, and the little sex-liberation groups that profess to be down-to-earth and have no use for theory: the two are doing exactly the same thing!) It is possible effectively to reject this morality, however, only if we can point to a new and different individual manner of acting that does not result from schooling or pedagogy or collective experimentation, but originates in experience that defies adequate expression, in the quaking violation of taboos, in the conflict with pressures from the collectivity, and in the penetration of what was hitherto hidden from one's eyes because it is a realm of mystery.

>> No.21821547


>> No.21821718

What's the source on this? I've got a couple of Ellul's but don't remember where this passage is from.