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21813294 No.21813294 [Reply] [Original]

Bookd with a similar vibe to Berserk?

>> No.21813309

any grimdark fantasy, now fuck off

>> No.21813315
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That's not how Berserk will end.

>> No.21813322

Griffith will save the world. The whole thing has been telegraphed by a while. Probably the reason why the IOE chapter got removed.

>> No.21813369

some random editor cuck is writing the story now anyway. Who the hell cares?
Whatever bullshit he writes, it won't be canon

>> No.21813375

It's not some random editor. It's his best friend since he was a kid. Mori used to live at Miura's house when they were teenagers.

>> No.21813378
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>Griffith personally and purposely destroys the world by manipulating Ganishka into the manmade behelit and redirecting Skull Knight's attack to merge the physical and astral world.

>Uhhhh, Griffith is going to save the world even tho he just did the most selfish action imaginable to force all the people in the world to bow down to him since Falconia is the only safe place in the world.

Are Griffithfags retarded? it isn't heroic if you caused the situation for the specific reason to fix it later for personal glory.

>> No.21813384

The Idea of Evil tells him it will be up to him to either save or doom humanity.

>> No.21813389

Kouji Mora has Berk in his hands now and he was close friend to Miura, so probably he knows more or less about how Miura wanted to end it

>> No.21813405

my diary desu, it's endless torment and painful cucking

>> No.21813621
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Pls explain why a 30 yo nongay male would put the picrel trampstamp rune on the neck in a visible place. I had a colleague once who got the tatoo shortly inb4 permanently vanishing from the place.
I never have read berserker though.

>> No.21813680
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>> No.21813701

Some time ago I got really into Ars Goetia and seriously thought about getting a sigil tattoo nor because I thought it would've been cool but because I legitimately hated myself that much.

>> No.21813722

>I'm best friends with Hemingway, which means I can write as well as him

>> No.21813780

Corum by Moorcock feels very proto Berserk in a lot of places I think it might've even been an in influence kn the world since thry both have the same astral planes sort of thing going not to mention both characters lose an eye and an arm

>> No.21813797

stormlight archive
the black company
and the Elric of Melnibone books

>> No.21813842
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Japs are unoriginal hacks
Berserk is just a plagiarised elric+corum+evil dead+other western fantasy

>> No.21813849

The intrigue is up, but """ is there a non söy explanation?"""
BC I don't feel like reading the book myself because I'm repulsed by its aesthetics and not really into some oriental gay exorcist stuff rn.

>> No.21813889

"The Brand of Sacrifice marks those anointed for the Invocation of Doom, a sacrificial ceremony in which those consecrated by the laws of causality transcend their humanity"

"You have now been marked with the Brand of Sacrifice. The lives of those who bear the Brand, from the last drop of blood, to the last moment of your agonizing death, will feed life to the new Child of Darkness."

The Brand of Sacrifice, in a meta way, represents to struggle and not give up under overwhelming pressure.
In the story it shows the person's soul is doomed to hell, he will be pursued by evil entities until the day he dies, and it bleeds whenever one of these entities is close by.

>> No.21813894

>it's another "retard confuses having influences for plagarism" episode
So sick of these reruns.

>> No.21813912

he's not wrong, the evil dudes are literally Hellraised cenobites with the serial number filed off
Japanese "inspiration" is really just half a step away from Chinese off-brand plagiarism of mass produced goods

>> No.21813926
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>It's another anon doesn't know that all art is derivative because he has no artistic skills in visual arts, music or writing. Anon also doesn't understand that it's physically impossible to create a new concept from mid-air since humans aren't God.

You will never be a woman, and you will never pass tranny.

>> No.21813936
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Seething berserkid weeb faggot

>> No.21813940

people can distinguish plagiarism from inspiration just fine, but that anon is right. it's plagiarism. you're just being a faggot because it's MUH ANIMUH. It's not "inspired", these people went "oh what's on TV in the USA right now" and they saw Mad Max and they were like, well let's do this Mad Max shit... uhhh I have no ideas... oh look it's Jackie Chan let'd so martial arts
This is literally how the Japanese do creativity. This is why as the West became completely devoid of ideas the whole anime industry has turned wholesale into schoolgirl porn, they can't think of anything of their own

>> No.21813964

again, ask me how I know you have 0 skill in any artistic hobby or job.

>> No.21814964

WTF is this real?

>> No.21815455

by combining huge amount of things that already exist you create something new

>> No.21815477


>> No.21815481

Darkness That Comes Before

>> No.21815844

You have shit taste.

>> No.21816357


Moorcock is A HUGE influence in the fantasy genre in general and the japanese fantasy genre in particular, from berserker to full metal alchemist, you can see traces of moorcok work everywhere

>> No.21816687

>best friend
>lived together
>do everything together

>> No.21816715

>It's his best friend since he was a kid. Mori used to live at Miura's house when they were teenagers.
holy kino

>> No.21816722

Nothing to explain, personal tastes u bigot

>> No.21816726

>non onions
>repulsed by its aesthetics
God, you're such a faggot.

>> No.21816751

Caring about whether something is canon or not is idolatry

>> No.21816788

lol what

>> No.21816810

I don't know why you bothered explaining something to someone who obviously doesn't care and it just killing time.

>> No.21816899

I wrote a fanfic ending to To Kill a Mockingbird. Glad that you think it is just as relevant as the actual ending to the book.

>> No.21816937


>> No.21816951

the second I saw God hand I immediately thought of cenobites

>> No.21817167

How do you know?

>> No.21817170

Just read Nietzsche

>> No.21818411

Miura mentioned him as one of the human inspirations for the baddie

>> No.21820349

>ask me how I know you have 0 skill in any artistic hobby or job.
I can tell you that you are very wrong lol
post your work

>> No.21820358

its not a problem that japs are lifting from westerners, but that they would rather die on a cross then admit to doing so. Muira denied influence of evil dead. Theres also weebs that will defend jap artist till death. They will deny that MGS theme is not a direct Sviridov ripoff etc etc.

>> No.21820412

Conan stories