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21804215 No.21804215 [Reply] [Original]

Why are women so obsessed with the Handmaid's tale? And why did it take several decades to get to this point when society today is further removed from the scenario it describes than ever before?

>> No.21804219

Cause it's a little sexy to imagine

>> No.21804221

>Why are women so obsessed with the Handmaid's tale?
It's an erotic fantasy disguised as political commentary. It's the perfect novel to discuss in book clubs for then. So they can look as if they're discussing something important but in reality they're just horny.

>> No.21804224

for them*

>> No.21804226

>Why do women like books about BDSM which deal with being a woman.

Looks like you could only afford an econowife.

>> No.21804368

it appeals to the conscious female mind by portraying a dystopia that, while stupid and incoherent, is manifestly illiberal and therefore bad
it appeals to the female subconscious/hindbrain by portraying a world where they are controlled and ordered around by high status men
it's like fifty shades but with the added benefit of being ideologically orthodox so they can talk about it in public like "ohhhh no it would be terrible if i were a handsome rich white man's concubine oh no haha"

>> No.21804415


>> No.21804466

Its a dystopia in which they are similarly dismissed as cattle but also the centre of attention.

>> No.21805003
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First and foremost, it's a social media fad (and therefore not really thing for most women, but the loud minority) that was pushed during the time of Trump's election over Hillary. Second, it's a wish fullfillment fantasy (and erotic of nature too for som). As the reality is that women increasingly outperform men in society, occupy higher positions, make consumer decisions, receive higher education and generally live in society more suited for female temperament, it's also clear that whatever eternal vices of humankind are not result of men or "patriarchy" but inherit to every person. Thus, the fantasy of some sort of overthrow of Trump type people or hidden structural patriarchy works as escape mechanism for women, that can avoid their responsiblity of being de facto in leading position in this world.

>> No.21805340


>> No.21806246
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Because women want to have sex with someone handsome, rich, and/or dominant.
They don't mind being raped if the guy possesses one or more of those qualities.
This isn't my opinion; it's science. See picrel.
The Handmaid's Tale is a novel, dumbass.
Written by a woman.

>> No.21806714

Lmao this.
Handmaid's Tale reads like a cross between a YA novel and a wattpad fanfic that takes itself too sternly as a serious political warning.

>> No.21806726

So they find regular sex with an attractive man more disgusting than being raped by an attractive man? KEK

>> No.21806732

become women have a victim fetish
they want to be seen as the victim all the time and this is probably the most blatant one

>> No.21806853
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It doesn't make sense to me either, but we all know what happens to you when you argue with The Science.

>> No.21808653

It's a metaphor for the 1979 Iranian Revolution

>> No.21808663

It'll never not be funny to me that a canadian liberal getting mad at what muslims did in iran ended up with a book's worth of bashing christians for doing something they never did lol. Like imagine getting slapped for something you never did lol

>> No.21808672

Why can't women write about consensual sex? Why does it always have to be rape or at least borderline rape-y, barely consensual sex?

>> No.21808863

I'd hardly call it a metaphor, it plainly is the Iranian revolution except with fundie Christians on American soil.

What's even worse, even the mullahs in Iran aren't nearly as oppressive as Atwood's imagined Giliad. For one thing most Iranian women are actually college educated while the Sons of Jacob want to keep women illiterate. Yet she would have you believe that she described a plausible scenario of the future and that we came this close to theocratic rule when Trump was elected president. Has there ever been a more exaggerated boogeyman than the patriarchy?

>> No.21808864

Because rape is sexy

>> No.21809140

>A minority which preserves its identity is inevitably a compact whole which shelters the individual, gives him a sense of belonging and immunizes him against frustration. On the other hand, in a minority bent on assimilation, the individual stands alone, pitted against prejudice and discrimination. He is also burdened with the sense of guilt, however vague, of a renegade. The orthodox Jew is less frustrated than the emancipated Jew. The segregated Negro in the South is less frustrated than the nonsegregated Negro in the North. Again, within a minority bent on assimilation, the least and most successful (economically and culturally) are likely to be more frustrated than those in between.
Women feel frustrated because society is trying to turn them all into men. But they can't properly identify the source of this frustration because they largely believe that becoming men is the solution to all their problems. This book is a fantasy where they can confront the illusory source of their frustrations since they're unable to confront the actual source

>> No.21809451

>women would rather be raped than have consensual sex

Huh.. the theory is true.

>> No.21809747

The story doesn't even begin to make a slight sliver of a fraction of an atom of sense. It's utter absurdity and the only thing that makes it make sense is that it was shat out by a computer or written by an alien who never spent a day on earth.

>> No.21809790

>why are people obsessed with the new thing on the TV?

>> No.21809793

It's like that "Black Future" fetish book that gets posted here sometimes, but for women.

>> No.21809803

Based Iran making mutt women seethe even though they have nothing to do with Iran

>> No.21809849
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That "new" thing on the TV is already six years old and it's not even the first adaptation of the book. But nobody cared about it back in the 90's.