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/lit/ - Literature

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21817765 No.21817765 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is to propose a reading of the Old Testament during the month of April. I will post the schedule in the next post and we can discuss it.

But really before even thinking about starting this I really want to avoid this becoming a shitshow. I want to discuss the writing style(s) of the books, favorite or impactful moments you encounter, historical context, ethics presented, differences between the translations (in English or other languages, I myself will be reading it in another language) or between the different denominations. I really want to avoid meme pics in OP or atheists pointing out religion is fake or fanatics bitching how this or that is heretical. It would be wonderful if we could keep this relatively civil and respectful.

So if you want to take part in this (even if you've read it already and just want to read the threads) or have suggestions, go ahead.

>> No.21817767
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This is the schedule. I've separated the Old Testament in four major parts, giving each one week to read and discuss (except the first part is a bit longer). Let me know if this seems like a lot of pages, maybe we can push it to month and a half or even two months if you're feeling incredibly lazy.

>> No.21817771

OP's pic looks like a brown gorilla if you squint your eyes or take off your glasses

>> No.21817773
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>> No.21817875

you know what, I'm in, OP
but stand assured that the resident troons will screech and ruin every single thread

>> No.21817882

I've been meaning to do a total re-read recently so I'd be in, although the schedule looks a bit much for me. I could read a book a day but I don't know about 100 pages a day.

>> No.21817918

>transsexuals disagreeing with me means skydaddy is real
Do better.

>> No.21817926

Robert Alter is the best translation at caption the style as well as best commentary for literary purposes

>> No.21817929

I'm from MENA and never read the bible before, which version should i downloaded preferably in french or english. thanks in advance

>> No.21817948

How long would it take if we read one hour per day?

>> No.21817969

The Old Testament is 622 700 words (obviously varies a bit among translations and also depends if it's Orthodox/Catholic/Protestant).
Average reading speed is 15000 words per hour.
So it would take around 40 days with 1 hour of reading a day.

>> No.21817989

I will probably start reading it. This is not something I want to rush, so I can't tell when I'll finish it, but I doubt I will follow your 1 month reading plan

>> No.21817996

Was getting around to reading it again so count me in. See you April 1st

>> No.21818005

The Old Testament is not meant to be read front to back. The Old Testament is not meant to be read in just one month.

>> No.21818010

How was it meant to be read?

>> No.21818122

Why not? The Pentateuch is effectively one book, and the legal and ritual portions can be skimmed, making it a short book. The History books effectively make up one, medium-length book. The Wisdom literature is like a medium-length anthology of essays. The minor prophets you can read really quickly. Apocrypha is another medium-length book, mostly due to Maccabees.

>> No.21818142

Moses can suck my dick knigga

>> No.21818272

I recently uncovered the Bible that I was given in 2007 with the intent to finally read it, so it'll be cool to have a dedicated thread for discussion.

>> No.21818302

OP here.
Cool, I see some of you guys are up for this idea. I'll start a couple of other threads in the remaining days to just get the word A CROSS (lmao, get it? I'm so tired, you guys.)

>> No.21818334

Just read by yourself, why do you need a group?

>> No.21818346

I don't read the jewish parts of the bible. It should be an appendix in the back of the bible to give the new testament and teachings of christ some context.

Thatt's a big no from me

>> No.21818364

Because it's fun. The group readings of Moby Dick and Don Quixote were fun.

>> No.21818413


>> No.21818426

>I don't read the jewish parts of the bible.

>> No.21818792

Week 2 looks rough but i'll try to keep pace with you OP, have been meaning to read the OT for awhile.

>> No.21818853
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I think this is a very aggressive schedule. It certainly looks doable just by page numbers, but my pace going through the OT was much slower than my normal reading pace. Best of luck to everyone trying this, actually reading the bible is a great experience.

>> No.21818860


>> No.21818955
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Bible's art is kino. Is the bible kino too?

>> No.21818977

I'm in

>> No.21819035

KJV translated
It’s a good read just a lot of names at first but the stories are simply awe inspiring, taking notes doesn’t hurt

>> No.21819044

>The Pentateuch is effectively one book
Except it's not. Aside from being literally five separate books, the name itself means five books. Retard.

>> No.21819065
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>looks like a brown gorilla if you squint your eyes or take off your glasses

>> No.21819138

I'm also from MENA.

I already started reading the bible and I'm well-nigh done with the Pentateuch... I suggest the KJV translation (1611) that is the one I read.

>> No.21819198

Were you so excited to show off that you know what Pentateuch means that you forgot to think? The entire point of the post is that the stated sections can be treated AS IF they are books, to break it up into chunks, and make it easier to conceive of reading it in a month. "Effectively":
>used to convey that something is the case in practice even if it is not formally acknowledged to be so.

Why am I explaining this to someone? This is like explaining what a conjunction is. If someone needs it explained, they're too far gone.

>> No.21819489

I'll join you guys. Looks fun! I'm in NYC if anyone wants to actually meet up to discuss feel free.

>> No.21819528

Yeah I'll do it. I need to read the Old Testament anyways if I'm every going to make sense of half the stuff I want to read.

>> No.21819531

I'm down, I've been planning to read it but never gotten around to it. Very excited, thanks OP

>> No.21819539

If anyone is too lazy to even read, you can follow along with one of two excellent KJV audiobooks
or Scourbie's

>> No.21819551

I will join. I'm going to read the Bible anyone at some point so I might as well do it and get some outsider's perspective.

>> No.21819555


>> No.21819565

.>appropriating Islamic custom in order to larp as a christian
Jesus Christ

>> No.21819566


>> No.21819814

April brainwashing

God isn't real

Grow up

And fuck Santa, too


>> No.21819844

Can you jew worshippers fuck off to /his/? You bring this boards IQ down with your desert fiction garbage.

>> No.21820054

But it is still Lent. You should be focusing on the New Testament and Christ.

>> No.21820060

>You should be focusing on the New Testament and Christ.
I've been killing evangelical protestants infected with Methody all month. Their bodies will start washing up soon. I am going to make them press me. WAT TYLER.

>> No.21820067

How larpy

>> No.21820084

I am a Catholic, brother. You have lost your mind.

>> No.21820137

nta or a catholic. whats catholicism like?

>> No.21820140

>You have lost your mind.
Show me in the NT where Christ talks about minds like a fucking buddhist. We shall build a new Jerusalem here on this dark satanic mill. And defend it against how ever many Legions Rome sends against us. Except this time I am going to torture Josephus to death.

>> No.21820251

It's just reading a book, bro. Relax.

>> No.21820665

>whats catholicism like?
An anti-depressant for the soul that not only works but it is infinitely true. In fact, I summarized it before becoming Catholic as, "Everyone wants to be Catholic but no one wants to become Catholic." Thus:
Are just all misery slaves of Satan. They're basically chaste BDSM slaves to him. Nothing wrong with being a good slave but man is it pathetic when God offers friendship.

>> No.21820851

I'll join. But you better keep the threads up and going. And I will be asking lots of questions and for explanations for almost everything I come across.

>> No.21821015

where is the Epistle of Jeremiah in the Catholic Bible? Was it excluded? Or is it included in another book?

>> No.21821016
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the Bible in a month? If you wanna just read it all and go around telling the hot chicks at your youth group you read it all that's fine. But for a better understanding of the Bible you should take some time, and maybe read some additional literature to understand the context and history behing each book

>> No.21821020

I love how zealous converts constantly reveal that they‘re porn addicts on leave and it never takes more than the span of a post.

>> No.21821023

What other books do you recommend?

>> No.21821036

I don't have a list, but there is plenty of exegetical lit that could help you out in understanding the different Bible books as you read them, both religious and non-religious

>> No.21821082

>I love
You don't love anything.
>how zealous converts
Redundant but cute.
> constantly reveal
Your reading is not revealing but it's unsurprising words are just tools for you mediocre venom.
>that they‘re porn addicts on leave
Sick burn but the cuteness here is simple: "I serve satan daddy and you will too." What you do not know you have conceded, in the depths of your little insult which I forgive your slavish soul for uttering, is that 1) porn is bad, 2) addiction to the bad is worse, and 3) converts are temporary and as such you admitted not that you are correct but that there is good and bad and which side you are loyal too. What a good servant.
>and it never takes more than the span of a post
Meaningless and redundant that is just you feeling pride at your satan simping insult. Repent and believe the Gospel.

>> No.21821247

>Be fruitful and multiply.
>Have as many concubines as you want.
>Nevermind, i changed My mind, you can only have one wife now, because I am eternal and My mind never changes.
>I created you naked with a foreskin, so now i command you to cut off your foreskin and wear clothes, because i made you PERFECT except for that.
>I also demand blood sacrifices, and lots of it, because i am a loving and merciful god that enjoys the smell and taste of blood. Not like those other pagan satanic gods that also enjoy the smell and taste of blood. Nothing like them at all. Totally different.
>Oh, and the Serpent in the Garden has nothing to do with the Serpent that Moses worshiped in the desert. Nope, nothing, just stop noticing patterns and worship me with blood sacrifices!

>> No.21821328

Satan gives you 1 meaningless night of steak dinners for this post.

>> No.21821367

you're worshiping Satan, the Serpent in the Garden, the Serpent of Moses, the demonic entity that likes blood sacrifices and enjoys cannibalism rituals
>eat of my flesh and drink of my blood, this is totally normal and not satanic at all! pinky swear!

>> No.21821394

as predicted ths instantly turned into a shitshow
trannies simply cannot allow it

>> No.21821398

We should make a rule, no responding to the trannies. We should also be respectful toward non-Christians who just want to read for literary reasons, so they don't accidentally align with the trannies. I don't want to proselytize, I just want to read an important book with /lit/.

>> No.21821411
File: 42 KB, 500x680, C392C8BC-AA0F-416E-BEAD-9FD6B59F5A73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these trannies in the room with you right now anon

>> No.21821437

So what do you worship then?

>> No.21821447

>trannies simply cannot allow it
Trannies are celibate priests to satan and basically these people who attack the Holy Bible will always be in the threads. Just ignore them and I'll take care of them.

>> No.21821605

well certainly not some entity that likes the smell of blood or tells worshipers to have mock cannibalism rituals

>> No.21821608

Invisible friends are for losers.

>> No.21821748

Reading the whole Torah in one month seems like a bad idea.

>> No.21822892

Can we stretch it out to 1.5 - 2 months instead of 1 month? I don't think my current schedule can accommodate the proposed plan.

>> No.21822953
File: 53 KB, 700x971, new-oxford-annotated-bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally recommend the New Revised Standard Version. See picrel.
It's got a lot of commentary and cross-references, i.e. it's considered a "study bible".
It's free on archive.org, too.

>> No.21822967

Marcion Of Sinope is the guy who assembled the first version of the Christian Bible, from a bunch of separate books that were floating around at the time.
On top of being a proto-Christian, he was a Gnostic.
He deliberately set out to portray the God of the Old Testament as the Demiurge, and Jesus as the true God.
The Christian holy book is a Ghostic text.

>> No.21822996

I just wanna read Genesis 19 over and over again:
[30] And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters.
[31] And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth:
[32] Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.
[33] And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
[34] And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our Father.
[35] And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
[36] Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father.

>> No.21824132

It's probably going to happen naturally if many people can't keep up.

>> No.21824610
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Man, double column spacing ruins Proverbs, nevermind how ugly and broken it makes the verse.

ESV has the best scholarship and remains essentially literal while also retaining some of the majesty of the KJV (I still have some issues with both). ESV for reference and KJV for understanding the role it had in English literature.

>> No.21824646

Just finished Josue lads

>> No.21824656

What's /lit/'s recommended Orthodox bible that contains the most books?

>> No.21824872
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Aren't they all the same?

>> No.21824916

Most stable basket case attempting to hide that they need a jewish cult to keep them halfway decent

>> No.21826815


>> No.21826860
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I'm absoutely in, OP. I wanted to finally start the Western Canon somehow, and that was a priority along with the Greeks. I will definitely join!
And to all the trannies ITT:

>> No.21828519

Bumping this thread from page 10, you lazy boys.

>> No.21828535

No one cares about your forced book club all for the sake of not feeling lonely for a while. These retarded projects always start with a handful of retards that peter out into the main organizer within two weeks, tops. Go get a clue, and find better ways to connect with other humans.

>> No.21828539

will /lit/ jannies allow it? they were cracking down on the bible generals a while back.

>> No.21828550

Why do you choose to be like that?

>> No.21828966

Wasn't this exact kind of thing done with neoplatonism and the enneads recently? How did that work out in the end?

>> No.21829145

>need a jewish cult to keep them halfway decent
Plato laments that most people are not capable of true Good nor Evil because then they would all love the Good. Huh.

>> No.21829149

Oh so you worship nothing? Impressive. Another enlightenment figure slaving away through bitterness, ignorance, and pride has graced another thread. I am shocked.

>> No.21829502

>jew worshippers
You trannies cut your dicks off then call people genetically matching with anyone but the jews, jews?

>> No.21829520

your favourite jewish cult of atheism isnt keeping anyone decent

>> No.21831024

>OP's pic looks like a brown gorilla if you squint your eyes or take off your glasses

this is yoir brain on atheismslop

>> No.21831056

In English? Orthodox Study Bible

>> No.21831194

This website's entire point is connecting with other humans about shared interests in an open forum in which the community decides what stays and what doesn't.

>> No.21831272

We read the entire thing, and finished on schedule.

>> No.21832423
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>Bible reading
>No NT

>> No.21832554

>if you don't worship a demon entity that likes the smell of blood or has you engage in mock cannibalism rituals, then you don't worship anything.
religion has rotted your critical thinking skills.

>> No.21832560

>i can't wait till sunday when i get to pretend to eat Jesus's flesh
>cannibalism is so cool!

>> No.21832593

Can't wait for this to start, what a comfy idea. I was reading the Corpus Hermeticum and Apocryphon of John today too.

>> No.21833147

Let's do this anon

>> No.21833322

We can always do the New Testament immediately after that or later this year. No need to add another 300 pages to an already pretty demanding schedule.

>> No.21833330

>reading the OT in a month

>> No.21833331

This is a recipe for disaster. You need a month just for each of the books of the Torah.

>> No.21833341

Any suggestions from that experience on this one?

>> No.21833347

Based on many of the replies, maybe we should extend the time a bit? One month seems unfeasible to allow for sufficient digestion of the material, not to mention keeping up with the threads on 4chan. I've a separate study guide to supplement my reading of the Bible that I like to refer to as well. Thoughts?

>> No.21833352
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>o no, 40 pages a day is too much, most I can do is 2 pages

>> No.21833361
File: 36 KB, 704x470, Vote Here Sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, cast your preference in the link whether you want the schedule to be this >>21817767 or to make each segment 2 weeks instead of 1.


>> No.21833370

Torah is more than just another book for you to speed read and add to your good reads list. It has the words of spirit and life. You can slow down to appreciate the words and life of the Torah (and the writings and histories) instead of attempting to read all of it in as little time as possible.

>> No.21833376

Or perhaps consider medications.

>> No.21833431

Ethiopian Orthodox canon has the most books, I don't know if there are any good printings of it though.

>> No.21833434

>really want to avoid meme pics in OP or atheists pointing out religion is fake or fanatics bitching how this or that is heretical. It would be wonderful if we could keep this relatively civil and respectful.
Remarkably hugbox'y for an adherent of a religious tradition of causing war and conflict and general strife for everyone it can reach. Trouble elsewhere is fine. Not in your back yard!

>> No.21833463

>for an adherent of a religious tradition
But I'm not.

>> No.21833469

2 Maccabees is in the Catholic bible

>> No.21833474

>I can't see colors and blue is ugly
This is someone without a religion criticizing a religion. Dispicable. Pray. Repent.

>> No.21833493

Thanks, it will be included next time this schedule is posted.

>> No.21833505

I have read the whole bible AMA.

>> No.21833515

About the catholic canon
Fuck is that? There are two kings
>1 macabees
There are two macabees
>1 ester
There are two ester translations of ester in the catholic canon
One nehemia and one ezdra

>> No.21833533

From a personal perspective, i was speedriding fantasy novels (500 pages a day, finished the first law trilogy in about a week) while the bible took me 3 years to finish whole and i couldn't go above 10 pages a day (except psalms)

>> No.21833550
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I used this chart for reference, it says that it has 1-2-3-4 Kings in the Catholic bible.

In any case, this is not that important, because it's broken down by sections, so you'd be reading all of them and it won't matter if it's called Kingdoms/Kings/Samuel.

>> No.21833765

you know I’m right

>> No.21833770

I know you're mentally disturbed and possible severely autistic.

>> No.21833778
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Currently listening through the CCB translation of the bible in Chinese on audiobook for practice.
>I'm a professional translator but I don't get much listening practice

>> No.21834614

Takes notes and post them in the thread to bump the thread and get people talking. And don't reply to bait.

>> No.21835532

>still nothing substantial to say

>> No.21835954


>> No.21836125
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I've been *slowly* reading the KJV from Genesis 1:1, and have reached the part in Exodus after the Israelites leave Egypt when Moses & Aaron bring 72 other elders/nobles of the Hebrews up the mount to literally MEET GOD.

9 Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel:

10 And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness.

EXODUS 24:9-18

>Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel:

>And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness.

>And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.

>And the LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them.

>And Moses rose up, and his minister Joshua: and Moses went up into the mount of God.

>And he said unto the elders, Tarry ye here for us, until we come again unto you: and, behold, Aaron and Hur are with you: if any man have any matters to do, let him come unto them.

>And Moses went up into the mount, and a cloud covered the mount.

>And the glory of the LORD abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud.

>And the sight of the glory of the LORD was like devouring fire on the top of the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel.

>And Moses went into the midst of the cloud, and gat him up into the mount: and Moses was in the mount forty days and forty nights.

...let's look at this part again:

EXODUS 24 : 9 - 11

>Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel:

>And THEY *SAW* THE GOD of Israel: and there was UNDER HIS *FEET* as it were a PAVED work of a SAPPHIRE stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his CLEARNESS.

>And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.

Wow. Whoa. What's going on here? Seventy-plus guys *SEE* God, hang out and have a feast in his presence, safe & sound despite how the very sight of God has struck people dead, and even His reflection or refraction can be too much to stand. God "laid not His hand" upon these assembled nobles of his chosen people, and had some sort of blue see-through glass under his feet. Was he standing upon a transparent sky-blue floor, or reclined with his feet upon some sort of clear hassock or footstool? If he's standing on something like a glass floor, are the elders looking *up* at him, *through* the transparent floor, and seeing the soles of His mighty feet? (inb4 foot) Was he standing on the firmament? On *top* of the great glass dome?

>> No.21836554

Lexham English Septuagint, OSB doesn't actually have everything, and the translations are universally not good. Even the Lexham English Septuagint has some rough spots. For Psalms, I would recommend purchasing Holy Transfiguration Monastery's Psalter, and for books like Job, you should probably just read the KJV. Everything else in the Lexham English Septuagint is great though. I've been reading it since End of Feb and have made it to Psalms thus far. Hoping to have it finished by Pascha.
Blessed Lent brotha

>> No.21836678

This is my personal view, which I'm open to change:
>The Sapiential Books (including Ecclesiasticus and Wisdom) are the only ones are worth reading in their own right
>The rest of the OT is mostly there to give context to the NT, and the Early Church Fathers
Tell me if and why it's wrong.

>> No.21836766
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NT can be construed as greek nonsense and fanfiction with the right translation that renders the greek used as shitty and GSL as it was written. The whole thing has been fluffed up in english, the original greek and hebrew and reads differently with more careful translations outside of the usual suspects. Torah is full of narrative, verse and wisdom that has layers of interpretation far beyond that of secondhand quotes and a bunch of letters from people who weren't even there; it's a better series of books all around. I don't even have a horse in either race and the NT is only sufficient for those that really, really fucking want it to be. One would expect 20 volumes of dense philosophical language instead of a few scant quotes, or at least a Koran, from such a claim.

I'd at least read an autistically hellenistic and iconoclastic translation like David Bentley Hart before making such a claim.

>> No.21836908

Hey anon,

I’m down for this, sounds like a lot of fun! I’ve been going through the gospels and I’d love the chance to acquaint myself with the Old Testament.

Would it be a bad idea to recommend maybe making a discord or something as an additional venue of communication? That way we could dump additional recources as we find them. Just a thought.

Look forward to seeing this take off!

>> No.21836919

You have to supplement the NT with a lot of Greek philosophy.

>> No.21836926

That’s based off of the Douay Rheims and pre-V2 bibles, which courced their names directly from Greek and Latin texts. Modern Catholic Bible Translations use the KJV names for books.

>> No.21837126

>Would it be a bad idea to recommend maybe making a discord or something as an additional venue of communication?
>Hey guys, let's take this 4chan idea and move it over to not 4chan and do it there instead

>> No.21837183


>> No.21837212

it's a good idea you retard

>> No.21837469

Thank you, but he does have a fair point. I’ll join anything that’s created, but otherwise I can understand staying on 4chan. — anyways, I have some sources I can send OP’s way if he should like. I am pretty excited: I’m gonna finish the gospels and read de Lubac/Stott to prepare.

>> No.21837505

If you have some sources, you can upload them to mega or another site you prefer and post the link in the thread for anyone not just OP to download.
Multiple people can also toss links for download too and whoever makes threads can toss them all at the top for anyone that reads the thread.

>> No.21837509

the kino of all kino

>> No.21838130

I disagree with the discord proposal. In 2020 I was the leader of a fun thread-by-thread community on 4chan, and as soon as a discord was created it went to shit. The anonymity is on 4chan for a reason, and it's better we don't have numerous tripfags.

>> No.21838193

Yeah thinking discord works is naive idealism, and when it does work it takes all discussion off-site and off the archives. Less committed randos chiming in because they have some hot takes and hard facts is what makes discussion here worthwhile. I'd probably be kicked for presenting entire books worth of heterodox but still rather mainstream exegesis, or just pointing out translation errors and linguistic drift that makes passages not mean what entire sects have taken them to mean.

I also think those most equipped for higher level literary analysis and effortposting aren't entirely committed to full study. I've done it a few times with other topics and you end up playing Professor, having to teach 100 level concepts in a 500 level course.

>> No.21838258

The Bible is a Greek math textbook

>> No.21838824

As I’ve already said, I agree it’s dumb and I retract my statement. Not sure what the last anon was going off about but upon reflection I can agree it’s best to keep this here.

I’ll need to figure out how mega works exactly, but once I find it I’ll start downloading stuff into it. In the meantime, here’s a useful website of commentaries I found a while back: https://sites.google.com/site/aquinasstudybible/

>> No.21838973

Euclid can't keep getting away with it

>> No.21839082

Oh, I've been kicked from other groups for going against the party line and presenting actual facts and extensive jewish exegesis. Not even schizo gnostic tier (for the most part), just "the bible has been heavily redacted by various groups in power and these books and chapters are indicative of divergent lines of thought" tier. Or "that's fucking pun in Hebrew, this is the setup for a joke" tier. Non- and pseudo-christians bring a lot of valid observations to the table that range between heterodox and heretical and they get drowned out in closed discourse.

I also have some thoughts on historiography and textual analysis but I'm not too well versed on it myself, so that's neither here nor there.

Also, when doing open analyses, there are usually only 1 or 2 anons pretty much dragging everyone else along because they're the only ones who have done extensive scholarship before and have the academic chops. We used to have some grad level anons who knew authors inside and out while everyone else was making grade school observations and had zero familiarity with the contemporary corpus around it.

>> No.21839105

>be amerimutt mew ageist gnostic larper
>basically be schizo
>think he knows better than church fathers

>> No.21839165

I have some orthodox and oriental leanings and enjoy Quietism even though I'm not a transcendentalist, I'm more firmly rooted in nondualism. I wouldn't be adverse to some Cainite or Ophidian gnosticism as a thought experiment but find the neoplatonists to be a bunch of nuts in general and Aristotle to be a bore, specifically. I wouldn't call myself a gnostic.

>> No.21839203

Why are there so many believers, why do people believe in god? Humans lived for thousands of years in tribes whose members decorated their houses with the skulls of their slain enemies believe this close him to gods, and any natural phenomena were explained by the gods kindness/anger. They passed on their genes mainly to those who willingly believed in all this garbage and the brain secreted the necessary substances, those who did not believe were expelled / killed by members of the tribe, because for the most part people then poorly understood the theory of games, manipulation and openly spoke about what they thought. Formed literally part of the brain responsible for "believe to mystically/god", which is probably closely intertwined with emotions, so that is responsible for the hierarchy / rank / subordination. Perhaps it is also closely intertwined with the fear of death.

Believe is purely genetic

Religion is a political and socio-economic project with a backlog for millennia ahead
Abrahamic religions - a political and socio-economic project of the most ancient Jewish elite patrons

Atheism is a mutation that has recently emerged by the standards of evolution, such as psychopathy.

A psychopath can turn empathy on and off at will, see the world under both poles.

An atheist can turn on and off thoughts about God and faith at will.

Agnosticism is neither higher nor more perfect than atheism, it is lower, it is a transitional degree from faith to atheism. The part of the brain responsible for faith has significantly weakened, but it still sends signals, because the agnostic still thinks, sometimes fears about what will happen after death.

>> No.21839250

yup, confirmed schizophrenia

>> No.21839263

There has to be some rule for not responding at all to either the anti-Christian whiners or the bickering LARPer Christians who just want an excuse to fight with an atheist. Please put in the OPs that nobody interested in doing the readings should reply to any shitposts, even to call them retarded.

>> No.21839264

you just sort of feel guilt all the time

>> No.21839269

Every single person who uses discord is a mentally ill tripfag, it is an egregore that is only psychically tolerable to troons or troon-adjacent proto-troons. Hosting anything on discord is like hosting it in the middle of a pride parade, it's asking for trouble.

>> No.21839274

Read the Space trilogy by CS Lewis, it's like that. Canticle for Leibowitz is good too. And Orthodoxy by Chesterton, and anything by Belloc.

>> No.21839299

Religion is /pol/zog/. Please go away from this desk.