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/lit/ - Literature

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21805280 No.21805280 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21805293

Go away

>> No.21805295

elves and wizards aren't real you fags. if you care about LOTR drama just kill yourself lmao

>> No.21805305

black people aren't real either thought...

>> No.21805313

but this is a good thing, touch grass

>> No.21805314

Hopefully he is fucking white elven pussy

Did you know it is a scientific fact that BBC cum is so powerful it impregnates white women at higher rates than any other racial pairing, even when controlling for outside factors?
Black men are literally designed to fuck and impregnate your women.
>Interracial couples' risk of pregnancy differed little from that of same‐race White couples, with the exception of White wife–Black husband couples, whose risk of pregnancy was higher than both same‐race White and Black couples. Neither socioeconomic disparities nor union characteristics explained their elevated pregnancy risk.
>Why White women married to Black men were more likely than White women in endogamous unions to become pregnant even after adjusting for socioeconomic differences and variations in union characteristic is unknown.

>> No.21805315

Sorry chud but the nigger is in and the white man is out. The nigger is the most powerful and important race in the world and has always been. They were Egyptians, the first people, and they culture isn’t any worse than the white Europeans! It’s actually much better they know bout spices n shit!

>> No.21805320


>> No.21805321

based BBC

>> No.21805326

>By Rachel E. Goldberg

>> No.21805339

>we have multiple unironic /pol/ threads on /lit/ now
>doesn't even attempt to thinly disguise it as literature
Holy shit, it's over. This board is completely fucking dead.

>> No.21805352

because niggers don't understand coitus interruptus.

>> No.21805357


>> No.21805387

It’s the same “shock value” baiting every time, the same preplanned “deal with it” articles, doesn’t even matter if the response is a collective yawn, they still run the “shut up and like it, aaaah I got death threats, this proves we need to destroy white supremacy” canned talking points.

>> No.21805405

these woke adaptations are going to look hokier than a 70s blaxploitation kung fu movie in a generation or two

>> No.21805418

white wife and black husband are also the pairing that is most likely to end up in divorce.

>> No.21805427
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elves are just celts and wizards are the keepers of antediluvian knowledge

>> No.21805452

chuds really want me to freak out because they made goyslop man black, but think I should be totally fine with wagecucking 20 hours a day and not even owning my own house

>> No.21805540

But they understand it when fucking their own women?

>> No.21805641
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>implying they aren't both traced back to the same source

>> No.21805649

It’s all so tiresome

>> No.21805683
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>> No.21805690

Take your retarded ragebait thread to /tv/, this has nothing to do with literature, nobody with half a braincell gives a shit about modern goyslop media.

>> No.21805730

How will it ever get better?

>> No.21805764

No amount of coping, psyops, goldstein pornos or anything will ever erase black people from being white people’s literal buck broken slaves for centuries. Even if every white person dropped dead there would only be the memory of a race of people which turned blacks into their slaves and banned them from their society. That’s just the difficult reality

>> No.21805765

Change your core belief and remove yourself from society, you absolute cretin.

>> No.21805777

By becoming a producer or not giving the product views or clicks. Negative publicity is still publicity. Ignore it

>> No.21805785

>defiling a book about antediluvian history isn't literature-related

>> No.21805800

card games are honestly a blight on the wargaming/TTRGP hobby, this only reinforces it
the irony is that the target audience probably won't even see it, black dudes all exclusively play yugioh (fucking weebs)

>> No.21805809

>still caring about sacred cows
trads will die out, and the world will be better for it

>> No.21805810

Why are you so angry? Calm it down, incel.

>> No.21805811

It's like pottery.

>> No.21805921

Go away /pol/tard

>> No.21805969

Except they also do this shit when it’s based on a true story as well.

>> No.21805973

>watching television

Someone remind me what William Faulkner said about television?

>> No.21805976


>> No.21805994

If this situation was reversed they would call it genocide and they'd be right because destruction of culture is a component of genocide. They even have a special racial triggered word for it called whitewashing. I don't know how the fuck America thought they could simply install black slaves among white populations and nothing ill would come of it but posterity is going to need to be more racially minded because this shit is getting ridiculous.

>> No.21806009

Pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.21806019

I called it nigger actually

>> No.21806081


>> No.21806114

seethe and cope on both counts

>> No.21806181

"it ain't an elf until my son steps in it,"
unknown middle-aged black woman of no importance

>> No.21806194

if only the outcome weren't so grotesque.

>> No.21806206

it's worth it just for the white women's pleasure alone with a BBC, who cares about the future

>> No.21806230
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>who cares about the future

"It appears that the Zulu word for “future” — isikhati — is the same as the word for time, as well as for space. Realistically, this means that these concepts probably do not exist in Zulu thought. It also appears that there is no word for the past — meaning, the time preceding the present. The past did exist, but no longer exists. Hence, people who may have problems thinking of things that do not exist will have trouble thinking of the past as well as the future."

>> No.21806231

Didn't know seaniggers posted here.

>> No.21806248

They know. They love it and secretly smile about it behind closed doors. My hope is that some of you out there will suddenly wake up to the full horror of what you have been taught to believe - that the elimination of your people, your history, and your culture is something you must fight with every fiber of your being - even though you will be portrayed as a force of evil and ignorance for wanting to live.

>> No.21806499

the irony is that blacks aren't gay, so you're shit out of luck cucks and faggots

>> No.21806513

It's all white people pushing this shit. Black people play Yugioh

>> No.21806521

Only the nerds. Black nerds are based.

>> No.21806601

jokes on you, i can transition and become a white woman

>> No.21806606

Blacks are statistically the gayest racial group in America but it’s not by much more than average.

>> No.21806775

What is mtg?

>> No.21806804

Checked. It really is every time

>> No.21806814
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now I understand why Bill Watterson never wanted Calvin and Hobbes merchandise.
>Hobbes is a doberman pinscher now, get over it

>> No.21806824

>if you care about mtg you need to be asking yourself some hard questions

>> No.21806827

magic the gathering. A popular trading card game until recently when Wizards of the Coast caused the collector's market to completely implode

>> No.21806841

Doesn't matter, you still clicked this thread to get mad about an elf LOL

>> No.21806850
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A bunch of bad shit happened in the past few years. You would have thought they were throwing haymaker business model changes, but then suddenly they start dropping quintuple the products.

It's a game where you have to keep up to date with what's fresh to stay competitive, and they made that near impossible, or requiring double, triple, more the financial investment. They posted record profits through coronanza but now they're faced with credit downgrades and "do not invest". Management is turning a blind eye because there's still money in it for now, but they're banking literally on a movie adaptation of dungeons and dragons to keep investors happy.
Also anon is right, they are reprinting, but I knew about this when they snuck fluctuator into a commander deck, the reserved list is worthless unless you're holding on to "invoke prejudice".
What else did they do?
>completely eliminate their quality assurance staff, the playtesters
>overtax the designers with triple the product
>alienate their most famous artists
>destroyed their tournament systems for a made-up yugiyoh show then reverted it
No conscientious person should be giving any money to the company right now. Don't buy any secondary market either, you need to scare all the trading card game "financiers" into bitcoin.

>> No.21806883

>this isn’t happening
*prove it is happening*
>go away, it’s not important
And you think people will not end up fighting when you do nothing but gaslight them for years in end?

>> No.21806897

You guys know chess is free right?

>> No.21806921
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none of my friends ever play chess and I don't care much for it either even if I can get into mensa to join their chess club

>> No.21806939

King David was black. Get over it.
Funny how it's never a jewish character being blackwashed.

>> No.21807025

Don’t you mean pitbull?

>> No.21807035

This is just the begining. Once AI is advanced enough, they won't have to manually rewrite everything.

>> No.21807064

who fucking cares you will die in this very life why would you concern yourself with that holy shit nothing will stand the test of time anyways if those stories dont drift off into oblivion with the optional previous step of misinterpretation today they will so by tomorrow whether anyone cares or crys about it or not

>> No.21807069


>> No.21807179

I'm perfectly fine with causing a firestorm over bullshit changes like this. All neutral ground needs to be removed. Everything they want to change for their stupid desires deserves to become a battlefield. As far as I'm concerned, if they want a war, give them a war.

>> No.21807187
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>A white woman wrote this
I always laugh my ass off when this shit is posted.

>> No.21807189

It took five replies for an american to come derail the thread with nigger penises

>> No.21807197

Arwen is actually a trans woman here you silly goose.

>> No.21807198
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>> No.21807201
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>run the federal reserve at 0% interest and crash the economy in 2008
>both the left and right want bankers and politicians heads on pikes
>turn everything gay and black
>left and right fight over complete nonsense
>set the interest rates back to 0%
>print 6 trillion dollars over a cold (~$24,000) per citizen
>give them $1,200 to shut the fuck up about it (~$22,800 was fucking stolen from you via debasing)
>cut off ellen pages tits and turn gandalf trans
>rreeeeee pop culture war!!!

>> No.21807216
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A culture war that turns hot can easily be turned against the rich as well, it's killing two birds with one stone. All you need to do is start the fire, and you can fan the flames whatever direction you desire.

>> No.21807226

It's OK to not be white.

>> No.21807235

hey idiot, do you understand what precedent this sets? what if some lesbian cat lady decides to rewrite the bible? or the chinese communist party "accidentally" loses all of plato's works? rewriting history should be considered a worse crime than murder

>> No.21807237

All that is going to happen is conservitards will wake the fuck up and stop working hard to pay taxes and the country will go to a standstill. They will pull their kids out of state indoctrination day prison and homeschool them. They already stopped enlisting in the military. Democrats base are completely worthless retards. Covid proved that.

>> No.21807252

The United States is doomed and I for one couldn't be happier. I hate this country and I actively pray for its downfall.

>> No.21807273

Lol the dollar is the world reserve currency and every other fiat is more poopy yucky. You will see shit countries like canada and germany fall apart first because their banks are even more insolvent. The US exports their debt via bonds sold to other central banks. If it's 25% inflation here it must be absolutely insane in the places backed by US debt.

>> No.21807293
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>> No.21807299
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the star of david is just sacred geometry you idiot

>> No.21807322

That's retarded. Elves are an ancient superior race of beautiful people, not a cretinous, dark simian race. This is just more white erasure, they want to wipe us put and replace us with 3rd worlders.

>> No.21807328

That's just because the only white women who will marry blacks are fat obese hogs who are more fertile.

I hope you get murdered, subhuman.

>> No.21807336


>> No.21807342

It's written by a tranny you dumb shitskin

Not an american, just a shitskin/nonwhite or a tranny.

>> No.21807392
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>> No.21807393

Who gives a shit if some soyy game for millenial numales is anti-white? We already know the entire system has been against whites basically after ww2, it is just a lot more out in the open now, so normalfags and NPCs can wake up.

Rings of Power was such a piece of shit that nobody even talks about it or cares about it a few months later.

>> No.21807404


The funny part is, when you actually delve into esoteric lore, subsaharans are said to be an evil race metaphysically representing darkness, chaos, falsehood, etc. They are actually relatively new to Africa and wiped out a bunch of old and complex races. After Lemuria sunk, niggers who survived spread from the polynesians into Africa.

Subsaharans get about 1/3rd of their genetics from an archaic simian hominid not found in the fossil record. Australian abbosnare the only other race to have this. Out of Africa theory is therefor clearly false.

>> No.21807431

Most serious war games on boards on the tactical level use hexagon rather than square spaces because squares only allow you to move in four directions and if you add diagonal then the movement in that direction is 1 1/2 times longer. Hence hexagons are very popular on boards

>> No.21807505

It's a subversive race bait article with a hexagon for it's logo. It's a Jewish publication

>> No.21807535

Magic really has bigger problems than black Aragon.
I hope the serialized 1/1 ring gets pulled on camera and look like Pringle like all the other foils.

>> No.21807555
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>we can have the french revolution as soon as killing starts

>> No.21807563

MTG is dead and has been shit for years. They’re even finding mass amounts of pallets of cards in landfills at this point. Blackwashing is the icing on the shitcake at this point

>> No.21807572

Doesn't matter, had kids.

>> No.21807588

The complain about it in those circumstances you spastic schizo.

>> No.21807589

You should kill yourself, tranny. Do you know what a fucking loser you are?

>> No.21807601

When I clicked this thread I thought I was on /v/.
I hate you faggots so much, have some goddamn decency and talk about literature.

>> No.21807606

Anti-white hatred should be fought at all opportunities. Our ancestors founded the most materially prosperous civilisation in history and passed it down to us, there's no way we let a bunch of feral pube-haired pavement apes, inbred pakis, and all other assortment of mixed racial garbage claim it for themselves. I will rattle the point on home till the cows come home, praise the Lord.

>> No.21807684

>~$22,800 was fucking stolen from you via debasing)
hol up

>> No.21807707

think about that little $1200 check and how many times over you've spent that on inflated prices.

>> No.21807714

my rent alone increased by $400 a month
so why did the normies riot over knee groid and not this blatant theft?

>> No.21807726

Go learn where the word “elf” comes from you dumb nigger.

>> No.21807819

You people are disgusting racist faggots and I hope that your current misery - which you surely all endure - grows stronger with each passing day until you drop dead, decomposing in your pathetic /lit gag/ apartments and surrounded by your gay little collection of shitty postmodernist kindling. Hell wont need to find you in the next life, because it already knows you here. Someday, the world will rest easy when your ideas are finally burned and forgotten in the ashes of the upheaval and we can truly, finally, be free.

-Sincerely, a black guy who reads too much and shouldn’t even bother with this godforsaken shithole of a board

>> No.21807825

... so you think the British should rewrite all of human history just because you're black?

>> No.21807841

This article is retarded and you're a faggot

>> No.21807877

imagine being a human who is ok with historical pandering and is ok with token gestures like being made Aragorn in some shitty card trading game.
he is happy with it.
What a strong people.

>> No.21807885

>Guy who unquestioningly accepts the status quo and the uncontroversial moral values he was taught in the public school system drops in to insult people.

Thanks for the contribution.

>> No.21807893

based black bvll

>> No.21807900

I love black people but yall need to stay out of medieval Europe. You don't see whites in your re-enactments of pre-colonial zulu tribesmen do you?

>> No.21807933

>S-someday all the racisms will end, war will cease and we will have a cure for every ailment!!

>> No.21807944

Bait, even blacks know how to use "t."

>> No.21808018
