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/lit/ - Literature

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21795440 No.21795440 [Reply] [Original]

Books that will help me get through extremely rough times..

Let me guess
>the Bible

>> No.21795530

The Ego and Its Own.

>> No.21795540

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

"Who among you can at the same time laugh and be exalted?
He who climbeth on the highest mountains, laugheth at all tragic plays and tragic realities.
Courageous, unconcerned, scornful, coercive—so wisdom wisheth us; she is a woman, and ever loveth only a warrior.
Ye tell me, “Life is hard to bear.” But for what purpose should ye have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening?
Life is hard to bear: but do not affect to be so delicate! We are all of us fine sumpter asses and assesses.
What have we in common with the rose-bud, which trembleth because a drop of dew hath formed upon it?
It is true we love life; not because we are wont to live, but because we are wont to love.
There is always some madness in love. But there is always, also, some method in madness.
And to me also, who appreciate life, the butterflies, and soap-bubbles, and whatever is like them amongst us, seem most to enjoy happiness.
To see these light, foolish, pretty, lively little sprites flit about—that moveth Zarathustra to tears and songs.
I should only believe in a God that would know how to dance.
And when I saw my devil, I found him serious, thorough, profound, solemn: he was the spirit of gravity—through him all things fall.
Not by wrath, but by laughter, do we slay. Come, let us slay the spirit of gravity!"

>> No.21795544

the holy bible

>> No.21795546

The Little Prince

>> No.21795550

>Let me guess
>>the Bible

>> No.21795553

Bhagavad Gita
Tao Te Ching

>> No.21795554

Christ is the only giver of peach in this fucked up life we live.
But Norm Macdonald’s “Based on a True Story” might do the trick for a while

>> No.21795562

Metivier A. - The Victorious Mind. How To Master Memory, Meditation and Mental Well-Being (2020)
Nass C., Yen C. - The Man Who Lied to His Laptop. What Machines Teach Us About Human Relationships (2010)
Heath Ch., Heath D. - Switch. How to Change Things When Change Is Hard (2010)
Pennebaker J.W. - The Secret Life of Pronouns. What Our Words Say About Us (2011)
Cozolino L. - The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy. Healing the Social Brain (2017)

>> No.21795597

The bibble.

>> No.21795599

Just move your eyes, lol. Right and left looking at the ball, while re-activating bad memories. Repeat for an hour each day, if you have PTSD.

Find frens. Do some synchronic cooperative activity together.

Memorize texts. It will increase grey matter in your brain

Go jogging

(you can google yourself)

>> No.21795603

Essays of Bacon and of Samuel Johnson, and The Life of Johnson maybe. It's hard to say, but they would work for me. Johnson would read Anatomy of Melancholy I never read that.

>> No.21795607

Also Burlingame's biography of Lincoln and Gulliver's Travels were good for my anxiety if that is your problem.

>> No.21795612

Reading will not help you. Activity will. Get /fit/. Lift weights or be a cardio bunny. The last thing you need is more time to dwell, especially in philosophical topics with no settled answers in 2000 years of thinking.

>> No.21795625

For me it's Tao Te Ching or reading stoic quotes.

>> No.21795740

Gilgamesh is the actual answer

>> No.21795748

Back issues of hustler magazine. Trust me eventually you’ll have some “rough times”

>> No.21795754


It's like David Goggins-tier self help slop but translated into the prose of a 19th century autistic incel philosopher. Yuck.

>> No.21795756

Growth of the soil, my man.

>> No.21795765

"“Is not all weeping complaining? And all complaining, accusing?” Thus speakest thou to thyself; and therefore, O my soul, wilt thou rather smile than pour forth thy grief—
—Than in gushing tears pour forth all thy grief concerning thy fulness, and concerning the craving of the vine for the vintager and vintage-knife!
But wilt thou not weep, wilt thou not weep forth thy purple melancholy, then wilt thou have to *sing*, O my soul!—Behold, I smile myself, who foretell thee this:
—Thou wilt have to sing with passionate song, until all seas turn calm to hearken unto thy longing,—
—Until over calm longing seas the bark glideth, the golden marvel, around the gold of which all good, bad, and marvellous things frisk:—
—Also many large and small animals, and everything that hath light marvellous feet, so that it can run on violet-blue paths,—
—Towards the golden marvel, the spontaneous bark, and its master: he, however, is the vintager who waiteth with the diamond vintage-knife,—
—Thy great deliverer, O my soul, the nameless one—for whom future songs only will find names! And verily, already hath thy breath the fragrance of future songs,—
—Already glowest thou and dreamest, already drinkest thou thirstily at all deep echoing wells of consolation, already reposeth thy melancholy in the bliss of future songs!—
O my soul, now have I given thee all, and even my last possession, and all my hands have become empty by thee:—that *I bade thee sing*, behold, that was my last thing to give!"

>> No.21795916

Bible is a library, specifically I recommend Ecclesiastes or John.
Also, CH Spurgeon's Encouragement for the Depressed.