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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2181384 [Reply] [Original]

Short essay time, /lit/!

We're all on holidays/will be on holidays soon, and writing essays is like riding a bike. You will never forget, but your bike will get rusty.

Pick one of these subjects and write a quick essay:

1. Despite being completely anonymous, there is a relatively high quality of punctuation, grammar and spelling on 4chan, even on topics where the thread will last less than fifteen minutes. Discuss.

2. Define these terms in your own words:
a] Hipster
b] Pretentious
c] Postmodernism
Do the definitions of these words change depending on context? For instance, in regular conversations v. talking on /lit/?

3. Is there less of a drive in society at large to strive for intellectual pursuits, or is this just a perceived trend among moral panic-mongers?

4. High school education. Discuss.

5. Is readability an important factor when choosing a book?

6. Discuss Jonathan Franzen's Ten Rules of Writing:

>> No.2181423

Go stuff the Pope's mitre up your ass gently, gently; always gently.

I prefer brevity.
1. depends on the board. /lit/: pretty good; /mu/: generally ok;/b/: fogetaboutit!
2.Hipster: persons belonging to a modern cultural movement (as well as a past one, but that's different) that stresses authenticity uber alles, and tries to spurn white, privileged guilt under the guise of trying to better oneself by pursuing world culture and underground music.
3.Probably perceived. Society is just a lot more open about everything than is was in the past.
4.Fuckit. Don't let your schooling get in the way of your education.
5. Depends on why I'm reading the book. If for a class or for pursuance of world culture, then the more readable the better, I suppose, cause I'm taking fucking weedout chem classes too. I'm not a machine here!! But cultural weight also comes into consideration too. I'll generally power through a book with more attention intact if that fatass Harold Bloom gives it a big pudgy, pie-stained thumbs up than if it's a fairly new, nonappreciated book.
6.Didn't read em, so no. Most writer's 'rules of writing', unless they're the broadest of broad, in which case they're pretty much common sensical and moot, are bullshit.

>> No.2181391


I got into a huge argument due to using the word 'relevant' in relation to philosophy

I hope they jump on you as they did me, in the interest of fairness

Relevance is what you make it.

>> No.2181395


h8rs make me famous lol xoxoxoxo