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/lit/ - Literature

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21789787 No.21789787 [Reply] [Original]

How did you choose between painting and writing as a creative outlet?

>> No.21789794

Painting is too limited, time consuming, and expensive. If you think having a writing career is hard, having a painting career is like 100x harder.

>> No.21789806

Painting is reddit

>> No.21789815

I specifically did not mention money in OP

>> No.21789824

how big is your nose exactly?

>> No.21789848

You asked a question. Don’t get upset about the answers. Faggot.
2.7 noserinos.

>> No.21789901

i do both, get rekt faggits

>> No.21789915

I write and complement that which I cannot put into words with paintings.

>> No.21789919

i'm not a visual person and i think visual people are stupid

>> No.21789924

>painting career

It literally boils down to knowing someone who wants to launder money.

>> No.21790138

I do both, but rather poorly I'll admit. I also dabble in wood carving and leatherwork. I also played guitar and bass for awhile and have messed sculpting and plaster casting. And stop motion animation. Probably other stuff I'm forgetting too. If I could take all the time and effort I've spent on all these things and apply them to only one thing I might actually be good at that thing. I've had fun and made some cool shit though so whatever.

>> No.21790160

I have a benign tremor in my hand that makes it hard for me to be precise with painting/drawing

>> No.21790990 [DELETED] 
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No brushes for me, but I do like the brusque quality of the (coloured) pencil; I rarely draw/sketch though, and when I do, it usually happens spontaneously, and as an immediate accompaniment to my writing.

>> No.21790995

No brushes for me, but I do like the brusque quality of the (coloured) pencil; I rarely draw/sketch though, and when I do, it usually happens spontaneously, and as an immediate accompaniment to my writing.

>> No.21790997

what a faggy answer

>> No.21791004
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>what a faggy answer

>> No.21791029

I had no interest in creating art until philosophical contemplation led me to the belief that creating art, while significantly inferior to studying and contemplating philosophy, itself significantly inferior to Bible study and prayer, is still a viable means to self knowledge and spiritual contemplation that gives its own unique spiritual knowledge otherwise unavailable/difficult to acquire.

Using a kabbalistic-Neoplatonic framework I reasoned that since lit is the most abstract of the arts since it is based on a play of intellect, whereas music can operate on much more animal rhythmic mode as can painting, food and other such, it is logical to assume writing is the most abstract and non-animal, thus the most spiritual-intellectual of the arts.

But this wasn’t enough to actually get me writing, what convinced me that I should I write, was going through the complete works of Dunsany and just being so lost in the mental visions of it, so impressed by the raw imagination in every story and always of a different type, it convinced me that there is something to grasp on the aesthetic plane which would further cultivate my spirit, something which I could only have if I master an art.

>> No.21791035


>> No.21791180
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>> No.21791630

Did both for a little bit. Was shit at both, but when I was finished with painting I looked and went "this is shit", but when I was finished with writing I was like "eh, that's fine" or even "that's good". I felt much better afterward too, so that's why.

>> No.21791658

I briefly got into drawing during Covid cause I was talking to a girl who was an exceptional artist, but it’s one of the most fun hobbies I ever did. It’s so fascinating to learn techniques and the entire process is very fun and rewarding. I don’t really draw anymore. I write because I read and think a lot these days.

>> No.21791660

I paint with my words

>> No.21791847

Why pigeonhole yourself? Do both.

>> No.21791863

It’s a creative outlet so who cares just do what you want.

>> No.21791864

Does there seriously unironic fags on this board who chose painting or writing over music?

>> No.21791908

painting is writing, writings is painting

>> No.21792886


>> No.21792896

>Do people in a literature forum choose writing? No way!

>> No.21792917

Everybody on 4chan writes. Most of you are not any better at it. By the way music communicates with Angels in ways that written word can't.

>> No.21792926

most animals won't give a shit about your angelic music, they think it's a racket, therefore music is not a universal language.
it's too bad you never passed calculus in school friendo

>> No.21793098

I hate paintings.

>> No.21793184

>most animals won't give a shit about your angelic music, they think it's a racket, therefore music is not a universal language.
Studies show that animals do like music. In fact, when animals pay any attention to cross-species songs, they exhibit thoughts and behavior that are frighteningly analogous to humans. It has even been known to cause behavior change across species. For example, scientists determined that classical music alleviated dogs’ anxiousness, allowing them to sleep longer and bark more infrequently.
>it's too bad you never passed calculus in school friendo
I wouldn’t say it’s particularly hard. For many students—after spending a few years in largely algebraic classes—calculus is… different.

If you are not comfortable with algebraic manipulation and expressing statements in that language, you might find calculus very difficult to understand. I didn't.

You can still “get” the big ideas if you are an idiot like you. Most of them are almost intuitive. It's too bad you put them to this kind of "use" as a human turd.

>> No.21793189

Music is a sensorial demiurgic trap. You don’t communicate with angels that way, Emily.

>> No.21793191


>> No.21793207

I am singing about **making music**. All signs point to yes, and your demi-urges obsession being a troll and/or a conspiracy. Anyway I am not really interested in what you have to say honestly, so hopefully the clarification suffices.

>> No.21793213

You’re not singing, Emily, you’re just delusional. This is not a board for you.

>> No.21793229
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I chose music, actually

>> No.21793230

The plebeian’s choice.

>> No.21793277


Based dogs.

>> No.21793391

You should attempt to master both arts like a proper Renaissance man would.

>> No.21793398

When you will have sex for the first time, you shall finally realise how stupid your posts sound

>> No.21793412


>> No.21793479

>study painting
>Have to write essays and artist statements and other bullshit

>> No.21793512

You are the only tolerable tripfag on this board. Good post.

>> No.21793522

Btw what do you think of Little, Big by John Crowley?

>> No.21793533

Based samefag