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/lit/ - Literature

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21794559 No.21794559 [Reply] [Original]

One of the best Sci-fi book ever written. Best book I've ever read! Why hasn't /lit/ talked about it often? It's great!

Best part in my opinion has to be the sentient stars chapter. Shit's insane.

>> No.21794727

Agreed: best visionary sci-fi ever written. I read it young and it completely changed my view on the limits of the imagination.

>> No.21794775

I wish I read it sooner. Could've inspired a lot of interesting short stories I could've written in my early teens. I've always had a similar imagination to Stapledon's. I loved creating fake history and countries; liked making them fight in endless wars. One of my favorite made up wars I created was one about humanoid creatures fighting acidic lemon plants with WWII style technology. I only ever wrote about 2-3 short stories on paper; most of them being incomplete.

>> No.21794797

I've read nothing similar.
House on the Boarder Lands has a similar temporal dislocation gimmick but not the extravagant vision of the cosmos.

>> No.21794820

I don't think we'll find something similar to Stapledon. He really is his own creation.

>> No.21794845

Damn that book is almost 90 years old. Clarke approved so I’m in. I’m a pkd, Asimov and Clarke fan; will I dig it?

>> No.21794858

Pkd is the only imagination listed to even compare