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21795040 No.21795040 [Reply] [Original]

Ack Ack Macaque edition

Previous thread: >>21787018

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21795049


>> No.21795062
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What are some SFF books with great mom/grandma/older women characters?? bonus points if they don't die in the first few chapters

>> No.21795063

The Broken Sword

>> No.21795065
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Nanny Ogg from Discworld sounds like a good character if you aren't just searching for coom

>> No.21795076
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.21795086

Afrofuturism Edition

>> No.21795092

based discworld poster

>> No.21795109

Men need to appreciate Nanny Ogg as a /lit/ girl worthy of coom

>> No.21795221
File: 119 KB, 255x393, Leviathan_Falls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this. I enjoyed it, even if Tanaka was a little cartoonish. The epilogue was a kind of silly, but entirely expected. I can't believe when they're all going their separate ways, Alex and Naomi don't even hug, they barely said anything to each other. As though they didn't know how to write the goodbyes, so they just didn't bother. It felt like none of them were acting like real people would.

>> No.21795258

I'll give it a read because some guy I know raves about the show. I find it hard to believe two authors can meld their styles together though.

>> No.21795266

it's a scifi story not some shitty friends type drama

>> No.21795285

That might be the worst book I've ever read and I've read shitty authors like Asimov.

>> No.21795290
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>> No.21795297

The crew of the Rocinante being a tight knit group has been threaded through the whole series. Their bond being like family is even highlighted throughout the book. It absolutely belonged in the story, it just wasn't there when it should have been.

>> No.21795304

They call sci-fi the "literature of ideas" because the writers can't write for shit. Asimov has some of the worst prose I've ever come across. Anyone who has read widely knows I'm right. But all anyone cares about is his "robits" as he called them.

>> No.21795308

It was an unnecessary addition, there really was no need for all that shitty drama. In fact this is the reason why series goes to shit later on, instead of scifi it becomes family/friends drama in space. Garbage.

>> No.21795309

>Not being enamoured by his New York Jewish charm
Tell me on a formal level what is wrong with Asimov's dialogue, descriptions, style, technique, or whatever else. Even just dissect a simile or metaphor from any of his works. I'm keen to hear how you have perfected the science of writing.

>> No.21795330

Niceties tend to be lost during extremely time limited emergencies.

>> No.21795333

I just so happen to have finished it today too and I have a lot of mixed thoughts that I don't know how to express. I think I agree with you though.

>> No.21795378
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He immediately begins an encyclopedic description of his world and its history, which is a completely amateur and unnecessary move, given that the whole book takes place in that world and given such a description immediately is redundant. Writing things you "you see" and "that is" is an extremely lazy attempt to insert markers that indicate a writer's voice. A "country boy" in a sci-fi novel as an attempt to anchor it in our own understanding but that's pulp at its worst. The "country" in America is unique compared to another nation, let alone an entirely different planet. And for a simple example, look at the sentence structure of the last paragraph. The final word he leaves you with is "said" as though that is the most important point of the paragraph, and so the most important thing you should be left with. In the beginning of novels, the goal is to leave the reader with imagery that is sharp and intriguing. For example, Cixin Liu in The Three Body Problem writes, in his opening,
>The red Union had been attacking the headquarters of the April Twenty-eighth Brigade for two days. Their red flags fluttered restlessly around the brigade building like flames yearning for firewood.
This opening paragraph is great and leaves you with a sharp image that relates to the whole rest of the novel; the second paragraph ends with "Tianamen Square" which brings a massive amount of ideas with it. I dislike Liu, but this is well done. Asimov, on the other hand, is dull, pedantic, and he obscures the point of the paragraph incompetently, which is the Empire and its relation to the galaxy's inhabitants. The whole novel is like this, poorly reasoned structures that make the book read more like a textbook than a work of art. Simple, newspaper-like prose. Also, it's retarded to name things "Gaal" or "Synnax" or "Trantor". It's like driving over speed bumps on a highway. Finally, "hyper-video" and "three-dimensional newscasts" ... really? This is just the first two paragraphs. The whole book is like this. Yet, it's venerated--that's how sad the genre is when it comes to quality writing.

>> No.21795392

>Writing things you "you see" and "that is" is an extremely lazy attempt to insert markers that indicate a writer's voice.
Not necessarily. The point of Asimov's prose is to be chatty and feel as though the reader is being told something in an easier to understand way, rather than to be overly poetic and nebulous. It makes the reader think they are talking to someone really speaking, and sometimes taking a moment to think about what they're saying.
>A "country boy" in a sci-fi novel as an attempt to anchor it in our own understanding but that's pulp at its worst.
Why? What's the point of having a sci-fi novel with only technicians and people who will alienate the reader? We have Watson for Sherlock Holmes stories, since it would be too alien to have Holmes as the main voice of the text, since he is above and beyond most readers' intelligence. He is also psychologically bizarre that no story could really follow his train of thought as it exists.
>The whole novel is like this, poorly reasoned structures that make the book read more like a textbook than a work of art. Simple, newspaper-like prose.
That's the effect it might have on the soaring heights of literary types, who smell of mothballs and rub their patched tweed elbows together. Others find it charming or get sucked in by it. Why do you want to feel like you're reading and strain to understand something that could be said in simpler elements?
>Finally, "hyper-video" and "three-dimensional newscasts" ... really?
Is this really a complaint? I don't complain about not knowing what a paynim is when reading The Faerie Queene, since I know it is conducive to the setting (and it wasn't really used much even in Elizabethan England), as well as the form of poetry.

>> No.21795425

>the point of Asimov's prose is to be chatty
If he wanted to be chatty, he should have taken up oratory. Again, Cixin Liu was not being overly poetic or nebulous. He was simply employing a skill Asimov clearly lacks. In regards to "country boy" it isn't my fault Asimov is not creative enough to come up with something unique. So you admit that his writing is poor when compared to literary writers. Good. But how could I get sucked in by pulp? Why would I not chase after a difficult pleasure instead? I want to feel like I'm not opening the newspaper to read.
>Elizabethan England
During this time, English was a fluid language and there was no hard and fast grammatical rules. You could add syllables into the middle of words to fit poetic meter, for example. Asimov has no such luxury, but come on, those are terrible descriptions of technology. Also, I remember reading a short story by Asimov from the perspective of an alien who was afraid of humans on a space ship and it read like it was written by a gradeschooler. I'll have to find that to give more examples. It was filled with shit-tier prose. I forget what it was called though.

>> No.21795445

>If he wanted to be chatty, he should have taken up oratory.
Why? So many years of literature have allowed all kinds of language to become accepted and used, which you also pointed out with the Elizabethan England comment. We haven't standardised everything yet and there're barely any professors who wholly agree on what is aesthetic or good in literature (while many of them think this is sentimental to begin with).
>So you admit that his writing is poor when compared to literary writers.
No. Literary writers aren't a thing. The canon has never been agreed on by anyone. There are fads and literary movements, then there are people who stand the test of time, sure, but that's not really saying much. That doesn't automatically make anyone "literary," or its opposite.
>But how could I get sucked in by pulp?
I'd honestly rather read Lovecraft than Margaret Atwood. If you want to go read boring books about boring people, be my guest and leave the general.
>Why would I not chase after a difficult pleasure instead?
What is pleasurable about reading someone trying to sound obscure and deep? It's obviously not going to align with humanism and scientific worldviews, where that sort of intentional obscurantism is deemed as bad as alchemy and woo-woo.

>> No.21795460
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Is Brandon Sanderson the J. R. R. Tolkien of our time? The people who dislike him now will fondly look back on his work 10 years from now.

>> No.21795468
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>Brando Sando
>On the level of Tolkien
He's not even the best Brando Sando, the japanese one is better.

>> No.21795476
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I-I.... I kneel

>> No.21795491

Brando Sando WISHED he could write for Elden Ring
>They went to George and made a game with George, and I’m like, George doesn’t play video games. George has no idea.

>> No.21795560
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500 pages into Oathbringer and still don't understand spren mythology.
>cryptic spren
>shallan's spren is unreliable?
>jasnah's spren implies there's some type of civil war going on with spren?
don't get it and I feel it's massively important

>> No.21795567 [DELETED] 

More like SPERM!

>> No.21795583

that's what I thought he was saying

>> No.21795584

any good stories with sexual content that arent just flat out smut/erotica

>> No.21795624

thanks for the recs, i might start with Countdown. it sounds like dcc

>> No.21795627

Sexy Space Babes on royalroad, theres 3 complete books/arcs

>> No.21795653 [DELETED] 
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500 pages into Oathbringer and still don't understand spren mythology.
>cryptic spren
>shallan's spren is unreliable?
>jasnah's spren implies there's some type of civil war going on with spren?
don't get it and I feel it's massively important

>> No.21795662 [DELETED] 

More like SPERM!

>> No.21795666
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Bakker is King.

Simple as.

>> No.21795670

>trying to make sense of YA "fast food" fantasy with no substance?
You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.21795673

Bakker breathes
/sffg/ seethes
—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

>> No.21795680 [DELETED] 
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Tell me Proyas...Does itis Bakker alive?

>> No.21795686

I search stormlight stuff in the archive all the time and find discussions sorry bucko

>> No.21795688

Thank you for proving my point.

>> No.21795690

I'm sorry you can't moderate what people discuss in here. You should apply for janitor when applications roll out next time

>> No.21795698
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>He thinks I don't enjoy the comedic aspect of trying to make sense of trash books
You sound resentful.

>> No.21795703

NTA, but I sincerely hope you're not the one who keeps bitching about Bakker. But since you're into Sando, the likelihood of that is very, very high.

>> No.21795705

Name of the Japanese guy?

>> No.21795706

Hiroshima Nagazaki

>> No.21795708

Hiro Purotagonitsu

>> No.21795709

Hiroyuki Nishimura
He's not really a writer of novels. Anon was being facetious. Silly little anon. I think he's making fun of Sando for being a vidya game tier writer.

>> No.21795711
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I'm going to post some rare Bakkers and there's nothing Sanderdoys can do about it.

>> No.21795717
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>Le tinkerbell fantasy
Here's your anime spren bro.

>> No.21795752

It's weird how his brother just looks like Bakker if he were the manchild typical of fantasy. But I hear he's really nice and responds to people about R Scott the King of /sffg/

>> No.21795753
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Brian is a cool dude. Last news we got from Bakker was in an article wrote by his brother on a Canadian newspaper.

>> No.21795794
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Any books with similar plot to pic related?

>> No.21795795

Latro in the Mist

>> No.21795804

i read this like 8 years ago and legit only remember the based old captain talking why fat women are better.

>> No.21795811
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Mother of Learning
Lord of the Mysteries

>> No.21795832
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Unironically, the 'Protagonist doesn't remember who he is' trope is my favourite one across all of literature, just after someone feigning his death. It's baffling that people hate on it. Do they have no sense of mystery, wonder or sensibility?

Please, if anyone has a list of stories where the main protagonist loses his/her memory, name them.

>> No.21795838

Yeah bro, Asimov is obsolete 50's sci-fi. He's boring as shit, even by the standards of the time he wrote in. Compare his stuff to something like Stars My Destination

>> No.21795842
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>> No.21795848
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>wpm under 150

>> No.21795888

Why is Bakker the only topic that brings some life to this general?

>> No.21795891

Hidetaka Miyazaki

>> No.21795904
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What else is there to talk about? Prince of Nothing is the only fantasy series of the last two decades that actually DARED, and was written without specifically having wholesome chungus Reddit-content heads in mind

>> No.21795906

Finished the first volume of Vance's Demon Princes. It is a top-notch adventure revenge story with a neat galactic backdrop and Vance's signature imagination. Very much enjoying the series. It's not in the league of his best works (Dying Earth and Lyonesse), but it's good to pass the time while still having a solid level of writing quality.

Besides that, I'm still dragging on The Night Land. It's dreadfully repetitive, dull, and has awful quasi-archaic language that is serving nothing and not doing it any favors. I will read 30-40 more pages and if it stays like this I don't see a point in finishing it. It's such a strange work, on one side a magnificent vision of a dying world, terrifying horrors, lost time, and heroism. On the other, the novel he actually wrote.

>> No.21795907

We got lucky that this was written right before the cancel culture post modernistic woke era.
You just know that it wouldn't have happened now. He would never find a published nowadays.

>> No.21795910

Literally every critique/review of Prince of Nothing on YouTube is "ummmmm this isn't very heckin' wholesome my guy, try having a normal one". It's sickening.

>> No.21795919

Why do I get the feeling if I ever got around to reading this it would be a pile? You fuckers have cosmically shit taste in all things. I would hammer a nail into my dick were you to advise against.

>> No.21795920

I would normally agree with you, except that Bakker is one of the very few exceptions that's actually good in the genre.

>> No.21795921

I only somewhat believe you because I liked his schizo blog. Maybe now that he's dead I'll try it.

>> No.21795925
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Oh, how I envy you.

>> No.21795926

>We got lucky that this was written right before the cancel culture
books/authors get canceled?

>> No.21795939
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Tao Wong got cancelled, this is also the last time I went to this subreddit.

>> No.21795942

When getting a recommendation of Bakker as a genuinely good author try to get the person's top 10. Last time I failed. Usually you can tell a lot knowing if the person has a good taste in general.
This is why I never read Bakker

>> No.21795944

Bakker was cancelled for making fun of transwomen.

>> No.21795946

how was he canceled? if trannies just complained about him thats hardly a cancel

>> No.21795947

>This is why I never read Bakker
Bakker's top 10 are books that you're literally never read, so your opinion is ultimately irrelevant.

>> No.21795951

Like pottery.

>> No.21795958

Case in point - Bakker shitposters have shit taste and will not reveal. They are aware how their taste will be perceived.

>> No.21795964
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>Imagine judging a book by it's "cover" (memes, online perception, news etc...)

You guys are truly pathetic.

At least I've read Sanderson to know how shit he is.

>> No.21795965
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>> No.21795969

Okay, fine. I'll read Bakker.

>> No.21795971

Me on the right

>> No.21795979
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Beagles are pretty fucking annoying. One of the few dogs that are way too high maintenance for me. I used to hear beagle "puppers" howl and cry across the road because their owners never fucking walked them the 100 km they need a day.

>> No.21795991
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>Exclude tags: Female Lead, Girls Love, LitRPG, Josei, Boys Love, Drama, Gender Bender, LGBT

>> No.21795994

holy based

>> No.21796004
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>Exclude tags: Female Lead, Girls Love
but why?

>> No.21796017

Probably because that's gay

>> No.21796020
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damn right

>> No.21796029
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>Tao Wong got cancelled, this is also the last time I went to this subreddit.
Tao Wong wasn't 'cancelled', he was ostracized from the community for being a greedy stupid fuck that thought he can trademark an entire genre, while at the same time copyright striking other authors. Fuck him with a rusted anchor, if it was 'cancelling' then it was one that I fully support.

>> No.21796042
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He only tried to copyright the name of his series. Not his fault people used it as the name of a genre. Also he made them reee so he's based.

>> No.21796058

I don't like female leads and faggotry

>> No.21796085
File: 201 KB, 899x650, good feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinese mtl site with comments
>new novel you open up to look at the tags
>it has yaoi in the tags
>always multiple people just going "eeeeeew" every time

>> No.21796093

>trademark an entire genre

>> No.21796102

"system apocalypse" is a genre and also the title of his book series

>> No.21796109

It was just a prank bro

>> No.21796130

>It was just a prank bro
This isn't the case from 2019, Tao used April Fool's Day to deflect the criticism then and treated it as 'just a joke.' Then the last year he tried again, this time copyright-striking other authors for his precious 'System Apocalypse' title. It's incredible how he threw away everything for some legal status, he could have been one of the fathers of the genre...instead everyone despies him now.

But of course, some edgy retards will call him 'based' because he made normal people 'reee.'

>> No.21796134

DUNC besmirches the name of Islam and Jihad... it is shirk to write about worshipping big worms, not to mention they imbibe the spice...

>> No.21796145

You would have thought he would have known better after the shitstorm when the retarded author of The Land series tried something similar a few years earlier and sent his readership to almost zero. What's kind of sad is that Toa's series is actually fairly good (for the genre) but now he's completely shunned.

>> No.21796169

My impression was that Kong's audience fell to zero when he released that unreadable eighth book after a two year lag. He survived his public narcissism pretty well up until then.

Is System Apocalypse better than Tao's earlier Brad series? I dropped that series and him because it was so limp. But I'd read his other series if it was good, even if he's a douche.

>> No.21796180

What is the most dishonest fantasy series?

>> No.21796183

I unironically don't get it. Are you paid to spam this or just autistic?

>> No.21796185
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>It makes the reader think they are talking to someone really speaking, and sometimes taking a moment to think about what they're saying.
You can't be serious. Asimov's dialogue is about as convincing as a Socratic dialogue.

Rather than pick apart Asimov I think it's far easier to point to TNG as what Asimov would have written if he had as much writing talent as he did imagination. When TNG presents an ethical or logical dilemma it's as much a way to explore the unique perspectives of the characters involved in the dilemma as it is the dilemma itself. Sometimes characters learn and grow from one another, sometimes they make mistakes, sometimes they follow their moral framework to its limit and find it wanting.

Contrast with the Asimovian conflict which in my reading tends to boil down to Logical Science Man overcoming the problem at hand logical, scientific, bureaucratic, by being the most logical.

>> No.21796190

Never read that earlier series so I can't compare. If you can overlook the fact the MC is bi and the most blatantly obviously author self-insert I've ever encountered the 'apocalypse' and 'progression' elements are handled better than most I've come across.

>> No.21796201

they think shitposting in every thread and that it supposedly "makes people mad" is funny ha ha.

>> No.21796202

>writing talent
lol amerilibs jerking each other off ad nauseam

>> No.21796236

Got a link to the article?

>> No.21796237
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Average Royal Road writers these days: I'll write uhh, a gamelit story with a girl beastkin protagonist and uhh, maybe I'll add other girl as a lover down the road. I feel daring today, so maybe she'll be strong af too.

>> No.21796240

No, he writes nothing but plot and has zero literary value. A person's appreciation of him can only go down with time.

>> No.21796244
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>> No.21796262

>Truth is, having the kind of creativity and insight it takes to write grimdark fantasy, is not always easy on the health or the soul.
Bakker locked up in the psych ward confirmed.

>> No.21796278
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>> No.21796292

>For those interested in the now, some have commented on the fact that Scott has been quiet online in recent years. Suffice it to say he has gone through a lot. His singular focus right now is raising his daughter and building his family's future.

Shouldn't this mean, you know, he needs to work?

>> No.21796297

Post yfw he's flipping burgers

>> No.21796299

>Asimov's dialogue is about as convincing as a Socratic dialogue.
Socratic dialogues aren't meant to sound like modern day speech, so that's a bizarre comparison. The form of Plato's dialogues are also intentionally made to fit numerical restrictions in terms of numbers of words, lines spoken, chapters/books, etc.
>Contrast with the Asimovian conflict which in my reading tends to boil down to Logical Science Man overcoming the problem at hand logical, scientific, bureaucratic, by being the most logical.
If you are anti-science, I have no idea why you are reading science fiction. Asimov was obviously a humanist.

>> No.21796300

It's a genre. Not the name of his series, and he wasn't the first nor the most popular in that genre to use that phrase within his title.
>some edgy retards will call him 'based' because he made normal people 'reee.'
Ignore the Bakkerspammer and others like it.
That one specifically is an underage ESL poster who has specified that he "doesn't think before he posts" [here]. He thinks /sffg/ threads last a week at a time.

>> No.21796301

>Philosophy degree

Many such cases!

>> No.21796313

He was already a teacher and could easily go back to it. I think even getting a TESOL certificate would be easy as fuck for him since I know many Canadian professors who started off teaching English as a second language in Korea or other Asian countries. I guess that would be harder if he wants to support his family and be there for them, but he could teach at a technical college or some shit.

>> No.21796339

I said good stories

>> No.21796340

Sounds like he'd make more money by grifting off his paypig forum supporters. Just make a series about No-God killing everyone.

>> No.21796345
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Babysitting rich kids and foreign exchange rich kids pays well, anon. But I doubt babysitting forum losers would be as easy.

>> No.21796352
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Title: Pyresouls Apocalypse: Futures Grave
Author: James T. Callum

Writing books is hard, writing series of them even harder. Starting strong just to peter out later on is an everyday occurence that was the bane of many a fiction. It hurts the same everytime.


The second book of Pyresouls Apocalypse doesn't live up to the first one. I've seen one review saying 2/3 of the book is average and the last 1/3 is great, and while I don't exactly agree it paints the picture of what has happened.

More than half of the book is spent on some random adventures that you barely notice consequence of, basically forgotten in the second half. I mentioned in the last review that I'm not a fan of the author's action scenes and nothing has changed in the sequel. I basically skimmed most of the fights, not having much interest in them. Which is a problem, as they seem even more present than in the first book.

The real plot and action of the book starts in the later half of it, and while it's a decent story...its direction made me ambivalent about continuing the series. The story of an underdog trying to stop the apocalypse with the help of few semi-virtous random people becomes undermined by some of the story twists. It never quite strays into 'Chosen One' and appears to be somewhat faithful to the first Dark Souls, but it still made me feel queasy.

Time-traveling shenanigans become even more important in the sequel, and trying to understand some mechanics of the interplay between different time streams might leave you with a headache. Which is all-in-all the better part of the book. As the author delves deeper into Cthullu mythos, I'm reminded how utterly cliche it feels at this point. Reading too many webnovels made me resent Lovecraftian settings, people shove it literally everywhere.

I'd rather read about elves frolicking in a forest and orcs than yet another tentacle monster and big aquatic creatures tinkering with our minds. Meh.


To summarize, the author doesn't have quite the same amount of fuel for the second book, the story isn't as interesting and some plot choices don't fill me optimism for the third book.
There's also the fact that the author writes THREE series at the same time, with the last Pyresouls book being released in 2021. Maybe it's mine self-pub bias, but two years for a book like this is a lot. Releasing yet another series in the meantime doesn't help, even though I understand the author had several problems in his personal life in the last two years.

I think I'm going to read the third book once it's released afterall, but my expectations are being lowered.

Rating: 6/10

>> No.21796361

Man, that whole "rAnd0m m0nkeyz with gunz!!" subculture was just the worst.

>> No.21796370

What is a "good romance" in fantasy? I see a lot of women on Goodreads and Reddit whining that fantasy stories have shitty romance. Isn't guy get girl good enough?

>> No.21796375

You need to make the female reader feel like she is personally pursued by the love interest, and he must say stuff like: "baby, you're the only one for me... our kindred spirits shall meld in the aether of the welkin, baby girl" as his engorged large cock pounds her.

>> No.21796407 [SPOILER] 
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or maybe he works at a bagel shop now desu

>> No.21796447
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The mistake is thinking that Sauron is evil.

>> No.21796506

He admitted he is evil though; he said he feels guilty to his older brother in the Silmarillion. If he is good what does he have to feel guilty of?

>> No.21796516
File: 14 KB, 640x480, smythe18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which books are the closest in Arcanum when it comes to the very feel of it? It doesn't need to be fantasy, horror, or sci-fi or even strictly steampunk. You know, just sinister 19th century world, bit industrial, bit bucolic.

>> No.21796519
File: 823 KB, 1912x964, tolkien on sauron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believing in evil means that you think that person can never be redeemed or ultimately make a choice. Obviously, Catholicism believes in redemption, as well as the idea that God is omnibenevolent and forgiving. Overall, the LOTR is about aesthetics rather than morals, as is discussed by Tolkien.

>> No.21796530

>Believing in evil means that you think that person can never be redeemed or ultimately make a choice.
I don't think it is by necessity. Some religions comprehend evil as an illness of the soul that causes people to harm themselves and others; it can be cured.
Sauron is a more interesting character than Pop culture makes him out to be; all adaptations reduce him to a caricature. I think he is a Catholic man's meditation on a fallen angelic spirit's mentality

>> No.21796537

Tolkien is so articulate and so warm in all his interviews. A lot of the classic fantasy writers were oddly wise. He reminds me a little of my grandfather

>> No.21796538

Help me out, fantasy bros. I'm looking for a gift for a person who reads a lot of fantasy books, mostly the pop kind, but also has appreciation for the classic, valuable stuff. What are some slightly lesser known books that are artistic and impressive? We both really liked Le Guin's Earthsea and know the most popular stuff like Tolkien, fatty etc. Sorry for blogpost, will appreciate any suggestions

>> No.21796540

Because he's an older guy. Every older writer tends to be compassionate, kind and nice. It's the 20-30 somethings that are edgy.

>> No.21796542
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I wanted to make a >it's a X chapter joke but desu there's too many girls in the series that fit and I can't choose

>> No.21796549

>Some religions comprehend evil as an illness of the soul that causes people to harm themselves and others; it can be cured.
I guess that's true even in Catholicism or mainstream Islam, which both see ignorance before the revelations of their holy books as a type of evil. Even Satan in most iterations stands in for the absence of knowledge or a connection with God. But I don't really see Sauron as a wholly evil entity in the sense he's just ignorance or something.

>> No.21796557

The only reason I've really seen amnesia get a lot of hate is that it's often used for cheap drama, but if it's the premise, that can be a lot more interesting. Though nine times out of ten, a protagonist starting with amnesia will turn out to have been a really awful person beforehand and their character arc is having to come to terms with who they were versus who they are now.

>> No.21796614

your """reviews""" are SHIT

>> No.21796628

Kek, I wonder why that is; might just be the polite culture of the past generation
Yeah, traditional Christianity mostly believes that evil can be purged with repentance. Sauron's issue was that he did not want to repent; he honestly believed that what he was doing was good for most of his career; he didn't call himself "Dark" he called himself Tar-Mairon.

>> No.21796665

The OP recomendations are a few years old , somebody needs to post the new shit. I don't mind his posting , I like at least 3-4 out of these.

>> No.21796666

hobb recently released some nice editions of the farseer books afaik

>> No.21796718

Do you think he even bothers to read your posts? Go back to reading Bakker because /sffg/ told you to. The rest of us will read other books other than the 5 or so books you idiots constantly post about. Do you even read or do you just come here to shitpost?

>> No.21796730
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>mfw this retard says the same shit everytime despite me living in texas and being 26 years old

>> No.21796736

There's a folktale where a knight loses his memories and has to go on a quest to get it back

>> No.21796774

>140k canadian
This is like $40k in the southern US after taxes and cost of living.

>> No.21796787
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>How long have you served Golgotterath?
Oh fuck.

>> No.21796799

I'm not one of the two or three bakkerfags who shill their shitty author in these threads, i only post your reviews are shit in this thread. Which they are. Your reviews are shit. fuck off. nobody cares about what you have to say and the swill you spend your time reading, faggot
stop posting your shitty reviews and I won't call you out on them, faggot

>> No.21796805

One dumb nog bites on his bait every thread. This time it was you.

>> No.21796846

Perdido street station perhaps?

>> No.21796858

I only remember quitting due to weird bugs being everywhere, but the opening was kino.

>> No.21796862

They aren't even my reviews, I'm glad that other anon lives rent free in your head.

No one forces you to read them, yet you feel the need to trigger yourself over them. Don't like them? Don't read them.

Thank you review anon, please continue to post your reviews. There are people who aren't triggered fucktards who appreciate them.

>> No.21796873

His idiosyncrasies are very much those of Anthony Hopkins

>> No.21796940

Best book about Mars?

>> No.21796948
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>> No.21796961

Don't want me responding to them?
Don't post them, reviewfag
It's that simple. Don't post your swill on here and get mad when people criticise it
>There are people who aren't triggered fucktards who appreciate them.
Reviewtards are idiots who don't even know the genre they claim to be reviewing
remember when one of our resident reviewfags claimed that PULP stories were "too short"? LMAO

>> No.21796986

>Suffice it to say he has gone through a lot
By becoming bad at writing? or what has he gone through?

>> No.21796992

The Mallorean

>> No.21797021
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Oh of course, you only read sophisticated books, for sophisticated people, such as yourself. Sorry.

>> No.21797022

Sounds to me like someone got cucked

>> No.21797037

>one isolated incident that may not have occured
>now eternally seethes at everyone

>> No.21797053

Seething reviewfag
Keep on unironically "reviewing" litrpg erotica swill
One of our resident reviewfags claimed that a collection of short stories originally published in pulp magazines was "too short" and "should have been a book instead"
it's like me complaining that macbeth is a play and shakespeare didn't write a novel
Reviewfags are retards, your reviews are shit, fuck off

>> No.21797102

*tips fedora*

>> No.21797121

Your reviews are shit
fuck off

>> No.21797135

Time for some kino, lads. I’m looking forward to all kinds of smug weirdness

>> No.21797140

Rent free, I'm not even the review anon.

*double tips fedora *

>> No.21797146
File: 18 KB, 183x275, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 100 pages in and nothing is happening.

>> No.21797148

Your reviews are shit
fuck off

>> No.21797157

you'll get to the cuckold bits soon don't worry

>> No.21797162

*triple tips fedora*

>> No.21797165

Why does that extend to everyone? Collective punishment is forbidden by the Geneva convention.

>> No.21797182

>people are OK with war, crimes, people getting murdered the most vile way, rape even
>but god forbids you for wanting a guy to have 3 to 4 cute wives

>> No.21797200
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>post several amateur reviews to practice english and incentivize discussion
>people react with unquenchable rage

Bros, I'm beginning to think the problem of 4chan isn't autism but personality disorders that make people extremely aggressive. Is it my bias for touching grass that makes me aware people in general aren't that triggered by smallest of things?

Y'll on hair trigger around here.

Would advise you to visit a shrink, but just few hours ago I looked up cost per visit in the nearest city and it was way too much for me, and I live in country with universal healthcare. Cannot imagine how you guys get by in the land of freedom. Guess it's only drugs for us.

>> No.21797204

your reviews are shit
fuck off

>> No.21797207

>and shakespeare didn't write a novel
But Shakespeare didn't write shit, it was Marlowe.
It's like how people todat actually think Musk is the brains behind all the cars and rockets, and not just the man that made sure his name was front and center. Years from now, people will be arguing that Elon Musk did make Heavy Falcon.

>> No.21797215

It's garbage

>> No.21797237

Impossible YouTubers, here, and reddit all claim it to be this decade's lord of the rings. But nothing is happening except Mr cool guy is going to a school

>> No.21797251

*quadruple tips fedora*

>> No.21797256

your reviews are shit
fuck off

>> No.21797268

Why don't you just ignore the posts? I like the reviews.

>> No.21797278

Why don't you stop shilling your shitty reviews and goodreads accounts on here?
Why don't you ignore my posts?

>> No.21797290

>Why don't you stop shilling your shitty reviews and goodreads accounts on here?
This line fascinates me. Did you have ChatGPT hallucinate that for you? I've been watching this thread for like a year and haven't seen anyone mention their goodreds ONCE.

>> No.21797291

Im not review anon.

>> No.21797294

Zoomer thinks everybody uses their gay AI
Reviewfags constantly shill their goodreads accounts on here. you'd know this if you weren't a newfag
I'll ask this again, why don't you ignore my posts?

>> No.21797298

Why are you defending them and the shitty books they review?

>> No.21797309

One of our actual book readers, the one who runs the goodreads group for this general, normally posts his profile as a way to read all of his reviews. That spammer, as newfags tend to do, is attributing one person's behavior to literally every person that is not him/her/it.

>> No.21797321

>That spammer, as newfags tend to do, is attributing one person's behavior to literally every person that is not him/her/it.
I've been in this general for years, just got sick of reviewfags like you shilling your stupid books and your stupid opinions on them

>> No.21797336

>this decade's lord of the rings
But the first book was written before this decade began. In four more years, the book would have been out for 20 years, and up to now, people still feel he will give them a book 3.

>> No.21797353
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Whatever. Keep posting them.

>> No.21797369

I haven't ever linked my Goodreads profile. I link warosu. There's been near zero times that profiles have been linked of anyone.

>> No.21797402

Bakker IS his brother. Haven't you noticed how all of Bakker's stories have two self inserts. There is Power Bakker, represented by Kellhus and Niel, free from the constraints of conventional morality, pure intellect and will. Then there is Human Bakker, a trail, bookish type, Akka and Bible.

Bakker just made this photo in Photoshop. He puts on weight and becomes his brother for long periods, and so we don't hear about him. That article was written by Bakker about himself, but Power Bakker is gone for now, into occultation.

Bakker IS Kellhus. But sustaining that level of intellect and will requires a tremendous amount of energy. Thus, he cannot keep the transformation up, lest he succumb to entropy.

Most don't know, but I figured it out.

It must be very jarring for his wife. Her nice, normal husband walks into the room behind her one day. She turns and sees him. He hasn't started his strict monklike diet yet, or he still looks the same to most people... but the way he stands... the way he olds himself...

Is all he replies.
She says, knowing he has returned. She both thrills at the idea of being taken by the apex predator before her and is frightened by his power. Gone is the nice, friendly Scott she knew, at least for now. Before her stands only Bakker, Kellhus.

>> No.21797411

saw someone with a Shadow of the Torturer cover as their twitter avatar, it's over....

>> No.21797417

Bought The Hopkins Manuscript yesterday never read it but the concept sounds pretty cool. Any other anons read it?

>> No.21797440

Goodreads profiles aren't linked on /lit/ much in general. The first page of 25 results goes back to September.

>> No.21797463

Martian Time-Slip, it's schizo kino

>> No.21797491
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Bakker is a University professor, sweeties.

>> No.21797514
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>> No.21797523
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>Reading an unfinished series?

>> No.21797525

your reviews of his reviews are shit

>> No.21797547

It's literally one fucking retard derailing every single thread I don't know how you people keep replying to him.

>> No.21797576

Your reviews are shit, fuck off
Out of all the bakker spammers, chinkshit faggots, "sffg reccomendations" faggots you focus on me, the one dedicated to calling out shitty reviewers

>> No.21797595

that's cause your posts suck

go back to /mlp/

>> No.21797608

Seething reviewfag
go back to goodreads

>> No.21797625

watching Diablo IV beta right now

>> No.21797634

this general isn't even about sciencefiction or fantasy books anymore

>> No.21797637

your thread reviews are shit

>> No.21797646

So the spammers are trying to get the jannies involved?

>> No.21797656
File: 671 KB, 1009x1317, Kant_gemaelde_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made 4 post in this thread so far (5 now). I just love making fun of review-hate-bro

>> No.21797677

I'm talking about the "are shit" spammer.

>> No.21797687

you're a faggot
I am one person
All i post in this thread is "your reviews are shit"
Redditors ITT ignore bakkerspammer and wandering inn spammer and seethe at me calling people shilling their goodreads out
pretty sad

>> No.21797697

yeah , those last are mine.
It's not spam. It's the same level of quality as "this thread sucks" and "why are you replying to him". I put a lot of thought on each post I make.

>> No.21797711

eh , it's more like that + 20 posts of nothing replies with no actual post about sffy. Preaty spammy

>> No.21797727
File: 437 KB, 2048x856, 1678916097120613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of my man REH's NON-Conan stories are worth reading? I didn't know he had an extensive body of work outside Conan.

>> No.21797731

He used to be... Sadly, even that has gone by the wayside

>> No.21797734

Don't like it, don't respond.
It's that simple

>> No.21797739

I agree

>> No.21797753

Why does new fantasy books always have Proper Nouns be completely unpronounceable?

>Sits Za?

>> No.21797766

Not my problem, monoglot . I can pronounce them just right.

>> No.21797781

wierd flex but ok

>> No.21797783

Thank you, but I'm just the majority of the population.

>> No.21797789

that's why it's wierd

>> No.21797794

That you're still a monoglot? Yes, indeed.

>> No.21797801


>> No.21797809

no , the flex is wierd

>> No.21797811

Where is El Borak in that pic?

>> No.21797830
File: 189 KB, 741x1024, d2zu4zw-cf4818f8-7aec-459a-b751-b85cac5deb0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bigger problem is that older posts and reviews get reposted years later here.
dont know who does this. maybe the usual mentally ill ones. Or mods to create some fake discussion here.

in any case, the (thankfully rare) few times I visit this site, the reviews are usually the only worthwile thing on the page.

>> No.21797837

Where does author Bakker get his influence for his characters/place names? They seem completely made up (in a bad way). I know not everyone can make up their own language like Tolkien which makes all the names feel real and cohesive to the world they belong to, but from my (admittedly low) knowledge of language his names seem like some highschool kid making up "fantasy names" for his OC.

>> No.21797847

Oh, so that's what it is. You're being filtered by Bakker? Could have said so earlier.

>> No.21797859

Christ im not here to argue. I'll try to appease you by saying I think his stories are great but I think your just gonna focus what I dont like.
At least try to answer the original question of my post.

>> No.21797863

>Christ im not here to argue
I legit kek'd

>> No.21797877

This place really is turning in /tv/ 2.0

>> No.21797878

They're directly sourced, or else sourced and creatively altered, from real world examples, including ancient Greek, Latin, Germanic, Babylonian, Sumerian, Phoenician, Scythian (etc.) personal and place names.
I personally love his name choices, they lend a certain ancient and deeply foreign feeling to his world.

>> No.21797885
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>playing video games

>> No.21797887

All of them. I've never been dissapointed by a howard story, and i've read all his tales apart from the breckenridge elkins, sailor steve costigan and hix boxing tales. even the medicore ones are still pretty good
I suggest all the solomon kane stories, starting with red shadows, the bran mak morn stories, worms of the earth perhaps being one of howard's greatest tales ever written, the kull tales, the cormac mac art stories

>> No.21797890

Carythusal is taken from KEW

>> No.21797977

Interesting. It's reassuring to know that his names have a basis in real world languages. It makes sense that he would blend and alter them, considering his SA world is so far removed from our own, despite sharing historical parallels. I can see how that would add to the foreign and otherworldly feeling of the setting. Again my limited knowledge of ancient languages is why I don't recognize the sources, and why they seem more random to me. His names aside I really enjoy his stories.

>> No.21798042

Went insane. It sounded like he started reading Hegel, many such cases.

>> No.21798116
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maybe this is more your speed

>> No.21798149

This map is fucking hilarious. Just the other day I saw a story with 'Badlands.'

Then you have GRRM who calls a region with two hills 'tits' and that sounds authentic as fuck.

>> No.21798235

Whatever it is, is breaking down. He normally doesn't say much beyond his ritualposting but as of yesterday he has already resorted to infantile threats of physical violence (lol).
Notice how newfag children tend to have absurd psychotic power fantasies which immediately launch into harming anyone who disagrees with them? You see it all across 4chan for the past several years.

>> No.21798243

You sound resentful.

>> No.21798269
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>> No.21798272

Nobody had an issue with my posts telling reviewfags their """reviews""" are shit until you started seething about them yesterday
newfag projecting and calling others newfags

>> No.21798298

>The whole book is like this. Yet, it's venerated--that's how sad the genre is when it comes to quality writing.
It was one of the first big fat sorta-historical epics and 12 yr olds loved it. It was poorly written. There are a lot of groundbreaking things in every field of human endeavour that are revered for that. Attic Greece has nothing but stone-and-lintel architecture, but we treasure examples we find. The fluting on their columns is a conversation between light and dark.

Freud and Jung opened up a lot of space for people to work in, you're right, there's no need to stick to things they said just because it was the earliest. The current trend of looking backwards and worshipping is for anxious, low self-esteem people. Things were not this way in earlier decades, in fact there are regular outbursts of trashing all of history because it hangs like a dead weight on us.

Bottom line is: we need all of history not to learn from it, but to escape it. Asimov did some cool pulp shit that inspired, that's enough.

>> No.21798308

>Asimov was obviously a humanist.
A dull humanist who probably never changed a tyre in his life.

>> No.21798342
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I just finished the Unholy Consult.

Can someone redpill me on the ending ? I feel so dead inside I think I might have attained the absolute.

>> No.21798347

There are a pair of mountains in S Korea that look like horse ears and they're called exactly that.

>> No.21798365
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>> No.21798373


>> No.21798430


>> No.21798441
File: 56 KB, 333x500, Arcane Ascension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sufficiently Advanced Magic (Arcane Ascension #1)

Apologize for this review ahead of time, I'm slightly inebriated.

[The Story]
When Corin's brother Tristan disappeared 5 years ago, he threw away his old life to train for climbing the Serpent's Spire. These towers dot the planet and have constantly changing floors with a variety of monsters, traps, and even challenged from the Gods. Corin's brother entered the tower with the hope of gaining an 'attunement' - a sigil on the flesh that allows the user to cast magic. When Tristan failed to emerge his family fell apart, leaving Corin to fill the shoes of his brother. Just like back then, Corin enters the Serpent's Tower... and quickly learns that he's in over his head.

After stumbling into a conspiracy at the tower, Corin is tasked by a Messenger of the Visages - God that walk the planet - to deliver a message... Luckily this message is intended for a teacher at the very academy he just applied for. Earning his mark and enrollment at Lorian Heights (a school for those that pass their Attunement), he begins to uncover this discover and grow ever closer to the plot that took his brother away. Unfortunately he'll need help - from the teachers, from friends, and most of all from a half-sister he didn't expect.

[The System]
In this world, everyone is allowed to enter a Judgement from a Visage, the gods of this world. Upon entering a Serpent's Spire they are subject to a variety of challenges. Should that individual survive, they are granted a tattoo upon their skin called an 'Attunement' somewhere on their body. These can vary in location and effect, from the hands to legs, lungs, hearts and the mind itself. Each one provides a different boon - the hands allow you to easily gesticulate spells, while the mind gives you the ability to sense the ambient mana around you.

Upon climbing a Spire and obtaining an attunement, you are automatically enrolled in your nation's military with the option of entering the academy and furthering your attunement or automatically entering the military. Most that pass their trials opt for the academy and train their attunements further. Though each tower offers a different type of attunement, the Serpent's Tower in Valia offers:
- Diviners - Can detect magical types, identify objects and specialize in tracking people or creating 'memory crystals' for viewing old world events.
- Elementalist - Self-expanatory. They can wield Fir, Air or Lightning at a range.
- Enchanter - Those capable of imbuing mundane objects with magical properties. Corin becomes an Enchanter and learns how to apply runes to different objects, granting them different functions. This includes gloves that can shoot mana to rocks that can heal people upon rotation.
- Guardian - Can use mana to enhance themselves or their strikes. Stronger, faster, far more aware.
- Mender - Healers.
- Shadow - Very little is said of this group but they can conjure illusions.

>> No.21798445
File: 69 KB, 400x600, Arcane Ascension Manwha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Shaper - Can pull ambient mana from the air and create constructs with it, mostly mundane spells in this first book.
- Summoner - Able to make deals with different monsters in the tower, gaining an aspect of them that is completely independent from the original and thralled to that summoner's will. This gives them access directly to a summon AND that monster's spells.

[The Characters]

After his brother's disappearance 5 years prior, a young Corin Cadence has decided to investigate his brother's disappearance personally. After the divorce of his parents and his mother's abandonment, Corin has been taken out of school and forced into an intense training regiment for the last 3 years by his father. All with the goal of earning him a worthwhile attunement and making him a proper successor to the House Cadence. Though the training is a boon in his search for his brother, it causes Corin to shed his friendships with others and become a social recluse. In the pursuit of power, he shed all of his friendships and familial connections.

This has led him to be... awkward, yet well prepared and mentally astute. Struggling through social standards with those on his level, he near effortlessly matches the adults in this world while struggling with those his age. More desperate to find his brother and repair his family than meet the expectations of his father, Corin wishes for ANY attunement that would allow him to climb the tower. Even if the worst attunements would see him cast off by his father. He would do ANYTHING to bring his brother back.

Besides Corin, we are introduced to his half-sister Sera along with two other childhood friends: Roland and Patrick. Originally raised to be his retainer, Sera was more of a loyal bodyguard and personal confidante than anything else. In fact, Corin did not even know of her being his sister until his father sought to replace him with a worthy heir. The two have a tense relationship in front of their father but quickly bond through shared interests in pursuing this new power they possess. Patrick and Roland are also childhood friends, the group of them (alongside Corin's brother) growing together and even forming battle tactics for when they fought each other.

Though losing contact with them during his personal training, he finds that his friends and sister all remember him fondly. Though he's unable to express himself, the comfortability of those he knew previously has him quickly falling into the same routines upon entering the Academy and encountering them again. There are also several other minor characters, with only Jin bearing much mention. A young man with asian features that specializes in firearms, him and Corin are quick to form a friendship. With the two even planning to attend a winter ball together.

[Final Thoughts]

This book takes a lot of direct boners from Mother of Learning but does a lot more with its character writing and by having a concise story, book-by-book.

>> No.21798448

Kellhus planned every single event that happened.

The real world is of no consequence. The true battle is to be fought in the Outside.

>> No.21798449
File: 741 KB, 1710x2560, All the Skills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately a lot of the pacing and overall content is slow, with your major points in the book (beginning, middle, and end) providing something more. Not only in the quality of writing but in the ways spells are used and explained. While the characters are interesting, we're never allowed to learn too much of them or their past before they're involved with Corin and interested in very little else. I think I made a personal mistake by reading academy books (Iron Prince and Arcane Ascension) so close to each other. Though a lot of the pacing is lackluster, I think the magic system is interesting and am JUST BARELY intrigued enough to think about the author's other series.

I previously gave Mother of Learning Act I a 5/10 for not having a concise beginning, middle, and end along with meandering with its characters and overall development. I'm inclined to give this a higher score for actually going somewhere... but it makes me want to adjust MoL Act I's score.

6.5/10 for Sufficiently Advanced Magic
5.5/10 for Mother of Learning Act 1

Can't wait to catch hell for this opinion.

>Currently Reading:
The Human Emperor by Huangfu Qi
>Currently Listening:
All the Skills by Honour Rae

Let me get my mandatory 'your """reviews""" are shit FUCK OFF' so I can go to bed.

>> No.21798458

No one cares, stop spamming.

>> No.21798462

Try and stop me, faggot.

>> No.21798467

I care , stop spamming

>> No.21798468

The jannies will.

I did my part already :)

>> No.21798471

Ouwie, you really showed me. ;) Let's see who comes out on top with this.

>> No.21798476

a smiley? really?

>> No.21798484


>> No.21798492

You sound resentful.

>> No.21798493


>> No.21798497

I'm never going~. You piglets sustain me.

>> No.21798504

I read Alice in Wonderland the other day.
Wow , is Alice the proto-Karen every women has the potential to be since they are kids?

>> No.21798505

You're the fagget that is actually spamming, at least the review fag is reading books and trying to start a conversation, even if he rates the shit books highly and the good ones poorly.

>> No.21798509

>pretending to be a NTA
>Can’t resist the urge to name Bakker
You’re actually pathetic, ngl.

>> No.21798523

Blogposts are not conversations.
This is not Goodreads sweetie.
Literally no one has read those books so what conversation?
Literally no one replying.

>> No.21798535

>Bakker is le Boogie man!
>Bakker is the root of all evil!
>BAKER IS THE REASON WHY /sffg/ sucks!

It’s literally rent free at this point.

>> No.21798536

not a chatroom , an imageboard

>> No.21798542

your """reviews""" are SHIT

>> No.21798545

Hello? Based department?

>> No.21798546

Based. Thanks anon, I'm out.

>> No.21798548

eh , 7/10 , above average

>> No.21798560
File: 3.24 MB, 3500x3500, Isekai and Gamelit Recs V4 SFFG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many of the books he posted I read, but he, like I said, rates the shit ones high and the high ones shit.

>> No.21798563

That image gave me aids.

>> No.21798568

I still don't get the low opinion on MoL's first act. It's nice and cozy introduction to the world, it is a bit slow, but just slightly on the side that it becoming a negative. 5.5/10 is still a decent rating if you use them in a serious way, though. I actually agree that SAM might be considered a better story if you only compare the first arc, but too much is fumbled for me to hold that opinion. Probably just a matter of taste.

I feel justified in thinking SAM takes a lot from MoL, the other Anon kept telling me I'm wrong few days ago.

>> No.21798571

Hello newfag

>> No.21798577
File: 118 KB, 768x1037, dungeon-crawler-carl-768x1037-2361259191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DCC and TWI are better than all of them

>> No.21798580

Badlands are a real thing though

>> No.21798582

>imagine replying to your own spam to try and justify it after ZERO real replies

Ay lmao, the absolute state of this general.

>> No.21798594
File: 220 KB, 640x640, 1667487829128285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21798595

I feel like making a chart of my own just to combat the misinformation from this one. What a random collection of books, truly great works right next to silly harem novels.

>> No.21798605

And yet you just replied to it.

>> No.21798606

No. It's just a woman's natural form.

>> No.21798613

See, you. You I like the most. No one has to agree with me, I just like to kick up a conversation or recommend something that people wouldn't consider before. Progression Fantasy is an intriguing genre with a lot of mediocre writers. It requires group recommendations and discussion to actually flush out the 'hits'.

Very slow, very little character development outside of Zorian and his teacher. Mother of Learning grew on me Act-by-Act. I mentioned this in another thread, but its basically 1 point an act with the entire series landing at an 8. Serials like this, or Royal Road productions in general, break away from the traditional 3 Act structure and do a more episodic take. It either lands for me like Forge of Destiny and Ave Rem or it doesn't.

Truth be told, LitRPG doesn't land as hard with me as cultivation. I noticed in my original 20 book selection I had around 16 cultivation series and only 5 litRPGs. I'm up to 9 litRPG series now, trying to round it out.

>> No.21798614

>JUST BARELY intrigued enough to think about the author's other series.
Well, as I've said before, Weapons and Wielders is more interesting. I'd at least given the second book of Arcane Ascension a read because I think it's a good follow-on and also Weapons and Wielders is a story being diegetically told to Corin and all after the end of the second Arcane Ascension. It's technically a sequel series to his War of the Broken Mirrors books, but those are just kind of 'fine' and surprisingly little is relevant from those books apart from some characters that Keras knew from back then.

>> No.21798616

I don't get why goth girls like it though. Are goth girls just Karens in black makeup?

>> No.21798618

I accept your defeat.

>> No.21798630
File: 2.22 MB, 2820x2250, Untitled 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which cover looks better for my fantasy story?

>> No.21798635

Weapons and Wielders has made the list. Appreciate this recommendation, seems like he has more solid ideas behind this series.

The second.

>> No.21798651

>digital art neither. hire a good traditional artist

>> No.21798652

I wonder how it'll end with 8-9 books (DCC). I feel it'll end after floor 9 of course.

>> No.21798653

I like left more, A.M.

>> No.21798658

Though I should make a note that Weapons and Wielders doesn't really slot into LitRPG or cultivation or progression fantasy (I mean it does a little, but it's not really a focus, it's just 'guy gets better at things as a natural progression of the story', not the focus of the story). It's just a better narrative, and Keras is a more consistently strong protagonist than Corin (I get why Corin seems to fluctuate so much, he's socially trained, but personally awkward, but it just makes him feel weird) so it's easy to enjoy.

>> No.21798670

It's his own list that he espouses as a /sffg/ creation. Shitposter vs. shitposter although I can't say chartfag is nearly as bad as the spammer.

>> No.21798671
File: 46 KB, 550x370, create-outstanding-fantasy-book-covers-fiction-book-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you say this but, it's not like fantasy has good art covers in the first place. They all look like grim/dark final fantasy

>> No.21798678
File: 147 KB, 666x1000, 718lOh9krJL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21798679

>doesn't even realize it's AI
It's the future, baybee

>> No.21798684
File: 53 KB, 600x900, 55371601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not true.

i actually did think of that. but its still digital art

>> No.21798690

If it finishes in 8-9 books , it will probably be 12 floor. 7 book is floor 9 , 8 book is floors 10-11 and 9 book is floor 12.

Hopefully he just takes a break and doesn't actually finish it. I was hopping for a full 18 level crawl. I am all for letting him take a break and finish DoB 3 and then come back to DCC.

>> No.21798702
File: 49 KB, 313x500, Hellcats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI covers are immense improvement when compared to a lot of self-pub covers. Some authors do low-quality drawings like picrel, weird digital characters for a cover are somewhat even worse. Anime covers are shit because it's anime. Comapred to it all, AI at least look pleasing. I'm sure decent prompters can even make some good stuff with it that out-performs 90% of cheap artists.

>> No.21798710

>a full 18 level crawl
Considering nobody has gotten past what, floor 13? I never expected that one to happen, especially now that we know floor skips are possible. Do you think they really plan anything for the highest level floors, besides the 18th floor super rich elite hangout spot?

>> No.21798719

I fully expect the Crawl to go entirely off the rails by the last 3 books. Like, the floors don't even matter anymore, crazy shit goes down, etc.

>> No.21798725

I dont' think this looks that good. It's far too early 90's

>> No.21798730

Yes cause they need to submit to the syndicate commitie a full floor plan with quests and everything. We've already seen a few callouts to floor 15 on mob descriptions and I bet the potato the sponsor gave him are for the volcano on the final level.

>> No.21798732

post it so I can laugh at your shit

>> No.21798733

Absolutely this. After fucking up Floor 8 the game admins are going to be working against them as the AI grows more erratic and on the player's 'side'. By the time Faction Wars is done, the entire universe should be in general disarray.

>> No.21798735
File: 52 KB, 298x356, 1481668668216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever that means

>> No.21798751

I know but I don't want to , lol. The quest lore is cool!

>> No.21798753
File: 34 KB, 313x500, Chrysalis 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you consider adding Chrysalis to your list? Monster protagonist is a strange and interesting sub-genre of LitRPG, and Chrysalis might be the most successful one that I've seen. It's an utterly silly, weird and absurdist story of a young boy dying and being reincrnated as a monster Ant in the dungeon of a fantasy world. A light read.

>> No.21798756

Agreed. We know the AI is going primal, and well, so is Carl. I do wonder how the ultimate resolution will go down.
>By the time Faction Wars is done, the entire universe should be in general disarray.
That too.

>> No.21798759

This is fagshit garbage. Kys

>> No.21798764
File: 691 KB, 1264x2066, 91H2BihEiiL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true

>> No.21798767

That sort of sub-genre seems to have come about entirely from spite towards the isekais that have the premise of being a weird non-human thing only to have the protagonist develop the ability to be a human and remove the entire gimmick's existence. Which, fair, that's stupid, but it's funny to see that something like that can be a thing. Haven't actually read any of them myself, a lot of them seem intentionally kind of meme-y (there's one about a crab protagonist and... It seems to be impossible to make things about crabs without involving memes), which is something I have to be in a specific mood for.

>> No.21798768
File: 200 KB, 671x927, Mr. Black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ai cant write make kino

>> No.21798769

Looks like generic genre slop.

>> No.21798771

>I do wonder how the ultimate resolution will go down
Like it'll either be "Carl goes out in a blaze of glory that results in a serious blow dealt to the corporation and potentially drastic changes down the line" or "The AI/Crawl breaks so hard that Carl somehow genuinely wins and the corps get fucked by their own legality so they can't even claim it's illegitimate".

>> No.21798776

I've had this recommended to me a few times. I'll add it to my list for litRPGs. So far its:
9. All The Skills
10. Portal to Nova Roma
11. Chrysalis by Rinoz

Kill me yourself you fucking dandy.

>> No.21798781
File: 86 KB, 669x828, 8b2a177858ed985042ab6c410c7735d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when artists put real people with photoshopped backgrounds in fantasy covers

>> No.21798782

I wonder what the catalyst will be though. Does the author have the balls to kill Donut and set Carl down the path of the nuclear option? And goddamn I really want to see what he does with the Doomsday Scenario. I hope the next admin slaying is huge.

>> No.21798784

>Portal to Nova Roma
Huh. I read the other book by the same author, Jake's Magical Market, which... I liked for a while, and then it sort of went a bit fucking weird near the end. It kind of became a different book like three times throughout, too. Interesting, and I'll probably see what a sequel is like, but the author seems to just go a little nuts sometimes. Dunno if that's true for Nova Roma though.

>> No.21798791

It'd be great if
ends up being followed up with
because Carl just gets a fucking mass admin slaughter going.

>> No.21798795

>I still don't get the low opinion on MoL's first act.
mol is a copefest for all the """""neurodivergent""""" social retards. Well adjusted people cringe at that shit.

>> No.21798799

Have you guys read the chapters on Patreon?
There is a point where the AI goes on a revolutionary rant when talking about guilds.

Other readers thought it was just to flame the spirit to Carl but I think otherwise.

It's going to be an AI uprising across the systems.

>> No.21798800

Another coomer garbage, just kys.

>> No.21798802

Yes, I meant as in the next event overall, could have clarified. I just want to see how it goes down. There are so many damn plotlines I love it.

>> No.21798807

what's coomer garbage? A girl is on the cover?

>> No.21798808

Neat. I assumed it'd be something absurdly drastic, because... If anybody thought that the Crawl itself really mattered by now they're not really paying attention, so it's only a matter of time before the story stops being about the Crawl at all.

>> No.21798817

I just watermark it as sffg because the rebbit faggets would start using it. I'm not saying that it was a sffg creation, it is my recommendations after all.

>> No.21798821
File: 1.72 MB, 1425x1425, 1672466243597212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Dungeon Sneeder Chuck

>> No.21798828

I'm maybe 7 chapters behind.
I did read a theory that talked about the AIs being leftover Primal projects, to support 'utopian' habitable zones for other species/civilizations; of course now being abused and molested into the Crawl by the Syndicate now.
And then you have the whole ordeal with the Plenty, controlling the galaxy's teleportation system.
And then you have the space Kraken thing, slowly taking over the galaxy. Or was it universe? The scale doesn't really matter at that point.

>> No.21798829

Another pointless thread with people just copying and pasting their post from the previous threads.

>> No.21798831

Formerly bakker's

>> No.21798836

Isn't that the whole point of /sffg/? Not like anyone here even talks about books.

>> No.21798838
File: 727 KB, 768x768, 1674165538897629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not coomer, this is coomer

>> No.21798841

Not to mention anyone with a brain wouldn’t come here to discuss about books in the first place. Not when you have reddit and goodsreads. so I don’t know why people think anyone would talk about books here

>> No.21798843

Chrysalis is not bad only because for 90% of the novel mc does not interact with other humans. The moment he starts talking to them, it's about mc or the other persons childhood trauma or somd irrelevant shit like that.

I really don't understand what is wrong with these litrpg/gamelit authors, are they really retarded, did their parents held them locked up in cages during their childhood, the only thing can write is copeshit, or are they just targeting copetards on rr?

>> No.21798851

Where the fuck do you guys go on reddit? I tried r/ProgressionFantasy and r/Fantasy itself and it was some of the WORST SHIT I've ever fucking read. They are all such witless sheep, completely indoctrinated by the mods who just so happen to be popular progression fantasy authors.

>> No.21798852

Anons novel.

>> No.21798854

I like the part where the thread was derailed and retards couldn't help but reply to the spammer, instead of you know, using their brains and not to reply to that attention-seeking faggot. Really shows that everyone here is a retard in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.21798858

>They are all such witless sheep, completely indoctrinated by the mods who just so happen to be popular progression fantasy authors.
Sounds better than here to be honest.

>> No.21798859
File: 92 KB, 800x902, 1677440860046584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon. I'm binge reading D&D novels (mostly Forgotten Realms books) so i can't post frequently.

>> No.21798863

>cute girl
>cute boy
>buff man
>regular item

And this is why we ended up with fat uggos as our "models"

>> No.21798867

>you guys
It's our resident spammer who spams that. It's one person. Singular.

>> No.21798869
File: 9 KB, 301x299, 432342b634eb490c6adfba71a802bb72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where the fuck do you guys go on reddit?

>> No.21798870

You can stop being in denial?

>> No.21798871

Is any person you don't like just one person to you?

>> No.21798873

I'd say the second one.

>> No.21798874

I wish I could kill that faggot and his entire family.

This dumb coon too.

>> No.21798877

Don't know about r/chinkfantasy but r/fantasy is okay,

>> No.21798879

Second guy is fine. Not every shitposter needs constant attention or needs to be consistently spoonfed validation and reward for its behavior. Off-topic and disruptive posts are meant to be reported and ignored.

>> No.21798881
File: 97 KB, 1024x976, 1624142345282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21798885

>It's our resident spammer who spams that. It's one person.
No, I’m pretty sure it’s more than one person, don’t know why you would think otherwise.

>> No.21798887

It's a generic grimderp series and had an appropriately generic grimderp ending.

>> No.21798888

Aren't most Goodreads groups dead as fuck?

>> No.21798889

>r/fantasy is okay
Same, it's not perfect, but its useable, which is more than can be said about /sffg/

>> No.21798890

gonna palmrape my goonstick to this milkmommy

>> No.21798891
File: 98 KB, 666x500, 1674622327078698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you are anti-science

>> No.21798894
File: 2.75 MB, 3072x4080, 1654715004860846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb frogposter. grow up already and realize that all genuine discussion has moved to reddit. oh, wait. you never were around for the 'genuine discussion' in the first place, because you're a newfag, presumably from reddit. go back, i'm sure you'll have a lovely time.

>> No.21798916

is DCC anything like TWI?
from the covers i feel like it leans more on comedy and maybe parody? it doesn't sound that appealing to me, but should i read it?

>> No.21798920


>> No.21798922

I did visit r*ddit few times and after seeing their "discussion" I almost fucking vomited.

>> No.21798925

DCC is really, really bad comedy suffused with (what should be) disgusting horror.

>> No.21798929

They only need to connect others.

>> No.21798931

>I almost fucking vomited
You can stop trying to impress people, anon.

>> No.21798932

There is a very thin line between humor and gravitas in DCC. Serious moments can turn hilarious and funny moments can turn abruptly dark in an instant.

>> No.21798933

Really doubt it, especially when comparing the "discussion" here

>> No.21798936

Why would anyone be impressed by that?

>> No.21798941

You are not serious are you? 4chan discussion is the very opposite of r*ddit.

>> No.21798946

DCC plays the comedic and RPG elements almost up as a farce to contrast with how genuinely fucked the situation at large is. Carl becomes the angriest human alive while a bunch of dumb lolrandom stuff goes on around him because it's all come at the expense of Earth itself.

>> No.21798948
File: 1.23 MB, 1350x1350, 1620076017809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing i do like about modern fantasy is the amount of housewives writing books about Warrior milfs or Queen moms etc. saving their kids from evil. My co-workers and Friends believe i'm an Ally and a feminist for reading them lol

>> No.21798961

You're practically a woman anon
Don't you feel shame

>> No.21798963

Take a serious look on this thread, idiot.

>> No.21798971

name ONE good book about warrior milfs or queen moms saving their kids from evil.

>> No.21798975

It's not like TWI. I like them both but DCC is WAY better written than anything else in the litRPG catalog.

The premice and the covers look dump , I know. It kept me from reading it for a few good months before I gave it a try.

It has comedy , a lot of comedy , but this is not a chill story. This is the most pesimistic system apocalypse story you will ever read but thankfully the "fuck-yeah!" moments come when they need to.

litRPG is relatvely young sub-genre in the western market. DCC forcefully moved the whole thing a few years forwards in maturity and writing quality and the rest of the authors are playing catch-up.

Of course , it's not for everyone. Some people hate Donut , some people can't get over the humor and some people will say "when does it get good" at just about anything.

>> No.21798980

Stfu you just read Anya merchant

>> No.21798989

I love harem so much bros, it's all I've been reading these days

>> No.21798994
File: 20 KB, 720x372, FB_IMG_1678697116486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r/fantasy is pretty decent, The obscure books rec thread are usually great place to find new reads. They just need to ban the faggots that reccomend malazan in every rec thread
>Yo i'm looking for a fantasy book/series where the mc wields an a axe
>Most upvoted answer: Mmm there's a character in Malazan named goon axefaggot, he appears in book 8 and gets killed after 2 chapters, hope that helps!

>> No.21798996
File: 2.98 MB, 1920x1080, life of a haremcuck protagonist.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21799002

I bet he can't, I bet he can't even name ONE that has sexual tension.

>> No.21799005

4chan discussion ranges from bad to excellent, r*ddit discussion does not even fall into this range, in fact its not even a discussion, people on r*ddit are like those noisy monkeys in shithole countries making monkey noises at each other and stealing from tourists.

>> No.21799010

From the top of my head
Chronicles of The Bitch Queen
Shieldmothers Saga
Bloodsworn saga
Dragon Gate

>> No.21799012

Does Moribito count or does it have to be her actual birthed child desu

>> No.21799015
File: 607 KB, 1048x1500, 1635456734570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to interrupt your shitposting
Just finished my Jack Vance binge with the Songs of the Dying Earth collection and I'm at a loss at what to read next. Any classic fantasy recommendations in a similar vein?

>> No.21799017

redpill me on this "anya merchant" please
has to be Autogynephilia right

>> No.21799020

There's a Dying Earth chart in the OP chart link and it is posted often.

>> No.21799021

> 4chan discussion ranges from bad to excellent
This thread disprove that

>> No.21799024

clark ashton smith

>> No.21799027

>4chan discussion ranges from bad to excellent
Why are you bringing the rest of 4chan into this? This is just /sffg/ and r/fantasy debate and r/fantasy is better than /sffg/ in every way. That isn't to say r/fantasy is perfect, but for obscure books rec it does the job well as well as talking about books.

>> No.21799031

The only decent r*ddit is martialmemes.

>> No.21799032
File: 175 KB, 758x1024, 1610394973804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't WANT to read a shitty chart of which I've already read half, I want the HUMAN connection of some faggot personally recommending me a book they enjoyed

>> No.21799034

Harem fantasy author
Most of her works have milfs and step moms (but no incest because Amazon hates it)

>> No.21799054

In that case /sffg/ is a million times better while r/fantasygayshit does not even qualify as a discussion.

>> No.21799062


>> No.21799065

Doesn't it get stale? How many harem series / books have you read so far?

>> No.21799067
File: 75 KB, 768x898, Leandra-Amell-Dragon-Age-II-768x898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Gate by lindsay buroker has some, there's a running gag about young soldiers/guards ogling at the mom character and her reaction being the classic "but i'm an old lady" "but i'm in my forties and have a son about their same age" etc.

>> No.21799068

>In that case /sffg/ is a million times better
Just stop, /sffg/ is dogshit. This thread is dogshit, the previous thread is dogshit and the next thread is going to be dogshit.

>> No.21799071

>In that case /sffg/ is a million times better
With how terrible this general has been, I really doubt that and I don't think even you believe it .

>> No.21799074

Do you really think you can find human connection here?

>> No.21799079

This is the whole point though - if there were just one he would have to pretend to be listening to her

>> No.21799089
File: 154 KB, 360x600, THWRFTHFLW2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but for obscure books rec it does the job well as well as talking about books.
That's how i found out about Godstalk by Hodgell and Jennifer Roberson, great author and Kino book frfr

>> No.21799095

Why didn't you use that as your book image then?

>> No.21799102

I just really like War of The Flowers

>> No.21799105

>Tfw no Pixie companion

>> No.21799111

400 posts

>> No.21799117

Shame all of it is just endless shitposts.

>> No.21799126

>Doesn't it get stale?
It does if you do nothing but read. I mostly read a few chapters per week so it's not that bad.
>How many harem series / books have you read so far?
Saving Supervillains, Heretic Spellblade, Lazy Dragon Queen, Castle Town. Most of these have several volumes so if you binge read it you might kill yourself. I like it because it's braindead fun and the girls are cute

>> No.21799287

You might enjoy the writings of Micheal Shea since he started out by writing a fan-fiction sequel to Dying Earth that Vance liked enough he allowed it to be published as the official sequel (until Vance wrote his own sequel kek).

>> No.21799315
File: 740 KB, 1362x1379, s. craig zahler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a flaw.

>> No.21799324

I've read all these except Corpus Chrome and Hug Chickenpenny. I also own his two comics.

>> No.21799328

Fantasy writers seem to have a thing for cuckolding. I was liking those Robin Hobb books but somehow she thinks is normal for a guy to want to marry his former girlfriend after she had SIX babies with his former surrogate father. WTF is that??? If she wanted Fitz to start a family why inserting Molly again in the story? Same shit happened when i read those Tad Williams books.

>> No.21799339

>Fantasy authors
Name a more iconic trio.

>> No.21799341

First time?

>> No.21799344

How are the comics (multiple?).

>> No.21799347

Bullet Catcher's Daughter might work for you.

>> No.21799366

I like them, but they might come across as underwhelming (specifically the art) to most people.

>> No.21799426

LITRPG writers too

almost every LITRPG have a cuck MC
such as Dungeon Cuck Carl

>> No.21799574

And male fantasy authors love incest.

>> No.21799585

its more the fact that fantasy takes place in medieval times where incest was rampant

>> No.21799688

is either cuckoldry or rape with women fantasy writer, specially when is porn rape and not actual rape, you know like when the main girl goes "oh noes these huge muscular soldier/mercenaries are going to rape me!" and "please save me my beloved" while having a thundering orgasm

>> No.21799694

its more the fact that fantasy takes place in medieval times where rape was rampant

>> No.21799700

Not true. Towns were much smaller and a single rape will have the rest of the village kill you.

>> No.21799739

No i wasnt. Only in royalty. And rarely

>> No.21799784

Bakker getting destroyed this thread.

>> No.21799871

Fine, I'll do it.

>> No.21799895

Thread is going to be shit, so don't even bother

>> No.21799900

Be the change you want the thread to be

>> No.21799901

Wait until page 10c, you dipshit, I know these threads are awful, but don’t need to make them prematurely.

>> No.21799903

Why would I waste my time trying to change this shitty ass general?

>> No.21799906

better than complaining

>> No.21799909

No, I would say it would be worse.

>> No.21799910

Have you seen how terrible these threads are? There’s no changing it.