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[ERROR] No.2180310 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/ I recently got Stephen King's It, what do you guys think of this book?

>> No.2180314


One of the rare cases where the movie was better.

>> No.2180330
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>> No.2180333

Ah,"It" - the obligatory inappropriate read at age 10.

>> No.2180337

I'm reading it too, at around page 170 right now. I'm having a hard time remembering everybody's name and I'd hope they explain what the turtle is sometime soon. Every time somebody mentions a turtle I cringe

>> No.2180342 [DELETED] 

Turtle - when u have to take a shit so bad that it is popping in and out of ur ass like a turtle's head.

Have fun with that mental image every time you see the word now.

>> No.2180346

Turtle - when u have to take a shit so bad that it is popping in and out of ur ass like a turtle's head.

Have fun with that mental image every time you see the word.

>> No.2180379
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Hah, well thanks to It, I feel weird talking about floating. WE ALL FLOAT.
> mfw we all float

>> No.2180383

No but in all serious. I heard a bit about "The Turtle" when it was talking about the Kissing Bridge and the Homo with the "I <3 Darry" Hat.

>> No.2180402


How far are you? A few of the characters mention the turtle in passing, like it's something you're already supposed to understand, or maybe it'll be explained later

>> No.2180428

IT is incredible. Most people reject SK pretty quickly, and I dislike a lot of his work

But god damn, after you finish IT you will be left in a daze for days.

>> No.2180489

I'm around the part about Stanley taking a Bath. Forgot page number.

>> No.2180516

See the TURTLE of enormous GIRTH.
On his back stands the EARTH!

>> No.2180529


Alright, well Stanley definitely says something like "The turtle can't help us now."

So, whatever the turtle is, it must be pretty important

>> No.2180549
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It's great. Always thought Georgie was an idiot.

>> No.2180581

The Turtle is from The Dark Tower.

The Turtle
The Turtle, Maturin, is one of the Guardians of the Beam, sits opposite the Bear. Is this the same Turtle mentioned in IT? Some people say it is, some say it isn't, you decide...

"See the TURTLE of enormous girth,
On his shell he holds the earth.
If you want to run and play,
Come along the BEAM today."
(Seen by Jake at the Lot with the Rose)

"See the TURTLE of enormous girth!
On his shell he holds the earth.
His thought is slow but always kind;
He holds us all within his mind.
On his back all vows are made;
He sees the truth but mayn't aid.
He loves the land and loves the sea,
And even loves a child like me."
(As told by Roland)

>> No.2180582


Thats when i read it. Never noticed until rereading it 7 years later that they all run train on bev

>> No.2180599


nice spoilers bro

>> No.2180603


Oops, meant to say they all play train with bev

>> No.2182487


>> No.2182499


You mean at the Ironworks? That was because the black kid had seen one of those old Godzilla monster movies with a giant bird in it that scared him.

>> No.2182501


lol, he's black?

>> No.2182506


Yes. Mike Hanlon was black.

>> No.2182511


I don't remember it ever saying that. I thought he was just some redneck kid

>> No.2182522


I'm pretty sure Henry Bowers or his dad call Hanlon a nigger at least once in the book.

>> No.2182538


yeah, and the rockabilly bullies (which, holy shit, just now realizing how often king uses rockabilly bullies as villains) call him a jigaboo or somesuch

>> No.2182742

The Turtle is a creator deity. Sort of the "God" to It's "Satan". I tried to make that less spoiler-ific. Its a great book. Boring for some long stretches, then terrifying.

>> No.2182746

That's actually a huge plot point.

>> No.2182775

What do I think of it? It's a really good work.


No, seriously, it's one of his better novels. His longer novels (such as the Stand and It) are often better because he loves his backstories and descriptions, and when he tries to shove them into a shorter novel it doesn't always work out.

Not to say his shorter works are bad - the Long Walk and the Jaunt are awesome.

>> No.2183481


I don't know if I'd agree with that. Needful Things, for example, was pretty terrible. So was Desperation.

>> No.2183486


get fucked kid needful things is great up until the arthritis spider

>> No.2183493

Needful Things is fucking silly. It has good parts, but it's shit compared to The Stand or Pet Sematary.

>> No.2183499


no way homie, it does his whole magnifying glass on an anthill (let anthill equal small maine town) leitmotif better than just about any of his similar works

also the ending of the stand is the most colossally disappointing thing ever but thats beside the point

>> No.2183504

Read it when I was 11. I only remember the sex scenes. Wasn't scary. Now the shining? That's scary. Also, a lot of his short stories. Like the one about the growing finger in the plumbing.

>> No.2183881

God damnit, reading this book is a chore. I hate the way King describes things, and the way he explains too much.

>and they laughed hysterically, and they laughed hysterically, and they laughed hysterically
>and their skin broke into gooseflesh
>character sees something he recognizes which isn't related to the plot, triggering multi page internal monologue and boring irrelevant flashback

ugh, at the least the story's alright

>> No.2183999

I've read a fair bit of King, and really wasn't sure about it.
Might give it a re-read now I'm like 5 years older and see how I find it.