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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 72 KB, 928x751, Shamsie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21816590 No.21816590 [Reply] [Original]

>Kamila Shamsie: ‘White male novelists no longer have an overwhelming influence’

>"I wonder what Shamsie makes of the claims from some commentators and authors that publishing is now an unwelcoming place for male writers. Earlier this year, the best-selling author James Patterson lamented the perceived marginalisation of white, male writers, calling their struggle “just another form of racism”. (He later apologised for his comments.) “I don’t have a lot of time for it,” Shamsie replies. “I mean, let’s unpack this. What these people are saying is that it was always a very welcoming place if you belonged to a certain demographic, which is white middle-class male novelists, and now that demographic no longer has an overwhelming influence. Well, welcome to the world!”


How long do you think this kind of casual anti-white attitude in literature will continue?

>> No.21816592

I don‘t know, how long do you think until a neo-dark age hits?

>> No.21816598

>casual anti-white attitude
it's called racism
it will last until the 3rd world subhumans will start raping and killing white women in the streets, then the women will cry to be saved by the evil white men

>> No.21816602
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> the middle class, the least retarded class of all, gets shat on again
how long till this ends bros...

>> No.21816664

This all boils down to economics. Men read less than women do, and the men who do read tend to be less likely to read contemporary fiction. If there was a larger market for contemporary white male authors, then their work would be published more often.

>> No.21816694

>golly gee i wonder if some clearly extent social impetus makes people seek out the media they do

Libertarians are so god damn retarded

>> No.21816698

>How long do you think this kind of casual anti-white attitude
People keep saying I'm hysterical, but the normalization of anti-XYZ attitudes literally ALWAYS ends in some genocidal chimp out and I'm tired of pretending it won't.
We won't be laughing when the Hutus cut the tall Trees

>> No.21816703

But whites hold the power desu. No amount of appeasement media will change that

>> No.21816720

That's reassuring. I'm sure once the demographic balance changes, this sort of rhetoric will wither away

>> No.21816735

>Whites hold the power
And history is static? WASPs once were 85% of the USA's white population. Now they're 20% and can't even keep a monopoly on the Ivy League anymore

>> No.21816737

Money passes down in the family. Whites will still have money. Have money and you have power

>> No.21816743

I MIGHT care if contemporary fiction was of interest to me; it is not, so I don't care.

>> No.21816744

>inspired by Trump
>a white male
rent free

>> No.21816754
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Would be interesting to see which demographic of author is most widely read across the world. I suppose I don't understand why having a majority white male authorship in majority white countries would be seen as a negative.

>> No.21816757

>Money passes down in the family.
Hello, saar. Plz redeem your idea of wealth retention in the developed world. Also
>middle class wealth
>impactful for politics

>> No.21816764

I guess it sucks you’re from the middle class then

>> No.21816790

It already has

>> No.21816793

Why aren't they praising or at least focusing on women instead? When men were running things they were jerking off each other or creating kayfabe.

>> No.21816819

No one actually wants to read books by queers and blacks. Then they don't want to celebrate white women, they'll push jewish women that write gay shit though.

>> No.21816827

it doesn't have to suck for it to not bestow you with power, ya dolt. Most people don't have any wealth and something like 80% of 1 procenters' grandkids will end up with nothing, you 3rdie dumb fuck. It's not like in your shithole where wealthy families sit on the wealth and there's not economic activity besides them.

>> No.21816828
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shouldn't be too much longer.

>> No.21816839

That's besides the point. The decline of white men in publishing isn't the cause of white men being less interested in contemporary literary fiction; the lack of interest is the reason for said decline.

I highly doubt that men being more excited by non-fiction, video games, and film is the consequence of a deliberate policy of exclusion, especially given how profit-driven publishing is.

>> No.21816872

Speak for yourself. I have a trust and will inherit multiple estates. My kids and grandkids will be fine

>> No.21816904

First, I checked out when I read "let's unpack this". Second, I'm not really concerned, eitherway, since what's churned out isn't exactly Moby Dick -- male or female, white or black.

>> No.21816914

>My kids and grandkids
The puberty blockers will have rekt your chances of having kids

>> No.21816928
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>How long do you think this kind of casual anti-white attitude in literature will continue?
I don't really give much of a fuck. We already have 2000+ years of literature, 300 books that are considered masterpieces, and a few thousand that are considered really great.
Why the fuck would I ever bother with modern literature? It's been almost desolate for at least 65 years (other than a small few).

>> No.21816930

> I highly doubt that men being more excited by non-fiction, video games, and film is the consequence of a deliberate policy of exclusion,

Then you‘re wrong, and retarded. And probably unable to process that this didn‘t begin in the publishing houses.

>> No.21816945
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>""""whites"""" hold the power
lol, lmao

>> No.21816946

That's probably a big reason why quality has completely tanked.

>> No.21816949

that's if the vaccine aids doesn't sterilize him or his wife first, AND he manages to avoid the "Monuments to White Privilege" they will construct in the next 5-10 years (hint: they are mass graves)

>> No.21816950

???? I already have 2 toddlers

>> No.21816953

What's the reason? The Jewish conspiracy to oust the white man?

>> No.21816956
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more or less

>> No.21816994

No sense of identity and disenchantment. Whites are easier to control if they're all lolberts that hate their country and neighbor.

>> No.21817022

The only cure is to be unashamedly racist and misogynist in your life, especially in front of women

>> No.21817040

Sham is even in the name

>> No.21817131
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Forever. They want us dead, remember?
We might live to see a return to subversive free presses though. I’ve been experimenting with printing chapbooks myself. If negotiating with the publishing system is this corrupt communist shithole just make your own press and publishing house. We all know books barely sell apart from a handful of mega successes. Having a direct audience of a few hundred readers isn’t something to scoff at.

>> No.21817178

> Kamila Sham She

>> No.21817215

A poo in the loo.

>> No.21817237

Opinion of a woman: ignored

>> No.21817245

Norman Rockwell was a fag

>> No.21817247

>This all boils down to economics
Oi vey goyim? Art does not and never has been dictated by shekels

>> No.21817267

Its still white men, if you mean all authors in general. The vast majority of the cannon is still written by white men, from Shakespeare to Joyce. These authors are universal and still are widely read and always will be.
If you are talking contemporary authors thats a very different and less impactful modem. Most cases some drivel penny dreadfuls will outsell what gets remembered as great literature. In the last 50 years for example, if you took the sales of all the postmodern great works combined id doubt they even reached half of Stephen King’s sales. Popularity and merit are two very different measures

>> No.21817431

I did an experiment...
>put out ads looking for an editor for a book
>used my white sounding name
>briefly described myself
I got a couple replies every few days.
>put out very similar ad
>use obviously ethnic name
>describe myself as queer and non-binary writing LGBT lit
>50+ applications to be my editor in 48 hours.
Try it yourself!

>> No.21817492

In addition to this, a lot of these women published by the Big 4 sell almost no copies. One would suspect ESGs are involved.

>> No.21817611
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>> No.21817663

This is happening right now in europe and the parents are telling people they shouldnt justify thri racism on the basis of an unfortunate accident that happened to be a personal tragedy for them

>> No.21817675

Their skin may be white, but do they identiy as white? What kind of white are they? Anglos? Meds? Germanics? Nordics? Slavs?
Perhaps Jews?

>> No.21817687

it's not just informal racism in the cultur eindustry anymore

> Mindful of a longstanding lack of diversity within the discipline of philosophy, and of the underrepresentation of Black scholars in the academy more broadly, we are pleased to announce that, pursuant to Section 24 of the Ontario Human Rights Code, this is a targeted search initiative for qualified individuals who self-identify as persons of Black/African descent and lived experience.

>In accordance with the University of Winnipeg Employment Equity and Diversity Policy and section 11 of The Human Rights Code, this position is designated for qualified candidates who self-identify as racialized persons. Please confidentially self-identify at the time of application.

>In accordance with the University of Winnipeg Employment Equity and Diversity Policy and section 11 of The Human Rights Code, this position is designated for qualified candidates who self-identify as women, racialized persons, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and 2SLGBTQ+ persons. Please confidentially self-identify at the time of application.

>> No.21817726

Excuses excuses. The vindictive cunts love to turn it around and gaslight the people being screwed over, saying ‘white men are the problem’, but all men want is the prioritization of meritocracy. These women refuse to actually engage in the conversation because they KNOW that white men are the best writers in the entire fucking world, and given the same marketing opportunities, we would absolutely outperform the bipoc competition and their bargain bin novels. Women and faggots sit on top of the industry for now, but only because we allowed them to get there.

>> No.21818271

>is to be unashamedly racist and misogynist in your life,
There are also massive protests going on in multiple countries and the overwhelming majority want the 3rd worlders to stop coming.

>> No.21818287
File: 383 KB, 512x512, Robin_Wright_as_a_painting_by_William_Adolphe_Bouguereau_and_Victor_Nizovtsev_and_Elena_Kukanova_blonde_golden_hair_radiant_hair_high_cheek_bones_beautiful_blue_eyes_large_eyes_good_anatomy__1070048139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will only read books by White men now because I like to be hip

>> No.21818292


>> No.21818305

Try LARPing as Jewish? I don't want to pretend to take it up my ass

>> No.21818321

Anon, just go to /pol/.

>> No.21818348

>How long do you think this kind of casual anti-white attitude in literature will continue?
How long can Red China do the 'elite capture' nonsense with money they don't have? Western ghouls can fudge the sales to the end of time on the other hand.

>> No.21818384

All this anti-white shit just makes me write more.

>> No.21818449


When SCOTUS gets rid of affirmative action, title vii & ix of CRA & Fuhrer Desantis repeals 11246.


In Northern Europe I fully expect to see a race war.

Not likely in America, however, the hard right is quite well established institutionally, especially in the Judiciary, and given the inflow of hispanics, I expect a Franco or (for a more contemporary example) Bukele style strongman by 2050.

Caesarism from the right is somewhat inevitable in the US. Traditional WASP liberal democratic and capitalist culture will be replaced by some sort of neo-latin culture.

I think it's easy to underestimate just how right wing the young men of my generation are. With an increasingly larger population of disaffected young men with few prospects of satisfying work, marriage, children, etc. there will likely be a pretty big swing towards radical politics of the right. We'll see if there's anyone in the GOP competent enough to understand what must be done (someone like Rowe) or if everyone with a braincell has been driven away by the magatardation.

>> No.21818457

There is still enough goyslop and pew-pew on Steam to keep the peace!

>> No.21818483

I'm not talking about a violent takeover of the state. I'm just talking about what the GOP has been doing wrt national security (the unitary executive) and voting "rights" being applied to administrative state bureaucracies like the EEOC and DOJ. All you really need is a competent G-man with enough ressentiment against the blacks in the oval office and a loyal attorney general.

>> No.21818491

I feel like we're just on a long, slow decline. As long as the average guy has porn, goyslop, sportsball, and vidya... we're just going to keep coasting.

>> No.21818529

You're retarded. First, most of what gets published barely sells. You're assuming that publishers go off of $$ from the start when they aren't even good enough to predict such. Instead, they not only ignore anything that confronts their ideological biases but actively diminish it. Second, a major chain bookstore recently refused to give shelf space to a book on the Canadian trucker protest. The book was selling well online and yet store fronts refused to amplify it despite the sales and backing from the publisher.

So no, it isn't a free market of ideas. Booksellers have an agenda and heavily market towards neoliberal identitarian bullshit. Oh, you're a female presenting non-binary mixed-race indigenous/black LGBTQ+ midwit? Eventhough that constitutes 0.00000001% of humanity lets market the hell out of your book and pretend it's an international sensation! It's all about representation!

>> No.21818532

imagine being this ignorant and tasteless
just because you have no literary taste of your own doesn't mean great novels have not been written in the past 65 years
they exist, but you're too much of a pleb to 1) find them and 2) recognize them on the extremely slim chance you manage to read one

>> No.21818536
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Can't you see this utopia will never end?

>> No.21818563

AI will kill
movie-,music-,journalistics- and book-industry

>> No.21818582

>The decline of white men in publishing isn't the cause of white men being less interested in contemporary literary fiction; the lack of interest is the reason for said decline.

Literally the most sold fiction writer of all time is Stephen King and it's not because only white males read his books you retard.

>> No.21818597

>Caesarism from the right is somewhat inevitable in the US.

>"We'll w-win s-soon, just you wait!"

Delusional Yarvinoid.

>> No.21818607

'white male' has moved on to.. sex cults, gated communities, video games, tennis/golf clubs, secret interest groups of some obscure dentistry/judge/military circles you have never heard of, etc

reading is just a form of entertainment, it was popular entertainment until like idk 19th century and 'white male' was the only demographic that could even read back then, nonwhites were largely fucking tribal let alone literate

there is nothing profound in pop reading, its the same as pop music, movies, pop science, etc

>> No.21818636

That whole debate was only casually anti-white, what the real target was, was white male authors
I still find it fucking hilarious that these dumb white women posted those statistics showing the dominance of new white authors, thinking that this would refute the question of whether white male authors found it difficult to break into the field, and then had a tantrum when people called them out for it
Fucking dumb cunts

>> No.21818663

Why is America so obsessed with race and trannies?

>> No.21818671

Racism is their foundational myth, like romance is for the French. You can't be American without being a racist just like you can't be French without being obsessed with love.

>> No.21818700

It started out as a sublimation of the American religious impulse, which was always puritan and evangelical due to its historical roots. But at some point it was taken over and consciously shaped into a civic religion by deep elites who saw that the future of financially enserfed, oligarcho-ochlocratic America was in controlled Brazilification. They use laundered money to set up thinktanks and funds and create cultural and institutional consensuses that all converge on a single focus: "diversity" as a mandatory religion for the managerial class. This is why every institution, commercial, cultural, and academic, all seem to converge on the diversity meme. It's not just bad faith actors or idiots. It's a combined arms effort: The system runs on grants and funding, and you get more money if you pander to the diversity thing. That's the carrot. Meanwhile quasi-apartheid legislation is pushed and the justice system is degraded and corrupted so that it becomes increasingly difficult to survive in polite society with "antiquated" views. This forces the entire middle and upper middle class to adopt the same uniform religion of race fetishism. This comes easily for them because they are desperate, degraded, scared and stupid people, like women with made-up job titles who work in offices and their feminized metrosexual boyfriends.

At the other end of society they do things like this
to promote degeneracy and make you feel like you have already lost control of a society, since you are a middle class working chump just trying not to be lynched for your outmoded opinions, while all the office ladies and their metrosexual boyfriends are having a great time, and they don't seem bothered by the non-working welfare collecting minorities who somehow also seem to have an infinite supply of BMWs to lease and crash every six months.

The point is that it's all intentional. Even when something is merely fortuitous, it's because the elites are taking advantage of something that already works in their favor and stirring it into their own plans. Everything revolves around demoralization of the remaining normal people through the elevation of awfulness and degeneracy, and the elevation of the stupidest and most permissive and gullible people among the classes who should be denouncing degeneracy, to drown out any dissent as abnormal.

>> No.21818702

Anyone know if you can get around this by using academic press? Yes, I mean for non-fiction.

>> No.21818708

The correct strategy to thwart this system is to contribute only the tiniest amount you need to survive and bleed it dry. Don't have children, don't join the army, pay as little taxes as possible(or drain welfare).

>> No.21818710

A common mistake, unfortunately

>> No.21818713

Also just start viewing everything as a move and a test by them. What was Zimmerman's trial? A test to see how far they could break the objectivity of judges and the public, manipulate the judges and jury through public scorn. They pushed, the system bent (for instance the media was completely complicit) but didn't break, so they backed off and tried again a year or two later. That's how they ratchet it up.

Same with COVID. They didn't get what they wanted with COVID so they'll try again the next time an opportunity arises.

Trannies are just more of the same. They don't care about trannies, they care about forcing you and your nice mother to stomach a farce every single day. They know you won't break, but your mom will, because your mom is torn between just wanting to be nice and not wanting to be assaulted at work by the insane mulatta who is always saying strange things. The system broke the mulatta, the mulatta will break your mom, and losing your mom to the mulatta will break you in ways useful to the system, by making you desperate and isolated.

>> No.21818849

This is a very complicated way of saying the acceleration of recent progressivism is in direct proportion to the austerity of the economy. The reason people are going ideologically insane is because the economy is literally imploding in front of their eyes and they know the future is cancelled, and they'll never have the economic stability and wealth their boomer parents had.

>> No.21818937

good post bro

>> No.21818942

I have to admit that I don't read contemporary male authors (and so nothing contemporary) because they are about my age and I have a competitive feeling towards them. I'm always like as if this faggot can write anything worth my time etc. And I usually am very harsh on them. So yes this is a part of the issue I suppose.

>> No.21818956

Considering that white people will become more and more of a minority, probably never. Minorities are never treated well.

>> No.21818965

You have been dropping massive redpills in several posts. Who are you?

>> No.21818970

Do you have links/screencaps of his other posts?

>> No.21818978

Lmao no mate. I understand what you're saying. But a bunch of bureaucratic brown whores will never threaten my life.

>> No.21819000


>> No.21819002

Just because you own a gun and are willing to defend yourself to the death doesn't mean it's a good thing society ever comes to that point you moron.

>> No.21819072
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>a bunch of dumb farmers won't ever threaten my life

>> No.21819090

>People keep saying I'm hysterical, but the normalization of anti-XYZ attitudes literally ALWAYS ends in some genocidal chimp out and I'm tired of pretending it won't.
People will deny it but the BLM riots suspiciously resemble pogroms. Pogroms always start the same way, a member of a race is accused of murder of another and the tribesmen insulted by the murder loot and plunder shops and beat people

>> No.21819100

What truly makes it a pogrom is that the people in power look away or support it. Which they did too much in this case.

>> No.21819101

another increasingly common public phenomenon:

>> No.21819114


>> No.21819134

If it was a group of Whites, Asians or even Jews the elites would have rounded them up the second they got violent against another group

>> No.21819139

Lets not make shit up. The people who rioted during George Floyd weren't solely angry blacks. There were plenty of sympathetic white people too.

>> No.21819146

>sympathetic white people
I saw the faces of the protesters, most of the ANTIFA thugs were drugged out of their minds. I knew one of them who went around destroying small shops on behalf of the competition and another who smashed the windows of large businesses for a slice of the insurance dough.
There was no sympathy

>> No.21819149

When you see titles like this, let it go, instead of rage, just write and smile to yourself.

>> No.21819153

Exactly. I know a little Chinese kid who makes SJWs seethe because when they ask him how he feels about racism he says he doesn't care and that he laughs at people who call him chink. The seethe is unreal.

>> No.21819155
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>There was no sympathy

There was plenty of sympathy, and that's a big part of the problem.

>> No.21819171
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>> No.21819174

The ones who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse were Jewish desu.

>> No.21819175

Imagine donating to a cause without asking where the cash goes

>> No.21819177

That would explain the dire straits tradpub has been in for years now.

>> No.21819184

I like Dire Straits desu.

>> No.21819187

Jewish guy who molested a six year old Jewish kid and was left banned from his community and unemployable. He went there to die, that's why he attacked the kid with the gun
It's a sad story that they put the kid through a trial but its a snapshot portrait of the sort of people who participated in race pogroms

>> No.21819201

Asking where the cash goes is racist obviously. That's part of what makes race hucksterism a genius grift. You're a morally decrepit person if you don't give them money, and you're a morally decrepit person if you give them money with any proviso.

>> No.21819227

It's brilliant if you lack dignity. If you want to be a serious nationalist or a decent human being yourself its repulsive

>> No.21819230
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>> No.21819238

People claim progressivism and liberalism has invaded Christian churches in the West and are wearing it as a skin suit, but the Orthodox Russian Church are Putinists pretending to be Christians.

>> No.21819267
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what do you mean

>> No.21819296

I like that Slightly Annoyed Jesus on the flag.

>> No.21819323

Read the post, it's pretty clear.

>> No.21819333 [SPOILER] 

Vladimir cowtows to the Church more than the Church cowtows to Putin. The Russian homophobia is just part of general non-Western culture due to the religious revival there

>> No.21819339

>Vladimir cowtows to the Church more than the Church cowtows to Putin.

Bullshit lol.

>> No.21819347
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Are you implying that if Russian Orthodox were REAL Christians then they would accept LGBT and BLM and feminism and all this nonsense?
Then how come literally no Christian anywhere supported that stuff until modern times?
Why do you say that any Christian who actually sticks to traditional Christian values must be a Russian agent or something?

>> No.21819350

You have a normie understanding of eastern politics, the big chief in most of these countries is big chief as long as he balances certain cultural interests
It's like if a medieval king destroyed the local church, the people would rebel

>> No.21819353

I think you need to get a handle on your insecurities.

>> No.21819371

Where in that quote does he say anything related to Putin

>> No.21819375

Fuck I thought I was the only one who does this. I will be reading something and enjoying it and then look up the author and if it somehow turns out he's in my age group I will immediately get uncomfortable and hypercritical of the work. I generally dislike consuming things by people within 7 or 8 years of my age because of this insecurity.

>> No.21819381

Lol Yarvin's a meme, I'm talking about mainstream Republican politics, ie, Christopher Caldwell, Vivek Ramaswamy (look at his campaign announcement where he specifically talks about the CRA), even fucking Andrew Sullivan. I'm reasonably involved in the foreign policy world so I know a couple people involved in the GOP. Big target right now is Affirmative Action (replacement for abortion) but if you look at what's going on on, eg, at fedsoc events, cutting back the CRA is the long term agenda

>> No.21819387
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I keep getting this faggot shit in my science fiction books more and more
I don't even read the stories written by genderclowns, so they're basically stealing my money for every pagr they waste printing their asinine drivel

>> No.21819396

>lists a bunch of people literally no one has ever heard of

>> No.21819404

Have you ever had the thought that you put too much time into this? The fact you consider these mainstream is telling.

>> No.21819405

He's right.

>> No.21819423


No, it's just that you haven't heard of them because you're generally ignorant and permanently online.

I mean Andrew Sullivan is one of the main reasons the fags got gay marriage through.


I work at a major DC area consulting firm and went to an ivy league, quite a few of the people I spend time with work at AEI, Manhattan, Hudson, Brookings etc. These people are all well known by those who matter.

>> No.21819424
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You're a a satanic faggot.

>> No.21819425

I'm implying that the Russian Orthodox Church does exactly what Putin and his cronies says. What do you for example think would happen if the ROC came out against the war in Ukraine for being a war of Christians against Christians?

I know what would happen and so do you, you bad faith retard.

>> No.21819426

This is incredibly common. Probably especially so because of social media.

I remember back in high school my english teacher was reading some example college essays of varying quality in front of the class. He asked for the class's opinion on one. The class was pretty brutal: pretentious, phony, poor this, poor that. He was taken aback and said something along the lines of "Wow, you guys are horrible. This is supposed to be one of the good ones."

>> No.21819430

>Vivek Ramaswamy

>> No.21819437

The priest in the first picture with the quote is American and his quote has nothing to do with Putin. I don't know if he even is in ROCOR or a different jurisfiction. He might be ROCOR but I don't know.

>> No.21819439
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>Vivek Ramaswamy
>Andrew Sullivan

>Caesarism from the Right

>> No.21819446

Now this is some epic cope.

>> No.21819448

explain without using buzzwords if you can

>> No.21819455

There's nothing to explain. The guy you posted is clearly an Orthodox priest, and the Orthodox Church is an arm of the Russian government, they are not politically independent Christians who can just say and do whatever is in line with their own values.

>> No.21819457
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>These people are all well known by those who matter.
You're all delusional midwits if you think Americans are excited enough about any of these no-name, milquetoast centrists to get out and vote for them. I still remember when Trump permanently ended the careers of all the old faggots you had to hear about all the time, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio, etc.

You are all high on your own farts. You all will be totally wrong, accomplishing nothing. And you all will be paid very well. Such is life.

>> No.21819463
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If you are talking about the second picture with the skulls, that also has nothing to do with Putin. It is a symbol of the Black Hundreds, a right wing Orthodox monarchist faction that supported the Tsar and fought against communism in the early 20th century.

>> No.21819464

>the Orthodox Church is an arm of the Russian government
you have literally no idea what you are talking about
you are parroting CNN talking points or something

>> No.21819467

Cope more Russoid.

>> No.21819470

You clearly know nothing about religion and just care about politics or something.

>> No.21819473

>There's nothing to explain.
not an argument

>> No.21819475

And you clearly have bleached your eyes and poured cement in your ears if you don't think the ROC is a bunch of Putinist goons.

>> No.21819477

I speak in facts not value judgements sir

>> No.21819485
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That church is over 1000 years old, and will be around 1000 more after nobody even remembers who putler was

>> No.21819490

And during all those 1000 years they will suck the dick of the next dictator that god-forsaken country will have.

>> No.21819493

It is better not to speak when you don't know anything.

>> No.21819497

I can't wait for your country to be a nuclear wasteland.

>> No.21819499

You obviously just want to seethe about politics since the original post in question was completely unrelated to Putin.

>> No.21819502

>Posts Putinist Christfag response to BLM
>Has nothing to do with politics


>> No.21819503

like what I just said >>21819499
you know nothing
It's very telling how you have no problem with liberal churches who have woman priests and gay priests. As long as they aren't evil conservatives right?

>> No.21819506

Show specifically where in the quote he says anything about Putin or Russia. >>21819171

>> No.21819508

>It's very telling how you have no problem with liberal churches who have woman priests and gay priests

Your church blesses terrorists who bomb children in your neighboring country. You are exactly the same kind of hypocritical trash.

>> No.21819510

>“I don’t have a lot of time for it,” Shamsie replies. “I mean, let’s unpack this. What these people are saying is
This is literally a strawman argument. Or rather, it's not even a strawman, since she's claiming her opponents are actually arguing her own point. I dunno what logical or rhetorical fallacy that is.

>> No.21819511

These people have lost any use of their rational faculties. They are like mindless drones. Anyone with non-liberal opinions is supposedly a """Putinist""" according to them. They are not capable of logical thinking.

>> No.21819513

>Anyone with non-liberal opinions is supposedly a """Putinist""" according to them.

No, specifically the Church that constantly sucks the dick of Putin is Putinist.

>> No.21819514
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Marxism is anti-Christ.
BLM is a Marxist organization.
Therefore, BLM is an anti-Christ organization.
None of these points are contestable, nor do they have anything to do with your NPC-driven obession with putler.

>> No.21819515

You are not being rational.

>> No.21819517

And you're an FSB troll getting paid 3 rubles per shitpost.

>> No.21819523

It's incredibly common because you are in sync with a lot of the ideas and even just the style of communication you read. It's natural for you and your contemporaries to share similar themes in your work and/or just in your artistic sensibilities, so when you read someone else communicating ideas you've shared, I think it's kind of impossible not to experience a jarring effect when it doesn't match up fully with your own experience. You will find them to be false or off the mark in many more ways as compared to some old fuck you know for a fact is a respected master and you are happier to take his word for/about a time you weren't fully present in, even if a lot of their ideas are about a broader experience of life. It's not insecurity and it's quite healthy, athletes of a similar age grow up competing with each other for a lifetime, it's natural to feel that edge against your peers. You SHOULD read them though, don't just avert your eyes. Because they are your peers and you should be engaged with their work as much as yours. You will think they all suck until you find one that is undeniably good and then that shit will both humble and inspire you.

>> No.21819525
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oh, you're doing the bit

>> No.21819526
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You are like a hysterical woman.

>> No.21819527
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>> No.21819533

And you're part of an ethnicity that will never amount to anything other than violence and alcoholism.

>> No.21819575

Well, get ready for modern literature to get even worse than it already is. Women are not creators, they are not artists. That is the domain of men.

>> No.21819584

It demonstrably isn't the domain of men, men are quitting from everything.

>> No.21819677

Easier to be against something than for something. You can let your opinions be defined by others instead of prioritizing your own value system. Easy way out always wins.
Case in point.

Idiots are easier to manipulate, and if you position someone with an opinion they're not going to do anything but get locked in to your little pet paradigm. Women and the ignorant are easy to control and spend more money. Give them self righteous cause to be racist and sexist and they'll crusade all day to their own eventual detriment. Over a few generations of it you have a society that actively maligns its best constituents.

Thank God in heaven we have money and violence to save us from ugly fat harlots and morons. When times get tough the nonsense goes away and the cream rises to the top. Greed and fear have a way of eliminating hypocrisy and dogma that no amount of brainwashing could ever attempt.

>> No.21819718

I knew this autistic Chinese guy who now works for a major chip designer and he would repeatedly call things "retarded" in front of the same PC person who'd always correct him to not say that and seethe about it, lol

>> No.21819756

>Kamila Shamsie: ‘White male novelists no longer have an overwhelming influence’
Ah yes peeminist psyop

>> No.21819771

I have a short story collection I want to bring to publication shape, and this has caused me considerable anxiety.
>white man
>married to a white woman for five years, been with her for ten, totally monogamous
>have a white baby boy
>live in a 96% white town
>working class job to get by (school bus driver so I can write and raise my son)
>don’t do any activist shit
>just try to write entertaining horror stories
What do, anons?

>> No.21819776

>women don't like being raped
oh my sweet summer child

>> No.21819801

Bronze Age Mindset is one of the best selling books of the last decade and there is no way a major (((publisher))) would ever touch it. White men clearly want to buy books that the industry is unwilling to supply, so they have to go underground.

>> No.21819808

>the murder loot
Things that never happened
>beat people
Only to cops and bigots
>plunder shops
Oh no not businesses! Gosh when you put it like that I guess murdering two people really was the only solution...
Also most shops have insurance

>> No.21819820 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21819836

Why would you need a publisher in AD 2023?

>> No.21819950

Sounds like the writer of Conan the barbarian novels. Those were my favorite books growing up, skill and imagination have little to do with nonsense racist drivel being peddled as important. You don't need a racially diverse living situation to appreciate life and awesome things. It's actually a non issue.

>> No.21819965

>Rimbaud dreamed of having the Parisian literatti as a literary brotherhood who would understand the new developments he was trying to usher unto the French literary scene
>soon he realized that the Parisian literary scene was still stuck in early 19th ce tropes and thereby rejected his developments
>as a consequence, he and Verlaine would crash literary meetups in extreme inhibreation and pee all over the establishment
>Rimbaud would not get any literary recognition until the surrealists championed his work in the early 20th ce
buh buh buh why dont the monolingual roasties like my totally avant garde lit boo hoo

>> No.21819982

bad bait or dumb tranny

>> No.21820134

>My story was inspired by a film I saw when I was six at the Kennedy Space Center about the possibility of life on Europa but also by my experiences as a mentally ill queer person.
Kek. Why did you block ziz twitter?

>> No.21820227
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>White male novelists no longer have an overwhelming influence
No novelists do. The only people who even still read anymore are millennial wine aunts with a dozen furbabies. Nobody else gives a fuck.

>> No.21820268

A lot of new penguin releases fail to sell 12 books a year. This is not at all an expression of consumer preference but of people who decide who gets published or not and in "proper" literature the priorities of the academic circlejerk that promotes their garbage.

>> No.21820432

The places with actual power (Wall street, silicon valley) are all men, as always. It just means that not many people are reading books anymore, and who can blame them when most of the stuff out there is trite. It's a negative feedback loop

>> No.21820523

Those aren't places of actual power.

>> No.21820560

Because they don't deserve the advertising, they deserve to be hung from the neck until dead.

>> No.21820591

I'm going to tell you a story. This is the story of Amy Biehl, a left-wing whore (but I repeat myself) who went to South Africa to protest Apartheid a few decades ago. She went there to fight the good fight against racism and to help put communists in control of a white country.

Well, while Amy Biehl was there, she came down with a bad case of the dead, courtesy of a pack of niggers with cinder blocks. They dragged her out of her car, and smashed her little left-wing skull in in front of her parents. Now, we do not have footage of this murder, but we do have the testimony of the killers, who were all acquitted at the Truth and Reconciliation proceedings after Apartheid ended. They laughed as they recalled the girl begging for her life.

Her parents would later forgive, and befriend, her murderers. None of whom were punished. THAT is the Leftist. THAT is the white liberal. They do not love their children. It is an objective fact. You can WATCH them apologize to their daughters' murderers. You can WATCH as they simp for the people who murdered their own little baby girl, who had come to the country to try and fight for their rights.

That is the Leftist. And it isn't one story, Mollie Tibbets, Anat Kimchi--it's a million stories all exactly the same. When some shitskin slices open a good little leftist's belly, and leaves her screaming for her mother with her intestines hanging out, they don't feel anything except fear for the shitskin. "Oh no, my daughter's murder might cause people to be racist!" THAT is what they think. They don't have self-preservation instinct, they don't love their children, they don't hate murderers. Nothing will convince them.

>> No.21820695
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I don't know about you guys but when I studied literature, 99% of the students were young white women and this was ages ago. Also 80% of fiction readers are women, guys don't like it.

Guys don't like fiction, they don't want to study it, they don't want to write it.

Don't know what any potential writers here are worried about. Its probably an untapped market, like a female rapper or something

>> No.21820699

women and leftists don't read, they just collect books and take pictures of them

>> No.21820741

You're right, the places of true power are all suited up girlbosses sticking it to the man.

>> No.21820744

No, it's more like the real places of power are journalism and academia.

>> No.21820752

The press has been owned by the same few >people all the way to the top for nearly a hundred years, but sure, it's the starving feminist journos who control everything.

>> No.21820832

Ownership is irrelevant. The owners have little to no editorial control.

>> No.21820860

So what are some genuinely talented male contemporary writers?

>> No.21821273

>Kamila Shamsie: ‘White male novelists no longer have an overwhelming influence’
I'm sure that she read a lot.

>> No.21821975

You're confused.

>> No.21822068

is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.21822133

>Her parents would later forgive, and befriend, her murderers
Christians, huh?

>> No.21822241

The name is: "The power of be isolated".

>> No.21822433

Handsome gents seem to cause a lot of American seething; lucky I'm not American. Love the Orthodox Church

>> No.21822478

I don't get it, how is it "casually anti-white" to note they don't have a monopoly on noteworthy authorship? She didn't say she hates white people or anything, just that back in the day one demographic had an overwhelming influence as that's no longer the case.

>> No.21822484

Ty for the reassurance anon. I am more concerned about finding agents and publishers who will take on a normal white guy.

>> No.21822554

Just carry on as you normally would, I don't see the issue.

>> No.21822593


Look at the wording of the text she was replying to. She is characterizing the active racial gatekeeping of publishing against white men as "white men no longer having an overwhelming influence". It's weasel words.

>> No.21822643

Is there effective gatekeeping against publishing white men?

>> No.21822659



>> No.21822694

This is the guy whom that one (nominally) Native American author got super assblasted about after picking him for an award, right? The piece the Native guy wrote about the whole thing was hilarious. Basically him coming face to face with his own racism and trying to write it off as though he’d simply been tricked.

>> No.21822699
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>Update — 9/10/15
>Yi-Fen Chou is the actual name of a woman who attended high school with Michael Derrick Hudson, the Fort Wayne Sentinel first discovered. The woman’s family has come forward requesting that Hudson never use her name again again.
What in the world...

>> No.21822713

What fucking weirdo.

>> No.21822739

Reminds me that one white guy who had his name on in the ballot in Chinese characters in a San Francisco election and won. Non-whites get really assblasted when you demonstrate their own racism back at them in this way.

>> No.21822748

> Minorities are never treated well

What about celebrities? What about doctors? What about kings?

Seems to me that it all has to do with how you define the group or set, not the number of its contents.

>> No.21822752

As a white male, I agree with this.

As a decent person, I have often felt underrepresented, because all of the authors and their male characters are assholes, and I am not one.

>> No.21822769

>What about celebrities? What about doctors? What about kings?
There's a category error there but I don't have the mental capacity to articulate it right now.

>> No.21822978
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>I have often felt underrepresented, because all of the authors and their male characters are assholes
Can't say I feel the same, but I mostly read fantasy. What genres do you read that make you feel this way?

>> No.21823088

>it's because the elites are taking advantage of something that already works in their favor and stirring it into their own plans.
based call out

>> No.21824485

The Last Psychiatrist (a good blogger back in the 00s) said something about all this. That when women and minorities are climbing the corporate/social ladder it just means that the real brains have already checked out. It seems obvious now but it was prophetic to me back then. A lot of literary talent moved elsewhere and literature as a force is probably dead.

>> No.21824956

Really want to read a book by a woman that was inspired by a a chat with another woman, probably on some shitty backyard patio, built by a 230lb man with a nice ass crack too look at while he works, probably