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21790594 No.21790594 [Reply] [Original]

be honest
has there ever been a book that made you suicidal?

>> No.21790599

Serotonin by Houellebecq

>> No.21790607

No. I am not weak.

>> No.21790610

I fantasize about writing a novel so philosophical devastating that it causes an epidemic of suicides that sweep across the planet.

>> No.21790616

I think about suicide everyday. I was just ruminating about it. It's very compelling.

>> No.21790619


>> No.21790622

When I reread my diary, I want to kill myself.

>> No.21790640

No, I'm not that weak-willed.

>> No.21790677
File: 2.06 MB, 2000x2000, Antinous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without irony the surviving fragment of Apokarteron.

>> No.21790684

it is my default state

>> No.21790704

The will is of the weak. You are literally a bitch that is guided by instincts, less than an animal.

>> No.21790708
File: 310 KB, 1186x1158, nietzsche re stoics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm roughly familiar enough with all flavours of available philosophical argument that there isn't really anything that can catch me off guard to the degree of making me change my evaluation of existence just by reading a book.

Especially since my intuitions lean towards value statements not being truth-apt.

>> No.21790709

My diary desu

>> No.21790711

you probably know this already but a feller named hegesias got banned from teaching philosophy for writing such a text

>> No.21790712

The Book of Mormon

>> No.21791110

yeah my physics textbook

>> No.21791124

Man what a crank. How can anyone take him seriously?

>> No.21791131

t. butthurt stoic that had his appeal to nature called out

>> No.21791135

binge reading dark tower series by Stephen king made me suicidal, dont know why, it wasnt very deep

>> No.21791144

Not at all. Read it again. It’s autistic shrieking of the highest order, nothing more

>> No.21791172

Yeah. When I read To the Lighthouse and realized that I'll probably never be able to write anything that good

>> No.21791239
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Holy based!
What a shame that a copy of the book itself has not survived the ages.
But now I get to look up the "Sophists" and see what other mad arguments they made just because they could.
Silly me, I was going to suggest picrel as the most depressing book I ever read.

>> No.21791245

an anon posted https://www.academia.edu/39345959/THE_APOKARTERON a while ago which is a reconstruction of sorts of his work i think

>> No.21791250

Yeah, but that page wants me to sign up for shit.

>> No.21791264

i made the same mistake, you can just scroll down

but terrible web design yes, probably on purpose

>> No.21791273

Scroll down to what?
All I see are "related papers".

>> No.21791277

under that you don't get the pdf pages? strange

>> No.21791283

Yeah, I see the Scribd copy, but I still can't download it.

>> No.21791300

The New York #1 Best Seller

>> No.21791302

Oh, that's a shame, because I'm looking for him. If you ever see weak, tell him I wanna talk to him.

>> No.21791311

>If you ever see weak, tell him I wanna talk to him.
comedy protip, this part is not needed

>> No.21791319
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>> No.21791335


>> No.21791883

Probably whatever from Houellebecq. I never felt so doomed and hopeless after reading a novel. They made a movie out of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zYL-XylC74&ab_channel=Schrodinger%27sJawline

>> No.21791900

Denial of Death made me quite depressed.

>> No.21792036

My views on logic mean I think a double negative is still negative.

>> No.21792699

you don;'t need to download it though you can read it right there

>> No.21793664

You Will Never Be Goethe

>> No.21794456

Brothers Karamazov. I think it just hit a nerve during a period where alcoholism was frying my brain. If it ended on even a slightly higher note than it did I would have killed myself.

>> No.21794509

Yes, I do. I need to download it.

>> No.21794525

Only recently got into reading

started reading infinite jest , as.i got it as a gift from a friend

from what you people on this board say about it, it seems like a meme book, but from how a cahracter is explaining in great detail from page 68 about how depression and anxiety feel to her, i've realised that is the same as how i've felt, and had no idea and now its messing with me a little bit

>> No.21794635

Not quite, but I read The Elementary Particles while I was approaching two months sober. I finished the book and firmly (and unguiltily) decided to drink the next day because of the effect it had on me.

>> No.21794709

I read it.
Maybe it was more impressive back in the day, kind of like how "War Of The Worlds" scared people in 1938, but would pass with barely a blip these days.
It seemed like a bunch of strawman arguments and jumped-to conclusions, and mistaking words for the concepts they embody (i.e. a classic epistemological mistake).
Perhaps I'll try to write my own essay to make others suicidal, and show this Greek how it's done.

>> No.21796219

The God Delusion
The Conspiracy Against The Human Race
Ecce Homo
White Noise
The Future Of an Illusion

>> No.21796227

Ok, Wild, please stop posting and go back in the closet.

>> No.21796230

no, unless a book is so bad it gives you terminal cancer, becoming suicidal is idiotic

>> No.21796286

>becoming suicidal is idiotic

>> No.21796321

Shut up...

>> No.21796471

Industrial Society and its Future.
Ted thinks there is a solution but the situation is clearly hopeless and will only get worse.