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21805204 No.21805204 [Reply] [Original]

More specifically, how to get industrial workers or students under the influence of natural meth.

>> No.21805214

Oh and is Chris Bailey worth reading? Did any of his books actually help?

>> No.21806666

is meth good for you?

>> No.21806702
File: 289 KB, 1280x1532, poll-gene-editing-babies-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't you just genetically engineer people to produce a shitload of dopamine or have a shitload of dopamine receptors?

>> No.21806873

My current "cocktail" consists of a multivitamin, a B-50 vitamin, lion's mane, CoQ10, and 60 mg of gingko.
Plus plenty of coffee to wash it down.
I gets me so wired, I almost have a positive attitiude.

>> No.21806896

Do you want a generation of schizos? Because that's how you get a generation of paranoid psychotics.

Almost anytime we discover a SNP or genetic variant associated with "intelligence" or cognitive function it's also inevitably also linked to mental illness.

Psychosis, schizophrenia, autism, depression, bipolar all demonstrate an increased lifetime incidence in select SNPs that are also associated with intellect in certain population studies.

The whole "genius and madness opposite sides of the same coin" cliche does have some legitimate basis in neurobiology within certain contexts.

>> No.21806906

No, it's just that smart people sound like crazy people to stupid people.

>> No.21806907

It always makes me sad Ted could've been one of our generations great and foremost mathematicians in algebraic geometry but the fucking CIA couldn't let him be :(

>> No.21806916

You smug faggots are so goddamn annoying. It's been proven many times that higher IQ is associated with more positive mental health outcomes.

>> No.21806923

I'm talking purely about heritability studies and genome wide correlation efforts you dumb muffin

>> No.21806926

But only if your IQ reaches the point where you realize everyone else is completely full of shit, and therefore their opinions can be safely discarded.
For anyone whose IQ is lower than that, it can be hell.

>> No.21807060
File: 151 KB, 926x935, artificial womb diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you want a generation of schizos? Because that's how you get a generation of paranoid psychotics.
Artificial wombs will make this less of an issue. Once it's possible to cheaply mass produce new humans, the defective ones can just be euthanized at little cost.

>> No.21807070

Have enough focus and quit chasing the flighty success dream.

>> No.21807078

>the fucking CIA couldn't let him be
he was a terrorist.

>> No.21807107

all amphetamines are good for you, they're like a warm blanket