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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2179089 [Reply] [Original]

How's your novel coming along, /lit/?

>> No.2179098

Currently at 2,457 words, having a cup of cappuccino and splitting the eight pages up into three scenes as well as working on the traits of my characters on top of re-considering their genders, as certain archetypes of mine do not work for both sexes (or sexual orientations, if you like).

And I just came to the conclusions that each scene should have its own file as well belong to its own chapter with other scenes, so I can make folders per chapter.
Apparently I can't work linearly anymore, at least not on this one.

How's yours?

>Francis Propeac

>> No.2179103

Novella. 11k words right now. Going to hit the library tomorrow and make it 12.

>> No.2179104

amazingly well atm but the miserableness of the period of deadlock that follows periods of ultra creativity is usually proportionate so i'm bracing for a very shitty next week

>> No.2179108

Just finished a short story at nearly 11K words. It needs some editing and reworking. I also have this annoying habit of transitioning with something like: "That night," or "A few moments later." I really need to stop that.

>> No.2179111

You want me to zap you Janet Burroway's Writing Fiction, A Guide to Narrative Craft, 3rd Edition?
I find this book very helpful, if a bit depressing.

>> No.2179114


>> No.2179117


yeah i'm down, thank you

>> No.2179119


>> No.2179136

Its going well.

Its a thinly disguised 'harry potter' knockoff that I think will sell well with middle school kids

And no, its not charlie bone

>> No.2179583
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About 20pages in on the first draft. 10,961 words. 109K. Shooting for it to be around 400 to 500 pages, but I'm letting the story decide. Seem to get stuck on little parts that seem inconsequential, but don't want to make any of it filler or just a purple prose mess.

Story is adventure fantasy set in industrial revolution setting.

Other short stories are about 40pages and being edited.

>> No.2179586


>implying children read anymore

>> No.2179590
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I'd like to dispute this but...

you've pretty much nailed it on the head.

>> No.2179617

10,961 is not 109K, it's just under 11K

My novel is actually NOT going yet. I'm still storyboarding. Rolling characters in my head an worldbuilding. I used to write a lot and it's a talent I'd like not to lose. This new story will feature a boy and a girl (non romantic) which is something I've never done before, so it should be challenging

>> No.2179632

So-so. It's set in 1937, about an ex british army air ace called Captain Dave Tremendous and his gang, who want to cause the balkanisation of the United States. There's lots of biplane dogfights, bar brawls, high adventure, and the finale centres around stealing a Navy airship, refilling it with hydrogen and filling the cargo bay with naptha and detonating it above congress.

>> No.2179651
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>Captain Dave Tremendous

>> No.2179658

"Miraculous adventures of the delightful gentleman detective Ignatius Cheese" are coming along quite nicely, thank you very much.

>> No.2179698
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> Captain Tremendous

>> No.2179707

I need a story. Ideas won't cut it.

>> No.2179740
File: 94 KB, 480x522, fdr-on-what-happens-when-private-power-owns-the-government-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooo.... Neo-Nazi lit?

>> No.2179752


FDR should have known.

>> No.2179753

No, the Nazis are only mentioned in passing when they're discussing what's happening in Europe. Not sure how far I'm going to go in the back story, but the Germans aren't really a threat in this world, as the Russians never became communist and an Anglo-French empire controls most of Europe and Africa after winning the first world war.

>> No.2179762
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So a colonialists fantasy. Just as bad.

>> No.2179765

I'm writing about Wesley, a budding musician who befriends a young Jewish girl and is subsequently kidnapped by the Jewish mafia. It turns out that Jews have underground labs where they carry out human experimentation into stem cells in order to prolong their lives. I've done about 400 words so far.

>> No.2179787


Jesus Christ, you had better come up with a good reason for that happening, because I promise you nobody won that fucking war. So..

>> No.2179797
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Nothing of the sort. Almost exactly the opposite, in fact. I'm assuming you've leapt to that conclusion because the main character is described as being ex-British army?

The key word here is fiction. This is set in an alternate reality. It's a silly, implausible 1930's romp. The setting is just the excuse for lots of ridiculous antics.
It's meant to be fun . But of course I forgot that's a dirty word on /lit/, and everything must be grimdark and edgy and morally grey and gritty realism.

>> No.2179800

This is unsellable. You know that, don't you?

>> No.2179814

What makes you say that? I'll tell you a little more about the story:

A Rabbis son had gone to uni to study genetics. He realized that by creating an artificial stem cell node (the same one some lizards have to re-grow limbs) the human body would produce stem cells at a rapid rate keeping the body in equilibrium. Upon finding out what his son had managed to do his Rabbi father tells the rest of the Jewish mafia about it and they exploit it, setting up hidden labs to extract the cerebellum (the part of the brain they need to generate the cells)

Wesley is a young musician, lives a sot of bohemian lifestyle, but he met and fell in love with the Rabbis daughter. Rabbi hates Wesleys lifestyle, thinks his daughter is too good and kidnaps him for testing. But the daughters allegiance stays with Wesley, she must help him escape by taking down the Mafia herself.

>> No.2179823

Pretty poorly.

My procrastination, however, is coming along swimmingly.

>> No.2179864

It's finished and the manuscript is being read by an agency at the moment. I'm tentatively planning something else, but trying not to get too invested in it yet since I'll probably have to go back to my first novel when the agency responds and says no or hopefully, gives some feedback.

>> No.2179869

If they say no, which they generally do. Are you going to self publish an ebook anyway? Something I was debating myself.

>> No.2179873

It says it is next to the file. Rechecked it as it says it is.

Yeah. don't correct the person with the file.

>> No.2179878


i don't know how many words you have, but 109k is not 10900. it's just not. 109k is 109000. k means thousand. that's why it's 2k11 right now. that's what year it is.

>> No.2179885

My novella is coming along slightly well, I write a couple excerpts a day and write more explicit planning regarding the direction I want, and then further writing from that.

>> No.2179886

File size dude...

File size.

>> No.2179887

Files don't show word count. And you are incapable of doing Grade 2 math.

Good luck with your novel bro.

>> No.2179890

ahahaha damn

this is basically what none of us have got, fyi. there's like 3 of us and we've all been assuming that you meant word count both times. loltastic.

>> No.2179894

I listen the word count...AND the file size.

The density of my post is clearly not reaching your grey matter.

An educated person would have noted that in my first post, 'I' seeing everyone post numbers with a 'k' after them assumed for some strange reason that everyone was posting the file size and not their world count. Now I'm simply defending this mistake and addressing that it is indeed my word count.

Suck my balls.

>> No.2179897

no the word count is 2mb.

>> No.2179898


>400 words

you know you're going to end up frustrated with the pointlessness of your story and give up before finishing it, right?

>> No.2179899
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Enjoy trying to find a publisher for that

>> No.2179904

Why is it pointless? It's a comedy written in a pratchet-esque style.

>> No.2179907


it's about the jewish mafia kidnapping good christian boys... you know, light comedy! it's funny!

>> No.2179911

Wesley is not a Christian. and yes I'm trying to draw a parallel with the atrocities our government does, Northwoods, MKULTRA, radiation testing... but represent it in a comedic light to show that no matter what they do, we can still fight back and we will still fall in love.

>> No.2179928

>no matter what they do

So, an incomprehensible racist rant in the same vein as the turner diaries?

>> No.2179934


we've done all kinds of mafia and evil conspiratory groups, italian, african, russian, catholic, chinese, korean, various arabic and muslim constellations, why not jewish?

>> No.2179989

I'm at 2000 words right now. Trying my hand at the noir detective kind of story. It's starting to become a little too cliché though.

>> No.2179990


you do realize you're literally writing this --


-- right?

>> No.2179995

Excellent, I can really use that. thank you.

>> No.2180203

49,912 words right now, writing since August. I am at a slow pace right now (like 300 words/day), but I'm hopefully finishing this soon.