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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 179x281, forsyte saga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21798287 No.21798287 [Reply] [Original]

I've just finished The Forsyte Saga by John Galsworthy.
This is such a brilliant book, why do we not talk about it more on /lit/?

>> No.21798294

Redpill me on it. I had it on my last but forgot about it.

>> No.21798307

So it's a big Victorian English family Saga spanning generations but also a deep and thoughtful discussion of wealth, the pursuit of money, love and the meaning of life.
Roughly half the characters focus their lives on the acquisition of wealth, property and social status. The other half focus their lives on love, art and beauty. The story follows them through to the eventual consequences of their choices.
It's brilliant without being showy, intelligent without being preachy.

>> No.21798309

My dad loved it, he said some of the best literature for English style. It’s on my list but I’m breaking reading secular literature for Ramadan

>> No.21798360

I just started the first novel. Already impressed early in when Jolyon reconciled with his son.

>> No.21799097
File: 137 KB, 722x523, f90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roughly half the characters focus their lives on the acquisition of wealth, property and social status. The other half focus their lives on love, art and beauty. The story follows them through to the eventual consequences of their choices.
Potential for being Kino.
Picked up, thanks anon.

>> No.21800310


>> No.21800343

Humble bragging, devout, Mahometan

>> No.21800420

Zion gasworthy

>> No.21800939


>> No.21800947

It’s a normal practice for Ramadan and has been for over a thousand years