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21801935 No.21801935 [Reply] [Original]

>we’ll never have a finished Pale King
>we’ll never have a completely new novel
>we’ll never have a podcast where he pontificates on literature, philosophy, and more contemporary issues like social media, covid, trump, etc.

>> No.21801957

Do people here even like him?

>> No.21801970

bros.. it hurts...

>> No.21801997
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It’s ok, Anon. Just know that we were blessed to be touched by his life. Even all these years later.

>> No.21802007

And that’s a good thing! Dying early was his best career move.

>> No.21802415

I believe he was murdered. He was writing about the IRS and he insulted David Lipsky. If you read between the lines in the movie, it's practically a confession of the murder and a celebration of his death.

>> No.21802442

thank Christ!

>> No.21802485
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he would have killed on Rogan

>> No.21802532

Why did he dress the way he did? I mean look at the sweatshirt with the sleeves hacked off in OPs pic. If I see some random dude around my town dressed like that I don't think twice about it or even notice, but Wallace surely did it for some particular reason right? I can't figure it out. To seem aloof and or casual or hip or something? Is it an appeal to younger people or some subtle act of rebellion? Help me out.

>> No.21802550

That would have been great. I think he would have gone on podcasts too since he didn't shy away from interviews. In the ones I've watched/listened to he seemed to genuinely enjoy the conversation and engaging with the interviewer. He seemed like a goofy mfer though.

>> No.21802566
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Mr. Wallace, I take back any and everything bad I have ever said about you

>> No.21802840

Umm, would this work?

>> No.21802954


>> No.21802976

he was on charlie rose twice which was like proto-rogan

>> No.21802977

Damn I need to read this mf

>> No.21802988 [DELETED] 

so uh what happened to this mark leyner dude literally who

>> No.21803536

Rose’s interviews with Donna Tartt are maximum cringe.

>> No.21803590

Imagine DFW with legal dabs, ubereats and TikTok to watch, he wouldn’t have produced shit

>> No.21803606

He was mentally ill anon

>> No.21803644
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So was Sylvia Plath and she remained a preppy queen to the end. That’s no excuse.

>> No.21803651

He also smoked a lot of dope. My personal hygiene tends to suffer when I’m hitting the bong on the regular. It’s also quite possible that it was simply an affectation of some sort, I dunno, possibly some combination of all these factors is my best guess

>> No.21803871

His sister mentions he refused to wear anything that wasn't comfortable.

>> No.21803898
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He would’ve, ironically, been ironically loved by the 2010s hipster for his irreverent normcore/dadcore style.

>> No.21803929

when i used to work in construction in the sweltering summer, i cut off my sleeves too. it's all to do with comfort as this anonbro said
one of the many reasons i love DFW is because of his confident and self-supporting style. he just did what he enjoyed which is somehow difficult for a lot of people. it's unfortunate in a way that he was taken from us so soon and i say "unfortunate in a way" because while his passing is a punch to the gut for many of us, he is immeasurably lucky to not have to experience this terrible era.

rest in peace, young prince

>> No.21803973

It's hard to imagine what his life would be like if he didn't rope
After getting kicked out by the lit establishment would he just hang around the podcast circuit with people 20 years younger than him and 20 IQ points lower? probably would have hated it

>> No.21803983

i don't know him in such minute detail to tell you what his future might have been but with the way head-turning social platforms possible with technology exist today, it would have been entirely possible for him to create his own podcast, do travelling writing workshops, whatever. the sky is the limit for people that actually try

>> No.21803988

Not sure what podcasting circuit is, but I think he would’ve loved podcasting. He seemed to enjoy talking in detail about litertaure, society, etc., but seemed uncomfortable with the camera aspect so I can imagine podcasting would’ve been the best of both worlds for him. Also, I think he would’ve had some great guests he just enjoyed talking with—I can easily see Saunders, DeLillo, et. al making appearances.

Just all conjecture though.

>> No.21803992

why tf did he do it man...

>> No.21804004

Dfw banged so many women at McLean Hospital that he was asked to leave so yes.

>> No.21804019

Wasn’t he in a locked ward for like a week in mclean before he left? Maybe you’re thinking of the other one? Starts with a ‘g’ or ‘j’ I think.

>> No.21804049

hes just ripping into some kid who wrote him a letter, right? Is there a screen capture of the letter he's responding to?

>> No.21804074

>After getting kicked out by the lit establishment

Forgot he got metoo’d. Damn, if he were still around he would’ve gone from being hailed as his generation’s greatest writer to persona non grata.That wouldn’t have been good for his mental health.

>> No.21804305
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>> No.21804539


>> No.21805073
