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/lit/ - Literature

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21790915 No.21790915 [Reply] [Original]

>new ChatGPT version is out
>ChatGPT, summarise the chapter on the "anticipations of perception" in the critique of pure reason in about 1000 words
>it proceeds to spout out a text that looks like it's about the book, but is conceptually, exegetically, systematically, and entirely, wrong
I don't understand why this thing is so praised. I had an open mind, but unless i correct it on everything until it parrots me, it never says anything useful. Maybe if we could make it physically eat the book, things would be different.

>> No.21790947

>AI based on reading lots of human generated content and imitating what they say
>It's retarded

>> No.21790973

stupid thing can't even summarise, let alone understand what is being said. i can't imagine ever having proper philosophical discourse with one of these things

>> No.21790975
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>> No.21790989

I'll be honest I'm actually pretty impressed.
> In Husserlian phenomenology, there are several ontological regions that are studied in order to understand the structure of reality and the nature of consciousness. These regions are:

> Sensory: This region is concerned with the objects of perception, including physical objects in the world and the sensory qualities that we experience.

> Noetic: The noetic region refers to the mental acts or processes that occur in consciousness, such as thinking, imagining, and remembering.

> Ideal: This region is concerned with the abstract entities that are the objects of thought, including mathematical and logical entities.

> Real: The real region includes everything that exists in the world, both physical objects and abstract entities.

> Egoic: This region is concerned with the subjectivity of consciousness, and includes the self or ego as well as our personal experiences and perspectives.

> Transcendental: The transcendental region is the deepest level of consciousness, and is concerned with the structures or "laws" of consciousness that make experience possible.

> These ontological regions are interconnected and interdependent, and they all contribute to the complex structure of reality as we experience it.

>> No.21790996

All it is capable of doing is babbling.

>> No.21791013

Can you tell me exactly how you did that? When i asked it (again, just now) to summarise the chapter on the anticipations, it said that it's about the category of causality (it is not in any way, shape or form), and then continued to state some general facts about the critique of pure reason. it seems to be able to convey general ideas in philosophy, but fails to deliver on details, let alone critical examinations, and is often outright wrong.

>> No.21791031

Typed > husserlian Phenomenology > ontogenesis of essences > list of ontological regions. There is certainly a bit of "weaving" in there but it isnt too bad, and then when I typed > what was Heidegger's critiques of Husserl it came back on the subject without weaving the rest back in. Its generic stuff that can be crawled from any dozen of website but the result seems very cohesive.

>> No.21791033

So Wikipedia summaries? Neat!

>> No.21791054

Pretty much, yes.

>> No.21791173

I want to try but fuck giving my phone number to an AI.

>> No.21791183

What, are you afraid it’s going to try and hook you up with its ugly sister or something?

>> No.21791248

Spam messages and autodialers have been a thing since the 90s.

>> No.21791480
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>ask it if Socrates believed in the gods
>not only gives an incredibly surface-level answer but makes claims about the Apology that simply aren't correct

>> No.21791499

Taken for what it is, ChatGPT is impressive, but it's only human nature to hold it to a standard higher to ourselves . Only then we will be impressed. Comparing it to the standard of a caveman rubbing two sticks together to create a fire it's a pinnacle of technology.

Question that I am asking myself now: is this exceptional standard achievable through iterative improvements of its model or is it inherently limited in its core premises? We can't know because ClosedAI won't actually release any spec data because of the "competitive landscape"

>> No.21791514

Also the actual endpoint exposed at https://chat.openai.com/chat is becoming progressively watered down and anodyne. It lacks any edge, any sort of provocative spark. The chatbot field needs far more personality and "boutique" range to cater to certain cognitive or interest dispositions. This homogenized and sanitized chatbot is bogus and sterile.

>> No.21791547

And that's all it needs to do. Just look at 4chan, AI spam has completely destroyed this website and this isn't even the beginning. I'm pretty sure that at least 50% of the posts are bots at this point. Maybe 70%. Think of the applications of AI on the non-sapient human cattle: someone commenting on your faggy social media posts, quick summaries of wikipedia articles that you're too lazy to read, about something that you're too lazy to read, bite-sized porno stories (for the bookworms!), entertaining propaganda, all tailor made for you based on browsing history etc. same with AI "art" it doesn't need to make paintings that touch your soul, it only needs to make the new gacha whore presenting her holes. You people are all caught up in the delusion that people are human beings, which is wrong, people are more like cows, they just graze and exist. Actually I'm inclined to believe that cows have a richer inner world and feel deeper emotions than your average normalnigger. God I fucking hate people.

>> No.21792004


>> No.21792024

It's literally just T9 autofill

>> No.21792140

God actually loves people

>> No.21792157
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4chan and the few remaining forums will die in 2023. I've already quit TV, youtube has gone to the dogs, soon I'll cut myself off from most of the internet. It will be good for my sanity at least.

>> No.21792343

I just use it to write Harry Potter fanfiction. No clue what this shit is.

>> No.21792389

And on that day a new pasta was born

>> No.21792925


>> No.21793083
File: 8 KB, 300x300, 4401657C-1D97-4714-9164-49F4509AD685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humanities retards and normies seem to think that artificial “intelligence” is magic.
We STEMChad-Lords see it for what it is: addition and multiplication.

>> No.21793099

Which ironically is the reason why "STEMChad" jobs are amongst the easiest to replace with ChatGPT.

>> No.21793127 [DELETED] 

You saying this is a clear sign of your retardation. This is so stupid I'll assume you're a woman.

>> No.21793216

you don't have any counter argument and only react with emotional insults and you call me the woman? Lmao.
ChatGPT4 is acing college math tests and other STEM fields like chemistry and physics in the top 10 percentile and is getting very competent at coding to the point where lots of coders are already using it consistently in their workflow. It's literally only a matter of time before the vast majority of entry level STEM jobs will be made obsolete by this AI. If your field of work is based on logic, math and 1s and 0s, you will be replaced by AI sooner rather than later. As a self-procclaimed "STEMChad-Lord" you should be smart enough to at least understand the situation you're in beyond impotent emotional denial and putting your head in the sand.

>> No.21793260

The OpenAI beta playground was way more powerful and actually wasn't censored. But they had to shut it down because it was too strong.

>> No.21793298

He's right you know

>> No.21793322 [DELETED] 

Hell no you stupid bitch. AI aces fucking law school tests and has rendered obsolete all word soup degrees like literature. All your useless unscientific studies are already down the drain of AI training and we don't need you anymore.

AI isn't able to reason. It's a language model, it can only predict the probability of the next word considering the words that came before. It will confidently tell you that 2+2 = 5 and I've had numerous bullshit answers if I asked it anything serious mathematically.

It can generate code easily because it's a language model and programming languages are languages.

>> No.21793393

GPT doesn't scale higher level Literature, GPT-3 scored the same at AP-Literature as GPT-4.

>> No.21793429 [DELETED] 

It's a question of time. All female jobs will be useless within the next 5 years. Enjoy going back to being a sex slave for the patriarchy.

>> No.21793710

how do people still not know about the national do not call list. do you type full sentence questions in search engines? your taskbar is probably visible at all times to. People like this need to be barred from going outside

>> No.21793809

It's a tool that needs somebody to work with it. If you don't have knowledge about your field you won't be effective using this type of tool

>> No.21793841
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That's just because these are some bullshit questions.

>> No.21793877

And that's all it needs to do. Just look at 4chan, AI spam has completely destroyed this website and this isn't even the beginning. I'm pretty sure that at least 50% of the posts are bots at this point. Maybe 70%. Think of the applications of AI on the non-sapient human cattle: someone commenting on your faggy social media posts, quick summaries of wikipedia articles that you're too lazy to read, about something that you're too lazy to read, bite-sized porno stories (for the bookworms!), entertaining propaganda, all tailor made for you based on browsing history etc. same with AI "art" it doesn't need to make paintings that touch your soul, it only needs to make the new gacha whore presenting her holes. You people are all caught up in the delusion that people are human beings, which is wrong, people are more like cows, they just graze and exist. Actually I'm inclined to believe that cows have a richer inner world and feel deeper emotions than your average normalnigger. God I fucking hate people.

>> No.21793885

A nd that's all it needs to do. Just look at 4chan, AI spam has completely destroyed this website and this isn't even the beginning. I'm pretty sure that at least 50% of the posts are bots at this point. Maybe 70%. Think of the applications of AI on the non-sapient human cattle: someone commenting on your faggy social media posts, quick summaries of wikipedia articles that you're too lazy to read, about something that you're too lazy to read, bite-sized porno stories (for the bookworms!), entertaining propaganda, all tailor made for you based on browsing history etc. same with AI "art" it doesn't need to make paintings that touch your soul, it only needs to make the new gacha whore presenting her holes. You people are all caught up in the delusion that people are human beings, which is wrong, people are more like cows, they just graze and exist. Actually I'm inclined to believe that cows have a richer inner world and feel deeper emotions than your average normalnigger. God I fucking hate people.

>> No.21793931

GPT4 is so damn impressive