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21805327 No.21805327 [Reply] [Original]

Woe is me, I’m so self-aware of how self-aware of how self-aware I am! My brain is a thesaurus put into a baby food purée!

DFW is the patron saint of “former gifted child”, or, “I would’ve been somebody if I wasn’t addicted to masturbating”. Putting him on a bookshelf is like bragging that you listen to math rock on vinyl. It’s hoe-scaring behavior. CMV.

>> No.21805349

What book are you talking about?

>> No.21805354

If anything, he died far too late. He tortured the world long enough with his masturbatory verbal and written diarrhea.

>> No.21805356

But he was somebody and actually did something? Doesn’t your gay little theory end there?

>> No.21805361

Every time I see this take I chuckle, the only person I know irl who's read Infinite Jest is a gen x mother and English professor

>> No.21805373

Notes from underground demolishes this guy

>> No.21805378
File: 179 KB, 1200x791, david-foster-wallace-2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't imagine how he'd handle the 2020s if the 2000s were too hard on/for him. We're in hell and Wallace ejected himself out of the ride at the right time.

>> No.21805380

>on/for him

>> No.21805384


>> No.21805389

i'm so glad i don't have to read his stupid takes on trump in the atlantic or wherever. same with hunter thompson. his bush whining in sports illustrated or whatever shitty place he wrote for before he croaked was tedious enough.

>> No.21805393

>bragging that you listen to math rock on vinyl
w-what's wrong with math rock?

>> No.21805403

Sir, you have a call.

>> No.21805404



>> No.21805415
File: 64 KB, 521x937, callforyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21805437

oh man that defunct video channel "fusetv" used to play that all the time when i was in college in the 2000s. blast from the past man. it's too bad fuse went out of business or got bought out or whatever, it was the only place you could see new semi-indie videos back when youtube was like 240p.

>> No.21805440

have you ever had sex? when i was in college i knew two leftist chicks who liked that band.

>> No.21805456

Certainly the best writer of the past 30 years and all your reasons for disliking him are superficial. If you weren’t addicted to online conflict you’d realize that pretty quickly

>> No.21805462

his books are good but he should have done a pynchon and not gone on tv to talk like a pseud at every chance

>> No.21805474
File: 378 KB, 1079x597, Screenshot_20230319_181505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21805484

>self-hatred is narcissistic
duh is that supposed to be deep, god dfw can be such a pseud sometimes

>> No.21805492
File: 8 KB, 188x268, youareanasshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Certainly the best writer of the past 30 years and all your reasons for disliking him are superficial. If you weren’t addicted to online conflict you’d realize that pretty quickly
Fuck off

>> No.21805500

To be fair this description could be applied to a lot of great artists throughout history. Writers are not generally known for being a particularly stable, altruistic bunch. There has to he some baseline fixation on the self to devote the requisite time, attention, and obsession it takes to complete a novel.

>> No.21805526

I think the point that OP is trying to make is that DFW sucks ass as an author and a thinker, not that he's insufficiently altruistic.

>> No.21805552

But he's a great writer and even better thinker.

>> No.21805561

>But he's a great writer and even better thinker.
Irony alert, the sincerity squad has been called

>> No.21805573

What is even there to dislike about him besides men bad and white people bad?

>> No.21805582

Every time some Redditor posts his sage life advice I wanna throw someone through a window. “Have you considered the other people in a line are also busy?” Have you considered getting pussy? The only time DFW held a gun, he flagged everyone behind him, then got scared and cried.

I just know that if he were born 20 years later, he’d be arguing with me on twitter about “mango Mussolini” and calling in the catboys in his groupchat to back him up.

>> No.21805588

Hello r/edscarepod

>> No.21805603

Yes that is what I’m saying. I like his thoughts about post-irony, I hate how he’s wrapped it under his 136 IQ (it’s been tested!) and mewling self-hatred.

He has the Woody Allen Disease; “that particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge. Like all people with timid personalities his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he loves himself; a very tense situation. It's people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it's the most embarrassing thing in the world - a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Every thing he does is therapeutic.” Orson Welles

>> No.21805628

That doesn't really describe him at all and he makes fun of Allen in Infinite Jest too. Are you projecting buddy?

>> No.21805636


>> No.21805639

>DFW did not present himself as a timid personality and shrivel up in company
Could I get the address to the rock you've been living under?

>> No.21805653

I posted there 2 years ago before the women-to-faggots ratio got too many women

>> No.21805657

>too many women
>on reddit

>> No.21805814

I guess but at the same time it all comes down to the Will. You want something you can not have and it bothers you.

>> No.21805819

There are people who kill themselves today. I'm scared that I might inevitably do it.

>> No.21806053

>i'm so glad i don't have to read

You never "had to read" him, and I doubt you read much of anything.

>> No.21806128

This, lmao.

>> No.21806132

How are you thinking of going? I'm a fellow traveler.

>> No.21806135

>The only time DFW held a gun, he flagged everyone behind him, then got scared and cried.
What? Is this a joke or what?

>> No.21806854

>woman in the thumbnail doing hotep finger tent
Thanks I'll get off here.

>> No.21806960

Happened in “A supposedly fun thing I’ll never do again”

>> No.21807168

it's spelled "ho" you incorrigible honkie. a "hoe" is what plunges into your weasel brains