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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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21799201 No.21799201 [Reply] [Original]

How do we make /lit/ a less shit board? I've been browsing the catalog and various threads for 20 minutes now. I didn't find a single post worthwhile and not a single anon convinced me for a moment that they had actually read the things they purported to talk about. Everything seems to just be a pretext for political bait from demented communists and nazis.

>> No.21799211
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what is it that makes an image board good for people, anon?

>> No.21799217

nobody here reads

>> No.21799218

Honestly, it's best to just leave. I still come here to lurk every now and then and it's literally just getting worse, even the jannies have stopped caring.

>> No.21799227

It's bored students on spring break. 2 weeks ago the board was practically dead.

>> No.21799228
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>leave /lit/
>join bookclub irl
in all seriousness though, this board is beyond saving. it's always been like this afaik, but it was more fun a couple years ago. the new tripfags and schizos are somehow worse than our former resident faggots like butterfly or guenonfag

>> No.21799235

Manufacture more namefags that appeal to attention whores using gpt4 (I have two tripfags posting here that are just gpt4), encourage attention whores to use names that the rest of us can filter them.

>> No.21799237
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When posters have meaningful interactions, this is evidenced by posts that demonstrate they understand and have read the material they aim to discuss.

An example might be discussing Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Some anon once made a post fixating on the use of the word ceremonies, which is almost immediate in the play. It revealed an undercurrent of meaning in the entire story and nicely explained the typical question of how, despite being the eponymous character of the play, Caesar barely pictures into it. Rather it is his spirit that animates the plot, which ties nicely in the etymological and meta-narrative point being made. This was a 1 in 10,000 post on /lit/, it was really excellent and could have made for a proper dissertation even.

>> No.21799240

Ban this fucker for life