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File: 270 KB, 704x928, DF23DC3E-4135-4AAF-B0C6-A1B78AEBED90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21815799 No.21815799 [Reply] [Original]

>skilled pianist who could sight read and even transcribe music
>gifted poet and novelist (of course)
>fluent in French and German
>Able to read and write Latin
>excellent shot with a pistol and capable wing-shooter with a shotgun
>skilled artist in water colors and pencil sketches

How is a sickly girl from Victorian Yorkshire intellectually and morally superior to 99.99% of men (to say nothing of women) today?

>> No.21815806

Train people from birth for excellence and you will get excellence. That isn't even that impressive.

Today you aren't allowed to create excellence, and if you somehow manage to, it will be reabsorbed by one of the control mechanisms like public schools, universities, or degenerate pop culture and hedonistic lifestyles. That isn't factoring in long term dysgenic effects of miscegenation through mass immigration.

All you have to do is get rid of the actively deleterious factors like degenerate media and smartphones and you could have 19th century levels of intelligence and achievement, at least in any remaining areas that aren't already irreparably ruined through dysgenics (most urban areas). But even mild eugenics programs would work wonders over a generation or so.

>> No.21815815

Emily only had formal training in drawing and piano and French. The shooting, literary excellence, and etc. were all in effect hobbies. She had an off the charts IQ in my opinion.

>> No.21815816

Wizard powers.

>> No.21815817

>>skilled pianist who could sight read and even transcribe music
If you had any idea of what you were talking about, you'd know sight reading is far more difficult than transcribing. In fact, music teachers often recommend becoming good at the latter before capitalizing on the former

>> No.21815818

The femcel is the most powerful force on this planet

>> No.21815822

I think I used the wrong word - she could takes the scores for pieces written for orchestra and rewrite them for the parsonage piano so she could play them.

>> No.21815840

Piano arrangements

>> No.21815850
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Thank you

>> No.21815863

Schopenhauer would have loved her.

>> No.21815873

Savantism- autistic

>> No.21815874

When it came Germans she simped for Goethe.

>> No.21815881
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people did shit back then instead of spending 25 years of their life learning geometry, basic literacy, and maybe some academic points regarding a traid

>> No.21815883

You could honestly do all of that in two years if you put the work into it. If you haven't, either you're lazy or you don't actually value those things as much as you think you do.

>> No.21815885

>That isn't factoring in long term dysgenic effects of miscegenation through mass immigration.
Even without immigration, we've still been wrecked by the dysgenics of industrial post-selective pressure society.

>> No.21815886

You spent half your life on 4chan with that spelling, retard

>> No.21815891
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i've been studying french and I have the flattened diphthong merge stuck in me

>> No.21815899

In all seriousness, why? They were contemporaries so that’s a fascinating prospect.

>> No.21816873


>> No.21817163


>> No.21817329

This whole sentence is pseudoscience garbage meant to sound insighful but ultimately devoid of any grounding in actual scientific or genetics literature.
Go read a fucking biology textbook before spouting your racist horseshit.

>> No.21817342

No TV, Internet or vidya. Had to make their own fun. Besides, they'll still teach you most of that at the right schools.
I can read and write Latin, shoot, play piano, write novels and poems (obviously not at her level) and I'm a fuckwit. Take away the n64 and I'd probably be okay at painting too.

>> No.21817586

You are trying so hard to sound smart, but there's a difference between sounding smart and having actual arguments. We can use correlates to IQ to estimate IQ during different time periods, and there was a significant drop between the 19th century and now. Here's a meta-analysis on the topic. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289613000470 Also why did you call me racist when I was actually saying that we were losing IQ even without immigration? It sounds like you have a pre-recorded response to all mentions of IQ.

>> No.21817610

This is what Schopenhauer said about anti-normalfag women :

>“I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself from above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man.”

>> No.21817657
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How right wingers argue
>Lmao gibs me that for free, am I right? Just kidding dude hahaha you want to come talk about this on my free speech anime website where you can say anything you want?

How leftists argue
>This is absolute fucking gibberish you fucking braindead /pol/tard yes I am mad I can't fucking believe you're allowed to fucking say this. Read a book and trust the experts or I just might cry, fuck you, fuck, I don't need this today, FUCK I need to call my therapist I'll be sending you the bill you fucking chud

>> No.21817721
File: 527 KB, 720x1200, 0605D438-9FC2-44E3-BEA4-0AFE663F2925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a young man in 2023 best educate himself? Should one just learn a language or two and just immerse himself in the canon, or is there a better, more structured way to go about things?

>> No.21817904


>> No.21817942

No he's right, it's impressive but not incredible and hardly superhuman. Emily did not have a job or children. She spent all her time learning things and pursuing her own interests. I'm not sure you're appreciating how much time there really is to do things when you aren't wage-slaving or perpetually distracted by electronic media.

>> No.21818144

If the average guy replaced half of his screen time with reading he’d be much better off for it

>> No.21818869

>neets back then: learning languages, writing poetry, playing piano, walking in the moors
>neets today: watching animus and arguing about niggers on the internet
I'm thinking computers maybe perhaps do be bad

>> No.21818923
File: 1.28 MB, 1290x1501, 9047FE6F-4981-4B89-949B-8E23DBC61850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point - Joanna Newsom was raised with no access to radio or television and all of her entertainment had to come from books or her parent’s record collection. She was also sent to a Waldorf school which uses no technology in instruction and focuses on instilling a sense of wonder and curiosity. It’s still possible to raise a child with a Brontë like level of creativity and uniqueness but you have to make a very concerted effort.

>> No.21818960

Oh gawd. Did she sow that herself? XD

>> No.21818981

No, that would be less cringe actually. It’s a very expensive Rodarte dress.

>> No.21819045

If she had existed on this age or if 4chan was a thing at the time you chuds would be calling her a product of neopotism or an industry plant.

>> No.21819077

that's not that difficult for anyone with musical training.

>> No.21819103

I wish I had the motivation to do stuff like this, I try but vidya distracted

That's the ugliest dress I've ever seen not exaggerating. Looks incredibly unflattering. Actually impressive how bad it looks

>> No.21819118

for how much they forcefed us sob stories about jewish rats nesting in attics and gaschambers with wooden doors, we could have learned passable French instead, to say nothing of the whinging about the troubles of negroes.
back in the day people just went and shot the shit with other villagers, wrote pen pals, or hung out in salons drinking coffee and gossipping. same shit different era. proles have never been productive. only autismchads are productive in isolation.

>> No.21819119

burn that mole of your tit, goddamn. If you're a 9/10 why wouldn't you correct that blaring blemish?

>> No.21819123
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I retract my statement

>> No.21819131
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That’s an older and bad picture of her. She’s a lot better looking than it implies but probably not a 9/10.

>> No.21819140

>this is a 9/10 in bongistan

>> No.21819157

>A person likes to learn things
>Learning things makes them better at skills they are learning
Wow... truly enlightening, OP. You could probably develop some skills yourself if you did the exact same thing!

>> No.21819194

Newsom is a Californian Jew you mong

>> No.21819204

She has oldface.

>> No.21819210

She’s 41 in that photo.

>> No.21819219

>doesn't know the meme
9/10 in jewistan

>> No.21819557
File: 860 KB, 1201x2142, DC261018-1E00-4963-A4EA-AC8ECD518C77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In 1847 after waking her brother Branwell, by then a broken and despondent man, through the rain to the Black Bull pub Emily declined his offer to enter the establishment. Instead, she kissed him on the lips and murmured “I am already drunk on the wine I shall never drink” then proceeded to stand in the rain for hours until the time came to walk her brother home.
What did she mean by this?

>> No.21819635

>sickly girl stands in the cold rain for hours
this is probably why she fucking died

>> No.21819639

That wasn’t the specific incident but pretty much yeah. Her latent TB became active and killed her after she caught a chill standing in the cold and rain during Branwell’s funeral.

>> No.21819651

Suppression of female sexuality. All geniuses were sexually frustrated and horny.

>> No.21819857

>Emily and Anne shared a romantic friendship in the grand Victorian sense, heightened by the fact that as blood relatives an even greater level of physical intimacy was permitted. Ellen Nussey described the sisters as "twins" and "inseparable." It was observed that any space which could contain Emily could contain Anne and vice-versa, they could share the smallest chair and narrowest bed, so willing were they to nestle together and intertwine. Emily initially shared a bed with Charlotte but Charlotte tired of this and insisted on her own bed, leaving Emily and Anne to sleep together whenever they were both at the Parsonage until the very last stages of Emily's losing battle with tuberculosis. When Anne left, first to attend school and then work as a governess, Emily cried herself to sleep for months.
Do you think they explored each other's bodies? There's some British lesbian author who is certain they fucked but I think that's a little extreme.

>> No.21820035

They told each other sexy stories and masturbated under the sheets, keeping up a pretence that they weren't.

>> No.21820038

>they weren't
weren't what? Abusing the clam?

>> No.21820043

No, this sounds typical of young female friendship

>> No.21820047



>> No.21820056

>this is considered the peak of autodidact in 19th ce bong land
>this is considered the peak of private school education in 21st ce burgerland

>> No.21820073

>“I am already drunk on the wine I shall never drink”
that's a really interesting statement. A materialistic interpretation is that she could be referring to the blood poisoning from TB which she would have been in the early stages. Blood poisoning looks and feels a lot like being slightly drunk. The never drink part referring perhaps to her impending death. She could also perhaps be referring to her fantasy world of Gondal and her habit of spending a significant portion of her time "in" Gondal versus reality. Her uncanny patience which she often exhibited (such as waiting outside the pub in this example) was in part a product of her ability to withdraw almost entirely into her mind and dissociate for hours at a time. In this way, her vice is not drink but fantasy.

>> No.21820118

I'm pretty sure she just meant that she was a crazy incestuous autist drunk on her brother even though he would never fuck her.

>> No.21820126

Branwell was quite the cocksman I think he would have been down for it. not that it would have mattered given the expurgated passage from wuthering heights that proves Emily didn't know how sex worked or even what it was except in the most childlike terms

>> No.21820139

>Female doesn't know about sex
>Automatically turns into a very skilled artist that even Schopenhauer would approve of, more skilled than some men even, something that seems completely unrealistic
We have solved the woman problem.

>> No.21820142

it’s literally as simple as centering your-self round your higher goals. if you’re here that means there is plenty nonsensical ties you can sever in search of whatever you know you want. think about it friend, i must do the same

>> No.21820150

She knew *about* sex - she knew that Branwell had banged his employer's wife and even worried about the risk of a bastard resulting from the union. However she lived in a society in which she felt no pressure to lose her virginity and by her late twenties had even begun to take pride in the likelihood that she would die a maiden.

>> No.21820210

>expurgated passage

What was this?

>> No.21820361
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>> No.21820371

People back then had shit else to do but work and , if you don't work, then you do fuck all. Gotta do something during your downtime.

>> No.21820374

she really was the perfect girl. wtf happened to the women of today?

>> No.21820480

damn did the Brontës really

>> No.21820484

if you gave her a cell phone with twitter and instagram she never would have learned to do any of those things. She'd be too busy posting photos of her spotted dick to beta orbiters.

>> No.21820486

>skilled pianist
Never heard of a single piece of hers. Obviously not skilled enough.
>gifted poet and novelist
>fluent in two languages
wow... incredible.
>able to read and write Latin
bullshit but i believe you
>excellent shot
>skilled artist
Yet i've never seen any art of hers...curious.
All in all - you are a pathetic simp simping for a 4/10. Sad!

>> No.21820787

It was a different time.

>> No.21821267

>ywn be erotic with your siblings and give each other tuberculosis

>> No.21821284



>> No.21821383

Your seed would ruin the autism.

>> No.21821387

I'm more autistic than you'll ever be in ten reincarnations.

>> No.21821389

Women can be great and terrible. Lord Byron's dumb fucking daughter invented computers for example, what a bitch

>> No.21821402

Date trannies dude, it‘s awesome

>> No.21821405

One word: dysgenics.
The average 19th century human was quite more intellectually gifted than the average moron today. The industrial Revolution was a mistake. Smart people got hoisted by their own petard.

>> No.21821406

Irrelevant. Real world experience would overwhelm her senses and condition a more normal female disposition. If you like the fruit you have to protect the flower. Farm the clam but never harvest it. Let the beaver grow and build his dam but never have sex with it.

>> No.21821414

>Train people from birth for excellence and you will get excellence
What an ignoramus. Heredity deniers are the biggest dimwits to have ever lived. A farmer from 5000 years ago trashes your brainlet intellects to dust, where they belong.

>> No.21821417

The Hitler Youth disagrees with you. Both nature and nurture are important. Also, the post you are replying to discussed the dysgenics issue you speedreading phoneposting oversimplifying nigger.

>> No.21821435

>The Hitler Youth disagrees with you
Stopped reading here. Go back to /pol/ you absolute mong.

>> No.21821436


It's amazing how shitty that painting is

>> No.21821482

you make Branwell cry with your words

>> No.21821494

The Hitler Youth is one of the most interesting political experiments in human history. It literally proved that 90% of any great recipe is quality ingredients, only 10% is assembly. It's as important as the French and American revolutions.

>> No.21821733

The Brontes didn't though. Emily's father and brother were Anglican vicars and her sisters sometimes worked as governesses, but couldn't always find jobs. They were basically working the shortest hours you could do back then and still pay the bills.
So you have a whole family with high IQ, decent education and a lot of free time. They also had no tv or internet and they lived in the countryside away from any other kind of cheap entertainment. So what were they going to do except read and play the piano?

>> No.21821741

So what's the best way to do education then? Would you give children aptitude tests and filter them into groups?

>> No.21821958

>what's the best way to do education
Symbolism, metaphors and allegories. It's how the brain works. If you go down this line of thought long enough you suddenly find yourself catching up to 3000 year old thinkers you thought you had already progressed past.

>> No.21822855
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This board's belief that woman like this no longer exist is proof positive, as if I needed any, that /lit/ consists largely of urbanized, secularized pseuds. Go to any reasonably selective Christian university in the USA, especially one with a rural campus, and especially one that caters to former homeschool students and you will find yourself awash in women as creative and odd as the Bronte sisters. They don't all rise to Emily's level of genius of course, but I would say maybe 1 in 30 do at least approach it and 1 in 10 are strange enough to at least fulfill your autistic dream girl fantasies. My parents worked for a very selective Baptist institution and I met many such women - the most memorable being a short, slim, blonde who played the violin and the Celtic Harp, was a Russian major (and simped massively for Pushkin lol), and had a huge imaginary world she had developed with her brother while being homeschooled which she still actively created content for. Not long after I met her she gave me a drawing of myself as a Cavalry officer in her fictional nation's army. As it turned out she inducted almost everyone she met more than once into her world, it was her way of autistically coping with social relationships.

>> No.21822955

>for how much they forcefed us sob stories about jewish rats nesting in attics and gaschambers with wooden doors, we could have learned passable French instead, to say nothing of the whinging about the troubles of negroes.
Nothing against Jews or blacks but as a teacher I've often wondered how much goes into teaching the kids about "equity" and social justice when it could go into teaching a practical skill.
It would unironically help the same minorities if they got to take a welding course instead of listening to a bleeding heart White woman talk about slavery for several hours a day

>> No.21822975

Only really emotionally dead women use dating sites

>> No.21823136

The difference between the AP and non-AP history tracks in high school is crazy. I did AP everything and my sister did the regular track and in her own words “we only learned about slavery and the Holocaust”

>> No.21823158

There's this thing called exaggerations

>> No.21823356

because you unironically waste 12-16 years of your life in some shitty school system learning nothing but disconnect nonsense so they can sneak in subversive propaganda to shape your worldview to one that isnt a threat to the ruling powers.

when you start living your life at 8 or 9 years old, that gives you a massive headstart to 'modern' people who are still considered children at age 26. The public school system and age of consent/child labor laws exist explicitly to waste the most productive years of your life.

>> No.21823419

Are you in America? They centre those two aspects of history as if they are all important there. There's hardly any discussion of other event even though there were other genocides and other developments and those tragedies are only a blimp on a timelin

>> No.21823422

Is it weird that I feel deeply resentful to the school system even as a teacher? I feel like it limited my ability to learn as a kid and now limits my ability to help students

>> No.21823508

Is sight reading music really that difficult and rare? I've been able to do it since I was a kid and first learned to read music. I read and play just the same as reading a book. I can't transcribe worth shit though and don't have perfect pitch.

>> No.21823599

Of course I’m in America.

>> No.21823628

There are many instances of the aristocracy training negroes who went on to learn multiple languages, instruments, and writing and some were successful. None of the things mentioned in here or in OP are impressive and more so are the result of a bourgeois upbringing where one had the luxery to receive this education. I can train someone with an IQ of 80 to do all these things. I would bet a million dollars on it.

>> No.21823637

I would take that bet if I had a million dollars to wager. It'd be amusing watching you gradually become more and more frustrated as well.

>> No.21823650

Hitlerjugend proved that if you indoctrinate kids into thinking when they die they go to Valhalla, then they will fight to the death in any situation using all means available, even when they are 13 years old, which is extremely formidable to soldiers coming from a democratic and liberal society who just want to live to see the next day.

>> No.21823684
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I need an autist gf so much bros

>> No.21823711

Perhaps the most important positive experience was the fact that
socially, too, the HJ and other institutions helped youngsters dis-
cover new territory. Because the HJ aspired to bridge class barriers,
many of its members were able to meet youngsters or adults from
different backgrounds and thus break out of their own milieus.
Ambitious HJ members could rise up through the ranks. Sometimes
working-class children found themselves in authority over young-
sters with a grammar-school background. Those who performed
well in the HJ might well also find their social mobility enhanced
outside the organisation. A good HJ record could open up oppor-
tunities for youngsters whose parents' social status would in the past
have denied them much chance of advancement. For example,
successful HJ members might be able to get into one of the National
Socialist political academies or into a better school; they might be
able to obtain an apprenticeship in a sought after occupation or gain
entry into a white-collar profession. For many youngsters, the old
adage from the working-class milieu of the 1920s 'them up on top, us
down below', no longer seemed to fit.

The HJ also encouraged youngsters to take on positions of leader-
ship and responsibility. At some time or other almost all boys and
girls took on some office or higher rank, be it in the DJ or the HJ.
Those who joined the Jungvolk as 1 o-year-olds, for example, moved
in only their second year into positions of seniority over the new
entrants. Thus the old youth movement principle that 'youth should
be led by youth' became a reality for many young people. Those
promoted received new badges and insignia as marks of their auth-
ority. The chevrons and frogging were highly important for the
self-esteem of those involved, And, again, outside the HJ, too, the
uniform or the higher rank brought recognition. Many of our
interview partners mentioned the fact that when you wore the
uniform you 'were somebody' and could not just be dismissed as a

Many of the respondents - and not just the enthusiasts - dwelt on
the fact that they had been involved in useful and socially meaning-
ful activity. They helped on farms or in land reclamation or col-
lected metal for recycling; they looked after elderly members of the
community, collected for the Nazis' 'winter help scheme', knitted for
the poor or sent parcels to soldiers at the front. Because of the
blanket condemnation of the HJ in the post-war period, our inter-
viewees were at pains to emphasise this positive useful side.
Respondents of both sexes believed that their HJ activities had been
a lot more worthwhile than the activities of modern youth who 'just
hang around outside discos' and did nothing useful.

>> No.21823716

In this context the HJ generation also argued that there had been
a stronger 'social side' to National Socialism than later generations
and most outsiders have been willing to acknowledge. Such things as
the training competitions, for example, the fact that there were no
school fees for the poor, the introduction of coeducation, com-
petitions for the most social factory or more generally working for
'the community' were cited as examples.

Another important point which has now become well established
in the historical literature is that despite the official National Social-
ist ideology on woman's role in society, girls and young women in
the youth movement gained new experiences and responsibilities
very much outside the domestic sphere. The experience of exercising
authority within the organisation collided with the official image of
women as mothers, tied to church, children and the chip-pan.

Most had formed, as we
have seen, their own complex picture of positive and negative
experiences and were now outraged by the blank negative judge-
ment being cast on the Third Reich. Even those who had never
regarded themselves as Nazis found that it was no longer permissible
to mention even the 'positive things' about the Third Reich without
being treated as such.

In fact, the legacy of the HJ experience was ambiguous. On the
one hand, the HJ had encouraged many members and particularly
those who had taken on significant responsibilities within the move-
ment, to be very active. It had conveyed the powerful experience
that for those willing to put in the effort to the collective, the reward
could be considerable personal advancement. The dissolution of the
HJ consequently left a vacuum in the post-war period that cried out
to be filled with new activity ...
The resulting ambivalent outlook was probably extremely significant in explaining the particular pattern of behaviour which emerged in both Germanies after the war. Both societies seem to have been characterised by a willingness to put in enormous effort in return for recognition and personal advancement.
The lesson the HJ generation drew from
the past, then, was Pflichtbewujitsein, a willingness to do one's duty, or
better Leistungsbereitschaft, a willingness to give it everything one
had, largely irrespective of whatever state form or political system
happened to be in operation at the time.

What was the psychological state and social condition of German
youth as the war came to an end? There is little doubt that the
Nazis' comprehensive youth programme had left a deep impression.
More than any previous regime, the Third Reich had created a
unified youth, with mentality, attitudes and values that transcended
differences of class and region

tldr: State-enforced boy scouts = superhuman generation within 15 years. And it wasn't even done perfectly, they neglected humanistic education and overemphasized the physical. Imagine what you could do with a century, and while not at war.

>> No.21823747
File: 67 KB, 597x800, Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1977-143-25,_Frankreich,_SS-Grenadier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they neglected humanistic education
You don't say, perhaps that's because the party ideology was anti-humanist. Do you have an idea how the HJ were actually employed on a daily basis? They were 13-16 year old shock troops. The commander Mohnke of the SS Hitlerjugend division was genuinely scared for these children because of how carelessly they were thrown around on the front by high command. He knew they would never throw down their arms when they are inevitably placed into a no-retreat salient. It was only because of his placations to the high command that they were withdrawn from Falaise, plenty were still killed to a man (boy) in pockets. The pre-war activities were for turning them into child soldiers who can outperform 20-30 year old seasoned troops, because Germany is a small country with not enough men.

>> No.21823790

I adore Emily. Wurthering Heights is a work of magic.

>> No.21823918

Is that Prince Harry?

>> No.21823933
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This post gave me a hearty chuckle

>> No.21823934

Yes, partially true, but that's mostly a function of the war and the peculiarities of Nazi ideology. The fact is, all of them had extremely high confidence, low neuroticism, high conscientiousness, they were a model "high trust" society, and all that took was 10~ years of mild boy scout activities and cross-class integration in a society whose bourgeois class stratification was already decadent and begging to be swept away anyway. Imagine combining "Red Vienna" social policies with a second or third generation Hitler Youth that doesn't need to fight in any wars, and has some of its excess bellicosity moderated by classicizing influences from France and Italy.

Europe would have reached its telos and created a race of supermen within 30 years. All the stuff redditors talk about today in Scandinavian welfare states, except the norm across the entire European landmass, with post-scarcity levels of food and Japanese levels of efficiency and technology.

Nothing about this is necessarily wedded to genocidal ideology. National socialism is primarily a peaceful political system. All that shit about it being inherently predicated on overproducing armaments is post-war propaganda to discredit integralist states. If the Nazis had won, and if by some miracle the insane elements in their leadership had been killed or neutralized to prevent them from pointlessly genociding the Slavs, we would have had a golden age for humanity. The fascist states pioneered the modern welfare state, modern green policies and environmentalism, etc. They were what the 20th century was supposed to be, a new dawn for humanity, the dialectical synthesis.

Instead we got finance capitalism doing anything it could to stall things in an eternal recurrence of late 19th / early 20th century crony capitalism* by tricking the world into accepting a fanciful and easily manipulated mass-democratic form of 18th century liberalism (which was actually highly aristocratic and despised the idea of mass democracy).

* statement made by German politician Walther Rathenau in a 1909 article "Geschäftlicher Nachwuchs" in Neue Freie Presse: "Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, guide the economic destinies of the Continent and seek their successors from their own milieu."

>> No.21823942

Not me, thank God. I was the “quiet kid” but I fought with every fibre of my being against going to school until my parents finally gave in. As soon as I dropped out at age 13 I filled my hours with reading, drawing, learning music, writing. Two decades later I still think it’s the best thing I ever did

>> No.21823971
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>filthy rich parents
>have filthy rich interests like m000sicccc and poetryyy and languagess and artttt
>sink money into hiring the best teachers for your offspring
>your offspring studies those fields half their life without any care in the world (like working, getting food, clothes, washing their own shit, not being homeless, not having their time micromanaged in order to be up for work daily etc.)

Marx was right. Same shit I see with the zoomer kids of filthy rich today, yeah excuse me for not being impressed by your kid being able to speak 6 languages by the time they are 20, they literally had 20 years to learn them without additional worries.

You know what's impressive, a worker going everyday to work.

>> No.21823983

Marx didn't fetishize wage labor, he despised it. You aren't supposed to worship the wageworker qua wageworker, you're supposed to support the wageworker qua human being who is struggling to overcome the abstraction "wages" and its intertwined abstractions money, labor, etc.

>“For as soon as the distribution of labour comes into being, each man has a particular, exclusive sphere of activity, which is forced upon him and from which he cannot escape. He is a hunter, a fisherman, a herdsman, or a critical critic, and must remain so if he does not want to lose his means of livelihood; while in communist society, where nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity but each can become accomplished in any branch he wishes, society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticise after dinner, just as I have a mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, herdsman or critic.”

The goal is for everyone to live like the Brontes because the needs of production are met through rational communal administration of the means of production, not to lower everybody to some kind of grey worker drone.

>> No.21824073

>Same shit I see with the zoomer kids of filthy rich today
Which ones? I've never seen this despite being friends with rich zoomers. They don't know shit, except for one asian who was forced to learn the violin at 8.

>> No.21824161

>emotionally dead

>> No.21824235


Playing something you havent heard before near perfect without a few sketches is fairly difficult.

>> No.21824266

>You know what's impressive, a worker going everyday to work.
no it isn't

>> No.21824292
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>You know what's impressive, a worker going everyday to work.

>> No.21824389

This guy thinks he's like Atlas because he has to work at the grocery store

>> No.21824410

you could do all that and nobody will give a shit. I know because you could write the same about a lot of my peers and I'm pretty sure they won't have their lives discussed on a Mongolian book boule forum 200 years from now.

>> No.21824423

Women don't need to slave at a job

>> No.21824439

>You know what's impressive, a worker going everyday to work.
No, what's impressive is a worker providing for his children. "Going to work" is not very impressive at all. Millions of people go to work every day and feed america's fat fucks by preparing their chicken mcniggers and fries. That is not impressive by itself, it is repugnant.

>> No.21824625


>> No.21824793

>Marxists trying not to fetishize wage slavery even though Marx specifically begged them not to, difficulty level: impossible

>> No.21824890

>t.knows nothing about Bronte family
They were educated, not rich. The same kind of background as every Marxist revolutionary ever.

>> No.21825194

Based and correct.

>> No.21825203

>Not long after I met her she gave me a drawing of myself as a Cavalry officer in her fictional nation's army.

>> No.21825711

I probably still have it somewhere - a lot of her store was actually displayed as part of an exhibition of outsider art. I don't think that designation is necessarily fair but the curators really leaned into her eccentricity.

>> No.21825712

Bizarre typo - I meant a lot of her stuff ie her art

>> No.21825729
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Except fortunately they were based and not marxists

>> No.21826359

>Was /lit/, /his/ and /k/
I nominate queen of 4channel. Not 4chan, but only because she was too pure for green boards.
>glosses over her very problematic aspects
If I knew how to direct a decent film, I'd actually crowdfund a biopic and give them exactly what they want. Advertise it as a "gritty eye-opener" that confronts the "problematic" life of a beloved author, but put no actual judgement in the film. That way the redditfags can view it as a cautionary tale with an antiheroine protagonist, while the rest of us just enjoy the story of a very based woman's life. Everyone wins.

>> No.21826417
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That film, to an extent, already exists. It's called Les Souers Bronte and was made by the French in 1979. It's the most thorough biography of the trio but focuses largely on Emily and even includes some tasteful nudity featuring her. It's based as fuck overall.

>> No.21826472
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Reminder that Patrick Brontë kept his pistols specifically and only for shooting luddites. He had a run in with them during a worker's uprising at a northern mill and resolved to kill them on the spot if they ever came near him again. He loaded his pistols every night and unloaded them in the morning by firing them out of the window of his bedroom as a reminder to the townsfolk that he was strapped.

>> No.21826899

is that the one with incest or am I getting my shit mixed up

>> No.21826915

>Les Souers Bronte
Thanks Anon, do you know anywhere to stream or download that? I don't mind paying for it.

>> No.21826925

It’s on prime video. That’s the only place I could find the HD restoration, most the other versions in the Anglosphere are terrible VHS rips.

It’s implied very faintly. There’s a moment with Emily putting heather in Anne’s hair that is very tender and she does kiss Branwell.

>> No.21827355

Just saying because there's areas of England and Canada where education is being Americanized

>> No.21827901

>Thank you. There's no option to stream it, but I've ordered the DVD. Really interested to see what a French director makes of the Brontes.

>> No.21827907

Typo. Didn't mean to greentext that.

>> No.21827978
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It’s available for rental on prime streaming in the usa under the English title. It’s still in French though, not a dub.

>> No.21828128

She is so fucking cute guys
>Most biographers make no real effort to describe Emily, relying, lazily on the infamous pillar portrait depicting her as a teenager. If a definitive portrait exists, why bother? This is a failure of imagination and research, because the Emily of a posed, amateurish portrait is not the Emily her family and the people of Haworth knew, nor is it the Emily that wrote Wuthering Heights. If you, reader, were to meet Miss Brontë in that seminal year of her life, 1847, what would you have seen? To begin, she is five foot seven inches tall, towering over her siblings and almost all other Yorkshire women of the age, the only taller person in her family being her father. She is gaunt but, it was said, unfailingly graceful in her movements. You would be struck by her eyes, dark grey and ringed deeply by sleeplessness: always an enemy of sleep for it deprived her of time to work, she was a full blown insomniac by her late twenties, sitting up for long stretches of most nights. They were said to be kind eyes, though, and often damp with the telltales of recent (but always desperately concealed) weeping. She looks at you appraisingly, Ellen Nussey said she looked at interlopers as if they were portraits, not people, never meeting their gaze and instead flitting around to capture the details of their appearance and attire. Charlotte once observed that Emily would notice right away if a frequent visitor to the parsonage, had, say a new watch chain, but would find it difficult to recall their name or why they were there. She is anemically pale and her cheeks flush with the slightest exertion, not on account of weakness per se, but for their near total absence of other color. Her hair is deep brown and one visitor recalled that, especially around Branwell’s final illness, it had begun to show tiny strands of grey. At home, it was usually tied loosely back with waste ribbon. Her dress is plain and its hem, though washed, is darkened by old mud stains. Her hands and forearms are chalky with flower - she baked bread every day, kneading by hand endlessly - and there is ink on the tips of her sleeves and on her left palm which she would use as a blotter. If you were an unexpected visitor she would likely still be in her threadbare apron and barefoot save for long, warm stockings that were often houndstooth in pattern. If she is wearing a shawl and had recently been on the moors, the odds are good there are shoots of heather or other hearty flowers adorning its neckline. You would find it almost impossible to engage her in conversation and if forced by her family to stay in the room she would retreat to the smallest most distant possible spot and begin to nervously interlace her fingers as if playing cat’s cradle with no string unless she could lay hands on pencil and paper, at which point she would inevitably begin to draw.

>> No.21828244
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>> No.21828250

I too autistically face blind to understand what this meme of the goose is implying.

>> No.21828269
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Pain and/or regret.

>> No.21828334

Oh yeah, I’m definitely familiar with this one.

>> No.21828339

It's called autism, anon.

>> No.21828348

I can speak 5 languages and I can play a good deal of brass instruments while reading and writing it down. I can't draw, but if that's one of their drawings I'm Him.

>> No.21828359

Yeah but are you a female tho

>> No.21828370

no nigga lmfao

>> No.21828372
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That portrait of Emily was done by her massive pseud of a brother. Pic rel is a verified Emily drawing

>> No.21828377

How much money she make off that though? My artwork bringing me money? Why should I care about some broke bitch?

>> No.21828390

Damn nigga I had the bridal bed ready and all

>> No.21828449

>black bull pub
Do the British really?

>> No.21828474

>You know what's impressive, a worker going everyday to work.
Lmao my mum gives me this shit. "No such thing as a bad job" she'd be happy if I were cleaning sewers. I won't work I will neet and than kms

>> No.21829551

My negroid compatriot, perhaps this thread isn’t for you.

>> No.21829611

>I won't work I will neet and than kms
consider becoming a criminal instead.

>> No.21829717

I want immortality. How the fuck do I attain that besides coping with /x/ literature written by schizos or learning a couple archaic languages and hoping that whichever rare and ancient manuscripts I manage to get my hands on aren’t just a load of nonsense?
>go into medicine/biology/chemistry
If any of these fields were currently capable of producing immortals things would be even more fucked than they are.

>> No.21829757

Create great works of art (literature or whatever you prefer) and ensure physical copies exist. You may never be famous, but if the physical copies survive long enough you will become part of the historical record. Failing that, just keep a detailed journal. Primary sources like that are catnip for future historians and they don't even need to be well written.

>> No.21829839

Can’t I just meet a vampire or something like that? I don’t care about being remembered generations from now, I would just like to keep existing. There’s so much in the world and so little time to live.

>> No.21829885

Pushkin's ancestor was an African who was elevated to Russian aristocracy

>> No.21830100

This is why all autists should get the most individualized possible education so they can pursue their interests as Emily did.

>> No.21830245

So? He had plenty of white genes. That's enough to elevate a brain.

>> No.21830300

>great works of art
what makes work of art a great one? history?

>> No.21830431

They were rich enough to not need to worry about work. Bourgeoisie.

>> No.21830774

You are retard who can't even deign to read a wikipedia article. Patrick Bronte was made perpetual curate of the church in Haworth which provided with free lodging and a meager income. They family ate largely off of moorland game and donations from parishioners. The girls were sent to a free school for clergy daughters that was so squalid that it killed the two eldest Bronte children (Charlotte who is often thought of the oldest was only the oldest surviving child). Emily was austictic as fuck and could not work outside of the home, though she tried, and ultimately ended up working as the family's housekeeper and cook since the mother was dead. Charlotte tried to work as a governess and schoolteacher and Anne was a modestly successful governess. Branwell, the son, worked as a clerk at a railway station and later as a tutor. Only the publication of their girl's novels, which was done out of desperation as much as a real desire to be published provided the Bronte family with any real financial stability.

>> No.21831163

>Only the publication of their girl's novels, which was done out of desperation as much as a real desire to be published provided the Bronte family with any real financial stability.
That's maybe the real (and very harsh) answer to OP's question. If the amount of food on your table depends on your intellect, you develop your intellect.

>> No.21831858

Yeah when Patrick realized that Emily and Charlotte were doomed to be Femcels he did really lean into getting them educated.

>> No.21832613

Why do you say Charlotte, but not Anne? Charlotte is the only one who actually married, albeit rather late and cut short by death.

>> No.21832635

Anne was younger and more socially adept. She was thought to still have chance of finding a husband. Charlotte got married at 38 only once she was famous and she found her husband so un attractive she refused to where her glasses around him in order to see him less clearly.

>> No.21832638

What not having a screen machine will do for you.

>> No.21832727

>she found her husband so un attractive she refused to where her glasses around him in order to see him less clearly
Kek, that's a pretty neat solution. I wonder how many marriages could be saved by voluntary vision impairment.

>> No.21832748
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Here's the best railway manager China could provide. Here's the best translator the Congo could provide. Please explain why Eddy hasn't become a world renowned genius.

>> No.21832772


Good movie and Isabelle Adjani was super cute desu.

>> No.21832787

how is it possible be decent at more than one thing? are you really that much of a pathetic loser OP? You probably have shit breeding and are from the lower classes.

>> No.21832794

His ancestor didn’t (who is my point), his ancestor was an African slave who was educated into nobility and married into Russian aristocracy

>> No.21832806

Sometimes I'm glad I'm not a normie.
Then I remember feeling superior is a cope for loneliness on my part and fall back closer to hatred.

>> No.21832816

>Train people from birth for excellence and you will get excellence
Not a guarantee at all, but it's the right approach.

>> No.21832829

>heightmogs everyone
>bakes bread every day
How was she a femcel? What was wrong with all the men in Yorkshire back then?

>> No.21832841

Very true friend

>> No.21832844

They needed to be smarter than her. Being a really high IQ woman is pure suffering, at the hands of their own genetics.

>> No.21832855

Probably next to no dowry.

>> No.21832939

>They needed to be smarter than her.
Why though? I'd be happy to marry someone like Emily, even if she made me feel like a retard at times. For reference, my last accredited IQ test was in the 140-150 range, so I'm probably not that different to the kind of people her family would hang out with.
>inb4 she wouldn't want you because you are retarded compared to her
My social ability is fairly average, so I'd be able to cover all her gaps. She was the quiet kind of autist, not the obnoxious kind, so this is pretty easy. Emily cooks dinner while I entertain guests. Emily writes while I make a stable income in business. Etc.
>inb4 you would bore her
Everyone would bore her, but some less than others. What's worse, being bored alone or being bored with company?
Don't care, and there would have been men at the time who could also afford not to care. So really what I'm asking is why were men of above average IQ who didn't need a dowry disinterested in Emily?

>> No.21832956
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You have the benefit of hindsight and knowing that she was a genius. You have to remember that until right before her death the fact that she was a writer was a secret. What people did know of her is that she was weird as shit. From a potential husband's perspective:
>"Come Anon Anonson and meet the middle Bronte girl, see if we can arrange a match."
>You walk into the parsonage
>She is not there to meet you
>She has to be almost forcibly dragged by Charlotte to the front room
>Her clothes are disheveled (in stark contrast to her very proper sisters) and she looks ill. She is thin as fuck and will probably not be able to bear you a son without dying in childbirth.
>She won't talk to you, her eyes dart around nervously and she is wringing her hands in deep anxiety when Charlotte or Patrick insists that she try
>She looks like she's about to cry and like she just got done crying moments ago
>Her father sighs and relents and she bolts upstairs to hide for sulk until nightfall
>You leave
>A few days later you come across her in town as you are returning from the pub
>It's freezing and she's not dressed for the weather, her bare hair is covered in snow and she is muttering to herself. As she passes you she smiles and introduces herself as Geraldine Almeda, Queen of Gondal (she was un-ironically known to do this)
>dodged that fucking bullet, you think to yourself

>> No.21832977

I have been in a situation not dissimilar to this IRL, but the family in question were involved in a cult. Had she been a normal Anglican girl who just went to church once a week and returned to her writing desk I would have probably married her. If she were thin that wouldn't be a problem - I'm an excellent cook and would fatten her in no time. I understand Emily had "special" needs. I just don't understand how there was no one willing to meet them, given how much she had to offer in return.

>> No.21833167

It''s a but more complicated than that but this is still the most accurate post ITT.

The family ate decently, a diary entry by Emily mentions beef for dinner, and it's common in rural areas to give game as presents. However, all the children were sickly due to poor water sanitation and freezing winds in the winter that brought on constant colds and flus. As you said, Charlotte and Emily also suffered at the clergy daughter's school, the food was cooked so badly that Charlotte refused to eat anything but plain vegetables and it took her months to start eating meat at her next school.

Financially, Patrick had pinned all his hopes on Branwell who was meant to be the golden child of the family. He was taught Latin, Greek, French, classic literature, poetry, music, and painting, which the sisters also took part in. He failed to make it as a painter or poet (although he did meet Hartley Coleridge who encouraged his efforts). Anne found him work as a music tutor to the family she was governess for, then he got sacked for having an affair with the wife (causing Anne to quit too) and devolved into an alcoholic. Then he managed to become a railway clerk but got sacked because of book keeping irregaularities (which were actually the fault of one of his colleagues) after which he really disintegrated and had constant fits of delerium tremens before dying of consumption in 1848.

Emily was definitely odd but not quote as weird as the myths say. People who met her said she was quiet and aloof rather than nervous, and that Anne was the genuinely shy one. She studied French in Brussels with Charlotte for a year so obviously could force herself to live away from home at times. Their teacher remarked on her intelligence and she apparently even made a friends with a Belgian girl. She did roleplay Gondal with Anne but there's no evidence she talked to anyone else about it and was incensed when Charlotte read some of her poetry without permission. Gondal was only re-discovered in the 1890s when some of her diary entries were published. The story was assumed to be totally lost until more of her poems were published with the original Gondal titles in the early 20th century.

>> No.21833444

>how much she had to offer in return.
that she could cook? fucking every woman could cook back then
and not everyone was or is into autism

>> No.21833489

well it doesn't require genius but it's indeed a skill that has to be thoroughly practiced.
>is it rare
well nowadays it's pretty rare for a girl that isn't a professional musician or aspiring to be one (and even among that you have to filter the goyslop pop trash), to be able to sight read music for merely pursuing an interest is certainly not common.

>> No.21833552
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>> No.21833969

>could ... even transcribe music
transcribing music is easy as

>> No.21833981

ahhhhhhhhhh she was homeschooled. I've always wondered why she sings like a downie

>> No.21834242

the power of female autism

>> No.21834280
File: 360 KB, 1024x575, image_editor_output_image-2093838361-1627196410890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rank the sisters

>> No.21835124

marry Emily, fuck Anne, kill Charlotte

>> No.21835136

none of these things are impressive except "gifted poet and novelist"

>> No.21835144
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>> No.21835212

some people are just born with their wires in their head connected differently and are geniuses, there's billions of people there's probably several like her alive right now in india and china, she just happened to be born in specific way in specific place

>> No.21836564

>Why wasn't everyone lining up to marry an eccentric nerd as opposed to a normie

>> No.21836593

She's like a 100/10

>> No.21836598

>gifted poet and novelist
I laughed out loud

>> No.21836602

>1 in 30 random women at Christian American colleges approach the level of creativity possessed by the author of Wuthering Heights
I... don't think that's true

>> No.21836622

Jane Eyre is better than Wuthering Heights

>> No.21836686

I use approach very loosely. I suppose I mean they are clearly very high IQ like EB.

>> No.21837611
