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21789861 No.21789861 [Reply] [Original]

Whenever I meet new women and mention that I'm majoring in classics and like studying ancient languages, they always say "why would you do that?" "you're dumb enough to do that?". This has happened several times and told to me by women I'd just met for the first time. Men don't tend to be like this for some reason. Only women have the audacity to insult people to the face.
Thanks for reading my incel rant.

>> No.21789866
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>I meet new women and mention that I'm majoring in classics and like studying ancient languages

>> No.21789879

Contempt isn't a verb.

>> No.21789892

damn you must be ugly lol

>> No.21789912

I’m a physical scientist and I often get “oh I hated that in high school. You must be so smart.” If I listen closer I swear I can hear the winds in the Kalahari desert as their pussy instantly becomes as dry as the moon

>> No.21789913
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theyre trying to see how you react in order to classify you as either a guy who doesnt give a fuck what i say and therefore i might fuck him or the guy who is so bothered by what i say he will write a livejournal post about it to his fake internet friends, and therefore i wont fuck him

you have been classified as a member of the second group

>> No.21789914

sippy bippy

>> No.21789950

Then how you supposed to react when someone insults you?

>> No.21789954

"I'm sorry but what you just said was offensive to me and I am terminating the conversation. Please do not attempt to talk to me further, or I will contact the authorities."

>> No.21789958

why wouldn't you say something like
>yeah retards usually say that
instead of being a bitch and looking like one

>> No.21789961


continental philosophy chads don't have this problem

>> No.21789963

“Bitch get for real” do a 360 and moonwalk away

>> No.21789972

Nigga you can read books on your own. You don't need to pay a university thousands of dollars for the privilege lmao.

>> No.21789979

school is literally free

>> No.21790042

i dunno maybe dont be a sensitive whiny little fucking faggot bitch ass nigger?

>> No.21790046

Say that your family is wealthy enough that it wouldn't make sense to work for money.

>> No.21790047

that's why you work in a skilled industry in a salaried career, you're just too smart for school

>> No.21790257

Table flip. Do a fortnite dance as you walk away. Say nothing

>> No.21790539

Either agree or amplify in a non chalant way, or just brush it off

>> No.21790545
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>I'm majoring in classics and like studying ancient languages
nobody has given me shit for it
but it's also my double major, i just say im doing engineering first lol

>> No.21790551

This is why I only associate with women with a rapekink. If the dumb bitch want to mock me, then she's getting raped, and we both get to enjoy it.

>> No.21790562

>i just say im doing engineering first lol
Either that or you're not a hideous incel

>> No.21790568

Really the only question I get is why am I doing it if I'm an eng student. The answer is of course, cause I like it.
I wouldn't exactly call myself good looking at all, a shitty 5 or an alright 4. But uh, I don't really talk to women, not anything personal I just never have been in a space or had an opportunity to talk to one outside of my Classics classes, which I started like 4 weeks ago.

>> No.21790803
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“Just say haha I hate money I guess” or “Yeah maybe”. Goddamn OP you post here don’t you understand how rock brains work?

>> No.21790816

>Men don't tend to be like this for some reason.
You know how girls support "body positivity" and other girls being fat so that they have less competition in the sexual marketplace?

That's how men feel about you studying ancient languages.

>> No.21790903

This guy gets it. I had a first date with a woman who said I was at the age when people start getting boring (25). I jumped out of my chair knocking it to the ground and pointed right at her and said “I’m the funnest motherfucker you’ve ever met sweetheart!” 2 years later we were married. Go hard on these bitches you have only your incel status and a world of pussy to gain.

>> No.21790935

>"why would you do that?"
What are you doing being rustled by Mammon worshiping rubes thinking their degree outside of medicine and engineering is worth the paper its printed on?
>Because it's interesting to me
That's it. Stop justifying yourself to fucking retards.

>> No.21790959 [DELETED] 

i'm in a completely different field. i just read for my own enjoyment. who cares what other people think though, it's still better than a liberal arts degree

>> No.21791540

>I'm majoring in classics and like studying ancient languages
then why do you give a fuck what some people have to say about it?
you know what it means to be laconic, stoic, and cynical so fucking do it

>> No.21791551

>you know what it means to be laconic, stoic, and cynical so fucking do it
Not OP but please explain

>> No.21791569

the only reason why women would shun you for majoring in this or that is that there's no money in it
do you think women are excited that you are a doctor because they're interested in the medical profession? do you know how huge the ABS plumbing pipes market is? you tell a woman "yeah I have a factory that produces ABS pipes" she hears "factory" and there, wet panties, because she can smell the money off of it. You could be selling paper clips, as long as there's money in it she'll love it. No money no love. It's very simple, there's nothing philosophical or political about it. This is also why the nanosecond you become famous she'll choke on your cock even if she'd normally hate what you're doing

>> No.21791576
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>getting outbantered by a woman

>> No.21791599

Agree with the insult and insult yourself farther than they did. Hell yes i'm a retard. You got a problem with it?

>> No.21791613

Because they sense your weakness and probably see it all over you, you fucking pathetic mongrel. Stop seeking validation. God, you’re exactly why men today are in the state they’re in. You make me sick.

>> No.21791744
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I don't know about you OP but I'm the same major and have never had this happen with women. In fact, the opposite: women I've met tend to think it's at least kinda interesting while I've had more varied interactions with men, ranging from "damn that's cool" to "wow that's retarded." But, either way
>OP is a faggot who cares about people's opinions

>> No.21792256

tell them to kill themselves and start quoting bible passages and other schizophrenic nonsense until they start getting visibly uncomfortable and say you are god and that your spirit will haunt them and call them old whores and that the age of consent should be ten because it is a feminist concept with zero basis in nature and how women are the gate to hell while raising your voice and flailing your arms around

>> No.21792263

everyone cares about the opinions of others to some degree and im tired of pretending this isnt the case even with chads, taking that whole
>lol stop caring
bullshit to heart when i was young was one of the worst things i did, it comes off to me as a cope, a way of burying things that make you uncomfortable instead of confronting them, this wont let you mature to a point where you can confront dissenting opinions in a mature fashion, it just turns you into some kind of infantile neurotic faggot
quoting hitler, charles mason and other "problematic" figures works too especially if its some dumb white libshit bitch, if its another race it works but they might react slightly different and become amused unless socialized by white faggots into becoming easily offended

>> No.21792267

banter takes practice, personally i can easily think of comebacks but i dont say them cause i have a tendency to say nigger and kike but then again that makes me a faggot for not having the balls to say it then now doesnt it?

>> No.21792272

or you can start dancing and its a bonus if you yell slurs while doing it

>> No.21792911
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I'm not saying "lol stop caring" but don't give a shit about STRANGERS' ASSESSMENTS especially when you know they don't know jack shit about you or your major. To care about how EVERYBODY feels about you is straight retarded and a waste of mental energy. If it makes you uncomfortable, why not internalize that disrespect as a fuel to push yourself to do more in your discipline, show yourself what's what and doing what you love by continuing despite derision

>> No.21793447
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>are we doomed to be contempted
>I'm majoring in classics and like studying ancient languages

>> No.21793517

Call them a whore and backhand slap them.

>> No.21793940

>I'm majoring in classics
You ARE an idiot. These things are meant to be learnt by yourself- academia ruins it all. Always has, even hundreds of years ago.

>> No.21794341

not when you are "majoring in classics" like a tard

>> No.21795302

It seems you have autism, don't bother trying to be "normal", normies will always instinctively feel something off about you. The problem is not your major or your interests.

>> No.21795389
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Well, if you want a wife and children you must be able to provide while she's caring for the child. Now if you study something which every on ones will not help with that, the shocked reaction becomes most natural. Despite proclaiming to all kinds of modern delusions women are still hard wired to look out for such existential factors in men. You either fullfill your biological role or accept that you might only catch malsocialized and unfit women.

I mean, brainy Daniel Jacksons are sexy and all but I don't want my future children to starve or have to put them away with strangers for 40+h a week fucking them up in the process because the father can't pay even rent.

It's not what you study, it's the consequences of it in our modern context.

>> No.21795419

dyed hair eewwwww