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21810026 No.21810026 [Reply] [Original]

Rainer Maria Rilke

>> No.21810030

Why did this Jew have a girl’s name? lol

>> No.21810118
File: 166 KB, 297x429, 1659826789111482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The most Germanic looking motherfucker you've ever seen
>Jew lol
Why do I even bother with you retards?

>> No.21810143
File: 35 KB, 640x961, 10A7207D-BCDD-43CC-8B54-4E0913ECDABB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t want to stay folded anywhere,
because where I am folded, there I am a lie.

>> No.21810168

>The most Germanic looking motherfucker you've ever seen
Not even close lmao
Also, his mother was Jewish.

>> No.21810178

All you did was post a picture and a name. You hardly bothered to make a post at all. Don't be surprised when your OP attracts similarly low-IQ, low-test individuals.

>> No.21810194

maybe the name of his godmother it's usual to do that in europe

>> No.21810258

What about him looks remotely Jewish? His nose looks German.
>his mother was Jewish
Yet he was raised as a Catholic, the Josef Maria part of the name is a dead giveaway.

>> No.21810278
File: 88 KB, 279x434, 9589FA84-5CC9-4137-9529-8402A7BB3BEC.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn’t look like “the most Germanic looking motherfucker”, are you insane? Looks like a typical European Jew (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

>> No.21810336

I guess my issue is more so WHAT about him makes him look more Jewish than Germanic? To me he legitimately looks like an average Austrian from the time.

>> No.21810357

I like him but I think his duino elegies are given too much attention in comparison to his other work, a stanza of his which has always stuck with me is

Du aber bist der tiefste Mittellose,
der Bettler mit verborgenem Gesicht;
du bist der Armut große Rose,
die ewige Metamorphose
des Goldes in das Sonnenlicht.

Alone Thou wanderest through space.
Profound One with the hidden face;
Thou art Poverty's great rose,
The eternal metamorphose
Of gold into the light of sun.

He’s oddly pretty popular, I’ve seen a lot of him at barnes and noble and other such, I don’t think the translations available are the best but, but ultimately I enjoyed his Orpheus sonnets and other works, I also like his story.

>> No.21810597


He looks Bohemian (as in the region, Bohemia)

>> No.21810602

He looks half jew. I had a friend who looked just like that, half jew. Exactly the same look.

His parents were expecting a girl. Happens all the time, the girl's name ends up being the middle name.

>> No.21812477

It's a catholic thing to give your son the second name Maria. I went to a Catholic private school in Germany and my Latin teacher also had that middle name.